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Ellen Read Ellen Read > Quotes


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“Time meant nothing.
She loved him in an instant.
She would love him forever.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“There is always stardust in my eyes when I look at you, my love.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“Mark ran his fingers over the bindings and
whispered words, written long ago, words that
wriggled through the aged leather, trembled
beneath his touch. What lives and loves,
hopes and dreams, deaths and despair
these volumes held.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“Never turn your back on happiness”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“Rachael could see the lavender fields from where they sat at the kitchen table. They stretched in a purple haze over the landscape, the bright sunshine washing over them. The mauve complimented the blue-grey of the Australian bush in the far distance.”
Ellen Read, Broken
“The spicy sweet fragrance of the large full blooms, which rambled over the side and top of an arched metal framework, welcomed them as they walked beneath them. Shafts of sunlight pierced the canopy, dust motes floating languorously in the golden beams that spotlighted clumps of wayward snowdrops growing in the lawn.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“How beautiful the house was with its magnolia trees lining the drive, their branches outstretched as if they were beckoning him inside (Page 6)”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“I know Mother and Father were so happy for me today at the church—St Andrew’s Church here in Charlbury. Though why they should be, I don’t understand. I had met Sir Giles Lacey only a few times before today at our wedding. One of those times was at our betrothal. The time before that was when he’d proposed and then when we’d stay at Lacey Hall in the days preceding our marriage. I’d
implored Mother not to allow the wedding to proceed, told her that I loathed the man.”
Ellen Read, The Ghost Rider
“I always have hope,” Alaric said. “Hope, child, is one of the most important things in life. With hope, we take the next step forward."

Ellen Read, The Treasure”
Ellen Read
“A feeling of calm always fell over her like a cloak of happiness settling on her shoulders when she entered her father’s woods. Tall trees welcomed her under their canopy, offering her protection, while a carpet of yellow lesser celandine, with their shiny star-like flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves, tickled her ankles as she walked amongst them.”
Ellen Read, The Treasure
“Lights spread a soft yellow glow over formal hedges with azaleas making a boarder in front”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“The sweet, spicy fragrance of Madame Alfred Carriere roses wrapped itself around Alexandra as if she were in the comfort of her mother's arms.”
Ellen Read, The Feathered Nest
“How beautiful the house was with
its magnolia trees lining the drive,
their branches outstretched as if they
were beckoning him inside. Rose tipped
blossoms caught the last of the sun’s
golden light, giving the flowers
an ethereal glow that shimmered
and looked magical.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“Violet picking violets… Alexandra’s gaze came to rest on the petite purple flower.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“The massive parterre on the other side of the house was magnificent, but here she wanted some smaller beds. Now, early daffodils bobbed their heads in the gentle breeze, as if calling out ‘good morning’. Bluebells danced between them, doing a merry jig in the golden sunlight. Pink and mauve asters grew with zinnias behind them, while dahlias, peonies and roses grew behind the others”
Ellen Read, The Inca's Curse
“This poem inspired me to write my eBook.

The Miller's Daughter by Alfred Lord Tennyson

And I would be the necklace,
And all day long to fall and rise
Upon her balmy bosom,
With her laughter or her sighs;
And I would lie so light, so light,
I scarce should be unclasp’d at night.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“A Willie Wagtail, a small bird with a black back and, as the name suggested, a black tail that continually wagged, ran beneath the wattle, seemingly to chastise the noisy lorikeets.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“How beautiful the house was with its magnolia trees lining the drive, their branches outstretched as if they were beckoning him inside. Rose tipped blossoms caught the last of the sun's golden light, giving the flowers an ethereal glow that simmered and looked magical.”
Ellen Read, Love The Gift
“A coffee at Coffee Club had gone down well, and for a few minutes she lost herself in the steaming warmth, latte smell and the taste of milk froth on her tongue.”
Ellen Read, When Jacarandas Bloom
“Áine’s blue eyes narrowed. Bree had never seen her aunt look so angry. ‘Because you are your mother now. You will take her place. Because the flame is yours. Because she lives through the flame. She lives through you.”
Ellen Read, The Ancient Fire
“Several colourful parrots were in a shrub arguing over nectar from beautiful red flowers — bottle brush, she thought.”
Ellen Read, When Jacarandas Bloom
“To believe in the impossible is to discover all things are possible."
Ellen Read”
Ellen Read
“Cows wandered lush green slopes.”
Ellen Read, When Jacarandas Bloom
“Yes, you should,” Edith said, her voice little more than a whisper. “Never turn your back on happiness.”
Ellen Read, The Dragon Sleeps
“White cosmos nodded their heads in the breeze as if greeting them. In front of the taller flowers were blue cornflowers and mauve asters, mixed with pink phlox, spikes of grape hyacinth and purple salvias. As they walked around the path leading towards the front of the house, they passed beds of roses, the buds showing the promise of beauty to come”
Ellen Read, The Inca's Curse
“The grandfather clock in the main hall ticked the seconds away.”
Ellen Read, Den of Dragons
“The time has passed for secrets. Today we fly for real.”
Ellen Read, The Treasure
“Wilhelmina admired people for trying to save beached whales. After all, humans were so little, and her species was so big.”
Ellen Read, Den of Dragons
“The castle rose above the early morning mist like a ship sailing majestically on a grey sea.”
Ellen Read, Die For Love
“The butterfly fluttered her wings and did more twirls before she flew to Wilhelmina and sat on her head.”
Ellen Read, Den of Dragons

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