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A Paranormal's Love #1

Trill to Me Sweetly

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Maelgwn, leader of a clutch of gargoyles in Durango, Colorado, only planned to be in Stone Ridge a few days to help a fellow gargoyle’s mate through laying their first egg. His plan to leave changes when he scents his mate in the hospital. He discovers his mate is Bobby Truman, a human who has no idea the paranormal world exists, even though a number of his friends are shifters. Maelgwn begins the arduous process of watching and waiting, searching for that perfect opportunity to make contact with his mate.Bobby Truman is tired of his boyfriend, Seth’s, abusive friends, especially when Seth doesn’t do anything about their antics. The broken nose, compliments of Seth’s buddy Grant, is the final straw. When he’s attacked by muggers and rescued by a mysterious stranger in the dark, Bobby hopes it’s the opportunity he needs to make a clean break from Seth. Even if it doesn’t work out with Maelgwn, maybe Bobby can keep his new love interest’s attention long enough to prove to Seth they are really done.Bobby thinks it’s odd that Maelgwn won’t come into the light, always meeting him after dark, but he’s nowhere near prepared for the truth when it finally comes out. Can Maelgwn convince Bobby that the things that go bump in the night aren’t always bad and to take his place at Maelgwn’s side in a paranormal world? Even when that means uprooting his life and moving?

118 pages, ebook

First published February 1, 2013

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Charlie Richards

341 books834 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
March 3, 2019
This was a cute mate story with a little action. And what's not to love about a gargoyle shifter! I'm going to go back and find Gus and Tible's book. I want to read their story. But god save me from the use of the words "chute" and "stalk". There's nothing sexy or romantic about those words.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,197 reviews332 followers
March 2, 2013
I like Ms Richards paranormal stories, they are a good reliable read, and she has some very unique shifters and in this story a gargoyle. It's a typical mate/human/lust/bond/danger/HEA/ the next one please/ kind of story.
Mal ( I can't remember his longer name) found his mate when he was in Stone Ridge helping one of his clutch lay an egg. ( Yes, male gargoyles can have babies..um..eggs with their mates, but birth control is as easy as eating 2 spoon full of cinnamon a day, that part I'm jealous of;))
The problem is his mate ( Bobby)is human and doesn't know about paranormals, and add to that Bobby is in a relationship with Seth, who it turns out isn't as much of an ass as we are at first led to believe, but Seth's friends for some reason feel the need to hurt Bobby physically and Seth does nothing about it.
So Mal makes his move and courts Bobby, who soon discovers the paranormal world, of course Seth and his friends show up, bad vampires show up, all this leads to the action part of the story and I believe the set up for Seth and maybe the vamp for the next book?

Profile Image for Purplegirl .
345 reviews85 followers
February 9, 2013
I actually enjoyed this better than I thought. I read the Wolves of Stoneridge series and liked the addition of the gargoyles and was happy to see them get their own series. This book may have had more plot than the wolves. I think it was actually longer. At the end, I didn't have the 'Is that really the end?' feeling. It had the early mating but it had a little bit of action. Overall, it was a good spin-off.
Profile Image for Hc.
2,341 reviews34 followers
December 14, 2015
Cool that we got another gargoyle story.. BUT
I didn't like that Bobby was constantly getting pushed around and hit by his (soon to be ex) boyfriend's friends.. really? and Seth didn't notice any of this and didn't stick up for Bobby? Then, later when Seth comes to warn Bobby that his friends might try something and gets mixed up in a paranormal fight, we are supposed to believe he's really not a bad guy? Hard time swallowing that someone so... obtuse to his friend's treatment of his boyfriend is actually a decent guy.

Plus the major action starts about half way through after Bobby moves to Connecticut where Mal's clutch is.

Ok story.. just wondering where it's headed, considering the series title is A Paranormal's Love... Different paranormals coming into the clutch? Seth maybe getting a vamp mate or some other paranormal? Or maybe the Adalric (vamp) finding his mate? For a vamp he seemed like a good guy.. I think the next story will tell the tale on whether i choose to continue or not
Profile Image for Adrienne -kocham czytać-.
688 reviews62 followers
January 13, 2015
Two stars because it is so freaking funny how bad this was. Not just that it hits every cliché in these sub genres (shifters, fate-destined mates, insta-love and -lust, etc.), but that the writing itself made me laugh my butt off and was so unoriginal. Plus it needs editing.

Also, this story felt like it opened into the middle of an already ongoing story--which technically it did--so maybe it shouldn't be labeled as the start of a new series, or at least have more background information, including how these two met, which I assume is another book from Richards' earlier shifter series.

So basically, I was confused at the beginning, felt like I was missing out on info, then laughing my way through the rest. Was it worth the money? No, probably not. Would I recommend this? Nope.
Profile Image for AliciaJ.
1,330 reviews107 followers
August 13, 2017
I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started this one. It's probably not one I would have chosen for myself, so I'm so glad it got picked for me. What a sweet story. I was totally charmed by Bobby and his gargoyle lover/mate Maelgwn. I'm definitely going to be looking for more by this author.
Profile Image for Sumire-chan.
42 reviews
July 15, 2015
I would have appreciated a warning about the male pregnancy, ruins a good story every time. I really liked the beginning, what a shame.
Profile Image for Pete W.
518 reviews30 followers
February 3, 2013
The first half was rather dulled with almost non-stop sex scenes and the usual attempted at they must have sex to further to plot.

I liked the second half better since things happens and we got some action that wasn't in the bedroom.
Profile Image for Sadonna.
2,653 reviews46 followers
February 6, 2013
GARGOYLES! I love this twist and I'm happy Bobby got a mate and isn't being hurt any more. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to see Tible and Gus again and I can't wait 'til we get a book that has their big event!
Profile Image for Lyndac.
1,054 reviews52 followers
January 12, 2024
This was a well written paranormal story with great characters and world building. Hated to see Bobby getting pushed around without Seth doing anything about it. Looks like Seth will be continuing in the series, so I hope he can change his outlook.
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,029 reviews233 followers
December 4, 2015
3.5 stars

The bad guy wore a cloak?

This weird guy who rescued him and wouldn't show his face would freak me out even more than the muggers I think.

Why would he take his own laptop to a cyber cafe?

Dire peril, violence, needing and then getting rescued and he's battered. I love it. There's something wrong with me.

When someone faints, you need to wake them up. They're not simply sleeping. There could be something seriously wrong, damage, they could have injured themselves in the fall, not to mention that you need to find out why they fainted. It could have been a brain injury.

Well that sex was different. Cool. I must be ignorant about docking because I thought you had to face each other. I suppose it's time for research! All for the pursuit of knowledge of course, not for anything else, no of course not... :) Okay, can't find any porn with docking that they're not facing each other, but you know, more research doesn't hurt, and if I'm sidetracked by other research, you know it's all for the purpose of my writing. (And I've had fans tell me my sex scenes are hot! Must be all that research. So I must continue.)

Argh. I hate when gay characters say they thought they couldn't have kids. I have kids, and I'm single, and have never given birth.

Bobby is taking the change part of it too calmly. He's going to move to another state the next day. He's commuting for life (although Maelgwn didn't really explain that). He takes the fact that he's going to live thousands of years in stride. This is only the third time they've met and the first he's seen the Gargoyle.

He's a jerk for not giving two weeks notice.

That watching him nonstop thing is kind of creepy. Yet he was horrified that his ex and his ex's friend stopped by his apartment when the reason they did so was that he didn't answer his phone and the ex was worried. (The ex was great for everything but that the ex allowed his friends to be asses to him.) His excuse for not returning the calls to say he was okay was that they were broken up which is also rude as well as mean because the break was very sudden and the ex didn't even understand why.

Butterfly kisses on lips is weird. The fact that all her characters do it makes me think she doesn't know what they are.

Yeah. She has one of those vacuum sealed bottles that she uses regularly but when it needs washing, she just rinses it because she wants to continue using it. So yeah, that would be awesome. Ick.

Three weeks from starting to apply for skilled jobs to an interview is actually quite fast, especially in small communities where there aren't as many jobs available in each field.

Cool that his mate is fine with him working outside the home. In shifter books, that's not so common.

Iced tea has lots of caffeine too.

The vegetarian thing was funny.

This is exactly the same scene from another series but one she doesn't write. That was an odd deja vu kind of thing till I figured it out.

The gargoyles are different, but except for the not being able to look human until mated, they're pretty much exactly the same as shifters. Oh wait, they are shifters since they shift but the book is differentiating them.

There was some good peril but as always it wasn't long enough and the medical part was missing.

Profile Image for Dylan St. Jaymes.
201 reviews10 followers
July 31, 2015
I've been waiting for Bobby to get a happily ever after since he was introduced so I was super happy to see him as one of the MC's for this story. This was a really good short and I liked the way it fit into the Wolves of Stone Ridge series but had enough of it's own plot and world building to stand alone.

This book DID hit a nerve for me though so incoming rant :
Profile Image for Jab Forbes.
41 reviews1 follower
September 24, 2017
Two alright stories incomplete

This book felt less coherent than most of the authors works. Most have straightforward, if simple, plots and this did, as well. However the shift from Stone Ridge to the Clutches estate felt like two separate stories merged, and not well.
Having said that, it is nice for new group of characters to be introduced.
Finally, I think it's time it was said. The author needs to can it on the sexism. I hope i never have to read another comment where the protagonist insists he "doesn't need help" because "he's not a girl" or "girls like silly things like florals and not cool manly things! Hah, girls. Best to avoid them cuz girls are icky." It's gotten really old, really fast. The author presumably knows that women are every bit as complex, capable, and important as men, so I'm not sure why the few women are always being dismissed and derided by the PoV men. Even the women who are treated well, are generally just one-note, and there to be caretakers.
Profile Image for Angela.
143 reviews6 followers
April 15, 2013
I was surprised to find this spin-off of the Wolves of Stone Ridge Gustav's Gargoyle Adventure. This book deals with the other gargoyle we meet in Gus's story, Maelgwn. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and am looking forward to the next. I did have a a problem with it though.


-Easy acceptance of all things paranormal.
Bobby was way too accepting for someone who believed nothing in the paranormal or interested in it. He was shocked and then suddenly was ready to be whisked away to another city with his inhuman lover.


-Easily likable characters.
-The extended characters were interesting and had me primed to read the next in this new series.
-The lore is fresh and not confusing to grasp the world they live in.

Profile Image for Asha.
17 reviews
March 20, 2013
Books like these are the reason why I don't read any f/m romances anymore..

Bobby is sweet but nothing more than a damsel in distress who has to be rescued - aaaaallllllllllll the time... Really, the only difference between Bobby and a woman is his cock... I mean, can he even take a shit without someone holding his hand?

Males giving birth to eggs? Really? Doooo? -.-

This book is a waste of money and time...

At least Bobby isn't a f**ing virgin...

The idea about gargoyles was not bad, and I really hope some other writers will give it a try, but I'll never read any book by this author again...
Profile Image for Mitya.
146 reviews
March 19, 2015
I'm so tired of paranormal books that are insta-love, all-sex, little-to-no story to make me care. There's so much potential in a concept like mates... and it's always wasted on the aforementioned.

Other things that bothered me: oh, no, sex on the first date would make me slut /sigh. He doesn't want to be seen as a pussy -_- And 'The African American', that was charming.

I'm sad, because I went through the blurbs for all of them and they all sounded like so much fun. But if they're all gonna be like this, then what's the point?
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
July 11, 2015
I can't help but laugh at myself because I seriously cannot get enough of Richards' basic, predictable romances. These are perfect when you're looking for something with low angst and a lot of sweetener. Something I'm in the mood for now since I just read a book where the heroine's beloved husband died. I promised myself I wouldn't buy another Richards book until next week, but screw that. Right now, I need her particular brand of fluff.
Profile Image for Theresa.
3,372 reviews
September 28, 2015
Not stand alone. Dependent upon the Wolves of Stoneridge series.

Bobby's ex Seth was controlling and knowingly allowed his friends to physically abuse Bobby. I did not like how Bobby continued to be a victim without boundaries and instantly forgave Seth since Seth did not physically hurt him. Yeah right!!!!!
Profile Image for Laura.
1,032 reviews6 followers
June 19, 2022
Das war ein echt gutes Buch. Mir gefällt die Geschichte sehr gut. Spannung, Drama, Liebe, Gefährten und explizite Szenen. Eine perfekte Mischung für eine paranormale Story. Liest sich flüssig und nicht langweilig. Lesenswert⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Nikko.
767 reviews11 followers
February 6, 2013
It was nice... but I just don't like stories where you broke off your current relationship just to be with someone else even though that person is your mate..
January 24, 2022
Ich bin voll angefixt.

Ich liebe Gargoyles. Auch wenn ich viele Wesen der Fantasy-Welt mag, sind die Lederhäutigen meine Top ONE.
Ich finde, dass es zu wenige Bücher mit den steinernen Wesen gibt, oder habe ich sie einfach noch nicht entdeckt?
Dieses Buch hatte alles, was ich gerne lese – Beschützer, Liebe, Spannung und es war Hot.
Maelgwn – eine Naturgewalt und im Herzen so weich für seinen Gefährten. *hachmach*
Bobby war perfekt für ihn und ein richtiger Schnuggl.
Man kann der Story gut folgen, ohne die Übersicht zu verlieren, ohne Anleitung oder das der Kopf anfängt zu rauchen. Sie könnte ein bisschen mehr Emotionen oder Tiefe vertragen, damit der Leser noch mehr Leiden und mitfiebern muss. Wer weiß, vielleicht kommt das in den nächsten Bänden. Meine Neugier ist jedenfalls mehr als geweckt.
Mich hat die Reihe ‚Paranormal verliebt‘ mit inzwischen 20 Bänden infiziert.
Diese Spin-off Serie kann unabhängig von „Die Wölfe von Stone Ridge“ gelesen werden, man sollte sich allerdings an die Reihenfolge halten.
Es tauchen immer wieder Charaktere der anderen Serie auf, aber die Zusammenhänge sind verständlich gelöst. Sie verleiten allerdings auch dazu, die Wolf-Serie lesen zu wollen. *lach

Klare Leseempfehlung für alle, die Geschichten mit Wandlern und Gefährten lieben.

Profile Image for Danis  ❤️ MM.
563 reviews5 followers
October 29, 2023
Gargoyle meets human man. Twinky human is his fated mate. BAM, and we're done with the story. No really. That's all there is to this one. It's maybe a 2.7 stars, but I rounded up because I'm feeling generous at the moment and just ate a fully loaded sandwich so am no longer hangry.

There's some typos. And weird sentence structure where I can't tell who's talking. And odd scenes like Bobby, the human, agreeing to a picnic (in the middle of Winter, in COLORADO). While his gargoyle man stays hidden in the shadows cause Bobby doesn't know he's a gargoyle (ya, know, lots of normal guys invite their dates to a snowy picnic and refuse to be seen during said picnic).

I did realize as I read on that I probably should have read the Wolves of Stone Ridge first, as it appears that's a precursor series. I have read this author before. And would advise if you can read this for free (as I did through my HOOPLA account), go for it. I don't recommend buying . I think you can get some of this authors' work on Scribd if you have a subscription too.
Profile Image for DC.
960 reviews3 followers
November 3, 2017
Oh! Gargoyles! Yes! But so cheesy and cliche. I really didn’t know what to make of Bobby and his relationship with Seth. His severe injuries at the hands of Seth’s friends and then Seth’s explanation at the end made no sense. I liked Maelgwn and could easily imagine him as this hunky beast...yum, but his relationship with Bobby seemed forced and disingenuous. There were quite a few grammatical errors and incorrect word use (e.g. here vice hear). And the whole angst scene...Bobby just finished an interview so it couldn’t possibly be too late in the day and a short time later there is a major battle between vampires and gargoyles in an alley behind the diner and they’re worried that perhaps humans MIGHT hear something! I could nitpick further but I won’t. Read with an open mind and enjoy it for what it is.
Profile Image for SophiaH.
553 reviews7 followers
May 3, 2023
Short, sweet, insta-love/lust. Most revolves around them lusting for one another instead of other plot points. I don't know why but for me it always sounds so dramatic when authors write a person saying stuff like: "I don't like the idea of sitting around doing nothing", he declared.
Do you also have a mental picture of a teenager sitting tall and straight in a chair at the table with his nose high up in the air? The same with the word giggle. I immediately picture a schoolgirl with pigtails. There are some other words, but I don't want to start ranting. (chute *cough 😅)

Still, I can't stop reading. Its like chips, you can't just eat the one and stop.
Profile Image for Jude.
954 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2024
reread - While each of these stories is an interesting short story or novella, each in their own little series, they become much more if they are read in the suggested reading order by Charlie Richards as a whole. https://charlie-richards.com/reading-...
While they are still not a 5/5, at least they become a bit more than okay and are much more interesting as characters mesh across and around individual series. Individually they are a 3/5 so that is where I mark them.
Profile Image for  ☔️ Stormy Day Reader .
1,162 reviews42 followers
June 5, 2021
This one seemed a lot longer than the Wolves of Stone Ridge and Kontra’s Menagerie series books have been. It actually felt more complete.

I’m really happy that Bobby finally got his HEA. I’ve always held a soft spot for him since Lyle broke up with him in Finding Balance.
Profile Image for Tj.
2,225 reviews67 followers
January 30, 2023
Sweet but way to short and rushed. I wish that there had been more depth to the characters and everything that happened wasn't so rushed. This was one of those "fluffy" stories I just can't seem to get enough of though.
Profile Image for Gabbi.
395 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2013

3.25 Kisses!

A Gargoyle as a hero? Really? Was the first thing I thought when I read the blurb of this book. Of course, I was immediately intrigued by the thought of a stone statue that rests outside of buildings being a romantic hero, so I had to read and review, Trill to Me Sweetly by Charlie Richards.

I’ve read several books by Ms. Richards and I’ve enjoyed them all. I like the way she gets to the heart and soul of her characters and enjoy the often creative worlds she writes. She’s one of those authors that I allow plenty of time to read undisturbed. I know once I read a book by her, I’m going to want to finish it in one sitting. Since the blurb does an outstanding job at describing the gist of the book, I won’t get into it too much. I will say that I liked both heroes and enjoyed reading their story.

Bobby is a sweet man who is stuck in an abusive relationship. This changes once he meets the mysterious Maelgwn. For once he’s appreciated and loved for who he is and this is something new and exciting for him. I liked him as a hero and if I ever met someone like him as a person in my real everyday life, I’d probably like him too. But, I do think he was a little bit of a pushover at times. I had the mixed feelings of either wanting to hug and protect him or wanting him to grow a little more of a backbone when it came to his relationship with his ex-boyfriend. Because I do know that there are so many people who are abused are afraid to stand up for themselves and are probably more forgiving than others, I was able to try and understand where he was coming from. I did love him and Maelgwn together and enjoyed watching them fall in love.

Maelgwn is a very likeable, honorable and uniquely sexy character. I enjoyed his fierce protective streak he had for Bobby, as well as his unconditional support and love he had for his mate. It’s because of Maelgwn’s love and devotion that Bobby is able to find the strength and believe in love again. Who wouldn’t love a man like that?

Trill to Me Sweetly is a romantic and sweet book that left me with a smile on my face. It’s the first book in the Paranormal’s Love series and I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next book! If you are a fan of Ms. Richards and the idea of a sexy gargoyle as a hero intrigues you, then this is a great choice for you to consider.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews

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