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When All the World Sleeps

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Daniel Whitlock is terrified of going to sleep. And rightly so: he sleepwalks, with no awareness or memory of his actions. Including burning down Kenny Cooper’s house—with Kenny inside it—after Kenny brutally beat him for being gay. Back in the tiny town of Logan after serving his prison sentence, Daniel isolates himself in a cabin in the woods and chains himself to his bed at night.

Like the rest of Logan, local cop Joe Belman doesn’t believe Daniel’s absurd defense. But when Bel saves Daniel from a retaliatory fire, he discovers that Daniel might not be what everyone thinks: killer, liar, tweaker, freak. Bel agrees to control Daniel at night—for the sake of the other townsfolk. Daniel’s fascinating, but Bel’s not going there.

Yet as he’s drawn further into Daniel’s dark world, Bel finds that he likes being in charge. And submitting to Bel gives Daniel the only peace he’s ever known. But Daniel’s demons won’t leave him alone, and he’ll need Bel’s help to slay them once and for all—assuming Bel is willing to risk everything to stand by him.

340 pages, Paperback

First published March 22, 2014

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About the author

Lisa Henry

97 books2,208 followers
I like to tell stories. Mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters. They gotta work for it though. No free lunches on my watch.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 546 reviews
August 13, 2016
April M/M Buddy Read Selection

gritty, harsh, depressing


with flashes of grace

beautifully written, shocking,

filled with longing

and pain

"We live as we dream: alone."

This book made me angry, depressed, like I was in a noose, choking, sinking,



How do you know your life isn't a dream?

Daniel chains himself to a bed so he doesn't leave. When he sleeps, terrible things happen. And Daniel pays a price. He's an outcast, a freak, a pariah, a slutty faggot wanting to get used by every toothless creep who'll hurt him good. Daniel's damaged, and he can't be fixed. He doesn't think he's worth much of anything, and his stubbornness and self-loathing, while understandable, are maddening.

Sleep deprivation is quite the mind fuck.

Joe Belman, the local, mostly closeted cop, is the one who sees Daniel, beyond the freak, the criminal, the loser hiding out in a cabin in the woods. Bel remembers Daniel as a handsome kid by the river. He sees the goodness in Daniel, the creativity and love at the core. Bel is thoughtful and kind. Even at the beginning when he thinks Daniel is just another tweaker, he treats him like a human being.

The sexual energy between Bel and Daniel is scorching. Mere touching sizzled with passion. There was a scene around the 45% mark that will forever be seared in my memory.

I would not classify this as a BDSM story. Bel tries to provide Daniel with a routine, but pain has very little to do with sexual gratification for Daniel. He wants to be controlled because he doesn't think he can control himself. It's not about an exchange of power or pleasure through pain. It's about Daniel's inner darkness, something Bel realizes he can't tame with whips.

This books tackles not just Daniel and Bel's tentative relationship, seeped in a weird dichotomy of pain and comfort, love and lust, binding and letting go, but the hidden, brutal secrets of a small Southern town: lies, prejudices, deep-seated fears.

This is what happens when we alienate what we don't understand, when we blame the victim, when we let a cross dictate our conscience, holding vigils for a bigoted, hateful scumbag, turning him into some kind of martyr, but dooming the broken, beaten man to being an outcast.

I wish I could say there was joy here. But light only lurked in dirty shadows as Bel and Daniel played and loved and talked and went skinny-dipping in a river. And it quietly settled into the final chapter where we got a jolt of possibility, a future. Not a guarantee, but a promise.

This is a psychological, gritty thriller first, an m/m romance second.

The 4 star rating is for the poetry of the writing, the realistic dialogue, the originality of the plot, the imperfect but believable characters.

The truth is I didn't enjoy reading this book. It was frustrating and heavy, cloaked in hopelessness and sorrow.

But I won't forget it.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,168 followers
March 23, 2014
tl;dr : hot, thoughtful D/s. Buy it.

the long road:

Full disclosure: Lisa Henry gave me a copy of this. You may or may not know I have a personal policy of no ARCs or freebies, but I choose to think of this not as a review copy, but as my very kind friend Lisa taking pity on my six months of eager waiting and giving me a present. But, to clarify officially, Lisa did not give me the book in expectation of a favorable, or any, review.

Writing a cohesive review of this proved fairly challenging, and it's because I didn't find all the substance in here that I wanted to; there was nothing to really sink my texty teeth into.

It's clear to me the writing is great: a real step up for Henry and Rock. The story works best when it's focused on either Bel or Daniel's internal thoughts, and in fact my favorite parts are Daniel's dreamtime soliloquies. The voice is ever so slightly askew from the norm, which gives everything an eerie, unearthly vibe. Bel's descriptions of his relationship with Daniel are quite gripping. I love how he enjoys Daniel's submission, and how sees himself from the outside in that process of enjoying Daniel's submission. I like that Bel's not sure what he's doing, that the whole relationship is a heuristic process of trial and error, feeling their way around each other. I like the sense of the small town, and Daniel's reflections on this.

Both Daniel and Bel are fleshed out, fully-believable characters. Bel, particularly, I fell for, a little.

So why is this a four star and not a five star? I mean, I rated the fairly god-awful Timber Pack Chronicles #1 five stars, and there's no comparison: anything Henry and Rock write is miles better. I guess for me it's about potential, and expectation. These are good authors. And this is a good book, no question. But Rock and Henry could be writing AMAZING things. And they're not. They're coasting.

So, as good as this was, it could have been a much better book. I was utterly gripped up to 20%, intrigued to 25%, but then I started to find it a little thin. Oh, it's sizeable - 5865 locations - don't get me wrong, but the middle was too mushy to support the weight. It needed something more. The story is actually a very straightforward one, and the structure isn't as well-resolved as it needed to be in order to carry the reader through the full length and keep them entranced. And no, you can't fill that space up with sex, although Rock and Henry certainly gave it a good try. There was room for twisty goodness in this story, and instead it was padded out. Specifics: It's not deeply satisfying as a story, because I feel like we didn't get a whole story.

I guess at heart what I'm looking for is probably impossible. I'm looking for authors to start pushing m/m further. No, I don't mean through using fruit and vegetables in ways that are illegal in Tennessee. I mean that as a genre m/m has grown exponentially over the last 6-7 years, and to grab a larger slice of readership we need to see stories that are richer and deeper: ones where you could take the sex out, leave the relationship in, and still have a readable book. If you took the sex out of When All the World Sleeps you would have an interesting short story, but you wouldn't have a good book.

Is it unfair of me to expect Rock and Henry to deliver some kind of genre-changing work? To ask for erotica that is more than erotica? OK, yes, probably. But who else is going to do it? These guys are awesome.

And look, this is all only my two cents. Your mileage may vary, and probably will. It's still hot, thoughtful D/s, and I still think you should buy it.


phew! I'm finished, and I'm emotionally exhausted. Review to come: I have to percolate. And maybe nap. Mmmmm, autumn afternoon naps . . .




update: FIVE MONTHS I've been waiting for this. Here's what I've decided I want GR to implement as a feature. I want to be able to tick a box, and have GR email me immediately a book is released. So that I don't have to put it in my diary (and then the publishers moves the release date, so I'm wrong anyway.)

I want an opt-in push, please.
Profile Image for Drusilla.
677 reviews223 followers
June 20, 2024
Choking on my tears.
What a book. I didn't think I'd even make it to the end, but I'm glad I did, otherwise it would have been a shame not to finish such a unique story.
This is a very dark story full of triggers, here's a small selection that should help you decide if this is something you want to read: sleepwalking disorder, homophobia, violence - past and present injuries, self harm, non-sexual masochism

What else is there to say?
Two extraordinary characters who find themselves in an impossible situation and try to establish a kind of relationship for which they have no experience and don't know what they actually want. The whole BDSM-inspired scenes are very atypical because neither of them know what they are doing and because the situation is simply incredibly difficult.
A lot of it was absolutely hard to read and digest.
Very well written, but not something I would recommend or ever want to read again.

He’s seen. He’s seen you chained to your bed. He’s seen you about to die. He’s seen you in your underwear. And he’s known for years you’re a murderer. That you don’t belong anywhere. That you’re a dangerous fucking animal. What would he say if he knew you wanted him to touch you? If he knew you thought about him last night? He’d hate you more than he does already.
Daniel eased up on the bruise. Let the smile return. Ah, well. What’s one more stain?

Bel didn’t know what the fuck he was saying. They could stay here until Daniel’s nightmare or whatever passed, sure. But things were never gonna get better for Daniel.
Was Bel gonna hang around forever like a fool, hoping they would? Maybe.
He rubbed Daniel’s back. Couldn’t imagine letting him go right now.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
April 3, 2014
**3.5 stars**

Ugh, boy do I need a happy read after this one.

These authors sucked me dry (Emotionally! Dirty minds, all of you) and left me feeling totally depleted. Don't get me wrong, this is still a romance, but it is an exhausting one.

Honestly, the concept for this book was pretty brilliant. Daniel Whitlock does things he can't control while he is sleeping, including harming others and himself. Daniel's situation alone was enough to make me cry. I mean, that poor man. What he put himself through every night just to allow himself a few hours of sleep was... just brutal.

There are a lot of complex issues in this book, including the difference and boundaries between pleasure and pain, the need to be controlled for sexual gratification or self-preservation, and how to make a relationship work with an unstable and dangerous disability.

I alternatively admired and pitied Bel (the other MC) in this book. I know he willingly and knowingly entered into a relationship with Daniel, but I often found myself thinking that this whole situation would too overwhelming for one man to deal with without a team of doctors to help. Honestly, I would be scared living with Daniel, and I felt that fear color my reactions to the story.

In terms of writing, I think these authors did a very nice job creating a story that readers can immerse themselves in. I was completely invested in the story, and the authors did a fabulous job at creating the mood, the atmosphere. My only issue with the plot is the pacing. It dragged a bit in the middle and started feeling a bit repetitive. I know that the authors wanted to really take their time and show the progression of Bel and Daniel's relationship, but I could have used something to make the middle of the story more engaging.

Overall, this was a bleak, emotional, romantic, and depressing read that will stay with me for a while.

**Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Profile Image for Ingie.
1,424 reviews167 followers
January 29, 2015
Written April 2, 2014

4 1/2 Stars - Anxiety-filled, sentimental, tough and dark but ultimately beautiful about fear, to be different, alienation and strong emotions

When All the World Sleeps is a new Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock M/M novel. ~ As I wrote in my last update; I'm totally exhausted. ~

To read this book was an incredibly emotional journey. I feel it is impossible for me to describe all these pretty rough and difficult feelings, happenings and characters in this great, but very dark and angsty, novel. It is so much to say about this one but I'll just make it (quite) short and recommend you all to experience this story yourselves.


Daniel Whitlock is terrified of going to sleep, he sleepwalks, with no memory of his actions. A couple of years ago he burned down Kenny Cooper’s, his antagonists, house—with Kenny inside it.

Daniel is now back again in his small home-town Logan, South Carolina after a year in prison. He is hated by everybody there (..maybe even his own family), because of Kevin's death. Scared and afraid, for himself and others, is Daniel living alone in a cabin in the woods. He does everything he can to avoid meeting people from town and works as a cleaner at the library (though an college education in chemistry).

During the long dreaded nights chains Daniel himself to his bed - to secure that nothing happens.
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‘To love fiercely and constantly, to have love be your lifeline, the only thing pulling you up when you were being dragged under again and again.
Daniel knew that kind of love.’

Then the young local cop Joe Belman (aka Bel) saves Daniel from a attempted murder fire. These two men gets to know each other, they talk and Bel discover that the beautiful guy, Daniel (..he always felt attracted to), maybe isn't just a murdering freak. A man to disgust and hate, maybe there is a lot more there. ~ Bel make it to his own (love) mission to help Daniel and look after him at the nights.
‘Other people had always tried to tell him who or what he was, and it always stung a little, even once he was used to it.’

Daniel's situation and life is almost a disaster. Poor, poor guy! - I just wanted to cry about how horrible he had it in the book's beginning.

...But suddenly there is our hero Bel in the middle of Daniel's life. Bel is just like a kindly, patient, beautiful shimmering white good angel. The savior we all need sometimes. So young, yet so strong. Gosh, how I loved this brave man.
And then Bel had come along and made him belive he deserved better.
I deserve to hurt.
Bel didn't buy that. He didn't let Daniel hurt.’


All kinds of emotions have stormed around in me while I was reading Daniel and Bel's beautiful, but also very debilitating, story. Everything from enjoyment, happiness and cosiness to strong emotions such as: fear, sadness, anger and of course, overshadowing everything, great compassion.

Want to know more? -- About these characters, what really happened, fear for sleepwalking, all these smug cruel people in this town, Daniel's remarkable callous parents, the evil guys who wanted to take revenge, the hot and tender but also tough sex, to submit and to need pain, the awesome feelings between these two wonderful guys etc etc -- Read another better and fuller review.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

“Cause with you, I was awake, and with you, I was alive, and with you, I'm brave.”

When All the World Sleeps is so much more than an ordinary steamy M/M romance. It is a novel about a lot of hard stuff in a damaged and scruffy mans (Daniel's) life. ~ Jeez, this novel was so dark and heartbreaking hard to read. ~ Daniel's pain and Bel's helplessness was as several sharp knife stab straight into my heart.

...I prayed for something better, something warm, lighter ....some hope. And partly, I was heard by some higher powers. Or maybe by these two amazing writers.

In my opinion an exceptionally well-made and poignant story. A story to remember, that will remain in the mind, and not be forget in a hurry. It is romantic and bit smexy too, but so d@mn sad... ~ I'm stunned after all these tumultuous emotions, events and harsh realities... and exhausted.

I LIKE - great, but one time is enough


# Hugs and big thanks to my sweet friend Andrea who recommended it (5 stars from her).

# Buddy-read with ladies in the M/M Buddy Read Central group with start Monday March 31, 2014.

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Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
May 26, 2019
DNF @ 52%
Nothing really happened, it dragged a lot, I got bored and so far there wasn't any romance that you could feel it!
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews476 followers
July 22, 2016
Complicated, conflicted, and slightly terrifying.

You want a cookie cutter, easy read then just keep on walking--this book is not for you. This isn't elitism, this is fair warning that one really needs to be in a frame of mind for reading this book.

It is a romance.

It will make you rethink your beliefs at least once.

It might very will make you hate, love, and despair all within one chapter--several times within the book.

This is not easy, formulated plot twists. This is reach deep inside, that soft place that you hide, grab hold and wrench it. Let go and feel the pain, the ache and wonder when it will stop hurting.

There is no pure evil and no pure good, merely shades that shift within the characters.

Daniel is grasping at straws. Bel is trying and doing the best he can. Their relationship journey is exhausting. the kink is a mess of Daniel's past colliding with his present and Bel trying to make heads and tails of it all. Settling into a DD relationship to give Daniel that sense of safety while Bel figures it out.

There are dangerous shoals--Daniel's medical condition, his mind and the pushing
“You think you’re the only one with limits?” Bel demanded. “I wouldn’t ask you to do something you didn’t want to do, so show me the same respect, all right?”

There be dragons--one ghost and his three living friends

While reading this book, I listened to Pink Floyd's The Wall and absolutely flew with it. The parallels between the two were so clear to me. Daniel and all his interactions with his family, Logan, Bel and all the events encapsulated here make for a powerful read.

Lest you fear, this is a romance. And at the end, I listened to The Goo Goo Dolls Better Days .

Favorite passage because it haunts me:
Only called me Daniel when I was in trouble, when you were telling me off. Then it stuck. Then I was Daniel for good, even when you weren’t mad. Even when you forgot what you were angry about, it stuck.
Profile Image for Lisa Henry.
Author 97 books2,208 followers
March 16, 2014

The first two chapters are now available to read on the Riptide website.


J.A. Rock and I wrote this book. It all started with an email she sent me asking if I wanted to hear a crazy idea. My answer, as always, was "Hell, yes."

And it went from there...

If you guys have anything you want to ask me about When All The World Sleeps, here's the place to do it!
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
512 reviews450 followers
August 12, 2021
H e a r t b r o k e n

This mad me cry over and over again and I think that’s the sole reason I stuck with it till the end

“…He’s got no one. He’s got nothing except for a condition even he doesn’t understand, and I can tell it scares the hell out of him.”

Okay let’s get into the story : Danial Whitlock sleep walks. He has since he was a kid and he never stopped. He never remembers what he does when he sleepwalks and that wasn’t essentially an issue untilhe burned down a house with a guy in it. Now years later, he is out of jail and back in the town that hates him. Calls him a freak and a faggot.the town that doesn’t believe him when he swears he was sleepwalking. And that’s when we meet Joe Belmen an officer who happens to suddenly wonder if there’s some truth to the rumour.

Let’s break it down : Kenny - the guy who died in the fire- was an asshole and a bully. A man who brutally beat Daniel and abused him with the help of his buddies. So I obviously had no problem letting go of the whole “he killed someone” bs that was going on.

The relation between Bel and Daniel take of when Bel started witnessing Daniel sleep walk. He offers to help him by staying with him at night and cuffing him to the bed ( no, not like that🙄 ) so he wouldn’t try to leave the house.

Daniel’s cabin never felt safe or welcoming. Bel’s memories of the place were of Daniel struggling in his cuffs while smoke filled the room. Of broken glass and the pig’s head and helping Daniel scrub graffiti off the front. Daniel’s hallucinations, his bruised wrists, the tiny, isolated room where he’d imprisoned himself for years.

Yet Bel loved coming down the dirt road and catching his first glimpse of the cabin—if only because it meant he was going to see Daniel. Was going to kiss him while he was still tied down and taste him before Daniel could duck away to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

This had BDSM in it with Bel slowly discovering the glories in dominance and with Daniel being into pain to stay awake. TW: there are graphic scenes of rough sex with the use of slurs with Daniel in a past relationship
Daniel makes it clear to Bel that he wants rules in the relationship and an order and basically someone in charge of him and that’s how their relationship worked.

Daniel looked at him. “You’re right, what you said, ’bout me not knowing the difference between fucking and fucking myself up.” He dropped his gaze, and when he lifted it again, his eyes were shining with tears. “Don’t hurt me, Bel. I don’t wanna play those games for a while. Maybe never.”

I liked bel. He was fine. He was patient. He was normal? He is an example of what a decent human being should be.

Daniel on the other hand. He made my heart ache. He was so fucking alone and tired and in the beginning you see him face almost everything alone without any support or outside help.

the phone rang in his hand. He didn’t recognize the number, and he figured he shouldn’t answer it.
But he was so fucking lonely.

He’s constantly beating himself up in this book and his nightmares get more dark and traumatising as the book goes on. He is also bullied on a daily basis by Kenny’s friends and so his sleep walking becomes more chilling . You can’t help but feel sad for him honestly because he’s so lost in this book and his few moments of happiness does not make up for the twisted thoughts in this head.

“How do you know you’re not just crazy?”
“Maybe I am.”

It was established in the beginning that there was no cure for his disorder and Daniel began to regularly see a therapist. But the plot was lost on me at a point. Sex-sleep walking -nightmares- bullying - sex - self deprecating thoughts. I didn’t understand what was supposed to happen and it got v draggy and some chapters could’ve just been avoided.

But overall. This was fun, very dark and has a lot of trigger warning before going into. I wanted to keep this pretty much spoiler free, or Atleast I tried, but I still managed to enjoy this. It was very different and unusual. And unfortunately, we couldn’t see much of Daniels development after the events, just an implication in the epilogue. This book was quite heavy with the themes but still romance heavy.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,326 reviews591 followers
July 30, 2017
4.5 Stars

This story is not for the faint of heart. It was a disturbing, frustrating, distressing, and even an uncomfortable reading experience at times, but wow, what a story!

Forcing my apprehension aside, I threw myself into this one, knowing full well that my poor nerves and pesky anxiety was going to be heightened due to the content and themes within this story. It was a tough read, no doubt, but one I feel was so very worth any ill-feelings that may have been thrust upon me along the way.

I believe it was such a successful read for me because the writing itself was absolutely phenomenal. Trust Henry and Rock to deliver such an emotionally wrought, but oh-so memorable and powerful story.

I was instantly immersed from the opening page, and the intensity and pace never once faltered. I became strongly attached to both Daniel and Bel as characters, and I rooted for their attainment of personal health, love and happiness with everything I had - even when such things seemed out of reach.

The whirlwind of complex emotions these characters endured, as well as the barrage of intense, sometimes horrific, experiences they faced – both past and present alike – all combined to make for a gripping read that demanded my full attention and compassion.

Simply put, this was a fantastic book. I’m emotionally drained, but I regret nothing.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,537 followers
August 3, 2022
✦ sad, emotional and pretty depressing. a very interesting premise overall. i was enjoying it a lot in the first half.
✦ however, it sadly got draggy in the second half for me. i just think the plot could have been tightened up a little more.
✦ i had some niggles with the romance itself too, therefore, 3 stars sounds about right.
Profile Image for Shelley.
395 reviews533 followers
March 21, 2014
Have you ever thought about the power of the subconscious mind? How it responds to your every thought and emotion, your fears and desires? At the risk of sounding like a universal self-help guru I will remind you that your subconscious is your loyal slave, your greatest protector and your fiercest ally; it is your absolute truth and there is no hiding from it. It is YOU, with the most powerful will to do what your conscious mind will not. Now imagine what your subconscious would do for you, if it had control of your body, while you, and all the world sleeps…

For Daniel Whitlock it’s a fucking nightmare! For years his subconscious has surfaced while he sleeps and played servant to Daniels deepest darkest fears and desires; seeking pleasures and avenging the wrongs that Daniel’s conscience mind will not. Dangerous thoughts, obsessive guilt and desperate fear of his subconscious action have led to Daniel’s self-imprisonment in his tiny cabin in the woods. It’s worse than a nightmare; it’s an excruciating existence that honest to God, began to read like a horror story. So of course I was thrilled!

The author’s paint Daniels condition with broad strokes and detail the emotive effects on his psyche with a fine liner. Its irresistible reading. The contrast between his waking and sleeping self is so conflicting you would think it a case of split personalities and this adds depth, intrigue, and a whole lot of guesswork about his true persona. Daniel sleepwalking scared the hell out of me, and I was excited to explore the possibilities of his fearless, devilish and horny subliminal mind! I found him extremely psychologically arousing with the potential to be one of the most original and emphatic characters I have ever read – until I reach the 35% mark…

Then he manifests into yet another tragic hero who constantly obsesses over his guilt and sorrow over the things his conscious mind cannot control or recall. Seeking his penitence he embraces masochism as a means of driving his subconscious to exhaustion. It makes for good reading BUT, when the authors continue to rehash every detail of that night, the aftermath, the emotions and hatred toward Daniel from a bigoted, hick town community it gets old fast. It gets boring because well, I’m not daft – there is no need to patronise me by going over and over and over the same things all the freaking time. I get it already! For this I blame the editor, cos this does not need to be 400 plus pages long, 150 of those pages are purely repetitive: this-is-why-you-need-to-feel-sorry-for-poor-bullied-misunderstood-Daniel melodrama.

That was my biggest criticism and my other one was; what starts out as something unique, inspired and full of suspense turns into something that’s not. I had to wrap my head around the fact that I was now dealing with sweet, loving, pulpy, healing kindness in the form of Bel – who was very lovely and an oh-so-very-perfect antidote to Daniel’s nightmares – too perfect perhaps? Maybe not, I’m just feeling a tad bitter because it didn’t go MY way. I think the author’s tamed or repressed Daniel’s subconscious a bit too much and my dazzle faded fast.

Now I bet you all think its crap and it really isn’t. It’s good, well written, (as always) and the sex is among the best I have read from either of these authors. They brought something innocent and fresh, erotic and decadently sexy to this power exchange but most importantly, it made sense! In the bedroom they made sense, but outside? Not so much. I never quite got what Bel saw in Daniel; what was the attraction beyond his innate need to protect him? To avoid spoilers, I’ll say that Bel’s deep attraction and willingness to go as far as he did for Daniel was questionable. But I suspect that these guys will be a lot of reader’s favourites. Only time will tell if they will be mine…

Overall this failed on the promise of dark suspense for me and then I was battered into boredom with long winded, repetitive explanations BUT, I still admired a lot of it and even loved a little of it …

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Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
July 26, 2021
Have you ever seen firewalkers?
I’ve seen them in movies and for some reason, I think of firewalking when I close my eyes and think of this story. Let me explain. Walking barefooted on hot coals requires strength, courage, and faith. Daniel and Bel are strong, courageous and build a relationship on trust. And the reader must be willing to dig deep and have complete confidence in Henry and Rock. I know I’m in capable hands when I begin any of their creations because I’ve happily exchanged a piece of my heart for one of their books before. This was not an easy read by any means. It was not pleasant or fluffy. Quite frankly, it hurt and then it hurt in double measure. I don’t read horror and even though this is not horror it certainly had horrifying moments.
I was anxious and scared. I was angry, sad, and sorry.
I was also…full of hope.
This story consumed me. I was gripped by each and every word while reading and once I closed my kindle they followed me into the real world. I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I fought the urge to flip to the end, just to ensure they received the ending I felt they deserved. And then when I finally made it to the last page (without cheating), I read the ending over and over again, until I could almost recite it word for word. I don’t know about you, but that right there is exactly what I think an extraordinary book should do.

Daniel. A dangerous lamb. He is misunderstood and severely misguided. No one has ever taken the time to peel back the layers holding him together…until Bel. He’s the town outcast, disowned by his family and he disgusts everyone, including himself. His sleepwalking is an uncontrollable force…until Bel. His subconscious sought revenge and he’s been paying the piper ever since. His sentence might have been cut short but he’s far from free. When he burned Kenny’s house and Kenny, the flames torched his life as well. The coals have been simmering ever since. And no one has dared to walk over them…until Bel.

Bel. The watchful lion. Daniel caught his eye many moons ago but that was before. Before the beautiful older boy he admired lost his mind. Before Bel became a cop and took an oath with a badge and everything linked to a proud piece of metal. Bel lives in a small town with some small minds, he’s not out and has no grand plans to declare his heart to anyone. Until Daniel captures his focus once more and this time, he’s determined to discover the truth about Daniel Whitlock. Daniel ignites something deep inside Bel. He suddenly finds himself willing to do just about anything for the man. But as the days slip by and twilight looms he wonders if courage is enough to protect them.

Their love blossoms even with the darkness and demons. Their love grows despite the haters and doubters. Their love strengthens every time Daniel takes another step out of the living hell he’s trapped in. It was glorious and gratifying to witness. Daniel is certain Bel is responsible for each milestone reached but the truth is, Bel simply believes in Daniel. His faith is the driving force that reminds Daniel who he truly is and what he can do. He can be a kind neighbor and loving brother. He can be a generous boyfriend and passionate lover. He can submit out of desire rather than need. He may not be totally fearless but he is no longer controlled by his fears. And I was so damn proud of him, them.

Beware of: I don’t know what to tell you…there’s a lot to unpack here. Deep sleep rules Daniel…delirium and hallucinations blur with reality. A hunger for pain walks the line of BDSM…yet, luckily Bel sees Daniel and knows he doesn’t truly want to hurt, only feel. And roughneck bullies bulldoze their way to cutthroat premeditation. In the face of ALL of this, they have honest and pure love buoyed by humble dreams.

This book is for: If you’re ever been enthralled by brave souls willing to face flames, why not take a chance on this spellbinding tale? Although…maybe have the burn kit ready, just in case.

Book UNfunk
April 3, 2015
****4 Set My World On Fire Stars****

Daniel Whitlock
wrestled when his subconscious took control of his mind, wrestled with his demons, the townsfolk.....and acceptance..... what a Heartbreaking, Incredible, Poignant Story.

Daniel Whitlock is terrified of going to sleep. He sleepwalks, with no awareness or memory of his actions. After spending time in prison for a crime he commited, burning down Kenny Cooper’s house with Kenny in it. Daniel returned to the small town he grow up in and lives alone in a cabin in the woods isolated from everyone scared and afraid, for himself and others.


Everyone in the local town of Logan don't believe Whiltock's defense, not even the local cop Joe Belman believes Daniel's story.

Then one night, when Joe Belman (aka Bel) saves Daniel from a retaliatory fire, he discovers that Daniel might not be what everyone thinks: killer, liar, tweaker, freak.

I just loved Lisa Henry J. A. Rock collaboration on this dark, angsty read. I must admit it took me a little while to get into, but as the story unravelled....I was swept along with bated breath.

The other thing was, I had this hillybilly voice going on in my head....."You like that boy" .....yeah *giggles*.....couldn't help it....Bel my hillbilly!!


"Fuck me," Daniel said, his voice straining. "Please, fuck me Bel."

"We got all night," Bel told him. "Ain't you much for foreplay?"

Daniel made a face. "Past few weeks have been foreplay. I've been to the edge so many times, I've got the goddamned T-shirt....."

I haven't fallen in love with a couple SO MUCH in ages....

These two are going straight on my FAVOURITE COUPLE SHELF!!!

It was the TRUST they had for each other
....it was *sigh*

Damn straight, if it wasn't the loveliest, most endearing of relationships ever.

You're incredible" ~ Bel

Bel would have walked through fire to save Daniel - I'm sure!!

Profile Image for Elena.
914 reviews70 followers
November 18, 2018
5 heartbreaking, soul-wrenching stars! Bel and Daniel - their love story is so special...

3 times I've started this review, and 3 times I really didn't know what to say about this incredible book... So, now I'm gonna go for simple and maybe I'll come clean this time.

If you know Lisa Henry you can definitely understand my musings and heartbreaks over Daniel. God, but she can write dark, she can write gritty, and she can write depressing! I'm very sorry but I haven't read anything by J.A. Rock so far, so I can't compare her input in the book with my previous experiences.

Well, the best word I can think of to describe When All the World Sleeps is BLEAK. I can't even imagine what Daniel was going through, I can't begin to understand how much he suffered in his small, homophobic town... My heart was ripped out, shattered to million pieces and then stomped on with a brutal force. I was broken inside.
How were those two authors able to evoke such strong feelings within me? And what is more towards a murderer? It's simply their beautiful, provocative, impeccable writing.

The only flaw of Bel and Daniel's story is the ending... I soooo wish I could see them happy in a new place, in a new city and with a new brighter future - they both deserved it so much.

My favourite quotes:

"Because for so long he'd felt covered in shame, fucking graffitied in it. Like no one could look at him without seeing layers and layers of ugliness. Couldn't move without showing the world a worse side of himself."

"Pain could be exciting. Daniel shivered at the thought. It could be, if it meant something."

"Funny how much difference it made in his life, just having Bel."

Right. That's it guys. I really don't know what more to say about this book. Simply read it and you'll know what I mean when I say I can't even collect my thoughts about it. It's really good!
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
June 6, 2014
This book really tore me apart. The writing was excellent.
I have to admit, Bel was one of the most interesting, most likeable and most realistic gay romance characters I have ever come across. A down to earth cop from the countryside with a compassionate heart and a faithfulness that astonished me immensely.

Daniel, on the other hand, was a complete wreck. I did not fully understand how Bel was able to cope with Daniel's issues and how he found the strength to carry on. I would not have been as strong in his situation. He didn't give up on Daniel. But I wonder what Bel saw in Daniel, except the misunderstood pretty guy with the serious mental issues that he fell for as a teenager?

This is the only aspect of the book that I did not fully understand, therefore 4 stars instead of 5.
But other than that, an awesome read. The end was extremely exciting. I definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
May 23, 2017
"Do you know what you do when all the world sleeps?"

I fuck anything. I kill people, I'm crazy.
"You talk a lot. We talk a lot."

Daniel Whitlock walks in his sleep and that wouldn't be so bad if it was all that he did in his sleep but it isn't and now after years in prison having paid his debt to society. He's trying to rebuild his life...to rebuild himself...but, that's a lot harder than it sounds when people won't let go of the past, won't accept why things happen.

Joe 'Bel' Belman's one of those people. He just can't believe that Daniel wasn't aware, wasn't cognizant of what he did the night Kenny Cooper died. It's only as he begins to witness Daniel's erratic behavior, his confusion and terror at suddenly finding himself places he doesn't remember going, saying and doing things that he later has no memory of that Joe begins to truly question what he thought he knew.

But it's not until Bel rescue's Daniel from his own house as it burns that he truly realizes the fear that Daniel lives with...fear of what he'll do once he falls asleep, fear of how vulnerable he becomes as he tries to keep the world safe from him. Bel agrees to help Daniel by being with him at night and keeping him from leaving his home and what starts as simply doing his duty to help keep his community safe turns into so much more for both men. What begins as duty soon becomes friendship for these two men and slowly turns into so much more but it's not an easy path they've chosen. Small communities can be as mean and vindictive as they are kind and caring. Memories are long and forgiveness is short, especially when things aren't all that they seem to be.

"When All the World Sleeps" is not an easy story. It's dark and heartbreaking...filled with pain, fear and suffering but it's also graced with love, hope and acceptance as Daniel and Joe struggle to find their way together and build something good and loving.

This is actually my second time out of the gate with this one. The first time was back in 2014 when the e-book was released, I gave the book 5 stars then and I stand by that rating now for both the e-book and the audiobook as well.

Greg Tremblay did an amazing job with the narration on this. I was honestly as enthralled by his narration as I was by the story itself. He captured Daniel's sense of hopelessness and his fear and frustration so perfectly as well as Bel's determination and his own frustrations with how people reacted to Daniel and the moments when Del tried to make Daniel see himself as someone so much better than he believed himself to be. I'm not one who's prone to just sitting and listening with audiobooks I'm usually doing other task as I listen but I found myself on more than one occasion just sitting with my eyes closed as I absorbed this story into my heart while Mr. Tremblay read to me. I know that doesn't seem like much but I know me and I know that this speaks to how much I was enjoying the audiobook.

If you enjoy audiobooks add this to your must have list. At 12 hours and 11 minutes it's definitely the longest book I've listened to yet and one of the best.

An audio ARC of "When All the World Sleeps" was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
July 29, 2018
Re-read July 2018

The audio for this is amazing. Greg Tremblay really makes this book come alive. But... it's still quite the depressing story... And not even the great narration could make me feel happier about this. It's good, but very sad too.


3.5 stars

I know when Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock write something together they accomplish awesome things. And this was no exception.

This is a story about Daniel. Daniel, who sleepwalks. And does awful things when he is asleep. When he was attacked by a group of men, for being gay, his unconscious, sleeping self got up one night and took revenge. He burned down the house of his assailant with him in it. After his prison sentence, he is even more of a pariah in the small town then before.

Joe Belman ‘Bel’ is one of the local policemen. He encounters Daniel one night and is puzzled at how one moment Daniel acts like he is high as a kite and the next he is instantly sober and acting like a different person. This makes him wonder if what Daniel has told people about his sleepwalking habits could really be true. He takes pity on Daniel and tries to help him. But the only help Daniel will accept is confinement. He wants Bel to restrain him and overpower him. He wants someone else to be in control for a change. Bel is surprised but also very intrigued..

I always have a hard time reading about little towns with bigoted people, and boy, were these people assholes. I mostly wanted them all to suffer just as much as they made Daniel suffer. I couldn't quite understand why Daniel stayed there, but I guess it was just because it was familiar to him.

I was amazed at first how much Daniel wanted to live. He was depressed, sleep deprived, and everyone seemed to hate him. I would have thought Daniel would want it all to just end. But no, he kept going and going. He welcomed Bel into his life and he wanted to live, no matter how hard it was. And Bel, I loved the way he was with Daniel, sweet, considerate, yet controlling when Daniel needed it. They were perfect for each other.

The BDSM element in this one was very well done. It started out as something Daniel needed because of his sleepwalking but didn’t enjoy. But I was happy to see that Daniel and Bel both liked it when Bel got all controlling. But I wouldn't say this is a real BDSM book. It was mostly Bel making up rules for Daniel so Daniel could finally feel safe. And sleep.

I do have to say that I was hoping there would be some more light in this darkness. Or at least a little earlier. But just when I thought it couldn't het worse, it did. So yes, darkness all the way to the end. But don't worry, we did get a HEA (HFN?). But it took a while.

Profile Image for Vanessa North.
Author 42 books518 followers
March 24, 2014
I liked this book a lot, but at the same time, it made me really sad. It's a very melancholy story, but also very angry. I would definitely recommend reading if in the mood for that sort of thing, because it's very evocative--you go through all of Daniel's emotions and the authors pull no punches

I found the setting pretty well done--it feels authentically small town South. (coming from someone who lived for over a decade in the carolinas)

The characters were endearing--Daniel's pain was palpable, and the way Bel won him over with his mixture of gentleness and sternness was wonderfully done. Theirs is a lovely romance.

I would recommend for those who are looking for a richly emotional story.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
725 reviews42 followers
November 13, 2017
Okay, I'm calling it. Time of death: chapter 12/23. No autopsy report.

Just ignore me and my sad puppy dog face, ...
Bildergebnis für sad puppy dog face gif

... seems like I'm the only one on the planet who doesn't like this book.

It's not even because When All The World Sleeps is dark and depressing. It's just dragging and I'm bored, so it took me almost a week to get halfway through. Although my heart is bleeding for Daniel, it doesn't really help that I don't feel a connection between him and Bel, either.

Damn, I never planned for my 200th review to be a DNF and I certainly did not plan on giving up on a audiobook narrated by Greg Tremblay. Though he does another amazing job with this one, even he couldn't salvage the story for me... #crawlsbackintoherboxofshame

Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews371 followers
August 6, 2017
4.5 stars

This book gutted me. It's dark, gritty, and very angsty, but there's also an incredible romance, and strong themes of redemption and hope.

I listened to the audiobook version by Greg Tremblay. His narration kept me hooked. The character voices were differentiated and "fit", and the pacing was good.

Both Daniel and Bel are flawed characters. Daniel has a sleepwalking disorder which resulted in murder, and which he tries to control through enduring pain. Bel, a small-town cop, shares his town's biases and distrust of Daniel.

At first, any relationship between the two seems hopeless. The beginning of their romance is far from perfect. The two can't deny the attraction they feel for each other, but both have their hang ups.

Even so, once they give in, these two clicked immediately. The sex is heavy on bondage and D/s, but light on the S&M. Daniel and Bel were incredibly hot together.

The emotional connection takes more time to build than the physical one. Bel struggles with falling for the town pariah and giving Daniel what he needs, while Daniel can't look past his self-loathing.

These two don't make it easy on themselves. They have to fight tooth and nail to get to a happy place. But throughout the angst and frustration, I couldn't help but root for them. They were so clearly two halves of a whole.

The ending isn't sunshine and roses, but it's a fitting happy ending. I think the two still have to work some things out, but there's no question that they will.

Overall, this was an excellent read. It's heavy on the angst, but the emotions and the love between Bel and Daniel makes it worth the pain!
Profile Image for Mir.
4,915 reviews5,233 followers
February 11, 2019
Lisa Henry is an author who had been on my radar for a number of years as someone whose work several friends regarded highly. I hadn't tried her because I read the plot descriptions and they sounded way too dark and downer and angsty for my taste in romantic fiction.

Then I found Adulting 101 which promised to be humorous and and at least moderately light. And it was! Very funny! And fun. And while there were some more serious elements they were handled in a very deft, non-depressing way. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to read another of her books even though none of them sounded like my bag.

And I'll be honest, this was not for me. This was well written and engrossing and I cared about the characters, but I can't say I really enjoyed reading it. It might have helped me a little had there been a touch more plot (either some mystery, or something going on with Daniel's art talent) but really it was that I'm not into suffering or self-hatred or bdsm.

So that rating is me saying: If you are into angst, troubled relationships, self-destructive behavior and tortured souls, this will be right up your alley!
Profile Image for Meep.
2,162 reviews215 followers
November 20, 2015
A very compelling story that kept hold of me to the end.

I debated reading this for the longest time, the blurb intriqued me but the contents promised to be darker than my liking.
There are very dark themes, this isn't a light pretty romance by any means but there's vivid pain and love and possibly redemption. I'm really glad I decided to read it.

I liked that the sleep-walking wasn't neatly tagged and explained, what is said about it was enough for my quasi-psychol-analysis! It made sense to me that fear and reinforcements could turn a child-hood phase into a life-long burden. Anything more indepth would have pulled me from the story.

Daniel is a suberb anti-hero; a main character someone you feel for and want to protect, to see triumph - yet are still aware of who he is, and that the negativity towards him is not without reason.

The emotions of the book are powerfully written and held longer than the details. Well worth a read.
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
462 reviews449 followers
April 19, 2024
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

It had been a long time since anyone had looked at Daniel like they wished good things for him.

You ever think to yourself 'I would really like to read a book that is so dark and heavy, with a sense of hopelessness and tragedy that will just make me cry throughout the entire thing’? If so, you have come to the right place. This book is the equivalent of being kicked in your emotional ballsack, repeatedly, until the very end.

“I am not—you hear me? I am not gonna leave.” Daniel didn’t answer.
“Tell me you hear that.” Daniel was silent for a long moment.
“You might, though.”
“I won’t.”
“If you have to, it doesn’t make you bad. I'd leave me if I could. Walk right out of this body. Shit.” Daniel almost smiled.
“I’ve tried. So many times. But I’m always here.”

It’s a hard-fought HFN, but more hopeful than you might expect while reading. There’s plenty of unhealthy coping mechanisms here, most of all any and all forms of self harm, both as punishment and so that Daniel can exhaust himself enough to not sleepwalk. They partake in BDSM (Dom/sub) with no real knowledge about it, no discussion of limits, and no safewords. It’s not supposed to be hot or ‘correct’. These guys are young and don’t know what the hell they’re doing, just trying to make it through, and trying to be what the other needs. It’s highly uncomfortable to read it at times, but man is it effective. It’s an incredibly well written story and although I realize a lot of people probably wouldn’t ever want to read it, I wish they did. It’s an incredible story, with or without the romance, and like nothing I’ve read before.

He needed someone like Bel, someone who could see how much sleep hurt him, who could hear him screaming, see the bruises on his wrist—and would lock him up anyway.

It’s a reread for me, but it was still heavy, angsty, and honestly just a little depressing. I definitely would not recommend reading this if you’re in a dark place and feeling vulnerable. The list of content warnings is extensive and needed.

The littlest thing would make me cry while reading. It all just hurts. Imagine promising someone you love that you’ll never leave them, but also wondering how you’ll manage to stay? Yeah, that’s a bit of the vibe here. You’ll hurt for both Daniel and Bel.

Daniel was glad Bel couldn’t see his expression. He had a feeling Bel would consider it attitude.

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Social outcast
Severe sleepwalking disorder
Mental health rep
Police officer MC
Former inmate
Past trauma
Dom/sub dynamic
Power exchange
Kink exploration
Semi-closeted MC
Angst central

⚠️ Content warning ⚠️
•Arson/manslaughter (past, MC the arsonist)
•Homophobic slurs (used by MCs and SCs)
•MC victim of a hate crime (severe beating, past, detailed)
•Graphic details of past injuries
•Gun violence (not fired - several threats)
•Mention of MC drinking urine while sleepwalking
•Non-sexual masochism (past and present)
•Mentions of past beatings
•Restraints (to keep from sleepwalking)
•MC injures his anus and tricks MC2 into penetrative sex so that it will hurt (MC2 stops as soon as he realizes)
•Past incarceration
•Sleep deprivation
•Past beating with belt as punishment (parent)
•Self harm (many forms, on page)
•House fire (on page, MC inside)
•Numerous references to drug use but neither MC uses (side characters, accusations of MC using)
•Brief mention of unimportant side character convicted of raping a child (past, off page, no details)
•Social ostracizing and bullying of MC
•References to psychiatric ward stay
•Brief mentions of being drugged while incarcerated
•Parent with gambling addiction (not many details)
•Vague mention of possible past sexual assault (MC, no details)
•MC physically and bodily restraining other MC
•Mutilated animal (off page, pig’s head)
•Suicidal ideation/thoughts
•Instance of non-consent between MCs (sleepwalking MC giving oral to sleeping MC - neither want it)
•MC beaten and harassed by three men (on page)
•MC almost drowns (saved in time)
•Restraints during sex
•Sketchy BDSM practice (no discussing limits or safewords)
•Death of minor side character’s dog (hit by car, off page, some details)
•Impact play (erotic)
•Impact play (punishment)
•Side character intoxicated by drugs (on page)
•Explicit sexual content

⚠️Book safety ⚠️
Cheating: No
Other person drama: Daniel kisses someone on page before anything happens with Bel (and is sleepwalking). Daniel plans to hook up with a ‘master’ who can use him and chain him up at night - he touches the ‘master’ a little but they don’t go any further. Happens before anything is started between Daniel and Bel. Daniel leaves sketchy situation where possible gangbang could’ve happened, orchestrated by this ‘master’. He texts this ‘master’ later too before he’s together with Bel, but nothing sexual ever happens between them.
Breakup: No
POV: 3rd person, dual
Genre: Contemporary romance
Pairing: M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles
Main characters’ age: 23 and 27
Series: Standalone
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Pages: 360

His parents mostly stopped yelling at Daniel for things he did in his sleep, but sometimes his mother cried, which was worse than yelling.

“You know you sound crazy, right?” Bel asked. “How do you know you’re not just crazy?” “I don’t fucking know!” There was that deep, jagged pain in Whitlock’s eyes again, a sort of brutal disappointment, like something he’d hoped for had fallen through. He closed his right hand around his left wrist. “If I ain’t crazy naturally, I feel crazy from not sleeping. So maybe I am crazy. Maybe I fucking am!”

Whitlock shook his head more vehemently. “Even a meth head’s got more sense than I do when it comes to knowing when to quit. If I’m asleep and you try to wake me up, I might fight and not stop.”

She walked toward her car. Didn’t say good-bye. “I love you, Daniel,” she’d said twenty-two years ago, when they’d left the house for his first day of kindergarten. […] What if he said it now? “I love you, Mom.” What if she just kept walking? Can’t love someone who treats you like that. Can’t love someone who don’t love you. He wished he believed that.

Then Bel stepped through the flames. “Hey, Bel,” Daniel smiled. “Hey. You awake?” “Yeah.” Daniel watched the flames wash over the walls. Bel kissed him on the forehead. “No, you ain’t.”

You can find most of my reviews on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/booksafety?...
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,637 followers
August 1, 2020
This was an intense, dark story with a looming sense of foreboding for most of the book. Daniel committed a horrible crime, in response to a horrible situation, while he was supposedly sleep-walking. He was convicted, but given a short sentence due to support for his claim of being unaware of what he did. Now back in his hometown - the scene of his crime - on parole, he's still dealing with severe dissociative episodes when he sleeps, and the fear that goes with being out of control. He also deals with the fact that most of the town thinks he didn't pay enough for the crime he committed. He is shunned, bullied, taken advantage of, and so terrified of his own potential for mayhem that he has no energy for anything but the very basics of living.

Bel is a cop, younger than Daniel, and also gay although not openly so. As a teen, he liked and lusted after Daniel. As an adult, he feels the weight of the town's hatred for Daniel, accentuated because Daniel is openly gay. Bel is torn between sympathy and revulsion, and is determined to figure out more of what is going on with Daniel. But the more he learns, the more Daniel seems like the victim of both his own condition and the responses of everyone around him. Bel becomes his protector, and then his lover, in his quest to help this man survive.

The authors did many things I really appreciated, from not taking easy outs in the plot resolution, to including a good positive female character. The premise felt fresh, the emotions were strong. I liked Bel's uncertainty, especially in the beginning, and the way he didn't always make good choices in dealing with Daniel. I really sympathized with Daniel's situation, and thought it was telling that one unguarded and misguided comment from Daniel's family set things in motion - words have power. The climax was a bit dramatic and unlikely, but fit the tone of the rest of the story and things were not wrapped up too neatly in the end. I was pulled rapidly through the story, tensely fascinated with how it would work out, and will probably give it a slower reread someday.
Profile Image for fleurette.
1,534 reviews158 followers
October 17, 2022
What did I actually read? This is a truly unique story, unlike any other I've read before.

I read the first half of the book really fast. Then I slowed down a bit because I was starting to fear some big conflict between the main characters, and I really wasn't in the mood for something like that. Fortunately, I was unnecessarily worried, because the conflict between the main characters was actually pretty mature and was resolved relatively quickly.

The idea for this story is truly unique. Of course, one can argue how likely it is, but it certainly cannot be denied originality. At the same time, it's quite a dark story, though not the darkest I've read recently, you have to be prepared for this. And it's not about BDSM scenes, because these are quite mild. Which is good because I'm not a huge BDSM fan in my love stories. But what I found in this book was very fine.

The characters are really interesting. Of course, we pay more attention to Daniel. He and his sleep problems are really fascinating - although it does feel strange when I write it. Together with Bel, they make a really well-matched pair. I had no problems believing the feelings between them.

At times, on other occasions, I would have assumed that Daniel was confusing appreciation for Bel with love. But this time it did not happen. I had no doubts that they care very much about each other. As well as they have some really deep feelings. There are really a lot of very cute moments here. If you're expecting a book with lots of sex scenes but few hugs, it's not that kind of story.

It was a truly unique story. Although I guess not everyone may like it. And some people may even get bored, because the pace is not that fast after all. But even though I like the fast pace in my stories, it didn't bother me this time.
Profile Image for Vishous.
611 reviews579 followers
January 20, 2016
*ARC via netgalley*


When I first read the blurb, I just knew I had to read this book. And I was simply mesmerized by the cover, like it whispered promises to me that it will be dark and haunting. And on top of it BDSM included.

And it had such an amazing and promising start. I was completely gripped by the story. Both Bel and Daniel were amazing characters and I just couldn't wait for them to be together, to see how will that happen. But somewhere around 50%, maybe even before, I simply lost my hold for this book.

Maybe it was my expectation that it would be darker and not so sweet, maybe I expected the relationship to go over more bumpier road, maybe I thought the BDSM would be more.. Well BDSM, even though Bel was new to all that.

When it comes to Daniel and his sleepwalking, the whole idea was brilliant. All the problems he has in his life are because of that and what he did during sleepwalking. Bullied and beaten all his life for being gay, parents not understanding his medical condition. Not being welcome in his own town and even though he paid for his crime, he still kept being rejected from everybody because no one believed that he sleepwalks.

In the beginning I thought Bel was simply amazing towards him, and I enjoyed reading about him being sweet to Daniel. I loved how he wanted to help him with sleeping, to watch him while he sleeps, so Daniel doesn't have to cuff himself to have a couple of hours of sleep.
And I really enjoyed how it progressed slowly to them getting together. But after some time I got tired of it. For such a "dark" read, this book, their relationship, actually ended up... well sweet. The BDSM part was actually light , and the only thing kinda hard in that aspect, was how Daniel kept himself awake, and why he needed pain .

After some time I got tired of Daniel's character too. It was completely submissive on the outside, but inside his head it was completely different, full of rage and wanting to fight back. And it was like that constantly. Constantly about what he did, about being tired of fear will he do something awful again, while asleep. It just started tiring me down...

But I must admit that the whole idea of the book was actually pretty refreshing to read. I enjoyed it, but more in the beginning, because the rest ended up sweet, and that is actually my fault, because I had different expectations.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,461 reviews166 followers
April 29, 2017
If I got to know you for a little while, that's maybe enough, yeah? 'Cause with you, I was awake, and with you, I was alive, and with you, I'm brave.

This book is not just reading, it is a full emotion-immersion experience. Two of the most memorable characters I have ever come across, and I've read a lot of books, came out of this book - Daniel Whitlock and Joseph (Bel) Belman. Be hard to ever forget their names.

"You awake?"
"Yeah, Bel."

I'll be honest, there is a lot of hurt and sadness in When All The World Sleeps. And it certainly unleashes anger. But there are some moments, just moments, where I laughed so hard. Even though it is observationally raw, real, and gritty, I would be lying if I didn't say that there is hope and love cleverly spooned out in measured amounts by Henry and Rock. Enough to keep you wanting more, not crumbling and thinking 'This is all too damn hard.' Much like Bel feels with Daniel, what he sees in Daniel you can feel and see too, and understand the why of their relationship, even if you think it may be all too hard for you to do what Bel does. There's so much 'nice' in Daniel Whitlock - not saying he isn't flawed - that you could overlook the very painful moments. The moments you felt tired and stressed for Bel, felt tired and cried for Daniel. You want something everyday-nice to happen. Take Daniel by the hand, hold him, tell him it would be okay, never perfect, but okay - and 'don't worry, not too many people can say life is perfect anyway.' Tell Bel he is a champion in every sense of the word. So I kept reading and hoping and loving Bel, what a man!, and loving Daniel, you tough motherfucker!

And Bel- maybe there was something Bel could do. Maybe that something was just being here, being here with someone who'd been alone too long. Maybe it was just switching off the lamp and saying, "Goodnight, Daniel." And hearing the answering inhale in the darkness.

Just a simple thought and gesture, but so powerful.

Review with some slight spoilers at http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/...
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3,662 reviews223 followers
March 5, 2017
5 Thousand Stars

Well, that would be the rating I'd give this book were it something even remotely possible on GR. Seriously, best book I've read (or listened to) this year so far. Honestly? It was better than anything else I read (or listened to) last year as well.

Read the status updates for some of my thoughts and feelings on this book because I'm emotionally exhausted right now and not sure I'd have more to add - except...some parts of the story reminded me of Rectify, but in an homage-y way that I can only explain as 'knowing that show enhanced the entire experience of listening to this novel.' (Probably exacerbated by both MCs being named "Daniel.")

Also, I cannot stress enough how much Greg Tremblay contributed to this rating. I don't want to sound trite but that wasn't a "read by" phone-in and it wasn't just a narration; that was some of the finest voice acting I have ever heard in my entire life.
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