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Secrets #1

Secrets and Ink

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When Karma writes you a ticket, pay up or else...

If life was like the movies, Jem Mitchell's wouldn't be such a mess. In LA's glittering world of dreams, he works an unglamorous job at a gourmet grocery store. His past is so deep and dark, the details are lost even to him. All he knows is he was once cursed by a meter maid, and ever since, his love life has sucked.

When Detective Nick Davies becomes a regular at the store, Jem dares to hope he's un-hexed at last. He should have known that sex with a remarkably normal guy, devoid of weird fetishes and fatal personality flaws, was too good to be true.

During a post-encounter cuddle, Nick recognizes the tattoo on Jem's back—and remembers him as a young hustler he arrested nine years past.

As Jem's memories come crashing back, he flees from Nick, but fate contrives to keep pushing them back together. And when Jem's old partner in crime is found murdered, the stakes are raised for life, for love, and a dangerous drama with no guarantee of a Hollywood ending.

Warning: Stars a mild-mannered store clerk with a shady past, a hunky cop whose passion in the bedroom is as big as his passion for justice, and celebrity sightings you won't see on TMZ.

128 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 10, 2013

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About the author

Lou Harper

34 books339 followers
Under a prickly, cynical surface Lou Harper is an incorrigible romantic. Her love affair with the written word started at a tender age. There was never a time when stories weren't romping around in her head. She is currently embroiled in a ruinous romance with adjectives. In her free time Lou stalks deviant words and feral narratives.

Lou's favorite animal is the hedgehog. She likes nature, books, movies, photography, and good food. She has a temper and mood swings.

Lou has misspent most of her life in parts of Europe and the US, but is now firmly settled in Los Angeles and worships the sun. However, she thinks the ocean smells funny. Lou is a loner, a misfit, and a happy drunk.

Blog: http://louharper.blogspot.com

Book cove designs: http://lharper.deviantart.com/gallery

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9 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews
January 30, 2015
I really enjoy Harper's writing, and the first half of this book grabbed me.

I liked the revelation about Jem's tattoo, the age gap (Nick is a decade Jem's senior), and the juxtaposition of scattered, impulsive Jem and tough, serious cop Nick.

Jem was "cursed" with truly shitty luck. He is the first-person narrator of the story, and we learn more about him than Nick.

Nick was a less well-rounded character. I wanted to know more about his background and past relationships. I definitely wanted more . That was so sexy, but only briefly introduced.

I liked the secondary characters: Jem's sister, his next-door neighbor Mrs. G, and his adorable co-worker Olly (who's an MC in the second book in this series).

Then at 50 percent: BAM! A crazy mystery angle was introduced, and while the early suspense worked, the plot moved from contemporary romance to hyper-crazy-angsty-what-the-FUCK-just-happened in zero point five seconds.

The villain was one-dimensional, the red herrings lame, and some of Jem's actions downright idiotic. I was beginning to see that the bad luck "curse" was Jem's own doing.

The relationship lost all focus. Too many things happened to Jem. The ending was a strong HFN, but at that point I wasn't sure how Jem and Nick were connecting and what the draw was.

First half, relationship setup, MCs, potential: 4 stars

Second half, mystery angle, resolution: 2 stars

I was very happy about Pancake though!
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews101 followers
December 20, 2014
Straight-laced detective plus exasperating twink with a penchant for getting himself into trouble? Sign me up! Seriously this was a really fun read! I loved Jem. He's hilarious. And he has a cat named Pancake. Can't wait for Olly's story to come out next week!!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,043 reviews491 followers
January 17, 2014
3.5 stars

Lou Harper's writing style clicks with me -- I don't know how to explain it, but I always feel in comfortable, familiar ground when I pick up her stories. I like her characters and how the story unfolds. So this is another story of hers that I really like, even if I have few issues.

In this story, twenty-six year old Jem, who works at a gourmet grocery store, who believes that he is cursed by a traffic officer named Karma, discovers that the Detective he likes, is the one and the same officer who caught him during his hustling days. I like Jem -- he is a likeable young guy -- and I like how he takes his curse in stride, and just wait until the curse runs its course.

Nick might be a little too, uhm less nuanced. He's the usual alpha protective character, who likes to boss Jem around in the name of saving Jem's life. But at least he is good for Jem :).

I'm not really sure about the mystery though -- which is why I can only give this 3.5. It's just a little bit OTT, and I wonder what actually happens that make the villain decides to start sending the photos to Jem that particular day. I still don't understand what drives it, I guess, since ().
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,168 followers
January 23, 2014
This was nice and all but maybe somewhat . . . bland? Forgettable?

It's not that anything's wrong with this story. It's just that the Nick and Jem are generic m/m stock characters: there's nothing there to either love or hate.

It was OK.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
December 29, 2015
This one's cute, fun, and sweet, with just enough slapstick comedy to keep you entertained. The humor is well done, the characters interesting, and the plot engaging.
Profile Image for Lilia Ford.
Author 15 books192 followers
December 11, 2015

Another low-pressure, enjoyable, (maybe) paranormal, that features a sexy dynamic between the leads, an effective use of the L.A. setting, and my first fictional foray into shibari. Jem, the hero, is a complete flake who comes perilously close to 'too stupid to live' territory, but manages to stay on the right side of cute The early encounter between cop and rentboy was unexpectedly potent without feeling exploitative or veering into tragiboy territory. Unfortunately, the mystery is a lot less satisfying and took up time that might have been better spent on the Japanese of art of rope bondage.

bottom line: Easily recommended for fans of Lou Harper.
Profile Image for ttg.
448 reviews160 followers
January 15, 2014
This was another fun mystery from Lou Harper. This time, the story focuses on Jem (short for Jeremy) who is a recovering goth bad boy who used to run around and hustle in his teens, but turned over a new leaf after an accident forced him to rebuild his life. Now in his later 20’s, he’s working at a gourmet grocery store, where he runs into Nick, one very delish cop. Only to his horror, Nick recognizes him from his hustling days. Jem thinks that’s the end to any hot future with him, but things veer off plan as someone else starts sending him anonymous dirty photo reminders of his old life. And then another part of his past is murdered…

I’m fan of Harper’s writing, and this one is another good sample of her style, nicely straight forward but with some added snark (from Jem, who thinks his life is cursed.) Nick was a hot cup of yum as well, although less developed of a character than Jem. They had nice chemistry though, and I liked how Nick tempered Jem’s more erratic, spontaneous behavior.

There’s a nice poke at the way some heroes choose to go the TSTL route in their mysteries, when Jem gets a suspicious invitation to a party by a former “client” of his. He internally ponders going, and imagines getting into trouble and having Nick swoop in to rescue him. But then, instead of following the Amateur Sleuth’s Guide to Getting into Peril, he quickly understands that going would be a Bad Idea, and passes on the invitation to someone else. I liked that bit of self-aware humor (and appreciated that he didn’t follow that path.)

At 38,000 words, it’s a novella, which usually I’m less a fan of since I love longer works, but this time, I felt Harper did a good job of fleshing out the characters and the mystery, so it felt “just right” for length.

If you’re already a fan of Harper’s mysteries, I think this will be a good read for you. If you’re trying her work for the first time, you could start here, although I probably would rec Spirit Sanguine or Dead in L.A. first. Those are two of my favorites.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,466 reviews246 followers
March 16, 2016

Secrets and Ink by Lou Harper is a quick, twisty Hollywood mystery with two strong main characters, two sassy sidekicks, and one unforgettable tattoo. Oh, and one curse! :D

I loved Jeremy’s (Jem) voice. He was living a quiet life. Working at the local upscale grocery store by day and going home most nights to crash. But he has a few secrets from his past and a heap load of bad luck. Accidents, troubles in love, and runaway pets! Can Jem finally shake this curse causing all sorts of havoc in his life? Maybe with a little help from Officer —sorry Detective Nick Davies. I do find it sexy when Jem calls him Officer though. Hehe….

Jem and Nick meet and flirt in the checkout lane again and again until they decide to go for more. Their chemistry could go from light and flirty to sexy and “temper-temper” in a HOT minute. They were fun to watch. Nick’s neat and tidy, on top of (no pun intended there) things personality fit perfectly with Jem’s rash, flirty, quirky ways. They created some sweet, sexy sparks.

”His thumbs brushed my cheeks just as the low timbre of his voice wrapped around my heart.”

A kink/art came on too fast and out of nowhere for me though. I just didn’t FEEL it. *shrugs* Just me I’m sure. I need more time to trust the characters before we start doing things like that. :)

I still had fun with Nick, Jem, and Lou Harper though. Her way with words always makes me smile. My favorite word or phrase this visit was “serial screwer-upper”.

Recommended read.

Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,197 reviews332 followers
December 10, 2013

I love Jem. He's funny and ridiculous and has a good heart.
He was a 'troubled youth', he didn't need to be, he came from a great and loving family, but he and his friend/lover Riley got into drugs, shoplifting and turning tricks until Jem got arrested and he got cursed. Having a building fall on you does tend to change a person.
Believe it or not, but Jem is certain he was cursed and I admit, when he counts all the things that have gone wrong, it seems at least possible.
Nick is a cop and he's interested in Jem, but his past comes out and then things really get crazy.
I have to say although Nick grew on me, I'm not quite sure I liked him all that much, but Jem more than makes up for it.
This is, despite some of the issues, a light and funny read that just flew by.
Profile Image for Sunny.
1,012 reviews126 followers
November 12, 2014

I liked the MCs and their story, enough to keep the book to read again sometime, but I didn't connect with them as much as I would have liked. I'm not sure how to explain, but it was more like watching something happen but not feeling it?

I really enjoyed the scene that involved a discussion of tattoos and not erasing the past, along with some inspiring accoutrements.

Definitely worth a read even though it left me vaguely unsatisfied.

***Thank you to the super secret elf for this book!***
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,445 reviews507 followers
June 7, 2017
2.5 Stars
This surprisingly packed a lot into such a short story. There was romance and suspense. Maybe a sprinkling of magic with Jem being convinced he was cursed with bad luck. Throw in some out of nowhere kink from cop Nick and top it off with a murder mystery. Entertaining enough for a freebie.
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews118 followers
January 8, 2015

Even better than the second one which I read first. lol

I knew I was going to like Jem and Nick going into this one because of their cameo in the second book. I was intrigued by their story and wanted more so I was lucky enough to grab this as a freebie off aRe. I loved it! Snarky dialogue, semi-angsty story, a bit of thriller and sexy times. Hands down win-win.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
May 10, 2017
Hollywood scandals, a curse, a murder, a bumbling impulsive yet lovable guy and a hard detective provided an entertaining read from start to finish.

Jem Mitchell was a character that had me smiling and laughing from the first line. He's this guy who is impulsive, gutsy, witty, and stuff just happens to him. He screwed up his life as a teen, had a near death scare him straight, and now living the clean and wholesome live is going to kill him. I thought hottie Detective Nick Davies was a great foil for Jem. They are opposites, but the chemistry was there and they played up well in their fun and flirty and sometimes acrimonious exchanges.

The murder mystery was the big element that got things rolling and brought Jem and Nick closer together and it was not obvious to get the solution, but it was a fun part of the story, too.

This was my first time reading a book by the author and this was a first in a series. Sadly, its published by the now defunct Samhain so I'm not sure when or if the author will put this book/series up with another seller. I do recommend it for those who enjoy m/m romantic comedy suspense.
Profile Image for Elizabetta.
1,230 reviews34 followers
August 11, 2016

3.75 stars

Jem was a bad boy in his teen years. Living in Hollywood, he and his old boyfriend Riley, really tore up the town, they were such bad boys… shoplifting, drugging & drinking, whoring. They did it all just for the hell of it. Call it rebellion, ’cause Jem comes from a supportive, loving family.

Jem really is a good guy though, and he grows out of the rebellious stage and leaves Riley behind. He’s all grown up now but he finds the secrets you keep don’t always stay hidden. Sometimes the past comes back to bite you on the ass.

When Jem meets Nick Davies, an LAPD detective, he has the immediate hots for the square-jawed, quietly self confident cop. But just when things seem to be going well, Nick connects Jem to his past and it’s all downhill from there.

Ho boy, Jem is a pretty hilarious guy. He thinks he’s living under a curse, things haven’t been going right for him. He’s recovering from a horrible accident, his cat ran away, and his new love interest thinks he’s a loser. To add insult to injury, it looks like someone from his past is out to get him too.

I like Jem, and it’s a good thing as the story is in first person from his POV, so you get to know him well. Normally, I don’t consider myself a tense snob. If the writer can get it done, the tense doesn’t matter. But it took me a while to adjust to the delivery here. Jem’s inner dialog is often funny and endearing but at times his dialog with Nick seems stilted. Still, Jem is engaging, and the story picks up when he works with Nick to find out who is out to get him.

When Jem discovers that Nick has secrets of his own (boy, that came out of nowhere. And now I want to know more about Nick’s past with that Japanese lover.), things heat up nicely and I like Nick a little more too. There’s more to him than meets the eye, and Nick makes a good foil for Jem’s harebrained tendencies.

So, Jem’s luck may be changing. It’s fitting that the author sets his story in Tinseltown, where secrets are rife and some would do anything to keep them. Jem finds out that keeping them may not bring him the best of luck. I found the motive that lead up to the ‘mystery’ a bit thin, but the author delivers an entertaining enough read with two engaging characters.

Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews273 followers
December 25, 2014
What an unexpected story. I got this book for free during ARe's 12 Days of Christmas give away. I had not read this author before, but figured, why not? It sounded interesting, I loved the cover and getting the first book free is never a bad thing!

Secrets and Ink is a story about Jem, a former prostitute, turned grocery clerk. He think's he's cursed, and I admit he sure does have some bad luck. Actually cursed? Well, I don't think so, but people do have a way of making their own fears come true. He meets Nick, a cop, in his store and lightly flirts with him for ages before Nick asks him out. Neither of them realized until Nick sees Jem's tattoo later when they are all kinds of naked that they had met before, years earlier, when Nick arrested Jem for soliciting. Oops. Awkward!

I really enjoyed the narrative of this story. It flows so nicely and was so good I had a difficult time putting it down. The mystery of the photos and Jem's old friend's death was done well, and when all is revealed the Big Bad was rather over the top. I loved it.

I immediately bought the second novel (see, first one free can be good!) and just finished it, too. I will definitely be reading more of this author.
Profile Image for Candice.
932 reviews
August 6, 2016
Poor Jem, either you can consider him cursed or just an accident waiting to happen. Either way, he was a very enjoyable character to get to know. There were some parts of the story that were a little far fetched. Nick was okay, but I think I would have liked someone different for Jem. Enjoyable read. Loved how he came up with his cat''s name.
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,029 reviews233 followers
October 3, 2015
First off, this book was hilarious and that starts from word one:
Karma cursed me because I called her a bitch.
It continues,
Ms. Karma Jones worked for the Las Angeles Department of Transportation, and she'd had my car towed because of unpaid parking tickets. She'd only been doing her job, but I'd seen her actions as a personal fuck-you. I'd been too full of myself--and several legal and illegal substances--at the time. I'd said some very rude things to her, and in response, she put a curse on me. I should've known not to mess with a woman wearing a uniform and magenta hair--such an ominous color.
I was hooked.
"The dark hair on his arms begged to be touched but I held back my urges. Petting cops in public can get you in trouble."
"You shouldn't let him slip by--you're not getting any younger."
"I'm twenty-six!"
"In gay years, that's practically middle age..."
Aside from the humor, this was still a great book. The characters were fun and individuals, their motivations were clear, and I really loved the MCs. I really loved how they looked at age gaps where one is a teenager. The plot was interesting, and I wasn't completely sure who the culprit was until the end. The action was good, there was mortal danger, and I couldn't put the book down. I'd love to read more about these two.

There was one point that really spoke to me. They were talking about movies, but they could have been talking about books. They were nit-picking about things like police procedures in action movies. Some says to them,
"Neither of you were bothered by the scene where Carson drove a motorcycle from the top of the building straight into the helicopter?" she asked.
I shook my head.
"That's just movie stuff," Nick explained.
What's particularly funny is that I had just been talking about that very type of thing with my father the day before I read that. I hate when they get the details wrong but I'm fine with the completely improbable premise or action sequences. I mean, that's just the storytelling, right? :)

One wonderful thing was that this book didn't make really obvious, dumb police procedural errors itself. The MC who was a cop wasn't allowed anywhere near a case that related to the other MC. He also wouldn't tell his lover a single thing about what he did know saying, "I won't discuss an open investigation with you."

Here are my nitpicks (since I'm mentioning how I nitpick, I need to include them, right?):

There was an intense dramatic scene where someone nearly dies but we see it from his perspective so we get none of the drama of the rescue, etc.

Someone ties a tourniquet around someone else because he saw it in the media or something. At that point, he didn't know the extent of the damage. You never, ever, tie a tourniquet unless not doing so would be immediate death, or the limb is already lost. If a tourniquet isn't removed within a very, very short time (less time than it usually takes to get to a hospital) the person will lose the limb. Instead, put intense pressure one one side of the limb, over top of the wound. If you can't hold on to do that, do this: (spoiler only so that someone only interested in the book doesn't have to read my explanation:

There were bits of the mystery that didn't make total sense and were obviously put in to create suspense. The problem was the explanation that came later was inadequate. For example,

Despite these things, this was a solid four star read, and I hope Harper writes a sequel.
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
October 22, 2022

This started with a light humorous vibe but then you find the character was a teenage hustler - for fun! And there's mention of a house falling on him - not a metaphor!
The story and tone weren't compatible.

From 40% it was a push to read on.
The mystery obvious, the 'romance' not, and a little added kink solely so the author could throw in a joke line.
Profile Image for Katharina.
630 reviews24 followers
December 15, 2013
This was a nice read most of the times, but it wasn't without some drawbacks.

I liked the humour in it, the idea of Jem literally calling Karma a bitch and then believing himself cursed (actually, I'm inclined to believe him there) was brilliant! There were really interesting and unexpected aspects in this story that gave background to the characters and made them human instead of shallow two-dimensional figures ().

So, yeah, I liked the funny, relationship-related parts of this story. Unfortunately, I had a few problems with the mystery part and the more serious theme. Mostly because, it all just felt a bit weird to me, a little bit too constructed, too unlikely.
Another issue was the pace - so much happened sometimes in just one page that it confused the hell out of me. And because it was happening so quickly, it was over quickly too - and it felt all almost technical because there simply was no time and space to fit any sort of emotion in there. Unfortunately, that applies to the mystery plot as well as the relationship part, and, yes, even the sex scenes.
The language was mostly nice and smooth, but sometimes it felt a little bit stiff and stilted which is a pretty big pet peeve of mine.

The characters were pretty cool, I have to say. Jem was quirky and I liked that he was a grocery store clerk, instead of a big shot something. Nick's cop persona was pretty nice too, his seriousness and the good and bad parts that came out of that. I have to admit, though, that Jem exasperated me at times - he really wasn't the brightest bulb in the box. Well, not always anyway.

So, all in all, it wasn't a bad read at all, but it didn't knock my socks off either.
Profile Image for Chris, the Dalek King.
1,168 reviews151 followers
April 9, 2016
I liked this one, but probably not as much as I like some of Harper's other stories. I liked the idea of Nick and Jem not knowing they had interacted all those years ago, only to find out at the second most inconvenient time possible (the first most inconvenient would have been if they had been in the middle of shagging, and not just in the lovely afterglow). I just didn't connect with these two like I have some of Harper's other MCs, so I guess it felt a little lacking. I did like that (mostly) Jem didn't feel the need to go off and play detective, though. Honestly would have loved this one to be a big longer and a bit more fleshed out.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Pjm12.
1,930 reviews41 followers
August 5, 2016
There's a lot to admire about Harper's writing. It's clever and funny and it's easy to make such writing look effortless, but I bet it's not.

Jem is a darling. He's all twisted up, but he is trying to keep things simple. He looks after his elderly next door neighbour and laments the loss of his cat, not to mention a building fell on him.

Clearly, he's cursed.

Detective Nick is a hero. He wants to keep Jem safe, but the curse ensures Jem is always in the wrong place at inconvenient times, and to say Nick is frustrated by Jem's reasonings, and explanations and outbursts is an understatement.

Terrific plotting, great pacing and a not-quite-over-the-top (but close) climax kept me reading this all the way through.

I must find everything else by this author. Oh look! One is free on amazon right now! Yay!
Profile Image for Candice.
2,922 reviews133 followers
January 17, 2014
I adored Jem and Nick. There's just no question about it. Jem is so quirky, yet, adorable. Nick was protective and bossy, but I don't think he was really a dick about it. He was truly worried about Jem. I liked Jem's relationship with his sister and friend Olly (will he get his own story???). I also liked how Nick just bulldozed his way into Jem's life. Mata Hari, anyone? Oh and Pancake? TOO DAMN CUTE!

One of my favorite lines: "What do you keep in your skull? Spare cheese?"

Overall, this was a nice surprise. It was my first Lou Harper read and I can say it won't be my last :)
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
March 21, 2015
This was middle of the road for me.
It wasn't terrible but it wasn't a fantastic read for me either.
It was funny.
It was typical.
It was kinky.

I enjoyed both of the guys and I didn't have any qualms with the writing.
It was cleanly edited.
But the story?
It just didn't WOW me...ya know?

I think I'll keep the series on my radar. I'm not giving up on them yet.

ohhh, and Yay Pancake!

*3 meh-maybe-my-mood stars*
Profile Image for Feliz.
Author 57 books108 followers
January 27, 2014
This was such a sweet story, and I mean that in the most positive way possible. ONe of those close-with-a-happy-sigh books. Jem is an adorable airhead and Nick just the man to keep him grounded. The story was written in a light, somewhat careless tone that made what could've been easily a dark tragedy into an entertaining, fast paced and thoroughly likeable read.
Profile Image for Anke.
2,492 reviews98 followers
March 30, 2016
This was a fun and engaging read, until this murder-mystery-crime-whatever happened. That was totally hare-brained. As if the author sat down and thought: what's the most absurd, crazy and foolish - something's missing? Oh yes, lunatic - well, what's all of that to add to this perfectly fine story?
And she did it.

(And yes, next review no hyphens, promise!)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 159 reviews

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