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The Wheel of Time #9

Winter's Heart

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Rand is on the run with Min, and in Cairhein, Cadsuane is trying to figure out where he is headed. Rand's destination is, in fact, one she has never considered.

Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower, is revealed to be a liar. But what is he up to?

Faile, with the Aiel Maidens, Bain and Chiad, and her companions, Queen Alliandre and Morgase, is prisoner of Savanna's sept.

Perrin is desperately searching for Faile. With Elyas Machera, Berelain, the Prophet and a very mixed "army" of disparate forces, he is moving through country rife with bandits and roving Seanchan. The Forsaken are ever more present, and united, and the man called Slayer stalks Tel'aran'rhiod and the wolfdream.

In Ebou Dar, the Seanchan princess known as Daughter of the Nine Moons arrives--and Mat, who had been recuperating in the Tarasin Palace, is introduced to her. Will the marriage that has been foretold come about?

There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it is a beginning....

780 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 7, 2000

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About the author

Robert Jordan

638 books16.1k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series. He also wrote under the names Reagan O'Neal and Jackson O'Reilly.

Jordan was born in Charleston, South Carolina. He served two tours in Vietnam (from 1968 to 1970) with the United States Army as a helicopter gunner. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with bronze oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star with "V" and bronze oak leaf cluster, and two Vietnamese Gallantry Crosses with palm. After returning from Vietnam he attended The Citadel where he received an undergraduate degree in physics. After graduating he was employed by the United States Navy as a nuclear engineer. He began writing in 1977. He was a history buff and enjoyed hunting, fishing, sailing, poker, chess, pool, and pipe collecting.

He described himself as a "High Church" Episcopalian and received communion more than once a week. He lived with his wife Harriet McDougal, who works as a book editor (currently with Tor Books; she was also Jordan's editor) in a house built in 1797.

Responding to queries on the similarity of some of the concepts in his Wheel of Time books with Freemasonry concepts, Jordan admitted that he was a Freemason. However, "like his father and grandfather," he preferred not to advertise, possibly because of the negative propaganda against Freemasonry. In his own words, "no man in this country should feel in danger because of his beliefs."

On March 23, 2006, Jordan disclosed in a statement that he had been diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis, and that with treatment, his median life expectancy was four years, though he said he intended to beat the statistics. He later posted on his Dragonmount blog to encourage his fans not to worry about him and that he intended to have a long and fully creative life.

He began chemotherapy treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in early April 2006. Jordan was enrolled in a study using the drug Revlimid just approved for multiple myeloma but not yet tested on primary amyloidosis.

Jordan died at approximately 2:45 p.m. EDT on September 16, 2007, and a funeral service was held for him on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Jordan was cremated and his ashes buried in the churchyard of St. James Church in Goose Creek, outside Charleston.

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Profile Image for Petrik.
748 reviews54.2k followers
February 4, 2024
This was so damn rough. Winter’s Heart is easily the weakest book in The Wheel of Time so far.

“A man who trusts everyone is a fool and a man who trusts no one is a fool. We are all fools if we live long enough.”

Before reading this book, having read two of the four supposedly slog books in The Wheel of Time, I initially thought I was prepared for Winter’s Heart. I thought I was ready to bring myself through the dreadful slog. I was not. This was a pain to go through. Not only it's the worst book of the series so far, but I also think it is one of the most overrated novels I’ve ever read. Even having expressed relatively few significant events were happening in A Crown of Swords and The Path of Daggers is not sufficient to encapsulate how useless this book was. Sure, Mat appeared again after being out of the spotlight in The Path of Dagger, and Tuon marked an entry of a probably important character. But these and the magnificent final chapter aside, Winter’s Heart is an overwritten book. No. Seriously. If you read the official blurb, plus the prologue and final few chapters of Winter’s Heart, you have basically read the most important scenes of the entire book. For the rest, you can read detailed chapter-by-chapter summaries online, and I don’t think you will miss out on anything noteworthy. Doing this might ensure you like Winter’s Heart more than reading the entire book.

“You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyway.”

I have mentioned it many times now. I am not a fan of Perrin, Faile, and Elayne. And to have the first half of Winter’s Heart dominated by the three of them as the key POV characters already soured my reading experience quickly. So much. As I said repeatedly before. I don’t get the appeal with Perrin. Some have told me I would get to like him more after reaching The Gathering Storm or Towers of Midnight. Let’s say that’s true, it is still insane. Towers of Midnight is the thirteenth book in the series. It shouldn’t take that long for a reader to like a character. Looking back, one of my most unpopular opinions on the series is how disappointed I was with The Shadow Rising, and one of the main reasons is exactly because of Perrin. I don't find him intriguing as a character. And his toxic relationship and obsession with Faile made everything about him worse. As for Elayne? Nothing. There is nothing about this character that fascinated me. At all. Usually, Rand al’Thor’s chapters are the saving grace of The Wheel of Time for me. Rand and Mat. They are my favorite characters in the series. In this book, Rand's Far Madding's chapters and the last chapter aside, he barely had prominent chapters. And frankly speaking, chapter 12 of Winter’s Heart drove me mad. As a man, I admit I can sometimes be oblivious to what readers deem a male wish-fulfillment scene. I could even tolerate Kvothe in The Wise Man’s Fear. I did NOT like it, but I could tolerate reading it. However, in chapter 12 of Winter’s Heart, where Rand suddenly admits his infatuations and receives a confirmation of acceptance from three ladies—you know who if you have read it—to share him, marry him, and also feel every time any one of them made love with Rand is male wish fulfillment at its peak. I cringed. It felt like I had taken a peek at Jordan’s bedroom fantasy, and I wish I could unread that chapter. He even said in an interview somewhere (I could be wrong) that Rand's four-way relationship is inspired by his real-life experience where two women shared him as a boyfriend. Yeah, I don’t know what to say to that. I can, however, say Nynaeve’s dumbfounded reaction to the scene is exactly my reaction, too.

“Your body is only clothing. Your flesh will wither, but you are your heart and mind, and they do not change except to grow stronger.”

When people told me I would be utterly disappointed with The Path of Daggers, I was pleased to experience that the second half of The Path of Daggers was surprisingly incredible in many sections for me. Even when the book didn't feature Mat as one of the main characters, Rand’s storyline in The Path of Daggers was badass. I was mistaken to think I would experience another fluke like that in Winter’s Heart. After Perrin and Faile’s POV chapters, the second half is focused on Mat, Rand, Elayne, and sometimes Cadsuane. But Winter's Heart missed the same occurrence of The Path of Daggers, where the second half successfully won me over. Despite Mat returning to the narrative, and I certainly enjoyed reading his chapters more than the Perrin, Faile, or Elayne, it was still not enough to save the book for me. His re-entry into the series after the cliffhanger ending in A Crown of Swords felt too casual and lacked impact. This made the ending of A Crown of Swords diminished in quality. And even though I am writing this a few days after I finished reading the book, the only crucial event I remember from Mat’s chapters is his encounter with Tuon, who I assume will be more integral to the series later.

“Great captains earned their reputation not just for laying brilliant plans, but for still being able to find victory after those plans began to fall apart.”

So what was great about Winter’s Heart? Two things. The first one would be, shockingly, Nynaeve. In the first six books of the series, I am not a stranger to voicing how much Nynaeve’s thick-headed personality pissed me off. Surprisingly… Nynaeve is starting to develop into a more likable character. Nynaeve demonstrates in the narrative that she (together with Min) is most likely the only woman who doesn’t have a hidden agenda toward Rand. I don’t know. I could be making assumptions based on how awful the other women in the series are toward Rand. And Nynaeve proved this in the other redeeming part of Winter’s Heart: the last chapter. If you have read the series up to Winter's Heart, or even just a few books in the series, you would know that despite how underwhelming the reading experience gets, Jordan does tend to deliver a good final chapter. The Great Hunt, The Fires of Heaven, Lord of Chaos, even The Path of Daggers, and Winter's Heart is not an exception to this. That last chapter with the Choedan Kal is easily one of the strongest climax sequences of the entire series. It was so epic, and it made me wish we had more of that level of scene rather than the pointless verbosity the rest of the book has.

Picture: Winter’s Heart by Scott M. Fischer

I cannot wait to read the aftermath of the last chapter in the later books. The brilliance of that chapter is the only reason why Winter's Heart did not receive a 1-star rating from me. That said, I will make sure my expectations are in check. Despite the terrific final chapter, Winter's Heart is undoubtedly my least favorite installment in the series so far. And to keep hearing that Crossroads of Twilight is supposed to be worse than this genuinely terrified me. It took me 31 days to read Winter’s Heart. Similar to A Crown of Swords, it was the longest time I ever spent reading a single novel. It cannot be helped, though. Only by reading one—sometimes two—chapters per day I was able to finish reading Winter's Heart. I do not know how long Crossroads of Twilight will require me. I guess I will find out in a few months. But honestly, although I dread reading Crossroads of Twilight, the fact that I am near the end of the slog excites me. Wish me luck. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.

“Stories have power. Gleemen's tales, and bards' epics, and rumors in the street alike. They stir passions, and change the way men see the world.”

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Profile Image for Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews.
334 reviews6,922 followers
June 13, 2022
Check out my YouTube channel where I show my instant reactions upon finishing fantasy books.

One of the weakest Wheel of Time books, but still a great read that was highly entertaining

This book is the middle of three books that are commonly referred to as the "slog" - where not a lot happens and many readers abandon the series. And while I was totally dumbfounded at how people could have referred to the 1st book in the "slog" as anything other than wonderful, I do understand how this books gets the tag.

It is slower. But having the benefit of not needing to wait years between books, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Even though this series is absolutely massive, it does go at a relatively fast pace. So to have a book slow things down and get characters into new positions isn't majorly detrimental to this series. There are also many unresolved things that happen towards the end of this book without many loose ends being tied up. And again, while this is frustrating, it's easy to just keep on reading into the next book (and the next, and the next) to get that resolution.

I am a bit worried going into the next book however as pretty much everyone agrees it's the weakest entry in the series - but I plan to keep on reading right through it into Knife of Dreams.
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
360 reviews230 followers
May 17, 2023
After vacillating between 4 and 5 stars, I’m choosing the coward’s way out, giving it an unexpected 4.5 starts; I was prepared for “the slog” which I have yet to feel.

Spoilers below!


Why rounding up to 5 stars? Because Mat is back. Because we finally meet the “Daughter of the Nine Moons.” Because Faile’s brief appearance did not give her the chance to annoy me (much). Because there were no Whitecloaks, who always make me unreasonably angry. Because I find the Seanchan creepy and fascinating and there were a lot of them in here. Because I love Egeanin’s character arc. Because there was blessedly little of Sevanna, who I really need to see suffer a horrible fate soon. Because no Elaida. Because there were not that many points of view from antagonists. Because all those Forsaken showing up at the finale was awesome. And, most importantly, because Rand is so delightfully proactive; he sets out to do something big and ends up achieving it – talking about promise and payoff!

Because of that, it feels like his PoV is the most impactful to the plot – despite the fact that Rand‘s PoV only accounts for 13% of the book. After him misjudging the situation and arguably failing in book 8, he achieves something monumental. Meanwhile though, he means to erase any residual weakness in himself, to become ever colder – hence the title.

“He needed to drink in winter, till he made winter‘s heart seem Sunday noon."

Running counter to Rand’s mission to become a “stone” or “iron” is his little harem, which achieves new hights (level unlocked) when bonding Elayne, Min, and Aviendha, connecting him to the girls’ feelings more than ever. While I enjoy the bond trope in general and, in this case, appreciate that it ensures trust on a mystical level and prevents miscommunication to a certain degree, Min being unable to mask the bond so as not to feel him having sex with Elayne? This bond business suddenly felt very YA to me: “Love flowed through the bond like a blaze of a noonday sun." I really hope that unwanted side effect will be addressed at some point! And how many offspring does Rand need??

As for our other characters, after 1024 (48+643+333) pages, Mat is back! And his PoV accounts for lost time: 21% of the entire book – which is a lot! I enjoy his narrative voice so much - even if his plans to flee Ebou Dar seemingly take forever. Elayne‘s was the most tedious viewpoint; I didn’t care so much for the politicking to make her queen. And as for my least favorite female character, Faile‘s capture finally made me feel with her, only to not hear from her after chapter 4. But then, this way she didn’t get the chance to annoy me much. (Except for the idiocy of announcing to the whole world who she is.) With so many viewpoint characters, WoT really teaches me a lesson in patience.

PS: Resurrecting Forsaken and placing them in new bodies is as unfair as the Fused returning. Perhaps more so – you can at least recognize those!

PPS: Did anyone else feel the first-sister birthing ritual was kind of creepy?

Profile Image for Em Lost In Books.
975 reviews2,143 followers
November 29, 2018
Rough at times with so many characters and everyone eager to put their two bits about Al'Thor but this story has two events that I was looking forward to since book 5. Not a great addition but not bad either.
Profile Image for Ashley.
3,148 reviews2,179 followers
February 8, 2018
How many more ways can I find to say the same things about this series? A series whose problems I identified as early as book three, and which has continued to embrace those problems rather than fix them. Presumably because Jordan didn't see them as problems but rather as features. Which is one of the problems. It's a whole problematical circle of problems, and ouroboroses eating their tails and such (a fitting image since the Wheel of Time is basically an ouroboros sailing some sort of invisible ship).

Let's go through the checklist for Winter's Heart:

*An inability to write women characters that betrays Jordan's sexist notion that women and men seem to be different species of human: CHECK.
*Characters who constantly bicker with one another, and a distinct lack of recognizable human friendship: CHECK.
*Belligerence passing for leadership and competence: CHECK.
*Authorial indulgence in worldbuilding and logistics that has no ultimate bearing on the plot, which results in a lack of control over the narrative, and endless pages of pointless conversations, check-ins, brooding, and repetitive actions, so barely anything of note happens in the span of hundreds of pages: CHECK.
*An ever expanding cast of characters that is impossible to keep track of, largely due to aforementioned lack of control over the narrative: CHECK.
*Rand as some sort of weird hero/anti-hero jerkface with a harem of women who fall over themselves with love for him, for some unknown reason I cannot fathom, because he is a jerk: CHECK CHECK CHECK.

I think what makes me the most frustrated about this whole situation ↑ is that underneath all of that nonsense is the bones of a compelling story. It hurts to see Jordan take those bones and dress them up in sexist, pointless, frustrating nonsense.

So what DID happen in this book? A few things of significance did occur, but they are surrounded by a buffer of irrelevant things that are mostly not crucial to the story. The kinds of things you put in an WOT Encyclopedia after you publish the last book in the series, not the stuff that makes up the meat of your books. If we're going to go with food metaphors here, Winter's Heart is a sub sandwich that is filled up almost entirely with iceberg lettuce, except for one bit in the middle and the bit at the end that has some meat and cheese and mustard on. We're talking like 600 pages of lettuce, folks. Maybe 150 pages of meat, if we're lucky.

So when I say significance, I mean stuff that has relevance for future plot, which will affect character or plot action in future books. We're talking MOVEMENT, here. DEVELOPMENT.

And that's it! I think that's some sort of record for non-happenings in a book. More stuff happens in most 250 page books I've read.

Also I do want to talk for a bit about how Perrin is the worst in this book, and almost everything to do with his storyline, and fucking Berelain, is also the worst. What the eff is the point of that stupid, horrible plotline? It makes Perrin look stupid for putting up with it. It makes Berelain look stupid for going so hard after a married man who OBVIOUSLY does not want her. He literally could not make it more obvious if he tried. It makes Faile look like a shrew to be so jealous. And it makes everyone around them look petty and stupid for talking about it and speculating about it endlessly. I hate it and wish it would die.

[2.5 stars, rounded down]
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews384 followers
March 9, 2021
Winter's Heart (Wheel of Time, #9), Robert Jordan

Winter's Heart a fantasy novel by American author Robert Jordan, the ninth book of his series Wheel of Time. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 7, 2000. Winter's Heart consists of a prologue and 35 chapters.

Many of the events of Winter's Heart take place simultaneously with the events of the next book, Crossroads of Twilight. Perrin Aybara and his followers pursue the Shaido Aiel who kidnapped his wife, Faile Bashere, while Elayne Trakand attempts to suppress rebellious nobles.

Mat Cauthon is trapped in the city of Ebou Dar in Altara, under Seanchan occupation. His escape is disrupted by a Seanchan noblewoman named Tuon, the heir to the Seanchan Crystal Throne; and Mat, having heard a prophecy of his own marriage to the Daughter of the Nine Moons, referring to Tuon herself, kidnaps her. ...

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز بیست و پنجم ماه آوریل سال 2019میلادی

عنوان: سری چرخ زمان کتاب نهم: قلب زمستان؛ نویسنده: رابرت جردن؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

چرخ زمان، سری رمانهایی از نوع «خیال‌پردازی حماسی (اپیک)» هستند، که توسط نویسنده «آمریکایی»، «جیمز الیور ریگنی جونیور» با نام قلم «رابرت جوردن» نگاشته شده ‌اند؛ «چرخ زمان» نخست قرار بود، یک سری شش جلدی باشد، اما «جردن» آن را به دوازده کتاب، و سپس به چهارده کتاب و یک پیش درآمد، افزایش دادند؛ «جوردن» در سال 1984میلادی، آغاز به نگارش نخستین کتاب، از این سری با نام «چشم جهان» نمودند، که آن کتاب را، در ماه ژانویه سال 1990میلادی منتشر کردند؛ «جردن» پیش از پایان یافتن جلد دوازدهم از این سری، در سال 2007میلادی، به علت بیماری قلبی، از این سرای درگذشتند؛ و در همان سال، همسر ایشان، پس از خوانش «زاده مه، اثر برندون سندرسون»؛ ایشان را برای پایان دادن به کتاب پایانی سری برگزیدند؛ «سندرسون» با خوانش یادداشت‌های «جردن»، به این نتیجه رسیدند، که یک جلد برای پایان کار سری کافی نیست، و به همسر «جردن» پیشنهاد دادند، که در سه جلد، سری «چرخ زمان» را به پایان برسانند، که مورد پذیرش همسر «جردن» قرار گرفت، و اینگونه «چرخ زمان» در پایان کار چهارده جلدی شد؛

در این سری، از اسطوره‌ ها، و مکاتب گوناگونی، همانند «بوداییسم»، «هندوئیسم»، «فرهنگ اروپایی»، «مفاهیم متافیزیکی تعادل و ثنویت»، «احترام به طبیعت»، که در فلسفه ی «تائوئیسم» یافت می‌شود، «اسطوره ‌شناسی آسیایی و اسلامی» سخن به میان آمده ‌است؛ همچنین در این رمان، نام واقعی «اهریمن»، «شیطان» عنوان شده، که واژه ای «عربی» است، نویسنده، برای نگارش بخشی از این سری، از کتاب «جنگ و صلح (1869میلادی)» به قلم «لئو تولستوی» الهام گرفته ‌اند؛

کتابهای این سری: «بهار نو (2004میلادی) (به عنوان پیش‌درآمد و بیست سال پیش از رخدادهای نخستین رمان)»؛ کتاب نخست: «چشم جهان (1990میلادی)»؛ کتاب دوم: «شکار بزرگ (1990میلادی)»؛ کتاب سوم: «تجلی اژدها (1991میلادی)»؛ کتاب چهارم: «قیام سایه‌ها (1992میلادی)»؛ کتاب پنجم: «شعله‌های بهشت (1993میلادی)»؛ کتاب ششم: «ارباب آشفتگی (1995میلادی)»؛ کتاب هفتم: «تاج شمشیرها (1996میلادی)»؛ کتاب هشتم: «گذرگاه خنجرها (1998میلادی)»؛ کتاب نهم: «قلب زمستان (2000میلادی)»؛ کتاب دهم: «چهارراه شامگاهی (2003میلادی)»؛ کتاب یازدهم: «چاقوی رؤیا (2005میلادی)»؛ کتاب دوازدهم: «گرد آمدن طوفان (2009میلادی)»؛ کتاب سیزدهم: «برج‌های نیمه شب (2010)»؛ کتاب چهاردهم: «یادآوری از روشنایی (2012میلادی)»؛

بازگویی داستان سری، از سه‌ هزار سال پس از «شکاندن جهان» روی می‌دهد، که به «عصر افسانه‌ ها» (که روزگاری بسیار پیشرفته بود) پایان داد؛ در روایتها، فناوری، و ساختارهای اجتماعی جهان، به اروپای «رنسانس» شباهت دارند، در این سری جامعه های، زن‌سالار نیز هستند؛ در بازنگاری رویدادها و بازگویی داستان، رویدادهایی همانند «انقلاب صنعتی» و ...؛ نیز روی می‌دهند

صحنهٔ اصلی رویدادهای این سری، بخش غربی قاره ‌ای بزرگ است، که نام آن در متون نیامده‌ است، ولی «رابرت جردن» در گفتگوهای خویش از آن با عنوان «وست‌لندز» یاد کرده ‌اند؛ در «وست‌لندز»، از شرق، به رشته ‌کوهی میپیوندد، که از چندین پادشاهی، و دولت-شهر، شکل گرفته است؛ در شرق آن رشته ‌کوه نیز، بیابانی موسوم به «برهوت آئیل» قرار دارد، که ساکنین آن، قبیله ‌ها، و جوامع جنگجوی «آئیل» هستند، که در سکونتگاه‌هایی کوچک زندگی می‌کنند؛ در شرق «برهوت آئیل»، کشور بزرگ و منزوی «شارا»، قرار دارد، که با رشته ‌کوهی بزرگوار، و منطقه ‌ای گذر ناشدنی از «برهوت آئیل» جدا می‌شود؛ سراسر محدوده ی شمالی این سه منطقه (وست‌لندز، برهوت آئیل، و شارا) را، «پژمردگی کبیر» فرا گرفته ‌است، که بیابانی آلوده، و شیطانی است؛ در غرب «وست‌لندز»، و آنسوی اقیانوسِ «مونرال»، قاره ی «شان‌چن» قرار دارد، که عرض غرب به شرقش، از قاره ی دیگر کمتر است، ولی از قطب شمال، تا قطب جنوب، کشیده شده ‌است؛ قاره ی «شان‌چن»، با آبراهه ‌ای، به دو بخش شمالی و جنوبی، تقسیم شده ‌است؛ این آبراهه، اقیانوس «مونرال» را، به اقیانوس «آریت» وصل می‌کند؛ در شمالی‌ترین بخش قسمت شمالی «شان‌چن»، «پژمردگی صغیر» واقع شده ‌است، که با «پژمردگی کبیر» طول جغرافیایی یکسانی دارد؛ در آغاز داستان «چرخ زمان»، ساکنان «وست‌لندز»، از وجود «شان‌چن» بی‌خبر هستند؛ دنیای «چرخ زمان رابرت جردن» در نیم‌کره ی جنوبی، قاره‌ ای کوچک، موسوم به «سرزمین دیوانگان» قرار دارد، ولی در سری از آن سخنی نرفته ‌است

روایت سری در پایان «عصر سوم» روی می‌دهد؛ «عصر سوم» با «شکاندن جهان» آغاز می‌شود، که پایان ‌بخش «عصر افسانه‌ ها» بود؛ «عصر افسانه‌ ها» در پی «عصر نخست» می‌آید؛ «عصر نخست» به‌ صورت ضمنی، بر جهان کنونی دلالت دارد، و نام برخی از شخصیت‌های اسطوره ‌ای آن، در این سری آمده ‌است، که «السبت، ملکهٔ همگان (اشاره به الیزابت دوم)» و «ماترز درمانگر (اشاره به مادر ترزا)» از آن دسته هستند؛

در عصر سوم در «وست‌لندز»، رویدادی تاریخی و بزرگ روی داد: نخست «جنگ‌های ترالک»، که در آن، هزار سال پس از «شکاندن جهان»، موجوداتی، از «پژمردگی»، «جهان انسانی» را، به نابودی می‌کشاندند، و دوم آشکار شدن «آرتور هاوک‌وینگ»، که هزار سال، پس از جنگ‌های «ترالک»، «وست‌لندز» را میگشاید، و یگانه میکند، ولی او وارثی نداشت، و «جنگ‌های صدساله»، پس از مرگ او، بر سر تقسیم قلمروش درگرفت؛ در پی هر یک از این دو رویداد، تقسیم‌های سیاسی، و ساختار ملل «وست‌لندز»، به‌ کلی دیگر شد؛ زبان کهن (که در عصر افسانه‌ ها رایج بود) در زمان روایت داستانهای کتابهای این سری، زبانی مرده است، و تنها برخی پژوهشگران، و اشراف‌زادگان به آن زبان سخن میگویند

آخرین کتاب از سری «چرخ زمان» با عنوان «یادآوری از روشنایی (نور)» را «رابرت جوردن» و «براندون» سندرسون نگاشته اند؛ سری رمانهای «چرخ زمان» نزدیک به «یکصدهزار» شخصیت دارد؛ گزینش شخصیت‌ها، میتواند برای هر خوانشگر به گونه ای دیگر باشد؛ ولی اگر بخواهیم، تنها پنج شخصیت اصلی این سری را بشناسیم، به این نامها میرسیم: «رند آل‌ثور»؛ «اگوِِین آل‌ور»؛«پِرین آیبارا»؛ «ماتریم (مت) کاوثن»، و «ناینیو آل‌میرا»؛ هر کدام از این شخصیت‌ها داستانی بسیار دل انگیز دارند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 18/12/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Choko.
1,379 reviews2,660 followers
March 7, 2022
*** 5 - ***

A buddy read with the Fantasy Addicts at BB&B! We are going to prevail over the Dark Lord!!!

I am out of words! It feels like I have said everything, used -up all my vocabulary of superlatives and have became redundant with my praises of the genius of Robert Jordan and this series. This is the 9th book and I found it to be just as compelling as all the ones before it. I read some reviews saying it was slow and nothing really happened until the last several chapters. I very respectfully disagree. Although there was very little action, the information contained in this volume was enormous. This is a book of thousands small details, each connecting with each other and the thousands of others from the beginning of the series to the end... It is a tapestry, a whole world coming alive through hundreds of characters, tens of plots, and several cultures and traditions clashing, intersecting, changing and evolving through the time we are involved with them. It is a fluid, pulsing and compelling complex creation which can best be appreciated by letting the story lead us with its flows, instead of us fighting for control over it. Trust the author - this one has never disappointed me before:-)

I know this was a non-review, but the whole point is, give this magical, whimsical and smart story a chance, if you are a fan of Traditional Fantasy, Epic or High - it is a MUST READ!!! HAPPY READING, Y'ALL!!!
Profile Image for Markus.
484 reviews1,880 followers
February 23, 2016
Winter's Heart gets three stars since it's the weakest Wheel of Time book I've read so far, alongside The Path of Daggers. However, that doesn't mean it really deserves three stars. This put me in a difficult situation, because this rating is in comparison with the other WoT books. On the other hand, it is quite a lot better than several books I've rated four stars.

The problem with this one is one you probably know about. The plot development is gone. Still, I absodamnlutely love this world, this writing and (some of) these characters.

I don't think there is any more for me to say. This is book #9 after all.

Wheel of Time reviews:
#1 The Eye of the World
#2 The Great Hunt
#3 The Dragon Reborn
#4 The Shadow Rising
#5 The Fires of Heaven
#6 Lord of Chaos
#7 A Crown of Swords
#8 The Path of Daggers
#9 Winter's Heart
#10 Crossroads of Twilight
#11 Knife of Dreams
#12 The Gathering Storm
#13 Towers of Midnight
#14 A Memory of Light
Profile Image for Mayim de Vries.
589 reviews1,005 followers
July 8, 2021
This series has been due 1-star for some time already, and here comes chapter 12 ruthlessly killing all the excuses I have exercised.

“Part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyway.”

I have waited a month to write this review because that’s how long it took me to come up with something that will not immediately be flagged up and reported as abuse, profanity and a call to violence return to civility. I cannot remember when I cringed so much when reading. That surely must be the lowest point of this series. However, I can almost see Mr Jordan in a hold-my-beer meme so perhaps I shouldn’t be writing this.

Basically, since I am neither Muslim nor Mormon (ah, now I can see why Mr Sanderson was so enamoured with WoT and eager to finalise this series!), I really cannot appreciate this precarious love quadrangle of three females and one male, where all are connected to this extent that when the male has orgasm with one of his partners, the other two feel it too. Outside of occasional for-the-sake-of-appearances self-accusations of being a perverted lecher that the MC utters while not believing in them (why would the reader take those seriously, I wonder), he still enjoys the varied menu to its fullness. On the contrary, the girls are cool about the imbalance where they are forced to share but the male can pick and choose as and when he pleases, and those coming from monogamous cultures (that would be a majority in the group!) overcame the societal and psychological issues faster than it takes me to spell my name. On the side, I cannot help but notice that it is funny how for Mr Jordan some cultures have “customs stronger than chains” and are so influential that everyone seems to copy their *everything*, while others have all those fake constructs that can be shaken off (and only Elayne sometimes ruefully reminisces the times when she had a healthy approach to and expectations concerning a romantic relationship).

No offence, but I really cannot understand how this foursome can be tantalising for an audience other than leering males. It is not for me (yes, go ahead, call me a prude). It means that I did not enjoy any of the chapters featuring the people involved. That is a lot of people, and in this part, in addition to Rand, we are stuck with Elayne . Sometimes I think Mr Jordan simply wanted to check how far he can push the hardcore fandom in its worshipful craze. The rite of becoming first-sisters is so kitschy that I genuinely laughed thinking that someone might take it seriously.

As if that was not enough, the volume opens with Perrin practicing how to be an extreme miser and infinite idiot because his wife was abducted. (yesss! team Berelain!) Not only it is painful to read what he does and does not do, but also we are presented with a combo of the two worst sub-plots together: the Shaido and Faile (maybe that is not such a bad thing as the torment while intense, is at least compressed).

This all means that Mat’s POV is the only one worth reading in “Winter’s Heart.” However, his plot starts only in the second half of the book and initially it drags on and is painfully over-bloated with descriptions of male apparel. Nevertheless, Mr Jordan thankfully remembered that he can write great intrigues (Mat, as usual, finds himself in quite a predicament, offering to help too many people), and with the arrival of the Daughter of the Nine Moons the quality is back on the menu.

Rand’s storyline is dreadful at first, then it gets interesting only to be mutilated by the supposed climax of the battle: shifting perspectives, a surprising multitude of significant characters in one scene, revelations delivered in one-liners and whole issues resolved within a single paragraph (is that still you, Mr Jordan?). What is the most pity, however, is the wasted potential of the saidin cleansing quest. Something that is one of the main cornerstones for the whole cycle, i.e. the madness of the Power-carrying men, was treated as like a tertiary plot. The first truly epic skirmish between the forces of good and all the Forsaken looks like a snowball fight. The delivery is awful: no one knows what’s going on, some snippets here and there, snapshots from different POVs, Aes Sedai to Darkfirends to the Forsaken to other characters, still no one knows what’s going on, most importantly, the reader has no idea how Rand and Nynaeve cleanse saidin which is something not even the greatest heroes of the past did not manage to achieve (!) and then everything ends suddenly. Someone good died here, and the bad guys took casualties too, but who precisely, does not matter - the most important ones survived, and we are finishing the book.

I kid you not, I am still hoping for a “director’s cut” version of this scene that would be about 60 pages longer.

Overall, my strongest impression is that In the heart of winter, the plot has frozen. The book has its moments, there are times when you read breathless, but more often you are forced to trudge through pages upon pages where crowds of irrelevant characters do a whole bunch of irrelevant things. The biggest problem of this volume is the repeatability of the patterns: now and again someone has to run, someone has been captured, someone must be rescued. There are all sorts of terrible mistakes made, which everyone just keeps repeating. And every time the tale seems to be lurching at last, we take two steps forward and then a step back, but then that is the author’s style.

Also in the series:

1. The Eye of the World ★★★★☆
2. The Great Hunt ★★★★☆
3. The Dragon Reborn ★★★★☆
4. The Shadow Rising ★★★★☆
5. The Fires of Heaven ★★★★☆
6. Lord of Chaos ★★★☆☆
7. A Crown of Swords ★★★☆☆
8. The Path of Daggers ★★★☆☆
10. Crossroads of Twilight ★★☆☆☆
11. Knife of Dreams ★★★★☆
12. The Gathering Storm ★★★★☆
13. Towers of Midnight ★★★☆☆
14. A Memory of Light ★★★☆☆
Profile Image for Eon ♒Windrunner♒  .
454 reviews511 followers
January 29, 2024
2024 Reread - It's amazing how much things can change. Here we are and I'm much less tolerant now of the endless descriptions of clothes and hundreds and hundreds of names that I was somehow supposed to remember, not to mention the weirder stuff like naked rituals and the three wives plot-line. The pacing of this book is a disaster and I honestly found myself holding out just to read about a very small number of events. And they were truly about 5% of this book.


The official BB&B read of Book IX of the epic WoT series just got Mission Accomplished like a BOSS!

Ok, ok. It was a reread for me, but still. This series aint for for the fainthearted in the page count department. Also, with close to a 1000 pages a book there is a lot of meandering and only a little sprinting. I have paperbacks. Actual count is 11916 pages. Or 4,410,036 words. And the characters… You REALLY have to keep track. Piece of cake you say? Hmmm. This book alone mentions 602 character names. SIX. HUNDRED. AND. TWO! No they are not all main characters, but with a large and complex story such as this one, many of them matter. One might be mentioned once in the first book, and then again in the sixth book and still have an important role to play in the tenth book! So yeah. You really have to be into it. This is book numero nueve though, and luckily I am into it. Well, I guess I would have given up long since if I wasn’t. Anyway. Moving on.

Even though this is a BIG book, there were only a few major things that happened in this one. But some of them have been a loooooooong time coming. We have actual movement people. The plot, she goeth in the right direction! And in a big way. More on that shortly. As I mentioned twice already, this is book nine and reviews are a bit hectic in such a big series. So without further adieu, I give you, (drum roll…………..)

The spoilery highlight summary!

And that’s that as far as I am concerned.

It was great overall. It did drag in some parts, but the highlights mentioned did the job.

Four and a quarter stars.
Profile Image for Gavin.
984 reviews417 followers
September 30, 2016
This was another Wheel of Time instalment that passed with very little advancement in the majority of the ongoing story arcs. Despite that I still thoroughly enjoyed this 9th book in the series. I think I'm just so sucked into the story by this point that I'm happy and entertained by the happenings even when the characters are doing little more than chit chatting with each other.

Spoilers ahoy!

So what did actually happen for our favourite characters I hear you ask?

Rand: He actually had a productive book and hogged most of the actual plot advancements. He spent most of the book sightseeing and holidaying in places like Camelyn and Far Madding before showing us what it really meant to be the Dragon Reborn in an epic scene at the end of the book. The guy also had time for real developments in his personal relationship with his harem of women.

Perrin: Someone told him Faile had been abducted. That is it. Presumably he is still thinking of a way to rescue her. Maybe he will get to that in the next book.

Mat: He spent the book in Ebou Dar thinking about how to escape the place. He might even manage it in the next instalment. Despite that lack of progress his chapters were probably the most entertaining of the whole book. I loved most of his interactions with his wife-to-be.

Egwene: If she appeared in this one that appearance was so brief I've forgotten it.

Nynaeve: She was mostly a secondary character in Rand's tale but I did think she continued to improve as a character and she got involved in a bit of the action towards the end.

Rand's Harem: Aviendha and Min have been reduced to the role of love interests for Rand. Elayne had a bit more to do as she finally remembered that she was supposed to be running Andor. Elayne finally got separated from Nynaeve in this book but responded by firmly latching onto Aviendha. The good news for Rand is that the women have worked out a rota for his time. Min warms his bed when he is on the go and Elayne does when he visits Camelyn. The list still needs a bit of tweaking as they forgot to find time for Aviendha but all was not lost for her as Elayne devised an ingenious way for the whole group to share those fun bedtimes.

Random Secondary Characters: We got quite a few new POV's from minor characters in this instalment and while none of those characters really stood out I felt like their POV segments still added to the story.

All in all I enjoyed Winter's Heart and since it finished with a bang I'm quite eager to press on with the next Wheel of Time book!

Rating: 4.5 stars.

Audio Note: Krammer and Reading were as fantastic as ever.

Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,786 reviews1,594 followers
October 11, 2016
The September Buddy r=Read with all my buddy reading fantasy addicts at Buddies Books & Baubles

As my good friend Choko says This is a book of thousands small details….that might be a little off. I think this is a book of A MILLION SMALL DETAILS.

Look totally props to Jordan for creating such and interesting and diverse world. The number of lands, cultures, diversity, magic and just small things that make each character different are really staggering. I have no idea how the man kept track of it all. I assume his library was full of self-created encyclopedias featuring nothing but random tid bits from this world he created.

This was probably my least favorite book of the series though because there isn’t much action, but there is a whole lot of minutia that if this was my 2nd or 3rd read through the series I would probably appreciate it more but as is I really wanted more meat to the story and plot lines.

Best parts of this book for me some of it might be mild spoilers….you’ve been warned

✧ - Elayne and Avienda becoming first sisters. This was much cooler than I thought it would be.

✦ - Mat FINALLY being back in the story. I had to wait until half way through the book to see him but yay he is finally here again and the dice are rolling in his head.

✧ - Rand’s quest when he finally got to it and his interactions with Min. She is my favorite of the three women he is in love with. We finally get a decision on how that whole situation is going to work. Lets just say that was the most awkward I have felt reading a book in a long time….and I read straight up smut but that entire situation is just uncomfortable. I could not share….at all.

✦ - Cadsuane Melaidhrin….well she might be one of the few Aes Sedia that I actually like. I love how she puts people into their place and is such a strong character. I’m not sure what her plan for the Dragon Reborn is but she is one of the few characters I like.

✧ - The ending was this crazy mess of everything jumbled together. It was intense, it was confusing, it was a bit epic and it seems like every one of the 602 characters in this book showed up in 30 pages.
Thanks a href=”https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3... for the character count in this book.

✦ - Matt met the Daughter of the Nine Moons....FINALLY!!! Let’s just say that his courting method is a bit unconventional and maybe a bit Neanderthal like *giggles*

Still all of that probably only took up about 200 pages of this massive book. So there is a lot of time that is just down time waiting for more things to happen.

Worst Parts for me.

❖- Looking up character names because I didn’t remember so and so that I haven’t seen since book 5

❖ - The long time between events happening. So the plot still feels like it is moving at a snail’s pace until the rush at the end.

❖ - Since there are so many story lines going on it seemed like we got them to a critical point and then they moved off of that line never to return again. *cough* Faile *cough*

So I’m still in it so win it since Buddies Books & Baubles is doing one of these a month and I need these to get to Sanderson’s finish of the series. But I’m hoping that we can pick up the pace a little going forward.
Profile Image for Kaora.
617 reviews293 followers
September 29, 2016
This book was easily a one star until the last chapter, where there was enough action to make me look forward to the next, but unfortunately 90% of this book was a struggle. I had to force myself to get through several of the chapters namely those involving Elayne/Nynaeve. Unfortunately those 30 pages of action was not enough for me to raise my rating.

The following sums up my major issues with this book and contains some spoilers. You have been warned!

One more book until Sanderson...

Profile Image for James Trevino.
37 reviews38.8k followers
December 26, 2023
Just finished this. OMFG. That ending. That epic ending. OMFG. This book was freakin AMAZING! How is this part of “the slog”?? What more can you want from a fantasy book??
Profile Image for Alex Nieves.
181 reviews703 followers
June 27, 2021
Full video review here: https://youtu.be/eHf0TzC7Up0

The slog continues! Yeah this was another pretty slow one but actually had some pretty damn impactful things happen in the last chapter. I still can't forgive this book for how meandering it was most of the time but the ending definitely pulls a lot of weight. Overall I think I liked it slightly more than Path of Daggers.
Profile Image for Kitty G Books.
1,631 reviews2,979 followers
January 5, 2015
4.5*s for this book and that's mostly due to the ending of it which is rather epic in proportion. I really enjoyed listening to this instalment of WoT and I felt that there were a few things we really gained knowledge of in this volume. As I have mentioned in previous reviews this series has recently made the transition form a cast of teens into a cast of adults and this is clear from the vast array of choices made by some of our major players and the way that their previous experiences are now informing these decisions.

Elayne and Aviendha both really grow as characters within this book, but especially Elayne who is a far more interesting and exciting character now than she was just a few books earlier. In this section Elayne is concerned with a large amount of threats and tough choices which she most certainly wouldn't have been able to cope with until this point in her plot. Whilst I have never disliked Elayne particularly I do know that some people really do and that this is largely due to the way she was in previous books and the fact that she had yet to grow into her role. I feel now that not only her storyline has become far more exiting and intriguing, but she's a strong leader and a very competent women overall, and although this is not going to solve all of her problems, she's certainly more well equipped than previously.

Egwene is one of my favourite characters still but we don't see too much of her story within this volume which was a slight shame. I felt that there was opportunity for her story to be expanded a bit further than it was, but still she remains in firm control of the situation she's in and even with constant worries and threats all around, she's calm and reassuring.

Mat's storyline is picked back up in the later sections of this book and I found that I really enjoyed his story a lot more in this volume than any of the others, I felt that he was starting to weigh his decisions better and making a few plans and back ups rather than just hoping or relying on luck. I think he's certainly started to become a very intriguing character and his plot promises more to come in the next book for sure because of the way things are left. I also felt that the incidents where he encounters some of the rather horrific beasts in WoT were well handled and although he's quite lucky by design, his lucky streak didn't allow him to dodge all danger and he still needed to use hit head and his wits to get by.

Rand is quite the crazy epic hero in this volume with some gallivanting around and then some wonderfully big events happening towards the end of the book. As always his plans are slow to reveal themselves to us and he seems a little flighty and led by emotion at some parts of this story rather than by his head, but he's still young and that's something that is easy to forget when we see that craziness he's often up against. I very much enjoyed the scene between himself, Min, Elayne and Aviendha (I'm sure if you have read this then you know which I mean) and the implications and consequences which were set in motion by their meeting, and I also was on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen as everything intensified towards the end of this book and the drama was really nail-biting at points.

Cadsuanne's plans and her intentions are certainly explained a little more in this book and we get to see a bit more about how she plans everything and the level to which she will go in order to achieve what she believes she needs to. I think I do like her character because she is a bit on an enigma and she does things quite differently to many of the other Aes Sedi yet still she;s very traditional and demands respect when it comes to some other areas. I think there were a few situations between her and Rand within this book and the previous one where things could have been handled better by both of them, but it all seems to be a part of her overall plan somehow and even when she seems like she's lost, she never panics.

Nynaeve goes through a few significant things in this book to do with the power and the people around her. She has to deal not only with the Windfinders and the Ship Captains, but she also has to later meet with Rand and goes through a rather large ordeal with him. She didn't progress too much in terms of her character but she was certainly given a few moments where she had to pause and consider things and for a fiery lady such as she that was fairly humorous.

Perrin and Faile are mentioned in the first half of this book and particularly Faile's story has some very interesting plots which are beginning to emerge, However at the moment her storyline and Perrin's storylines are both fairly separated from the other events of the world and what we see of them doesn't progress the main storyline too much. I did very much like the look deeper into the Aiel when it concerned Faile, and I thought that the story there was informative as well as filled with threats, plots, mystery and intrigue. I will certainly keep watch to see where it goes from here onwards.

Finally seeing a bit more from the POV of the Forsaken is always interesting and although we don't see a huge amount from each of them the recaps we do get keep us knowing who's still in the game and what their personalities are like. I thought this was excellently inserted especially towards the end and really added a feeling of danger to the story so I anticipate more of this as the story goes forward.

Overall the climax of this book was really exciting and I have to say it was not far from a 5* rating, I think that this is a slow volume in places but the events which take place within are all important and certainly make me wonder about what will happen as I enter the last few books in the series.

I'd certainly say this is a very good book if you like the others in the series, and as always let me know if you agree/disagree with all I have said! :D
54 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2009
I'm Rand Al'Thor and I'm in love with three different women. In a good story, I would have to make a hard choice, lose two women I loved and possibly gain one devoted lover/wife/confidant. In a move straight out of Love Hina, I refuse to make a decision and am rewarded by not one, but all three beautiful yet exotically different women desperate to bear my children.

The only instance I can think of where more than one woman is nice for any length of time to a man in the entire WoT series occurs in this book.

A good plot thread would have been if Rand had made no decision and then been punished by all three women saying "the hell with this." Way more believable, and also more consistent considering that all the women in this series are horrible man-hating serpents.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mike's Book Reviews.
174 reviews8,106 followers
February 12, 2020
Full Video Review Here: https://youtu.be/EKAOAVQRBZk

Well, what can I say about this book that you haven't been warned about previously? Yes, we are waist deep in the slog and sinking. Once again, any chapter from the POV of Elayne, Faile, and Periin make you let out a deep sigh any time you turn the page to that. Thankfully, while it's the first 200 pages of the book, they disappear into the background for the rest of the way.

Mat's story is still suffering from being stuck in Ebou Dar with Rapey McRapeFace Tylin but it seems that arc is coming to a close and we can get back the Mat that we all know and love going forward, with a new love interest.

Rand is about the only character that shines this go around. He has the best action sequences, the best dialogue, and the best moment in this book. A lot of arcs close off in this one and I hope that's setting the table for the final arc of this journey. I'm well aware of the book that comes next and even the staunchest supporter of this series has little good to say about it. But it's too far to turn back now and I plan to keep going.
Profile Image for Dylan.
285 reviews
October 7, 2023
Winter’s Heart is a very good book with an unfortunate beginning. If I were to view the first 35% in isolation, it's the worst Wheel of Time book by a good margin and could have even earned 1-2/5 stars without exaggeration. Yet thankfully, the second half shifted this book dramatically, echoing the fun of the early entries like TGH or TDR. Unlike Path of Daggers, I don’t believe this book should be considered a slog (even though PoD it was just the first 40%). It’s so odd how brilliantly written the final chapter is, it is almost feels like Jordan wrote that final chapter first, then wrote a story around it. I cannot discuss this book without spoilers, so everything from this point on will be tagged as spoilers.


In Conclusion, this book is on par with the other books in the series, and I had a very good time with it near the end. When Chapter 1 started, it was pretty awful, and the beginning really concerned me, once you moved on from Perrin's and most of Elayne's plotlines, it is classic WoT. I'm not keen to read the next book, but that ending was pretty great.

Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
September 29, 2016
Buddy read with the Dragon Sworn over at BB&B

Nine books in and this series is still going strong. There are just no words to describe this experience so I'll just say this: if you like high fantasy you MUST read The Wheel of Time.

Profile Image for ⚔️ readerguy ⚔️.
260 reviews74 followers
June 24, 2022
Spoilers galore.

2 stars. This book is a little bit absurd, a little bit comical in terms of, “how exactly can this book be so long yet filled with such little content? How is this allowed?”

I’m gonna be a bit hard on this series now, because the slowness and utter nothingness that occurs in these books is getting kind of ridiculous at this point. Like genuinely baffling and a bit naive that Jordan would think these books are, err, how do I put this, good, despite the fact that they quite literally resemble a chicken soup that isn’t cooked well, so it becomes really just a bowl of flat watery poultry foam. Don’t even know if anybody else understood that analogy, but I understood it, so there, I’m sticking to it. Books 6-9 have literally all been 3/4 boring stuff, 3/4 of absolutely nothing happening, then a semi-redeemable climax. It’s all very monotonous now. While as a whole series you can praise some books for the development and advancement they have for certain plots, certain books absolutely cannot stand on their own, and fail astonishingly and unceremoniously at being an enjoyable fantasy novel. When you look at it as a piece in a bigger story, a part of a bigger picture, it might be enjoyable. But when you read it alone, really sink your teeth into the amorphous blob of this story, you really understand that some entries are weak, stale, boring, and atrociously overlong. And I understand that the payoff at the end of the series is majestic, magnificent, fantastic, literature equivalent to the Second Coming of Christ, but that doesn’t negate the utter flimsiness of the story right now. It’s quite terrible in my opinion.

So yes, I might be more scathing and critical in this review than I usually am. This also might be my longest review, because I have many thoughts. To put it shortly, a lot of pent up aggravation has stirred within me at how stale these books have gotten. But to be honest, at this point in the series WoT has earned it. It has earned my perhaps scathing criticism. While The Slog isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever read, it feels very, very pointless, and very, very boring at times. There’s some good, but the bad and weaknesses of the story greatly overshadow the good, and start to become unavoidably prominent. And though a lot did happen at the end that I wasn’t expecting, that doesn’t excuse how much of a waste this book sometimes feels like. Ok, now let’s get into it.

#1. First things first, in my opinion, an author should not waste your time. That’s not really nice, in my opinion. An author taking deliberate time to build the world in characters ≠ an author wasting your time. For example, Way of Kings. That book is very long, and has parts of it where it’s slow, but it doesn’t waste your time, because Sanderson is always building the world, story, and characters in a deliberate process that takes a bit long. George R. R Martin does this as well. And so does Jordan. You see, Jordan participates in that exact same thing sometimes, of taking his time to flesh everything out. An example of this is Eye of the World. But you see, I said “sometimes”. Books 7 & 9 aren’t one of those times. Jordan is literally just wasting time in my opinion, and for no reason. Dozens of scenes go on where there’s no progression in plot, character, story or world-building. Where we get pointless menial POVs from characters we cannot possibly care about (I swear upon the damn Light if I have to read one more Verin POV…). Where we literally just. Stand. Still. Wasting time. Absolutely no important or effective story beats are being written half the time. Most scenes in a book should have a turning point, a something that validates its presence in the book, and if not, then cut it out. Maybe slot in a breather chapter in there or two, but that’s it! If it’s not important to the narrative then it’s probably not important to the reader, especially when you bog the story down with it. If the character’s life or thought process or motive or anything hasn’t changed, if nothing has changed, if nothing interesting has even happened in that scene, then remove it. Why? Because there’s no progression. There’s no moving. There’s no narrative thrust that makes a reader want to continue flipping the pages. I feel as though I’m beating a dead horse, but I think it should be beaten to death and beyond. If you aren’t going to give me something interesting with Verin, then don’t write about her. If you aren’t going to give me something interesting with Perrin, then don’t write about him. If you aren’t going to give me something interesting with Mat (and Lord knows you haven’t Jordan, especially with those long paragraphs that were literally just talking about lace and how Mat doesn’t like wearing it) then what? Then don’t write about him! Simple! ITTTT’SSS TIIRRRRRRRINNGGGG having to read about characters not doing anything remotely engaging.

You are wasting time, that’s what you’re doing, and that’s not right in my opinion. Don’t rush into things, but also don’t write an entire chapter that’s mostly nothing. Anyways, I’m gonna stop, because I don’t feel like giving writing advice to a majorly successful and influential fantasy writer that has been dead for over a decade now, but I hope you catch my drift.

Ok, phew. *swipes sweat from forehead* First criticism down. Only like a hundred thousand more to go.

#2. The villains. I don’t like how the Forsaken are sometimes written. They are a bit boring now. They often plot and scheme, but they do so without actually doing anything. They just scheme and laugh and lounge around and talk about doing things, but they don’t actually do those things anymore. Mesaana is… literally just light and shadow, and has as much impact on the series as a sock. She’s really not important. She’s just in the White Tower for… reasons… doing… things (I’m assuming, or maybe she’s decided to take a vacation from all her evil duties, to which I would counter—why in the White Tower?) Our heroes barely even interact with them. I miss the days when Nynaeve and Elayne had fought with Moghedien and chained her with an a’dam. I miss the days when Lanfear toyed with Rand and tried to get him to turn to the Shadow. I miss the days when Lanfear literally flayed one of her agents alive. I miss the horrible and bad channelers of the Shadow, oh how mighty they were, and intimidating too. Those were fun and exciting moments, truly great storytelling, and it feels as though it’s been lost. Now none of them are intimidating or a force to be reckon with.

There’s 13 of them, and despite numerous battles and duels throughout these 9 books I think only 3 have died. Asmodean, Belal and Rahvin. What?? That’s so strange and doesn’t really make sense to me why exactly Jordan has kept so many of them alive when it would be beneficial to kill some off. Like I feel as though each book there should be a central Forsaken that’s our villain that we should have to kill, that should’ve been the plan, because now we have too many villains to squash and there’s only four books left (I counted Crossroads of Twilight out since nothing happens apparently). Four books to 1: Deal with the ten remaining Forsaken, many of whom should’ve stayed dead, 2: the Black Ajah, 3: the Seanchan, 4: the Dark One. Can Jordan and Sanderson do it? I don’t know. If these villains had been spread out and handled through the slog, that would’ve been a far better writing choice.

Also, I’m not entirely against resurrections. Not at all. But this is a bit frustrating. These Forsaken shouldn’t have come back. Lanfear shouldn’t have come back. Ishamael shouldn’t have come back (rather, he shouldn’t have died at all really). Aginor shouldn’t have come back. All these cheap, cop-out resurrections and reincarnations are frankly annoying in my opinion. While it makes sense for the world, it diminishes my enjoyment of the series. All tension, every single drop of tension is lost and gone when you literally resurrected multiple of your villains. All intrigue is gone, because they’re just gonna come back if they die, and we know that, because you’ve shown that. The victorious feeling I had when Moiraine pushed and killed Lanfear is all completely sucked dry because Lanfear just comes back. Not only does it ruin the glory of that awesome death (it was a fantastic way to go out) it also diminishes the greatness and glory of Moiraine’s sacrifice. The whole reason she did what she did was so that Lanfear couldn’t get to Rand, but now she can because she’s been revived, and it’s so frustrating. So it turns into this thing where the Forsaken are almost stock villains, with boring, little to no progression, who don’t really do anything sometimes, die but then immediately get resurrected, and rub their hands back and forth because ooo—they’re so evilllll. They are really just pale shadows of their old selves.

If they just died, then it would allow room for other villains to rise up and shine. Lanfear has already had her moment, she was a great, fleshed-out and intimidating villain, but we can be done with her, we don’t need her. Let Semirhage fill her place and allow her (a literal cardboard character) have time to develop. Same thing with Mesaana. Let her actually do something, prove to us readers that she’s actually important to the narrative.

Even Fain (who we haven’t seen in several books but I honestly don’t really care because he’s not compelling in any way shape or form to me) comes back, slices at Rand a little bit for like four paragraphs in a chapter, then scornfully exits the scene by flying down the steps. Extremely laughable. Not intimidating at all. That whole scene reminded me of a bad play. It’s all very… meh.

#3. Rand and his love interests. It is a bit weird in my opinion now, the quadrangle of love interests. I’m fine with polyamorous relationships, they don’t bother me as much as they seem to bother other critics of WoT (and in fact, I have a polyamorous relationship in one of my fantasy stories) but the fact that the others can sense when Rand is having sex and the… passion that they sense on his behalf is a bit invasive to me to the other characters. Makes me cringe a bit. Like yeah, sure, y’all are best friends and sisters and all, and yeah, sure, you loooove Rand, but close enough to be alright with feeling the emotions of the others while having sex? I don’t know, that’s a bit too close in my opinion. Guess they all adore Rand that much. Not to mention how strange it is, the eagerness that all these women have to bear the children of Rand. All of them want his babies. All of them. A whole harem of ladies. Hell, I think Aviendha is said at one point to carry four of Rand’s kids at the same time. That is crazy. It’s just the slightest bit strange. Would almost call it a bit of wish fulfillment on part of Jordan, because what? Aviendha is carrying this guy’s four big ole kids in her womb at the same time? I think Elayne already is pregnant as well! Very weird. Love makes ya do crazy things I guess. Not to mention that Rand is bonded to literally four other women, it gets a bit convoluted. Was there any reason he had to be bonded to so many women? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.

#4. At least the characters are fun and well-realized. Which is both a “hurray” moment and a “duh” moment, because hurray that the characters are fun and well-realized, but also duh, because if they aren’t fleshed out at this point then I don’t know what Jordan is doing. Don’t really remember what Perrin was doing so I don’t care. This is the first time I’ve actually enjoyed Mat. I even kinda laughed at one of his jokes. It was me exhaling through my nostrils, the slightest bit humoured, with a smile on my lips, but I’m feeling merciful after my rant, so I’ll count it as laughter. Also, isn’t the whole Mat and Tuon love story technically Stockholm syndrome? He kidnapped her.

This interaction between Birgitte and Aviendha as well was pretty humorous:

“You’d think she was the bloody queen here,” Birgitte muttered. [talking about Elayne, who actually is the bloody queen there lol]
“She is the one who is overproud, Birgitte Trahelion,” Aviendha grumbled. “As proud as a Shaido with one goat.” They nodded at one another in perfect agreement.

Reading that, after some pages of slight bickering between Birgitte and Aviendha, was quite funny. You just need to read it in the book to get it.

This book, in my humble opinion, only has one really powerful, memorable, stand-out moment, that being when Rand and Nynaeve Healed the male half of the Source, and that happens literally 97 percent into the book. Was actually one of the things I hadn’t been spoiled on. And it does have a lot of implications and impact to the later parts of the series, so I’m excited and joyful for that.

Listen. I’m not saying that I hate this book (even though my tone might seem like I do, I don’t). I’m rather disappointed and very, exceedingly irritated. I was, in the beginning, enjoying it. Thought it was pretty solid. I know, I know, not much happens, but the plot developments with the subplots and then the world developments, the implications that certain revelations have over this universe were interesting enough to keep me engaged. I loved having the Seanchan become more important in this series and more of a powerful, abrasive force. But then this book just kept going, while, ironically, events didn’t. The book kept going, but the narrative was still stagnating.

You see what happens is the books are boring in the beginning, and I forgive them of that, because I understand things might be slow. But then Jordan decides punish the reader, to continue to have things be incredibly slow and boring until 90% into the book (97% THIS TIME, I WILL NEVER LET THAT GO), which is when he decides that “oh, wait, I have to write a climax, and an actual ending” (the climaxes of the last couple books have always felt as if Jordan forgot he was supposed to do those and his editor reminded him a day before the due date, so he hastily scrapped something together).

I hope you understand my frustration. I hope it bleeds through the screen. Because I have become angry with these books. I miss the more well-written duels and battles of the other books. The Battle at Falme, the Battle at Rhuidean, Dumai’s Wells, the ending of Fires of Heaven… I miss them. They were so, so, so good. And I haven’t even gotten to the universally heralded “worst” book yet, which I don’t think I will review, just blaze through extremely quickly, skim through and finish, then act like it didn’t happen. I must rip off the bandaid. If I’m going to be forced to run over scorching hot coals of torture in order to get to the goodness at the end, then I’ll do it—but I’m gonna run over it. Again, don’t know if that allegory even made the slightest sense, but I hope you can forgive me, braincells have shut down after reading and writing this.

Overall, disappointed. And tired. My God this review too long. Think this might be the lengthiest, and probably my last one for eternity, since it sucked out my will to write any more.

Time for miscellaneous questions now:

Maybe I missed something, but if thirteen sisters can link together and shield a male channeler is that the same thing for a male Forsaken? Like is there any way a huge group of Aes Sedai can link and take on a Forsaken, or is that just impossible? Could have been answered, but I don’t remember if it was.

How and why do you write a book and make it so the climax of the story literally takes place at the 97% mark??? (I did enjoy though seeing the climax and seeing all these different people/characters reacting to what’s going on, especially since this was an occasion that I never thought would happen—cleansing saidin! Big event!)

Does anybody feel a bit tricked by the Goodreads synopsis of the book? It says, “and the man called Slayer stalks Tel’aran’rhiod and the wolfdream.” But we literally never get that entirely. We get maybe one instance where somebody suspicious looking is in the Unseen World, but it’s never a bit deal, never an actual threat. We barely even go into the Unseen World! We literally go like twice! I enjoyed getting back into Tel’aran’rhiod, we haven’t been here in a while, but it was so short. Not to mention that Perrin also barely has any time in the wolfdream, and doesn’t encounter anybody threatening or villainous there! I don’t know, very ticked off at the apparent baiting in the synopsis, because this “Slayer” dude is never mentioned, barely in the book, and isn’t even a threat. Side-eyeing you, whoever wrote that summary.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,541 followers
June 28, 2022
This happens to be one of my oddly favorites out of all the middle WoT books because it has a payoff that can't be denied.

We've been seeing Rand and the whole damn world get harder, crazier, and bleaker all this time. I mean, seriously dark. That's kinda the thing with Winter's Heart. It's the heart of winter for everyone, trying to put pieces back together or just consolidate what they can even while the rest falls apart. While the Seanchan solidifying their hold and the Asha'man dying in madness is really bad, what I love most about this book is how it shows off the tiny glimmers of light and hope in stark contrast.

Min, Aviendha, and Elayne, for example. They were sooooo cute and funny. So was Rand. It really wouldn't have been such a great scene without the contrast. But with it? I was laughing my ass off.

And Matt? I can't tell you how happy I am to keep reading him. Being that deep in enemy territory, playing a long game, only to have all the dice stop rolling... again, I laughed my ass off. Probably even more than Rand's little party. And it kept coming. I looooove Tuon. And her little Toy. Muahahahahaha

But when it comes to all the hard as steel moments, a special note should be made for the one scene, at the end, where the REAL healing begins. It's easily one of the best OMG what the hell did I just read moments in the whole series and/or any book. The special effects are nothing compared to the Forsaken going, "Uhhhh, WUT? Oh, hell no..." or the extended implications of how they almost BROKE THE WORLD or what the living hell Nynaeve actually did -- or wove.

Anyway. I knew what was coming because I've read this before, but EVERY SINGLE TIME, I bounced on my chair and freaked the hell out.

January 20, 2022
Slump? What slump? This book was great! Eventful, impactful for the series plot, and exciting, at least in the second half.

I have the perspective of having read this and the entire series before, long enough ago that many details are new again, and who can remember which major events took place in which book anyway. (It doesn't help that major arcs tend to span multiple books, preventing you from pinning them down to a single volume).

Two major arcs were largely self-contained here, to my surprise. Given the experience of the past several books, I had my doubts whether they would come to fruition. One cut it awfully close, cramming itself into the last chapter, providing a satisfying finale. But, I remain un-wowed about Jordan's ability to write complex action scenes. They're good, but they're not great.

One mini-rant is due. Given that the series revolves around the One Power and channeling, one might think that a major city, smack in the middle of Randland, a major trade destination and hub to many other major cities, in which channeling either saidin or saidar is impossible, just MIGHT have been mentioned before book 9.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,284 reviews8,900 followers
January 15, 2022
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

NOTICE: this reread is in preparation for finally biting the bullet and reading book 14. That means I HAVE NOT read book 14 yet. Please be mindful of this in the comments, both for me and for others who may or may not have progressed past this point in the series. Thank you.

There will be SPOILERS. I figure at this point in the series, the only people intelligently reading my reviews are fellow WoT veterans, so I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. I'll still spoiler tag any Game Changers, so if you are a first timer, fear not. BUT. If you prefer to be blind for a new (to you) installment, away with you. /with love.

For some reason, I got it into my head that this was the dreaded installment in which absolutely NOTHING worth mentioning happens, so I was pleasantly surprised, b/c no, it's not . . .

That would be the next one. *sighs*

WINTER'S HEART, however, runneth over with awesome, but before I get into that, I need to tell you that I LISTENED to the first half of the book on my way to and from my sister's wedding.

This is important b/c it's really fraking weird to switch from reading to listening to high fantasy.


I mean, WHUH. I did well enough with the main characters (b/c OCD and had long since looked up the correct pronunciations in the glossary), but the multitude of secondaries, especially the individuals in the various Aes Sedai factions . . . O_____O

Then there were all the regular words that I was shocked to discover I'd been saying incorrectly for, oh, I don't know, TWENTY YEARS.

For example, did you know that dais is a TWO syllable word that is pronounced [day-us]. Or that swathed is meant to be [swaythed]?

B/c I did not. *kicks aluminum can*

Then I got home and read the second half way faster than I could've listened.


1. First-sisters.

I think this is the fifth time I've read #9, so it's old hat to me, but I do remember thinking, "how in the blood and bloody ashes do Aiel become first-sisters?"

You either are or you aren't. Right?


You and your bestie can choose to become first-sisters (the equivalent of full-blooded siblings) by participating in a ceremony with Wise Ones. A ceremony in which you first compliment then insult said bestie, before hauling off and smacking the shit out of them--TWICE--and if after all of that you still want to be sisters for real, the Wise Ones use the One Power to simulate you and your soon-to-be sister's labor and birth.


But as weird as the whole birthing thing was, what came before it--the sharing what you thought to be each others greatest strength and weaknesses--was surprisingly affecting.

Maybe it was b/c I was listening instead of reading . . . but I cried. There. I said it. I bawled like the friggin' infants Aviendha and Elayne had believed themselves to be.

What of it?


2. Rand and Min/Elayne/Aviendha shenanigans.

First there's the triple Warder bond.

We've known all along that these three otherwise intelligent women (Elayne excepted, b/c HATE) are meant to share all that is the Dragon Reborn (*rolls eyes*), so bonding themselves to him was kind of inevitable.

Then there's which is just one more reason to loathe her, b/c irresponsible and self-indulgent and I HATE HER.

In that same vein, how stressful is it that ] *edvard munch face*

3. Demandred/Taim--same or not the same?

NOT the same, as it turns out:

“Kill him,” Demandred had commanded later, but he had added that it would be better they died than let themselves be discovered again. By anyone, even the M’Hael, as if he did not know of Taim’s order.

By itself, Kisman's ruminations weren't enough to cinch it for me. Forsaken are tricksy, and it could've been a ploy to throw others off the scent.

But there's also this:

Abruptly the old man stopped and thrust out his hand straight toward Demandred, and Demandred found himself frantically fending off a net of saidin that struck his warding much harder than it should have, as hard as his own spinning would. That tottering old man was an Asha’man!

No way could Demandred be masquerading at Mazrim Taim and not recognize Damer-effing-Flinn.

So who the bloody hell is he? *flares nostrils*

4. Male a'dam NOT at the bottom of the sea.

Not much to say about that beyond it's BAD.

5. and 6. are too big to not be completely spoiler tagged, so:

Both of which are HUGE and cause for celebration. *throws confetti in the air*

Misc. questions raised:

1. What did Verin do to get banned from Far Madding?

2. What's so special about Sea Folk sextants?

3. Seriously, what is the deal with Isam/Luc? Dude is FREAKY. I mean, we found out he was the one who killed the Black Sisters in the Stone AND the Gray Man in the White Tower, and we learned this immediately after his failed attempt to kill Lan and Nynaeve . . . His failed attempt where he materialized into the room . . . from Tel'aran'rhiod?

Is that the deal? He is become what all the don't-enter/leave-the-world-of-dreams-while-awake warnings are about?

Whatever. He/They give me the CREEPS.

4. Ogier Gardeners in the Seanchan Deathwatch Guard.

So you know how Loial is always talking about putting "too long a handle" on his axe? How about all the times various Ogier have knowingly said the price of violence was too high?


And another contingent of the Guards had taken up residence in the city, too, Ogier, of all things, in the red-and-black. Sometimes they patrolled with the others, and sometimes they wandered about with their long-handled axes on their shoulders.

Are the Gardeners of what they speak? Did they sail away with Hawkwing and never return? Did they survive away from the stedding b/c they lost some essential part of themselves?

5. Is Egeanin's mother still alive? B/c Hand of the Empress (may she live forever) at Sea sounds like kind of a Big Deal.

And that's the whole of it. Obviously, I love this series and I think you should read it.

Jessica Signature

My other reviews for this series:

The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan
The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time, #2) by Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time, #3) by Robert Jordan
The Shadow Rising (Wheel of Time, #4) by Robert Jordan
The Fires of Heaven (Wheel of Time, #5) by Robert Jordan
Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time, #6) by Robert Jordan
A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time, #7) by Robert Jordan
The Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time, #8) by Robert Jordan
Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time, #10) by Robert Jordan
New Spring (Wheel of Time, #0) by Robert Jordan
Profile Image for Maryam.
826 reviews235 followers
May 26, 2023

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Rand loves three women and they are okay with it. This is one of the story points in this series that really bothers me. . To be honest, I don't think I can enjoy the whole series because of the way it treats women.

Having said that, this was by far the easiest book to read since there weren't many new characters introduced to the plot. It's often challenging to keep up with every single new character in each book. The storyline was somewhat straightforward, so I'm curious to see what Jordan has in store for me in the next book.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,225 reviews3,688 followers
June 28, 2022
In this 9th volume, Rand is getting colder and more detached from everyone.
Good thing he's on the run with Min and soon meeting up with Elayne and Avienda (and Nynaeve and Lan). The secret about the four of them wanting to be together is finally out and I think it was what Rand needed to be reminded of his humanity.
Meanwhile, Perrin is frantically trying to find a track that can lead him to his kidnapped wife.
And yes, we finally come back to Mat, too, who is in a Seanchan-occupied city and trying to escape. Which he does in the end - with a new addition to the band. And what a hilarious addition she is!

Much more important than the rough outline of the plot are the details though. Such as us getting proof of the corruption amongst the Ashaman (not really a spoiler anymore). Or the academies Rand has re-opened / strengthened in his attempt to leave something good permanently in the world for after he is dead and their various research projects / discoveries of past technology.

One of the greatest elements of the worldbuilding, here, was Far Madding - an entire city that has basically been turned into a Stedding (actually two inside each other) to protect the inhabitants from anyone channeling.
It is here where the proverbial shit really hit the fan and one of the most thrilling bits of the story happened.
Other examples of great events were that we finally not only see Lan indulging Nynaeve but are shown his still considerable skill with a blade!
Or that Cadsuane finally showed that she wasn't just a scheming old bitch but useful and on the right side (at least this once).
Naturally, THE best event that had me bouncing up and down on the couch was !
I'm not quite sure why . That Shadar Logoth .

Other than that, I certainly loved to discover quite a lot about Seanchan flora and fauna - most notably the raken! Can't wait to discover more thanks to Mat.

So yeah, this is definitely NOT one of the "dragging" volumes. Instead, it is full of movement (literally and figuratively speaking) and we finally get more actively used magic again. Especially what happened in Far Madding and Shadar Logoth was fantastic!

As for the characters, I'm not sure I buy the marital bliss between Nynaeve and Lan. It's ... weird. I mean, I'm happy they are finally together (of a sort), but the effect this has had is ... yeah, weird is the most appropriate word.
Then there are the Forsaken. I was beginning to be a bit disappointed in them, asking myself why they were considered such a huge obstacle before the battle against the Dark One so it was about time we saw more "action" from them as well.
Remember how I mentioned in my review of the last volume that I hoped Faile's abduction was the nudge Perrin needed in the right direction before the Last Battle? Well, I think he needs kicking rather than nudging, and lots of it. *sighs*
Most infuriating was Alana though. Cadsuane deserves to get slapped the way she likes to slap people, too, but Alana and her indignation about Rand being bonded to someone else was too much for me. I wanted to grab her by the hair and smack her head against the wall until her skull cracked. And no, unlike other people I don't pity the rapist one bit and never will, especially after she couldn't just admit her mistake and release Rand but felt entitled to him!

A really cool volume in the series. I hesitate to call it "better" than the last two as the purpose of the books is different, but yeah: I enjoyed myself much more while reading this.

Now, though, we are moving with ever-growing steps towards the end of the part of the series that was written by the original author. It's making me slightly nervous.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,018 reviews

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