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The Boy Who Came in from the Cold #1

The Boy Who Came In From the Cold

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Todd Burton has had enough of small-town Buckman. His abusive stepfather calls him a fag; his friend Austin makes him realize he may be gay, but Todd doesn’t want to admit his stepfather is right; and he dreams of being a chef. Three good reasons to flee his hometown and pursue greener pastures. But when Todd reaches the big city, his luck runs dry. Soon he can’t pay his rent and gets evicted. In the middle of a snowstorm.Gabe Richards is a wealthy businessman with enough wounds of his own to make him afraid of ever being intimate again. But when he sees Todd outside his building, freezing to death, he takes pity on him and takes him in from the cold.To their mutual surprise, Todd and Gabe find themselves drawn to each other. “One night” turns into a week. Maybe letting a man in from the cold can melt the ice around Gabe’s heart—and maybe getting evicted will turn Todd’s luck around.

284 pages, ebook

First published May 28, 2013

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About the author

B.G. Thomas

68 books236 followers
B.G. Thomas lives in Kansas City with his husband for nearly fifteen years and was legally married in 2014. Ehey have a fabulous little dog, Sarah Jane. He sees his wonderful daughter just often enough to miss her when she isn't there! He has a romantic soul and is extraordinarily lucky to have many friends.
He loves science fiction & fantasy, horror, romance and more, has gone to SF&F conventions his entire adult life, and been lucky enough to meet many of his favorite writers. He is a “Star Trek” and Joss Whedon fan from way back!
He has written all his life, it is where he finds his joy. In the 90’s, he wrote for gay magazines, but stopped because they wanted him to cut out story and romance, and write only sex.
Then through a few friends, he discovered the growing market of M/M Romance and was thrilled beyond words. FINALLY, a way to write the stories he always wanted to write. Adventure, romantic comedy, science fiction, and more, but with gay characters. And he wouldn't have to fade to black! People wanted to read the erotic as well. Plot and sex! HURRAY!
B.G. Thomas very much believes in The Law of Attraction and that "thoughts become things." A lot of things all started happening at once. He heard the words, "Leap, and the net will appear," and something re-kindled inside. He sent out a story and was thrilled when it was almost immediately accepted.
He believes that we are divine expressions of the Universe, each and everyone. "It is never too late!,” he states. “Pursue your dreams! They will come true!"

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 reviews
Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,129 followers
March 3, 2014
Autoimmune response.

One friend described this as refreshingly male; another said it worked for her as if it were a virus that somehow infected her without triggering any antibodies.

Me? I was Mr. T-cell from page one.

Odd ruminations on how expensive things are; clumsy interjections from POV subconscious thought—what are you, a queer?; baffling motivations; the word 'shitfire' four times on the same page; head-hopping in the same chapter; grating female characters; logic-fails and dafuqery throughout; a big beefy muscle head who goes to bed naked under an oversized nightshirt like a slutty cheerleader at a sleepover in a porno inspired by a John Hughes film.

I wanted to like this.

My body was not ready.
Profile Image for Rick.
Author 117 books1,042 followers
June 14, 2013
If you're looking for the perfect m/m romance, look no further than THE BOY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD. It has everything a true fan of the genre could want--a ton of heart, a dash of angst, and pure emotion that will drive you effortlessly toward laughter and tears. BG Thomas has crafted realistic, conflicted, and genuinely sympathetic characters that you can't help but come to love...and root for. Although the story is simple, it is never simplistic, and it will resonate with you long after you read its final--and very moving--last pages.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,168 followers
May 31, 2013
For some reason I just adored this book.

The storyline has been compressed so that a year's worth of plot takes place in a week, but somehow the attention paid to characterization means I can let that slide. When we get to the sex it's incredibly joyous and triumphant. There's the happiest of HEAs: it's akin to an m/m fairytale.

This is one of those books where I have no antibodies for its flaws and it just glides straight through and infects my happy.

All warm snuggly love and delicious food.

4.5 rounded up.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,197 reviews332 followers
May 27, 2013


I love the hurt-comfort theme and the Cinderfella storyline, so reading the blurb for this one, I just couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

Todd was raised in a very small town, by a mean, belittling and abusive step-father and a seemingly disinterested and neglectful mother.
His best friend from childhood Joan became his girlfriend, because that just seemed how it was supposed to be, but he never quite understood the thrill of sex that all the other boys bragged about. A situation with his best friend Austin gave him the final push he needed to leave all that behind and go after his dream of becoming a chef.

Things don't work out and like the title says, he is literally out in the cold, freezing in a blizzard. Gabe sees him, mistakes him for a hustler and despite a rocky start takes him into his apartment and his life. Soon a friendship begins that quickly turns into more.
There is a lot of inner musing from both of the men, but Todd especially, he is dealing with new and strange feelings and revelations and all the while hearing the vile voice of his step-father saying (“You a faggot or something?”) in his mind.
Comparing Gabe to Joan and all the differences between them, slowly understanding why he never got as excited with Joan as he should have and why he is very excited around Gabe.
I enjoyed watching Todd slowly 'get' it, realizing things about himself he probably knew all along, but fear and the prejudice he grew up with held him back.
His passion for cooking was great and his sense of taste and smell weren't limited to food and drink, he also enjoyed all the manly smells, which should have given him a clue. The first third of the book is full of sexual tension although Todd doesn't quite get it yet, but Gabe certainly knows why they seem to have constant hard-ons around each other.

I would definitely categorize this book as instant lust and love follows soon after, I can go with that, for Todd especially, since he is literally saved by Gabe.
I am not quite as convinced as to Gabe's feelings, he does seem to fall in love easily.
I didn't see the ice around his heart the blurb mentions, if anything I thought he had a very big heart for Todd and right from the start.

Gabe is almost too good to be true, he steps in and takes care of Todd and helps him in a lot of ways, but then he had a good role model. Peter, his boss, did something very similar for Gabe years ago. I enjoyed the character of Peter, he was full of wisdom and wonderful quotes that kept me googling to find out where they came from. He stayed a bit mysterious and I liked that about him.
Gabe has also done something like this before, he and his then lover Daniel had taken in a young man, Brett, off the streets, but that whole situation didn't end well.
Without giving too much away, it's safe to say both Gabe and Todd were cheated on by previous lovers, although it could be argued that they weren't totally free of all fault either.

Gabe's back story with Daniel and Brett was a little disturbing , it just didn't sit well with me and I was slightly confused by the whole thing. I didn't understand Gabe and how he thought it was going to play out if he had actually gotten what he wanted. For me that whole Brett situation could have easily been left out. I'm still not sure what purpose it served.
I was a little uncertain as to their sex life, they are very attracted to each other but Todd has a stipulation and Gabe goes along with it and I sort of forgot about it until the end of the book, and it was brought back up, so I am guessing that's how it happened.
So for those of you out there who don't like a lot of sex in their books, this one is for you.

This really was a Cinderfella type story, a down on his luck sweet kid with big dreams and an evil step dad is saved by the older, handsome and very wealthy man. They fall deeply in love with surprisingly little conflict or angst and all their dreams come true.

Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
March 8, 2016
**2.5 stars**

I'm not sure what to make of this strange GFY/OFY, cinder-fella story.

First of all, the GFY part was barely that. The MC practically retched at the sight of lady parts so that was a BIG giveaway.

I didn't love the saintly characters, the strange way Gabe said "shitfire" all the time (sounded kind of old-manish), and the storyline with Todd's parents. Everyone seemed a little bit like caricatures, too perfect, too convenient. It didn't have the real quality. To top it off, the sex scenes missed the mark.

Despite my issues, there was something about this story that kept me up late at night reading. It was easy to soar through the pages, and I found charming elements amidst all the trouble spots. At times I even liked it a lot but then a scene would come along that was so eye-roll-inducing that all of my issues with the story would come rushing back.

I think perhaps cinder-fella isn't my favorite theme. I don't love a damsel in distress story so maybe this one started at a disadvantage? Either way, despite a nice cover this one wasn't a win for me. Sad face.
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
November 7, 2014
A sweet fairytale that made me smile. I enjoyed it, but I couldn't take it too seriously. Certain events were so unlikely and implausible and the characters' actions too often didn't make sense for the situation. I really liked the MCs, though, and the sex was nice and steamy.
Profile Image for GayListBookReviews.
472 reviews53 followers
June 19, 2013
This book was not the story I thought it would be from the blurb and this trope. I was expecting a huddled, feeble man-child found half hidden in a snow drift and rescued by a rough, emotionally damaged, stoic barbarian. If that is what you are expecting too, let me be the first to say, wrong book.

And thank goodness.

Todd Burton is young and freezing, but his pride and closet keep him warm enough that he almost doesn’t get to be a part of this story. Until he realizes the one person who has shown him kindness, an openly gay man, is his only hope.

Todd is not comfortable with himself. He fears the desires he feels building inside, to touch and be touched, by men. He has dreams that he sees shatter into bits. His pride burns. He is desperate for a chance to make it on his own in Kansas City, but nothing seems to be working for him. He lacks the street smarts to go with his ambition and he knows it. And now he’s stuck. Does he dare ask for help from someone that confuses him, scares him, sees him? Can he allow himself to get close to a man who openly expresses the feelings and desires that he tries so hard to ignore?

Gabe is perfect. An out and proud man, he sees a younger version of himself in this scared and desperate man and knows he can help. Just for a night, maybe two. Or at least until he gets on his feet. I adored Gabe. His compassion for Todd, despite a past that would put anyone on edge, made me cheer that all would go well.

One of my favorite parts is near the beginning of the story, and shows these two men well. Gabe has to go to work the morning after bringing in Todd from the cold and he leaves a frozen chicken ready to be stuck in the crock-pot to cook. First, Gabe left Todd, knowing only what Todd had told him, alone in his apartment. He showed him great trust. Todd recognized that and wanting to prove to Gabe that he is worthy of the trust, he prepares a nice chicken dinner, much better than what Gabe had expected. Todd wanted to earn that trust and Gabe gave it without strings. It might sound funny, the beginnings of love over a chicken dinner, but I saw two men who were trying.

Although Todd may start all alone that quickly changes as he is welcomed into Gabe’s life. Gabe’s friends are amazing. Tracy, the sceptic and cornerstone of this little family of friends. She is wary of Todd, but her loyalty and love for Gabe make her an ally in their lives. Peter is Gabe's boss and mentor, but he is also his closest friend. Peter hears about Todd and pushes himself into Todd’s life. He sees a beautiful, broken yet determined man and knows that Gabe and Todd can be healing for each other. I love how they all build each other up. Peter is a joy. I loved his influence on both of these men, showing them another example of what love looks like. His approval and help move these men in the right direction.

I enjoyed the pace of this book. I loved the strength and pride these men had. And I loved the sweetness and joy that would pop up throughout the story. There was also pain and growth and wounds that had to heal. All were written seamlessly. Well done, Mr. Thomas, for giving us a great story. I enjoyed it greatly.

Reviewed by Beans
Profile Image for Francesca   kikkatnt.
300 reviews13 followers
June 10, 2022
Primo Romance M/M che leggo in tutta la mia vita. E devo dire che sono combattuta.
Il mio spirito voyeuristico mi ha fatto leggere questo libro nel giro di una notte. Ma in fatto di contenuti mi sono trovata a storcere più volte il naso.
La storia è abbasta inverosimile: un ragazzo senza più una casa viene accolto da uno sconosciuto nel proprio appartamento. Nel giro di qualche giorno il ragazzo:
- scopre di essere gay;
- si innamora dello sconosciuto che lo ha accolto;
- l'amico dello sconosciuto gli trova un posto come cuoco in un ristorante stellato:
- alla fine si scopre che
Ma forse dovrei solo prenderla come una bella favola per adulti ed accettare/sperare che i propri sogni si possano avverare (anche se, forse, non proprio tutti nel giro di una settimana XD ).

Ovviamente non è un lettura impegnata. Ma era ciò di cui avevo bisogno, qualcosa che mi facesse spegnere il cervello per qualche ora. E devo dire che ha fatto il suo sporco lavoro.

Nel frattempo devo assolutamente segnarmi questo autore perché amante della sci-fi, ma soprattutto di Star Trek (tanto che mi cita una scena di Star Trek: Enterprise - e in effetti Trip Tucker a petto nudo ha il suo perché ^__^)

Ma le citazioni non finiscono qui..

“‘L’età di un uomo è qualcosa di impressionante, riassume la sua vita: la maturità raggiunta lentamente, superando diversi ostacoli, malattie da cui si è guariti, dolori e lutti patiti, rischi presi con incoscienza; la maturità che si è formata attraverso desideri, speranze, rimpianti, cose dimenticate, amori. L’età di un uomo rappresenta un bel carico di esperienze e ricordi.’ Così ha detto Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, ora ascolta quelle di Douglas MacArthur. ‘Sei giovane quanto la tua fede, vecchio quanto il tuo dubbio; giovane quanto la tua sicurezza, vecchio quanto la tua paura; giovane quanto la tua speranza, vecchio quanto la tua disperazione.’ Ricordale, ragazzo mio.”


“E qualunque cosa sia quell’amore, fosse solo un’illusione di un nuovo amore, lo desidero, non posso resistergli, tutto il mio essere si scioglie in un bacio, la mia consapevolezza si scioglie, le mie paure si sciolgono, il mio sangue danza, le mie gambe si aprono.” “Merdaccia, Peter. Di chi sono queste parole?” “Anaïs Nin.

Ah si.. Last but don't least:"Quella puttanella senza talento di Twilight ha tradito quel ragazzo vampiro!”

Come potrei dargli torto?

Profile Image for BWT.
2,216 reviews241 followers
January 2, 2016
3.75 stars

Belens Audio Book Review

NOTE: The rating is entirely due to Charlie David's performance. Once again, Charlie David delivers an entertaining production that cuts some of the too-saccharine sweetness from the story, leaving only enjoyment in it's wake.

This is one of those times when the story itself doesn't resonate deeply but I like the narration so much it elevates the final rating much higher than it would be as if I had simply read the story.

This is an insta-love heavy-dose romance (they know each other a week before the I-Love-You's are exchanged) Cinderfella story. Todd is the down on his luck kid from a small town who's been tossed out of his place on the eve of one of the biggest snowstorms to hit Kansas City, MO in years. Gabe is the out and proud gay man who helps him in spite of Todd's constant problem with foot-in-mouth disease. Kudos to Charlie David for making even those moments palatable.

Told from a dual perspective, I far more enjoyed the times I was in Gabe's POV from when I was in Todd's. Gabe was just so sweet, understanding, loving, sexy...he's a bit of a paragon really, so it's good Todd was there to temper that because that could have gotten old really fast.

B.G. Thomas believes in character substance over heat - so the sexy times are not plentiful, but what's there was definitely enjoyable - and I did like the character development enough to continue the series.

Bottom Line: Thoroughly entertaining thanks to Charlie David!


Copy generously provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Reviews by Jessewave.
Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,140 reviews95 followers
January 22, 2014
2.5 stars

After I was done with this book I was left annoyed. Many things bugged me about this book:

1) One word: insta-love, yeah after 24 hours both of them are considering they love the other guy and words are exchanged after 72 hrs. This was me:


2) if I had to read the phrase "You a faggot or something?" one more time my head was going to explode. It is all of 11 times in there and if you ask me 7 times too many probably. I get it, the kid is traumatized by his stepdad but do you have to keep making the same point over and over (literally).

3) Todd never knew what a backbone was. he had two best friends growing up and both of them used him for sex but he really only complains about sex with his female best friend because well, he may be bi, maybe, probably, possibly, probably not, surely not, no he really is gay (I am exhausted already). I don't even know why he kept getting together with Joan when she: gave "sloppy and unexciting blowjobs", "kissing her was like kissing a CPR dummy", had a voice like "balloons rubbing together", had "saggy tits", didn't like how she smelled "down there", I can keep going but I am getting annoyed again.

At this point I would like to remind the author that the majority MM romance readers are women so you may want to show a little less negativity (and more respect) in your descriptions of women in your stories. Oh and if Tracy was your token positive female character you failed when you made her a meddling man eater.
Profile Image for Eli Easton.
Author 70 books2,756 followers
September 27, 2013
This was my first book by BG Thomas and I quite liked it. I've read similar Cinderella stories before, about abandoned young men taken in by the older, established man, and it can be a fun trope. This story is well-written and I enjoyed the descriptions of Gabe and the deeper themes of forgiveness and paying it forward. There was some nice built up of UST before the characters ended up in bed and all in all it was a sweet, relatively low-angst romance. Five stars from me and I'll definitely read more from BG.
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews118 followers
December 23, 2013

It's funny I remember reading Bianca's Plan and thinking how much I'd love to read Gabe's story. It didn't dawn on me until part way through this read that this was about him and that I was finally getting my wish.

Todd left his small town to find his dream job in Kansas City. He wants to apprentice under a chef he wildly admires but she's not interesting in teaching him. That starts a chain reaction of bad luck that culminates in Todd without either a job or a place to live with a blizzard on the way.

He meets Gabe, who takes him in to his home in a pay it forward scenario that was sweetly Cinderfella-esque. Todd's struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and Gabe is struggling to resist the attraction he feels for the younger man. This was a romantic little story with a lot of call backs to Thomas' previous characters which was a lot of fun, I really enjoy the world he's built here.
Profile Image for Jeffrey.
36 reviews7 followers
June 25, 2013
First off, as a gay male, I seem to be not the target audience for a gay romance. Go figure. But what I really didn't like about the book was purely my own personal taste: I'm tired of the coming out story, and especially of the homophobic latent homosexual embracing his orientation and finding love and mind-blowing sex all within the space of under 200 pages.

The writing itself was perfectly fine, the characterizations were fairly well drawn, the sense of place was pretty good, I just don't care for that kind of story. So if you like this kind of gay romance, then try it, you might like it, it just wasn't for me.
July 1, 2013
I enjoyed this book, but it was just too sweet and everything wrapped up very neatly and easily with a very shiny bow. I liked the characters and the fact that Gabe and Todd were open and willing to talk to each other. I wanted a little more exploration of the relationship instead of the instalove on the part of Gabe and Todd's quick and easy coming to terms with his sexuality (which to me, robbed the story of the emotion I wanted to feel as Todd grows to accept himself despite his upbringing).

If you are in the mood for a sweet Cinderella story, this definitely will fit the bill.
Profile Image for Sandra .
1,866 reviews339 followers
November 18, 2014
This is a bit of a Cinderfella romance, with Gabe being the Knight in shining armor, and Todd being the neglected, mistreated and downtrodden boy needing to be rescued. Then again, it's also a super sweet love story, and despite the insta-love, I didn't feel as if either Gabe or Todd were using each other.

A sweet romance, fluffy and full of sugar, set in the same gay-friendly KC universe in which most of B.G.'s stories take place, this was just what I needed during a cold and dreary day.

Profile Image for Feliz.
Author 57 books108 followers
July 4, 2013
Two guys falling for each other over the span of a couple of days, deciding they're going to spend their lives together after no more than a week...and one of them initially deeply in denial...you'd think Insta!love to the max? You'd say, thanks but no thanks, not my kind of thing?


This is one of the rare events where "falling in love at first sight" doesn't even remotely amount to Insta!love. The characters, particularly Todd, have so much to work through, so much to realize about themselves, each other and their perception of the world, that those few days feel like a much longer time. I found it acually easy to relate to how the falling in love could happen so fast.
Despite all the inner goings-on, musings and figuring things out, this wasn't actually overly angsty. Mostly thanks to Gabe, a man who has both feet firmly planted on the ground. Oh, he's no perfect uber-human, he has his hangups and doubts too, but at the core, he's centered and mature. Quite Zen, I'd say. He makes the best kind of solid anchor for Todd, even more so since Gabe has realized his past mistakes and learned something from them.

The subject matter of finding yourself, coming to terms with yourself and standing by who you are is something I've always found fascinating. In this book, I found this topic explored in a fascinating way in the character of Todd, who has such a hard time to accept his own identity as a gay man. But once he does, oh, he blooms so beautifully...talk about a man coming into his own. I could see him as Gabe's equal despite their very un-balanced beginnings. Not to mention the fact that they are *wow* hot in the sack together!

There are some very colorful figures among the secondary cast, particularly Peter, wise-cracking, poets-quoting, swashbuckling fairy godmother. When Peter appeared on the scene, he stole the show away from everyone; I just LOVED him. Izar Goya and Tracy were great female characters without being overwhelming, and I also liked the way many characters from BG Thomas's earlier books made camo appearances (*wave* hi Bianca!)

From the blurb and general plot, this story may seem like just more of the same old, same old, but it's really not. Aside from the smooth, compelling writing in and of itself, there's an overall gentleness and a respect to the narrative and dialogue as well that I found very appealing. This is a soft-spoken book, so to say, yet all the more intense for it. Highly recommended.

Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews501 followers
September 21, 2013
I love hurt/comfort. I especially love this when one of the MC is so down on his luck that he is out of choices. I think this might be "Pretty Woman" syndrome. Not sure.

Anyway - I liked both characters. It was def. insta love but it felt like they'd known each other longer. I did wonder why it didn't take place over a longer time period - as there doesn't seem like any reason specifically it would all have to happen within such a short time. I thought the characters had a real flavor - but I would liked to have seen more of their vocations as I really liked that side of them. Gabe's tough as nuts business side and Todd's creative chef side...a little more of that for the length would have been great. I think they would have been more well rounded.

This is def. light on the sex - but that's o.k. too as this one really didn't need it to so much. The constant head speak got old a bit - but only because it had a "been there/done that" feel. Still - I think it showed how almost brainwashed Todd was from his jerk of a stepfather.

I am def. going to read the next one and I am very happy I found a new author!
Profile Image for AnnaLund.
271 reviews54 followers
July 22, 2013
This is the story that talks about how you hand down the line. The help you have had, the love you have received, all of it, you use to help the next person who comes along.

That part is totally brilliant, in this book. How Gabe takes in Todd, gives him shelter and food. As someone once did for him.

This is heartfelt and beautiful. Just as Todd breaks my heart in fifteen ways, with the angry voice of his step-father ringing in his head. All the feels assault me as he wavers and falls. I actually drowned in all the feels.

One of those books that just keeps you reading until the end, in one, long sitting. You can't put it down.

Awesome. Just awesome. For once, there is minimal conflict, almost no mis-com and the anxiety I felt halfway through that there was going to be the mandatory OMG HELP moment fell flat on its face.

Refreshing, to say the least!

At last: the COVER. Absolutely stunning. Especially as it is an M/M book. So that is what bumped this one up to five full stars.
Profile Image for Crispy.
175 reviews50 followers
October 21, 2013
Woobie-ish characters and ultimately unmemorable, an interest-killing combination.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
June 27, 2016
DNF at 30%

The writing really got on my nerves. It was such a jumbled mess. I couldn’t get used to the half thoughts during the dialogue.

Not a book for me.
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,489 reviews85 followers
March 8, 2016
da www.sognipensieriparole.com

2,5 - Libro con un sottofondo dolce ma lento. Anche troppo.
A tre quarti volevo arrivare in fondo per insofferenza manifesta.
Tanti dialoghi inutili che potevano essere tagliati e scene superflue ai fini della narrazione. Vista la squadra di editor che viene ringraziata all'inizio, mi aspettavo un testo più lineare e limato.
Di solito mi appunto sempre le frasi che mi hanno colpito, e qui mi sono accorta di aver segnato soltanto le citazioni di altri autori di cui il libro viene infarcito (il che è la dice lunga sull'originalità del testo).
E poi lo dico qui, perchè non so se Amazon me la passerà, ma la parola "erezione" è davvero la terza protagonista. Sarà nominata e ripetuta forse non una trentina di volte, ma quasi.
Alla fine sembra la parola magica: non so come concludere il dialogo, tac... uno dei due ha un'erezione; non so come insaporire una scena sonnacchiosa... tac l'altro ha un'erezione; uno cucina e ha un'erezione, pranzano e l'altro ha un'erezione, ecc.
In conclusione: tante pagine su argomenti inutili e passaggi veloci su tematiche che avrei invece voluto vedere approfondite (non parliamo di come è risolta la questione con la madre, ridotta al solito stereotipo di macchietta omofoba e avida di denaro, con secondo marito viscido a fianco...).
Come dicevo, manca qualcosa per renderlo una storia credibile.
Profile Image for Steph ☀️.
702 reviews30 followers
August 7, 2020
Not bad!

Okay, for the few that read my reviews know that I can’t stand instalove. Like at all. However, for some reason I really did enjoy this story. I wish I could say what it is, but I am at a loss for words. I just know I really liked what the author produced. Well done :)
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
July 29, 2013
Likeable characters, good story line, but I usually only give 5 stars to stories that touch me enough to tear up.

Sooooo... ★★★★½ stars.
Profile Image for Lauren.
703 reviews29 followers
January 5, 2014
I really wanted to like this one but unfortunately I just couldn't. There were a few things that hindered my enjoyment. While the story started off well, after just a chapter or so it began to get repetitive. The constant inner-monologuing of Todd questioning his sexuality became extremely repetitive and got to the point that I was rolling my eyes and skipping paragraphs. There was an excessive use of brackets, which was kind of weird. There was also way too many italics. The writing style just didn't do it for me. It seemed to be all over the place, and it just didn't flow well. Plus the constant use of the term "shitfire" - I mean seriously, WTF? - started to bug the hell out of me towards the end.

The story wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. As I said before, it did start off quite well. The main problem I had with the story itself was how sickly sweet it became. I don't usually have a problem with sweet romances, but this one was a bit too much. It was just far too sweet for my tastes and everything seems to be resolved too smoothly. This is also an insta-love story, and although I don't usually object to some insta-love now and again, it felt rushed and out of place here.

I really wanted to like this one, but unfortunately it was a struggle. I'm just disappointed that it wasn't better, as I read a couple of very good reviews for this beforehand.
Profile Image for Anita Bianchi.
581 reviews7 followers
February 23, 2016

Una bella storia che ci mostra il valore e le infinite possibilità date dall'altruismo spassionato e dall'aiutare il prossimo. Todd è solo in una grande città, non ha più una casa e non ha nulla, a parte i vestiti che indossa; sta nevicando copiosamente e le prospettive non sono affatto rosee per lui. Poi incontra Gabe che prima gli offre da mangiare e poi gli offre un riparo. Sarà l'incontro decisivo della sua vita: gli aprirà gli occhi su chi è, su chi vuole diventare e su cosa vuol dire veramente amare.
Impossibile non innamorarsi di Todd e Gabe: sono sue ragazzi dolcissimi, generosi e sinceri... certo, non sono perfetti e commettono errori, ma questo li ha solo resi più umani e me li ha fatti apprezzare maggiormente. Menzione d'onore per Peter: un personaggio saggio ma divertente, una macchietta generosa e altruista, un amico che chiunque di noi vorrebbe avere!
E' una storia che si legge volentieri, senza grandi drammi (anche se la situazione iniziale di Todd non è affatto felice!) e che lascia una bella sensazione... insomma il tipo di romanzo che piace a me!
Profile Image for Mandi.
695 reviews42 followers
June 3, 2013
2.5 rounded up. I usually love a 'Cinder-fella' story, but for some reason this one just didn't do it for me.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,005 reviews119 followers
December 20, 2013
I can't imagine being alone in a city, with no friends, no luck getting a job, just getting evicted from my apartment, and now there's a blizzard coming and I'm outside freezing with nowhere to go. The unfortunate truth is that this isn't just a scenario created by a talented writer, it's a fact of life for so many young men and women across our country. The majority of them don't get a savior like Gabe, instead, many of them die. Todd is so incredibly grateful for this small-town kindness that he doesn't even know how to respond. This is only my second book by B.G. Thomas but it will not be my last.

Todd was born and raised in a small, conservative, right-wing town where most of his classmates got married at eighteen and they've already started families. He left to get away from his very non-maternal mother and his homophobic, evil stepdad. Of course, any possible thoughts along the gay spectrum were beaten out of him years ago and he, literally, can't be gay. He saved his money and moved to Kansas City because he wants to train to be a chef. Unfortunately, he couldn't get a job, his van was hauled away and he couldn't pay to get it out, and now he's been evicted and the landlord wouldn't even let him back in to get his belongings. That's how he ended up in the lobby of Gabe's building and how Gabe offered him a couch to sleep on for the night. Todd is seriously freaked out that his body is responding to Gabe and he's terrified that maybe his stepdad was right about him all along.

Gabe works too many hours because what's the point of being at home when there's no one there to welcome him. He's not into one-night stands and easy hookups so it's just as easy to hide at work. He has absolutely no idea why he's so attracted to Todd, and Gabe has no clue what to do about it. He's pretty sure Todd is gay, but obviously extremely confused and scared. Gabe may be excellent at reading work clients, but he hasn't had the best of luck with men in his life. Gabe is just, hands down, a kind, gentle, good person who is willing to take in a stray for a few days to help him get back on his feet. Not many people like that around and Todd is overwhelmed at Gabe's generosity.

One night turns into more and Gabe gets the manager to release Todd's belongings into a storage unit. Todd is beginning to remember thoughts and feelings he had about guys when he was younger, the "fooling around" he and his best friend did together, and how not interested he ever was in sex with his girlfriend. Todd realizes he's falling in love with Gabe, but Gabe has made it clear that Todd doesn't owe him anything, certainly not sex. So, how can Todd get Gabe to understand how he feels and that it's not gratitude? How can Gabe believe in this with Todd when Gabe was hurt so badly in a slightly similar situation before?

The title of this book is very apt, in more ways than one. The simplistic view is that Gabe took Todd in during a freezing cold, snowing day. The more introspective, however, is that Gabe and Todd saved each other from a continuing lifetime of living in the cold with no one to love them. This was such a sweet and heartwarming love story and I greatly enjoyed it. Thank you, B.G., for a delightful story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Sammy Goode.
628 reviews80 followers
August 3, 2013
I will admit that I did not set out thinking this novel was going to be a five star read. I was worried, you see, worried that it might be a story based on some old tired cliche. You know, we've all read them: abused small town boy comes to the city with big dreams only to have them dashed...homeless, he finds a truer than life good samaritan and they fall hopelessly in love.

So, you see, I was totally unprepared for this novel, The Boy Who Came In From The Cold by B.G. Thomas. It was far from tired, and certainly no fulfilled cliche. Instead, it was poetry. A lyrical dance that carried me far beyond the story into the heart and mind of its heroes.

Yes, this novel was, at its heart, a lesson in how when a person decides to give back--to "pay forward" some of the charity that had been shown to them in their past, they will actually reap more. And, yes, at its core, it held the hint of a good samaritan parable; one man reaching out to help a stranger, to lighten his load and care for him in his need. But, you see, this story was so much more than that.

B. G. Thomas takes us on a journey. He goes inside the mind of a young man who has denied who he is for most of his life. Fighting back years of abusive behavior from his stepfather and the heartbreak of a weak and uncaring mother, Todd Burton has more, much more to fight than the cold and his poverty. He has to fight the man within who cannot allow himself to be what he is...a man who is attracted to other men...a boy who has repeatedly fought off the the idea that he could be gay.

However, that is not what made this story uniquely different. Please, I do not mean for this to sound unkind or cast aspersions on other stories that may have a similar themes, but what sets this author's novel apart is how very intelligently it is written. B.G. Thomas takes what is an admittedly tried and oft told story line and infuses it with provocative language and characters that push against the stereotype.

Todd and Gabe don't "fall in love". Instead, they fight against it with almost every breath. One because he must deny who he truly is and the other because he has made the mistake of "saving" someone before and painfully lost his heart in the process. The author keeps us on the edge of our seat waiting for Todd to run away again, for Gabe to place yet another brick in the wall he has built around himself. Along the way, he tosses in quotes from notable sources juxtaposed against his own clever prose to remind us of our own frail humanity.

The Boy Who Came In From The Cold does not just encourage us to keep an eye out for the one who is in need, it reminds us that we all will at one time or another be that man in need. This story makes the bold move to believe there is hope in a jaded world of where men and women fight for basic rights; that there is within us the ability to be a "good samaritan", if we only take the risk.

I highly recommend The Boy Who Came In From The Cold by B.G. Thomas. It is a five star read!

Profile Image for Ulysses Dietz.
Author 14 books709 followers
August 7, 2016
The Boy Who Came in From the Cold
By B.G. Thomas
Dreamspinner Press, 2013
Cover by Aaron Anderson
ISBN: 978-1-62380-714-6
Four stars
284 pages

This teetered toward five stars, because I enjoyed it so much. Ultimately, however, I settled with four because it is in many ways a classic m/m tale, full of those tropes that the m/m audience demands. I have to say, however, that Thomas writes really well, and his gift with words made the book a real pleasure, on top of the emotional satisfaction of main characters who pull hard on your heartstrings.

Todd Burton finds himself homeless on a bad snowy night in Kansas City. Seeking shelter by subterfuge in the lobby of an apartment building, Burton is touched by the kindness of the big, well-dressed man named Gabe who offers him food. When Gabe, presuming him to be a hustler, offers to pay him to stay for the night, Todd rejects him harshly. Thus begins a fraught pas de deux, in which Gabe tries to understand who Todd really is; and Todd tries to wrap his mind around the idea of someone who would be kind to him just for the sake of being kind.

Both Todd and Gabe have backstories that figure importantly in the unspooling narrative, but as Thomas draws them they are refreshingly thoughtful men. They are candid with their stories, once they begin to get to know one another, and we aren’t forced to suffer through endless pages of stubborn miscommunication and its resultant angst. Todd has a lot of self-realization to achieve, and Gabe suffers from painful memories of a very bad misstep in his past. But Thomas doesn’t drag us through a lot of unnecessary muck to make his points. There is a bit of a fairy-tale feel to the story, but it’s the kind of fairy tale that many of us still cling to as possible—perhaps essential—in this dark, troublesome world.

I also love Peter Wagner’s character as a sort of fairy godfather, popping in and out of the action to spout pithy quotes and remind the boys that old gay men have their value in the world of romance.

I love that Thomas sets the story in his own home town of Kansas City. Even as a New Yorker, I have been to Kansas City and know well its beauty and charm. I really like the idea of writing about gay men in places where we might not expect to see them. We are everywhere, and so should our stories be.
Profile Image for Nici's Buchecke.
263 reviews4 followers
November 9, 2016
Ich habe das Cover gesehen und dachte mir, dass sieht doch perfekt für den Herbst aus. Erst als ich den Klappentext las wurde mir bewusst, dass es ein Erotikroman sein wird. Nun aber kein Erotikroman der "üblichen" Art zwischen Mann und Frau, sondern zwischen Mann und Mann. Und da ich in dieser Richtung noch nichts gelesen hatte reizte es mich neues zu entdecken. Und ich muss sagen ich bin sehr überrascht. Man darf natürlich keine Berührungsängste mit der homosexuellen Erotik haben, denn seien wir ehrlich hier wird nichts verniedlicht mit Bienchen und Blümchen, aber ich fand es auch nicht übertrieben Hardcore. Man merkt, dass der Autor sehr viel Wert auf die Handlung legt und seine Charaktere in Szene setzen möchte. Die Erotik ist auf prickelndem Niveau und die Sexszenen sind genau richtig dosiert.
Ich fand es wahnsinnig aufregend, die Männer mal mit den Augen eines Mannes zu sehen. Und seien wir ehrlich wenn der Autor einen Adonis bis in Detail schildert ist es für uns Frauen sekundär, dass er dem gleichen Geschlecht zugewandt ist. Ich fand es wundervoll zu lesen und konnte es eigentlich nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Wir erleben mit, wie Todd seine heterosexuelle Welt ins Wanken gerät und wie Gabe uns aufzeigt, dass die Klischees die leider auch heute noch in den Köpfen vieler Leute sind, überhaupt nicht zutreffend sind. Beide Hauptprotagonisten fand ich einfach großartig beschrieben und sie sind mir beide ans Herz gewachsen. B. G. Thomas hat das nötige Feingefühl auch die Frauen mit seinen Szenen zu erotisieren und mit den Worten gefangen zu nehmen. Einfach grandios. Einen Stern ziehe ich allerdings ab, weil es doch in gewisser Weise kitschig war, wie alles so glatt verlaufen ist und manchmal waren auch wiederholende Formulierungen etwas nervig. Aber ich war trotzdem begeistert und nach einem schlechten Tag ist dieses locker, leichte und herzliche Buch einfach die perfekte Wahl. Und da ich aus dieser Welt noch nicht weg will werde ich mich dem nächsten Roman des Autors widmen "Alles ist möglich".
Und euch kann ich dieses Zitat nicht vorenthalten:

"...dort wo wir lieben, ist unser Zuhause. Unsere Füße können es verlassen, aber nicht unsere Herzen."

Wenn euch dieser Satz genauso gut gefallen hat wie mir und nicht zu kitschig war, der sollte auf jeden Fall für mehr zu diesem Buch greifen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 reviews

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