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On a misty cliffside, mystery and romance await. . . .

Ivy Calhoun's life has been turned upside down. Her new stepdad has uprooted Ivy and her mom, bringing them to live in an actual castle in the misty Scottish countryside. There are stone-faced servants and shadowy corridors, and the ancient walls seem full of secrets. Ivy is at once frightened and intrigued.

Especially when she meets Logan, a gorgeous, elusive ghost who has haunted the castle grounds for decades. Ivy is immediately drawn to him . . . but Logan is not the only spirit around. Something dark and deadly is afoot, and soon Ivy finds herself in mortal danger.

Is Logan exactly what he seems? Could his mysterious past be tied to Ivy's present? And can Ivy stop herself from falling in love with him?

288 pages, Paperback

First published June 25, 2013

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About the author

Cindy Miles

27 books531 followers
Cindy Miles is the best-selling author of twelve novels, one anthology and three short stories. She also writes as Elle Jasper, and grew up on the salt marshes of the Vernon River in Savannah, Georgia.

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Profile Image for jv poore.
647 reviews240 followers
October 2, 2023
Ah, the quintessential love story. This is the Hershey’s chocolate bar. It is the song that makes you grin, pump up the volume and dance. It is, in a word, awesome.

Ripped from her home in sultry South Carolina to start a new life in an ancient Scottish castle, Ivy exhibits courage and strength as she grimly strives to accept her fate. This reader couldn’t help but fall in love with this spunky, violin-wielding character. She is pretty much everything I wanted to be as a teen-aged girl. Her admirable qualities include confidence, a remarkably open mind and a quiet, but unmistakable, resolve as she is forced to face unknown adversaries. Who doesn’t want to be a tough, cool chick with a huge (hidden) romantic streak?

Speaking of romance, enter Logan Munro. From the author’s amazing descriptions, I know he is no less than dreamy. With his rugged good looks, charming Scottish brogue and fierce loyalty and protectiveness towards Ivy, I fell for him immediately. Of course, life is never so simple. Despite the obvious attraction and compatibility, Logan and Ivy know that they can never be together, in a conventional sense. Ivy is alive and well and Logan is…………not. Being young, they don’t fight their feelings, they simply strive to accept the companionship that they can have…..at least for as long as Logan’s soul is lingering in limbo.

This unique relationship is not the biggest problem Ivy faces. The malevolent force that seemed determine to destroy her has shifted its focus to her beloved mother. Ivy must stop the evil quickly or she will lose her mom forever. Figuring out how to end the black madness is one thing; knowing that her success may cost her Logan is quite another.

With her enchanting words, Ms. Miles paints a gorgeous picture of Scotland and its magnificent architecture. Feeling emerged in the scenes, the story seemed to wrap around me….almost like falling into a dream. This is the only book that I can recall that warmed my heart as is simultaneously chilled me to the bone.

Sidebar regarding Labeling: I appreciate that this book falls into the Middle Grade genre, as it is most certainly appropriate for that age group; however, I fear that this limits the potential audience. I have celebrated my 40th birthday (and then some) and I often dig into very serious and heavy non-fiction, “adult-themed” books. This does not preclude me from enjoying a great story that is told amazingly well. Forevermore is such a story. Please, put the label aside and enjoy.

This review was written for Buried Under Books Blog.
Profile Image for Amber at Fall Into Books.
524 reviews72 followers
July 3, 2013
I went into Forevermore hoping for a cute and light read, and I was not disappointed. This novel is adorably sweet and touching. The characters are well-developed, the setting is amazing, and the world-building is top-notch. Miles is a wonderful writer, and the prose flowed nicely. The pacing is spot-on, and the plot kept me hooked until the very end. If you're looking for a light, happy, YA Paranormal Romance, then this book is for you.

Ivy is one of the most likable heroines I've ever read. She's not a brat, but she's strong and tough in her own way. Without the snark and without pushing people away, she shows an inner strength that is lacking in many YA novels. She's selfless and caring, and she fights for what she wants and what she believes in. I truly enjoyed reading from her perspective.

While the secondary characters are well-developed, I wish we could have gotten to know Logan a bit better. I mean I feel like I know who he is in the novel, but I wanted to know a bit about his past, too. I feel like we learned more about Emma, the BFF, than we did about Logan. However, Logan is also a strong character, from what I can tell, and he's not angsty and tortured like so many YA love interests. This was a refreshing change.

I absolutely loved the setting. I'm obsessed with Scotland, and Miles does an excellent job of describing the Highlands. I felt like I was there! The Scottish Highlands were almost another character in the novel, and I really liked that. Also, Miles' use of the Gaelic language and the description of the accents added to the environment. The world-building is also well-described and easy to understand, and the plot is intriguing. There is a bit of mystery and urgency throughout due to Elizabeth's hatred of Ivy and her subsequent actions. Ivy, unlike most teenagers, turns to adults for help, though. She leaves her family out of it, but she has adult and teenage friends, which I liked. As an only child, too, I can attest that most only children get along with adults as well as they do people their own age, normally. It seemed more realistic that she had friends who were grown-ups, and that she trusted them than it would have for her to handle everything on her own.

Overall I absolutely adored this book and would recommend it to anyone who wants to read a "feel good" novel that is set in an enchanting place. Forevermore is a great summer read and should not be missed!
Profile Image for Katherine.
797 reviews355 followers
October 26, 2019
”Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.”- Scottish Proverb

No matter how cheesy or corny this book is (and it's both, for those unfortunate souls who dislike one or both of these qualities),I can't help but love this book.There's just something about it that warms the cockles of my curmudgeonly heart and makes me smile. It's my go-to book if I'm in a reading slump or just want something to cheer me up.

Basically, it’s a little bit of this (Hot Scottish dudes from the 19th century!!)

With a dash of this (swoons and feels)
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But mainly a whole lot of this (adorableness up the ying yang)
 photo 4f58221267ae80aae8458a4f6218da7e_zpsn2kw7fqs.gif

And it is seriously adorable. ADORABLE. Like, 'I just saw the cutest wittle puppy' adorable.

Are the characters one-dimensional? Occasionally.

Is the dialogue cheesy? Yeah.

Is everything just a little too convenient for the plot? Probably.

Do I care? Nope.

Ivy Calhoun has just moved from sultry South Carolina to the desolate, sometimes unwelcoming Scottish Highlands after her mother weds a Scottish laird who just happens to live in a humungous castle. Homesick and missing her dead father, Ivy isn't so sure she'll like it here in this isolated location. Those feelings are magnified by her dislike for her mean old grandmother and the ghost of the teenage Logan Munro constantly telling her to go away. Gradually, Ivy begins to like her new home, and Logan warms up to her. Problem is, there is a spirit haunting the castle, and Logan doesn't know what the heck happened to him that caused him to be a ghost. Can Ivy solve the mystery?

Like I said, this book is just about the cutest thing I ever came across. It satisfied my Scottish craving and made me want to go to Scotland to buy my very own castle so I can (hopefully) have my very own ghost. The magic and lore in this book was interesting to read about, and everyone was just so damn likable it was a wee bit scary. Again, they were occasionally one-dimensional and some of the dialogue came off as very corny, but it didn't bother me enough to make a difference in my rating.

Another thing that I liked about it was the fact that the romance between Ivy and Logan never overshadowed the main plotline. Sure, it was a plotline in and of itself, but it never coincided with the main mystery, something truly appreciated by this girl. Not that I minded Ivy and Logan's extremely cute interactions. Every time they exchanged dialogue, I got the stupidest grin on my face.  photo 29a821229bf2de90afef88816772c109_zpseioleg3p.gif

And despite that, there was actually one thing that kind of bugged me (well, more like mystified me, but oh well). Throughout the novel is the fact that the author clearly thinks there’s such a thing as silver eyes.
”Ethan turns his silvery gaze towards me."

**Katherine, curious, Googles it. Gets nothing.**
”Logan looks at me with a glimmer in his silver eyes.”

**Katherine, thoroughly confused, looks on Wikipedia. Still gets nothing**
”The sheer wonderment in Logan’s silver eyes reflects the same in mine.”

**In sheer desperation, Katherine turns to Grey’s Anatomy to find out if there really is such a thing. Nothing. Nada. WHAT IS GOING ON?!!**
”He walks to Logan and looks down at him. Silver eyes meet silver eyes."

**Katherine finally gives up and resigns herself to the conclusions that either she is nuts or the author is nuts. Either way, she doubts that there is such a thing as silver eyes.**

What do you guys think? Is this just a fancy way of saying grey eyes?

So needless to say, I loved this book, despite it's flaws. If you love Scotland, Outlander, or want something ooey and gooey to enjoy, I highly recommend this book!

Just look out for rowan and those darn silver eyes!
Profile Image for ☠Kayla☠.
259 reviews125 followers
April 30, 2020
I wrote a review of this book before but I removed it from my want to read and ended up deleting it by accident. So I'm going to wrote a very short review on why I didn't like this book. Basically this book was very rushed and had no dept or detail. The writing was very rushed and it almost felt like the author really didn't want to write this book in the first place. I ended up DNF this because I felt if I kept pushing myself I was gonna go into a reading slump. This book just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Reem Alkhalaf.
258 reviews216 followers
August 4, 2017
بعد زواج والدتها انتقلت للعيش في قلعة يمتلكها زوج والدتها الثري بسكوتلندا، مكان جديد، دولة جديدة، مدرسة جديدة ربما هذا ما كانت تحتاجه بعد التغير الذي حصل لها بعد وفاة والدها، خسارة العديد من الأصدقاء حتى هي لم تعد كما كانت.

فور وصولها للقلعة تكتشف أمور يعجز العقل عن تصديقها، روح شريرة تحوم في القصر تسعى للتخلص منها ومن والدتها، وشبح تلتقي به لا تعلم من هو وما هي قصته وللأسف هو أيضاً لا يتذكر ما حدث معه.

تحاول آيفي أن تساعد لوقن "الشبح" ليعلم أو حتى يتذكر ما حدث له، هل ستكتشف قصته وتساعده أم ستمنعها الروح الشريرة من ذلك.

هذه القصة بإختصار ودون أي حرق للأحداث، الرواية جميلة جداً خصوصاً لمن يحب هذا النوع من الروايات، ستندمج معها وتشعر بالإثارة، لا تعتبر مخيفة وتندرج ضمن روايات ال young adult، وللأسف لا توجد لها ترجمة متوفره فقط باللغة الإنجليزية.
Profile Image for Jessica (Goldenfurpro).
902 reviews266 followers
October 25, 2015
This and other reviews can be found on The Psychotic Nerd

This isn't a new premise for me. I love ghosty books and I've read many where a main character moved to a new home and falls for a ghost. In fact, I've read a few that have also taken place in Scotland. Many of these books have a cheese factor to them, but this one actually takes on the plot very well and I found it very enjoyable!

Ivy's mom just remarried and her new stepfather is some kind of Scottish Lord, so they're whisked off to the Scottish countryside. Ivy doesn't know how to feel about it, but she wants her mom to be happy, though it's hard when her new grandmother seems to hate Ivy's guts. If only that were the worst of her problems. Ivy suspects that her knew home is haunted. Her stuff is floating everywhere and a voice keeps telling her get out. When she actually comes in contact with the ghost, Logan, she realizes that there's nothing to fear from hi and despite herself, she grows close. But there is something going on and Lucas may be involved, and both of them are in danger.

This book ultimately surprised me. I admit that I was expecting cheesiness. I already mentioned that many other ghosty YA romances are a bit too cheesy for my taste, but the cover and the synopsis didn't help. This book was not cheesy, it was actually very interesting and made a very interesting ghost story. It was much more complex than other paranormal romances. This sounds vague, but this book is a lot more than a ghosty love story!

As for characters, I felt like Ivy was a great MC. She wasn't whiny like some MCs and I overall liked her character. She has a definite personality and she's strong, in the more helpful way, not badass way like most MCs. She's also a musician, while I'm not a musician myself, I always like it when characters have a strong interest of talent. It makes them for more real. There were also a few side characters, like Emma, some of the castle staff, and others. I loved how these guys were on Ivy's side and were willing to help her and believe her.

As for romance, it's not insta-love, so don't look so fearful. The romance also is strong, but not entirely overpowering. Granted, I didn't particularly want Ivy to fall for Logan, because falling for a ghost is pretty much a doomed relationship, but it was okay. First of all, I actually kind of liked Logan. He was actually a pretty nice guy and he really cared for Ivy

I keep saying good things about this book, so you might be wondering "Why the low rating?" Well, to me, this is not a low rating. I liked this book, I enjoyed this book. It was an oddly fun ghosty mystery and I quickly breezed through! If you want to read a quick, but good, YA paranormal, this is a great book to pick up!
Profile Image for Liviania.
957 reviews76 followers
June 26, 2013
Honestly, it isn't that hard to get me to read a book. FOREVERMORE had me hooked from the back blurb and cover promising a Scottish castle and a ghost. Cindy Miles, an adult romance author making her YA debut, delivers everything one could hope from a Scottish castle-set ghost romance. It's good, cheesy fun.

Violin prodigy Ivy Calhoun moves with her mother to Glenmorrag, the home of her stepfather Niall. And Ivy isn't that opposed to Scotland (which, among other things, offers excellent music opportunities), but she doesn't really know Niall, his mother is a judgmental old lady, and a disembodied voice keeps telling her to leave. It's all a bit of a hostile home environment. As it turns out, the voice belongs to Logan Munro, who is just trying to save Ivy from a terrible fate.

One of the strengths of FOREVERMORE is Ivy and how she acts both sensibly and like a teenager trying to find her footing. She knows she can't just leave the castle given that she's sixteen and in a country she barely knows, so she sets out to solve the mystery of Logan's death. One of the main ways she does this is by talking to people. Classmates, servants, people who have been around and might know something. There's a real sense of Ivy becoming part of the community. At the same time, she doesn't talk to her mother and stepfather despite the fact they could be a real help - and possibly in danger themselves.

FOREVERMORE ties into one of Miles' adult novels, HIGHLAND KNIGHT, which is out of print but available as an ebook. I haven't read HIGHLAND KNIGHT, and it isn't necessary. I think it could've been integrated more smoothly, but I thought it was an interesting idea. I am down with a universe where time-traveling knights and cursed ghosts coexist. And it's fun to think that one day a crazy paranormal romance might apply to your life.

The biggest weakness of FOREVERMORE is the ending. Ivy gets one solution handed to her and stumbles across another and everything is solved with nary a trouble. In a more plot-driven paranormal I might not forgive it, but FOREVERMORE is first and foremost a romance. I enjoyed Ivy and Logan's relationship quite a bit. There is some development before they start liking each other. (Of course, Ivy instantly notices Logan is hot, but that's another animal.) But they trust each other and work together to fight the evil haunting Glenmorrag, which is important in a relationship.

I must admit that I'm also happy the cover models actually bear a resemblance to the characters. She has Ivy's blonde hair and pink streak! Overall, the cover is a great encapsulation of the contents. If you like romance, castles, ghosts, and music, I recommend picking up FOREVERMORE this summer. It's a quick, sweet read with good atmosphere and an engaging lead couple.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
123 reviews12 followers
July 11, 2013
I received Forevermore as an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Ivy and her mother step into a mysterious world when they move to Scotland to live with Ivy's new stepfather Niall. Immediately, Ivy senses that something is amiss, especially when her step-grandmother is less than pleased to meet her.

The setting of the book is unusual and really donates an air of mystery to the ghostly encounters that Ivy faces throughout the novel. Who doesn't love the idea of a gloomy castle, nestled atop a weather-worn cliffside? The author is also consistent in having characters stay true to their heritage and their language while speaking.

I feel that this book should be targeted at a younger audience on the YA scale, as the subject matter is fairly mild (perhaps innocent?) and doesn't have that "gritty" feel that many YA books maintain today. I would even dare to argue that 'Forevermore' is light reading that mainly delves into the personality of the MC Ivy while leaving supporting characters developed on a more shallow level.

If you like to read books that wrap themselves up nicely by the last page, you would likely appreciate this novel. I don't see how a sequel can be easily spawned from the first and expect that the author could develop the book more by writing about Logan's history in another novel instead of writing a continuation of the present.

The entire concept of the book itself is interesting and different and I cannot compare it directly to any other book that I have read. A ghost love story lends itself to the current fantasy trend, but stands alone in comparison to the many, many vampire/zombie books that have flooded the market.

Finally, I feel that this book deserves a 3.5/5 because it is written very fluently, however, it wasn't a novel that made me feel connected emotionally, beyond the simple pleasures of a sweet love story with a supernatural flair.

Read this review and others at:
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Profile Image for Katrina♡••.
409 reviews67 followers
October 25, 2015
It was so hard to rate this.3.5 stars There were some parts I loved and other times I felt as if I was eating a slice of pizza with extra cheese.

So Ivy is 16. Her mom remarries after her dad's death and they move to their new home in Scotland. It's more desolate and cold and their home is an ancient castle. On arrival, Ivy is threatened by an unseen force. She also meets one of the famous ghost, Logan,who was murdered about 200 years ago. He wants her to leave due to some old evil lurking but she promises to find out how he died in exchange for his protection. She falls in love
My daughter
I did not like the writing style.
I liked the ending, like a fairy tale. It was great because they lived happily ever after and here I was thinking Logan would vanish
One easy read but not too well written
Emma is great
Profile Image for Shoshana.
619 reviews52 followers
January 3, 2013
Solid 3-star. Fun to read, decent mystery and nice, non-aggravating romance. Always enjoy a stand-alone, too, though the resolution here felt too fast/too easy.
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 5 books29 followers
June 19, 2013
Amazon lists the target audience for this book as in the 12 and up range. I can see some points where it would be more to the younger end of that range, and some where it would reach to the older end of that range.

Let's talk about that cover. It is kind of eerie, creepy like, isn't it? But The blue eyes on Ivy, they reach right into the heart of the reader, touching on your soul and grabbing ahold of you.

This book was immediately fascinating to me. A book about an American girl who is transplanted to Scotland having to change her whole life? Kind of reminded me in a way of The Princess Diaries, to a point. But then, a castle that seems to be haunted, and the spirit boy who becomes somewhat of a forbidden love? I loved it.

I also have to say, kudos to the author for the Harry Potter references. I found those amusing.

The one thing I do have to say, though, is that the ending felt, well, rushed a bit to me. It felt like she needed to resolve it so that it didn't end up needing to be a series or require a sequel. But I could easily have seen the events dragged out a bit more and this book turned into more than just a stand alone. Don't get me wrong. I love a good stand alone novel every once in a while, too. But it felt like the resolution was, just, missing something. To this reader, it felt like the author was saying, "Okay, we are at almost 300 pages already, so let's get this wrapped up and move on." I think the ending fits, it just could have been, well, more.

For fans of the paranormal, or if you just need a good, sweet ghost story with a touch of romance, you may just enjoy this novel and it would be totally worth picking up.
Profile Image for Abbey V.
5 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2024
I’ve read this book a million times, and I love it!! I still cry when Logan “dies”. I think the author tells the story very well.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kay.
1,655 reviews13 followers
January 31, 2021
I went into this book with zero expectations & was super surprised how much I ended up liking it. This is absolutely a read in one sitting book! ...Ok, it's pretty short with large font, lol, but the writing is good, Ivy is a sympathetic character, and I don't know how Cindy Miles did it, but the whole introduction and then friendship turned crush turned love with a "ghost boy", Logan, somehow read way more natural than cringe. Sure it's still a bit cheesy and the book works in the plot's favor at every turn (in a "here are all your answers on a silver plate" kind of way), but it was still so easy to enjoy and easy to ignore the sillier/plot hole-y bits.

I don't usually read any ghost (or paranormal) stories/romance, but this was just fun and easy. My advice: Don't take this more seriously than it is & just enjoy the Scottish backdrop and ghost boy romance. ;)

4 stars!
Profile Image for Genieinachanelbottle.
364 reviews35 followers
April 7, 2016
‪‎1 Creepy Scottish Castle 1 Sassy American girl who loves 80's rock and 1 Drop dead sexy spirit = an Enchanting ghostly gorgeous read! I was hooked from page one full of fun characters dark mystery ‎forbidden love‬ suspense and sweet romance! Forevermore would make an awesome movie!!!

I absolutely love Ivy & Logan they have fiery chemistry that left me wanting more!!!

Ivy is fierce sassy and caring with a love for rock bands like Whitesnake! She not a damsel in distress who needs saving she fights for Logan!

Logan was devilishly funny protective and loving.. it was so beautiful when he would say he loved Ivy in Gaelic!

5 STARS ALL THE WAY Cindy Miles ROCKS Ordering Highland Knight NOW!!!

Profile Image for Leora Stangler.
24 reviews7 followers
May 28, 2023
A wonderful book filled with mystery and ghostly action. A must read for those who enjoy ghost stories with a shade of teen. I love it!
Profile Image for Sháy The Obscure Bookworm.
213 reviews18 followers
January 26, 2020
3 stars-

This was a re-read for me. Had it been the me that read it when it first came out, I probably would've rated it higher, I still like the story though. It was a fun, quick, and sweet read. I do, hoever, think that it is more aimed towards the younger spectrum of YA and that the ending could've been a bit... more.
Profile Image for Tarina.
4 reviews
November 4, 2023
I luv the plot twist this book has and this book was a really intriguing book I reccomend it to my friends I love the ending and wish I could read it all over again I love the mystery about Logan, the ring, the grandmother and many more love ur books Cindy Miles and would wish to read this one 100X again. Loved this book 5/5!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
June 5, 2019
Really cute and light read. Brought back feelings of young high school love and made me chuckle and blush. I'd recommend for anyone in middle school and older.
Profile Image for Mason Ryms.
18 reviews
March 14, 2024
I thought this was a really good book totally recommended, but they overshadowed the best character, the Crow!❤️
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
July 26, 2013
After Ivy's mother found love again with Niall MacAlister, a Scottish Laird, they married and Niall brought them back to his home country in Scotland where they actually get to live in an an old creepy castle on the Glenmorrag estate.
Complete with gargoyles, servants and screaming peacocks, Ivy knows she's not in Charleston anymore and while she's scared, she's also very much intrigued. Specially when she meets Logan Munro, the castle's resident ghost.They may have had a shaky start, but soon enough Ivy starts to care about him and wants to try to solve what happened to him centuries ago. But Logan isn't the only lingering spirit around and this one doesn't seem to have Ivy's best intentions at heart. Can Ivy and her new found friends solve the mysterious curse surrounding Glenmorrag castle and Logan Munro before it's to late? Or will Logan be lost forever along with Ivy's heart.

You know, I knew I always wanted to read Forevermore, but I never thought I'd love it the way I did, nor did I think it would be an instant favorite. Don't you just love when book do that?

This would be Cindy Miles first novel in the YA genre and the first book I've read by her, but it wont be my last. Miles writing is very smooth, clever and very strong. I loved how easily comfortable and absorbed I was while reading, losing myself within these pages from start to finish. What I loved about this book is that it's set in modern times but I felt like I was transported to a different time within the walls of Glenmorrag and around Scotland countryside. The atmosphere was thick and rich and filled with old magic you could taste. It was truly beautiful writing. I also thought it was rather cunning of Miles to bring in character from her adult books and adding them to the plot line. I've never read Highland Knight before, but hearing Amelia and Ethan's story in this book makes me want to run out and read it as soon as possible. It was a brilliant fit to Logan's own situation and provided the necessary explanation to piece together and support the plots concept, making it more plausible and exciting. It's true that the story line wasn't anything I haven't read before, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying Miles take on the supernatural good times. In fact, I couldn't seem to get enough and find myself wanting more.

There are so many great characters in this book and I loved every single one of them!
Ivy is a wonderfully put together protagonist. I loved her voice. I love that despite being out of her own skin in Scotland she puts on a brave front and goes with the flow to make her mom happy. It's refreshing from the usual bratty characters that I tend to find in these kind of reads. I love that she plays music and that it's apart of her and her connection with her father. She's also a fearless little thing and while she gets scared she's not afraid to confront the craziness around her.
Logan Munro isn't like most guys I find in my reads. He's from a different time and age where good manners and chivalry still exists, (warnings and haunting's, pushed aside). I found him to be such a lost and endearing character. My heart really goes out to him. Died at the age of eighteen with no memories of his life before and roaming the world for hundreds of years can be awfully lonely. The connection between Ivy and Logan and the romance was light, clean and very, very sweet. Totally hug-worthy stuff my friends.
There are also a list of amazing secondary characters that I grew quite attached to. Julia, Niall, Emma, Jonas, Ian, Serrus and last but not least, Amelia and Ethan. They all brought the perfect amount of awesome into the story line.

Bottom line, Forevermore is a charming and enchanting story that entwines ghostly mysteries and a tender romance that was a complete joy to read. The writing is fantastic, the setting was mystical and magical and these characters truly stole my heart. I simply can't wait to get a hold of Cindy Miles other books, it looks like she has a new fan. This book reads like a standalone but I hope that Miles continues to write more for the YA genre. This was just all kinds of fun! Loved!
Profile Image for Mollie!.
177 reviews13 followers
June 24, 2013
I received this as an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

First, this has nothing to do with the content: Can I just say that I love how the cover actually matches the book characters?? I AM SO TIRED OF YA COVERS SHOWING SOME RANDOM GIRL IN A RANDOM DRESS. That is definitely Ivy on the cover, so two thumbs up for someone finally getting this right!! Okay, moving on...

So, I might be totally biased: I have a thing for all things Scottish. Lairds, dreary ruins, sheep, you name it, I'll buy into it. Preferably soaked in plaid with a side of heather. When I breathe in, I want the air I expel to come out through a bagpipe.

So yes, I will jump on that boat to Scotland (as if you had any doubt anymore). And thank my bonny Scotsman that an ARC I received called Forevermore was a YA novel that takes place in a dreary Scottish castle. Featuring an American girl and a Scottish ghost, no less. Because I was getting tired of only reading Highland romances...except you can't really get tired of the things that you undeniably love.

So, Forevermore is not a book I would recommend to a high schooler. I miiiiiight not want to recommend this to a middle schooler. Then I remembered that I read the Lost in Time series in fifth grade and, well, as an advanced reader I have to look at this as unbiasedly as I can. So, even though I see this as a book for grades 5-8, who am I to say that someone in high school should probably not read it? Not everyone wants a super intensical romantical YA book sometimes. There are times when we all just want a quick puff of fresh air.
This book was short and fast, sweet and cute. Books like that are what I deem "lightly salted."
To sum the story up: Ivy is a girl who finds herself being dragged to Scotland by her mom and her new stepdad, Mr. Scottish Laird Hottie. I swear, I was more into the stepfather than the ghost. Anyway, so weird stuff starts happening and Ivy is confronted by a ghost named Logan, who has no clue how he became a ghost. The rest of the book is about Ivy falling in love with Logan (there's some very G-rated heart fluttering action here), making friends with this Scottish family that Logan is supposedly descended from, and solving the "mystery" behind Logan's death.

It's PRETTY OBVIOUS. I'm just going to throw that out there.
All in all, very predictable book with no real surprises or awesome love story. However, this was a quick, fun read that held my interest. It is by far higher up on my list of cutesy YA than a lot of the ARCs I have read over the year.

3.5 solid stars
84 reviews
September 8, 2013
I won this from the Goodreads Giveaway. Thank you to Goodreads and author for the chance to read this book.

Forevermore is a young adult book about a young sixteen year old girl, Ivy, who moves to Scotland with her mom and step-dad (who is a laird.) She gets to live in a castle that ends up being haunted. There is an evil spirit, but also a good spirit, Logan, who wonders the grounds. Logan is a ghost from 200 years ago whom Ivy befriends and falls in love with. Together they try to solve Logan's death to free him from his ghostly fate, all the while battling with an evil spirit in the house. The story is written in a sweet, clean matter, which might appeal to younger teens. Still, anyone who loves ghosts and Scottish settings might want to make this a light read.

The story is written in first person through Ivy's perspective. Ivy's dad died a little while back and since then, she has slowly withdrawn from her friends in the US. When her mom (a nurse) meets Niall (a laird from Scotland), they fall in love, marry, and move to Scotland – this is where the story begins. Ivy's new home is different from her Carolina home. The servants are very nice, but Niall's grandmother, Lady Elizabeth is not very welcoming. Despite Elizabeth's cold reception, Ivy finds some good friends at school, especially with Emma who helps her with the ghost situation. Logan is an eighteen year old spirit from 200 years ago. He knows there is something evil on the grounds and tries to get Ivy to leave. Obviously, she can't really leave, so they work together to try to solve the evil spirit and how he died.

One thing I liked about the story is the Scottish brogue in the dialogue (with explanations for newbies reading such things.) I love reading Scottish accents, so this was a plus in a young adult novel that I wasn't expecting. The story was interesting. Although I have read similar ideas of a young girl falling for a ghost, I liked the Scottish setting. (Yes, I am a sucker for Scotland.) I am an adult reading a young adult book – which I like to do as light reading. If I were reading the book as a younger version of myself, I would have given it 5 stars. All loose ends are tied up by the ends. I would have liked to see a little more time spent on the explanation of how the curse was placed in the book, but I won't say much more due to spoilers.

If you like young adult books and ghosts with a nice clean storyline, then you should try this book.
Profile Image for Stacy Sabala.
1,056 reviews3 followers
October 9, 2013
Book Review- Forevermore by Cindy Miles

I have read this author before and loved her stories. This YA did not disappoint. It’s a fabulous ghost story where Ivy moves to Scotland from South Carolina. Her mother married a Scottish Laird, Niall MacAllister, after her father died of cancer. Ivy has withdrawn into her depressed world and wonders if she will fit in. She arrives to find that her new step father’s grandmother, Lady Elizabeth, doesn’t want her there. In fact she is downright hostile. There is also a voice she hears that is telling her to leave. She tries to ignore both and fit into her new home and life.
The voice becomes more insistent and even causes her things to float through the air. Ivy is afraid and feels she is going crazy. She can’t tell her mom or Niall. Her fear grows. However on her first day at her new school, she meets Emma. Emma believes there are ghosts in the castle that Ivy lives in. Emma, immediately, becomes Ivy’s ally and best friend.
Once Ivy has her ally, she begins investigating. She learns that her life is in danger. She is shoved into the freezer and trapped. When the butler lets her out she sees Logan. Logan is the eighteen year old ghost who has been trying to scare her to leave. He knows that there is evil here and is trying to keep her safe. Since she can’t leave, he takes it upon himself to protect her. Ivy agrees to his help and is determined to find out why he is still here. The evil presence is determined to get rid of Ivy and her mother. They are outsiders and threaten the evil that resides in the castle. Ivy, Logan and Emma have to race against time to find what the cause of the evil is and how to get rid of it.
I really liked this book. The author revisits characters from her previous book and makes them a part of the storyline. That was fun for me. I also liked how the relationship between Ivy and Logan grew. The readers that this story is written for will really like how the story progresses and the love story. The ending is a great one. I give it 5 out of 5.

Profile Image for Terri.
152 reviews3 followers
September 4, 2013
I was ready to read this book after reading that it is about a ghost, love, and a scottish castle. I really adored the unique and interesting storyline of this book. It was an entertaining and enjoyable read. The author did a terrific job bringing this tale to life. The book flowed well and I was delighted by how the mystery and romance were blended together. I was trying to (along with Ivy) figure things out all the way to the very end. The foretelling was done well and it was fun getting those hints throughout the book. The ending was great and I am hoping to read more books like this, especially if they tie in with this one.

After her mother marries a scottish prince, violin genius, Ivy, is on her way to a new life in Scottland at Glenmorrag Castle. Here she meets Logan, a handsome ghost of a boy. When she arrives she is introduced to her new step father's grandmother, Lady Elizabeth, who doesn't seem to want her there. In fact she is unfriendly and cold, to the point of being malicious. Ivy also keeps hearing a voice telling her to leave. Yet, she attempts to ignore both and fit into her new home and life.

Ivy is a character that many others could learn a few things from. She doesn’t let anything knock her down and isn't afraid to fight for the people she loves. She is brave and doesn't let her past troubles distract her from what she wants. I appreciate how the author brought her emotions out and made them believable and relatable throughout the book.

Logan's character is interesting because, he's a ghost. Though his ghostlyness wasn’t overdone or cheesy. He was a credible character that had a deep impact in the book by adding to the drama and storyline. Without him the book wouldn’t have been as pleasurable. Though I wish I would have learned more about him and his past.

I would love to read more books by this author and will keep an eye out for them.
Profile Image for Catbookcrazy.
22 reviews
July 26, 2013
I have been a big fan of Cindy Mile's books for quite a while now, and was really looking forward to this one. And I was not disappointed!
This is the authors first YA book, and I feel that she did a very nice job with it. At it's heart, it is a very sweet love story, that just so happens to have some ghostly mystery thrown in.
It was pretty fast paced, but with wonderful detail. I also feel that this book is a good introduction to Scottish romance, simply for the fact that while the author used words for her Scottish characters like "verra (very), dunna (don't) and others, since Ivy is from America, it is also explained what those words mean, as well as giving a good Scottish feel to the book. I know when I first read a book that had Highlanders in it, I was doing a double take at what they were saying. So to have one that explains it is very nice to find.
Another couple of interesting things I found was that it was written in the present tense. This is the first book I've read by Cindy Miles that is like that. Made for an interesting read.
I also loved the fact that the author made a connection between this book, and her other book "Highland Knight". There may even be another connection with the book "Thirteen Chances" but I am not quite sure on that. The main character in that book shares the same name of a support character in this book. Both "Highland Knight" and "Thirteen Chances" are Adult Paranormal Romance.
Overall, I found this book to be a wonderful read and would recommend this book to anyone wanting a sweet love story with a paranormal twist, or even just a quick, enjoyable read.
I hope to see more YA books from Cindy Miles in the future. Well Done.
Profile Image for Asís González.
139 reviews16 followers
May 9, 2016
If you're looking for a fast-paced, short and cute paranormal romance, this might be just what you're looking for.

First I'll go into what I absolutely adored about this book, which for what I only need one word: Scotland.
If you know me at all, you know about my little super huge obsession with Scotland and this book is obviously set in there, and I freaking loved it so much because it captured perfectly everything about it. The atmosphere, the beautiful and magnificent places, the accent and the way they speak - mixed with the scottish music I was obviously listening to while reading - really transported me there. And for that alone the book made me fell for it, completely.
I really liked the characters - which is always a nice surprise -, and the main character herself was awesome.
Logan, well.... he's scottish, so I obviously loved him. A lot.
And I don't remember reading before a love story with a ghost. So that was nice.

I do feel though, that the story was really lacking. Everything felt too simple, there were no real problems and it was all way too easily resolved.
I also feel I needed more development in Logan/Ivy's relationship, and Niall/Ivy's relationship (from the very beginning I knew these two would be close eventually and that she would form a really sweet bond with her step-dad... but it wasn't enough).
Lastly, it didn't evoque enough emotion from me, at least not as much emotion as I wanted it to, 'cause I was really liking it and enjoying it. And the mystery scenes, or the scary scenes, or the love scenes, or the scenes where they made some huge discovery... none of them felt strong enough.

Not sure yet if I'll re-read this sometime.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,279 reviews49 followers
June 30, 2013
I ADORED this book. I have a soft spot for Scotland and Scottish guys so that immediately drew me in. I also firmly believe that there are not enough YA books about ghosts. I have read TWO really great series that were mainly about ghosts and that pales in comparison to the amount of Vampire and Werewolf YA books that exist.

This is Cindy Miles first YA books and I sincerely hope to see more from her in the near future. I can tell she is very passionate about her writing because her book drew me in and I felt the emotions that Ivy felt. I must admit that I did cry. I cried when Logan was gone and I cried when he came back. I do wish there was a tad more back story with Ivy's father and her life before Niall and Scotland. The love between Logan and Ivy is so innocent and heartfelt.

My favorite character has to be Jonas. He is pretty "in the know" for an older fellow. I really did not like Elizabeth. If I was Ivy I don't think I could have held my tongue. But Elizabeth's character did help with the drama in the book. And what is a book without drama? Emma was a great bestfriend character and Serrus was perfect for Emma.

I find it beautiful that the song in the end of the book is called "Forevermore". The title fits the book perfectly. I am so glad that Logan came back. I don't know what I would have done if the book had ended any differently.

In short I would say this book is emotional, haunting and riveting. This is definitely a book I am going to buy and read again!
Profile Image for Jess (the cozy reader).
654 reviews48 followers
May 22, 2016
It has been a while since I have read a good paranormal/romance. And of course me being obsessed with pretty covers couldn't help but be instantly attracted to this book. Once I delved in there was more to the story than I had realized. Not only filled just ghosts and romance, but also mystery, magic, the beautiful backdrop of Scotland, and Ivy's journey to finding happiness. This book was definitely a great find and I am glad I have it in my reading collection.

It has been just Ivy and her mom since Ivy's dad passed away. Until her mom meets a handsome Scottish Lord and suddenly Ivy is uprooted from everything she knew to a new and unfamiliar country. I definitely understood where Ivy's nervousness and hesitation was coming from, but her mother's newfound happiness is everything to Ivy. She truly is a caring and selfless individual in my eyes. In the castle she now calls home things are little uncomfortable with the new family, but there is also an unseen guest roaming the castle. Then there is a young man named Logan, who Ivy meets. He is surely charming, polite, and good looking, but he is also a ghost and has been haunting the castle for hundreds of years.

The bond between Ivy and Logan was very sweet and I enjoyed their interactions together. But there are certain things that aren't adding up around the castle, along with hidden long ago secrets, dark magic casted, and things took an unexpected turn I didn't see coming. But Cindy really pulled of a great ending.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 301 reviews

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