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風の谷のナウシカ [Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä] #5

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Vol. 5

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The Torumekian army is moving house, destroy all in its path, the remaining Doroks have set their sights on Torumekia and Emperor Namulith is plotting to form a joint Dorok-Torumekian kingdom. Meanwhile, four bodies of mold have spawned, expelling heavy miasma and eating everything in their path as they try and merge. Has the long period of purification begun?

151 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1991

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About the author

Hayao Miyazaki

390 books3,150 followers
宮崎 駿

Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo on January 5, 1941. He started his career in 1963 as an animator at the studio Toei Douga, and was subsequently involved in many early classics of Japanese animation. From the beginning, he commanded attention with his incredible ability to draw, and the seemingly-endless stream of movie ideas he proposed.

In 1971, he moved to A Pro with Isao Takahata, then to Nippon Animation in 1973, where he was heavily involved in the World Masterpiece Theater TV animation series for the next five years. In 1978, he directed his first TV series, Conan, The Boy in Future, then moved to Tokyo Movie Shinsha in 1979 to direct his first movie, the classic Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro.

In 1984, he released Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind, based on the manga (comic) of the same title which he had started two years before. The success of the film led to the establishment of a new animation studio, Studio Ghibli, at which Miyazaki has since written, directed, and produced many other films with Takahata. All of these films enjoyed critical and box office successes. In particular, Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke received the Japan Academy Award for Best Film and was the highest-grossing (about US$150 million) domestic film in Japan's history until it was taken over by another Miyazaki work, Spirited Away.

In addition to animation, Miyazaki also draws manga. His major work was the Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind manga, an epic tale he worked on intermittently from 1982 to 1994 while he was busy making animated films. Another manga, Hikoutei Jidai, was later evolved into his film Porco Rosso.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews
Profile Image for Diz.
1,749 reviews115 followers
January 24, 2024
An ecological disaster of epic scale is occurring, so Nausicaä must take action and she has no fear. Other characters do what they can to save some part of their world or lives. It's intriguing to see Miyazaki's soft art style used for such a dark and brutal story. He is definitely making sure that the readers realize how serious environmental destruction is.
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,038 reviews362 followers
June 27, 2021
La penúltima entrega de la princesa Nausicaäa del Valle del Viento prepara el giro final para la epopeya ecológica creada por Miyazaki. Las líneas argumentales se unen poco a poco y la advertencia ambiental que el autor quiere hacer se hace más directa que nunca. Miyazaki se empeña en mostrar todos los lados del espectro en esta contaminación: los que causan el desastre, los que lo intentan evitar por todas sus fuerzas y los que solo intentan sobrevivir. Todo ello rodeado de una abrumadora potencia visual, escenas de acción impresionantes y un final cuanto menos inesperado. A por el final.
Profile Image for Mitchell Friedman.
5,261 reviews205 followers
August 8, 2019
And here I thought this series was turning a corner with the last volume. This one I found even more obscure, even more hard to follow. As always the art is still cool. And there may still be a story buried under there somewhere. But it was hard for me to track anything in this one.
Profile Image for Zachary.
379 reviews10 followers
March 2, 2023
It reads like a movie. More so than the others, I felt this book to be cinematic.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,131 reviews117 followers
December 18, 2018
A must read for any one, but especially for Miyazaki fans. A hatd hitting environmental warning story. Is man kind doomed to destroy itself? This volune has some good charactet development and a suprise ending. I love the interactions between all the characters as well as we find out different sides to them all.
Profile Image for Janne Paananen.
995 reviews31 followers
November 23, 2018
Tuli yliannostus Nausicaän seikkailuja, joten pidin pienen tauon sarjan etenemisessä. Tuulen laakson Nausicaä on jollain tapaa jopa pakahduttava ja tukahduttava sarjakuva kaikessa sekasorrossaan ja visuaalisessa yltäkylläisyydessään.

Viides osa tuo taistoon uudenlaisia pahoja otuksia... kutsutaan niitä vaikkapa kaktusmiehiksi. Luonto on entistäkin enemmän sekaisin myrkyllisten pilvien levitessä yhä syvemmälle asutuille seuduille. Myös nuo mainiot oomut vaeltavat jättilaumana kuolemaan. Mutta miksi? Nausicaä näkee monenlaisia unia, joissa tapaa henkiolentoja. Valveillaolojan hän käyttää yrittäen ymmärtää luontoa ja päästä sen kanssa ykseyteen. Tässä osassa luonto nappaa tarinan pääosan edellistä osaa kuljettaneelta sodalta.

Upeaa visuaalista ilotulitusta ja kerronnan juhlaa. Viidennessä osassa on täsmälleen samat hienoudet ja heikkoudet kuin aiemmissakin sarjan julkaisuissa. Pakollista luettavaa sarjakuvien ystäville.
193 reviews
January 19, 2021
This is my absolute favorite volume so far. It has all been incredible, but this was especially moving. Nausicaa is a beautiful human, and her need to save the ohmu and the planet at large is both inspiring and heartbreaking. She is willing to die for her cause, and the immense passion she evokes is such a blessing to experience. Miyazaki knocked this one out of the park. I think I like it even more than the film, which is so surprising. His illustrations are breathtaking and haunting and sometimes downright terrifying. What a gift this manga is.
279 reviews
January 23, 2023
4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this volume
i loved the characters, the art work and story
I love how some characters are good, some are grey and some are just simply evil.
its a great story show humanity in an end of the world situation

i can't wait to read the next volume , especially with this volumes ending
Profile Image for Mary Emma Sivils.
Author 1 book56 followers
May 28, 2024
This series is really getting good! I was disappointed when this volume ended where it did because I wanted to keep reading. 😭

(Random note: The themes and worldbuilding have been giving me Dune vibes even though the two stories are different in a lot of ways.)
Profile Image for Luna.
21 reviews10 followers
April 9, 2023
The ending didn't deliver but everything else was top-notch.
Profile Image for Danielle Booey.
1,127 reviews13 followers
December 3, 2020
The Purification has begun. The mutated mold continues to spread its killing miasma. The Ohmu journey towards the mold bringing the original sea of corruption with them. And the Dorok and Torumekian armies retreat in the presence of such awesome powers.

We also finally get to meet the Divine Emperor Namulith (definitely a sociopath) as well as some of his disturbing genetic experiment soldiers as he seeks to combine the two empires and rule them both in the aftermath.

The action definitely ramps up in this volume. In fact, I felt like there was so much going on that I was rather confused. I definitely need to not leave so much time between this volume and volume 6. Oh and we get a cliffhanger ending!
Profile Image for Mercè.
675 reviews112 followers
January 15, 2015
Este tomo está lleno de acción de principio a fin. Además todos los interrogantes se van respondiendo y se está preparando el final de todo lo que se ha estado gestando hasta ahora. No creo que aguante mucho antes de leer el último tomo.
1,738 reviews3 followers
March 3, 2020
This volume ties so much of the first stuff together that it is almost like waves crashing on a beach. It seems as if it should be over but there is another wave that is coming behind. Still connected to the ocean but also apart.

Really crafty writing.
Profile Image for Jeanette Diaz Michel.
183 reviews5 followers
April 13, 2020
Nausicaa has proven to be one of the greatest stories of ecological disaster. It shows all sides of the spectrum of human involvement; those causing the disaster, those trying to prevent it, and those somewhere in the middle just trying to survive.
55 reviews
December 27, 2021
Ce tome-ci redresse un peu la barre parce qu'il se concentre plus sur l'atmosphère et la Mer de Décomposition, en laissant enfin la guéguerre prendre un peu moins de place. La première moitié du volume est particulièrement évocatrice (et servie par le dessin somptueux) alors que divers groupes de personnages parcourent les étendues dévastées. On voit des milliers de réfugiés et de soldats en déroute, des villes entières prises par les spores et la Mer, des cadavres d'humains, d'insectes et même d'Ômus desquels poussent toutes sortes de plantes fongiques, ce qui donne des dessins particulièrement cools. On prend enfin toute la mesure de la désolation immense causée par la guerre et par les armes fongiques utilisées par les hommes, et la Mer de Décomposition est enfin plus qu'une menace déclarée mais jusque là pas vraiment montrée comme très dangereuse. On apprend également que lors du Raz de Marée (fongique et insecte) qui a créé la Mer de Décomposition telle qu'on la connaissait en début de saga, les hommes ont causé plus de morts entre eux dans des luttes intestines que la Mer elle-même, en se battant pour les territoires épargnés, ce qui résonne assez fort avec la fable écologique et les faits de l'actualité.

Nous avons aussi en début de volume un bref aperçu du Dieu de la Guerre que les Dorks préparent. A nouveau, ils admettent qu'ils ne sauront pas vraiment comment le contrôler, mais pourtant se précipitent à le faire croître. L'Empereur Dork part lui même à la guerre, et l'arc avec ses guerriers semi immortels qui se battent contre Yupa en milieu de volume est un peu dommage parce qu'il revient à de l'action pour de l'action dans un volume qui est à part ça beaucoup plus ésotérique (avec aussi les scènes où Nausicaa parle au Néant).

Dans le dernier tiers de l'ouvrage on comprend à travers Nausicaa que les insectes veulent contrôler le fungus humain en étendant leur forêt par leur mort; à nouveau leurs intentions sont de purifier les dommages causés par les humains, pas l'aggression primaire. Nausicaa se sacrifie dans la forêt en croissance, avalée par un Ômu, et on est laissé sur un cliffhanger assez cool. La situation est assez apocalyptique et on se demande un peu comment le sixième tome ne sera pas le dernier! 4.0/5
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Martín D. Herrera Morris.
76 reviews3 followers
June 19, 2022
Un libro en definitiva ÉPICO. Con algunos de los momentos más increíbles y más esperados de la serie.

Sin spoilear, diré que hay una secuencia surrealista que es realmente espectacular. Una vez más siento que estoy en una película de Miyazaki. Pero no una de acción, sino una de esas películas tranquilas, donde todo es bello y calmo, en un paisaje cautivante. Es el momento de paz que estábamos esperando después de tanta guerra. Me conmovió.

Saliendo de ahí, la trama vuelve a la acción, en la mayor y mejor batalla que se ha visto en toda la serie. Una en la que al fin se reunen todos los personajes, y todas las tramas paralelas, en un evento TAN majestuoso, TAN grandioso, TAN parfecto. ¡ES EL FINAL IDEAL!

Pero no... la trama sigue:
Muy a último momento, casi al final del libro, surge un nuevo personaje... que sólo llega, motiva un nuevo conflicto, y aparece el cartel de "continuará".
Profile Image for Joey B.
418 reviews3 followers
June 1, 2024
Despite Nausicaä's efforts, the daikaisho has begun. This ecological disaster is prophesized to end humanity. However Nausicaä hasn't given up just yet. With her friends, old and new, aiding her. She hopes to to stop the expansion of the mutated mold which could potentially engulf the continent.

Vol. 5 focuses a fair bit on Nausicaä. But I am happy to spending more time with her mentor, Yupa. As he embroils himself in the political games at play between Queen Kushana and Emperor Namulith of the Dorok. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind slows down a bit with vol. 5. However this is beneficial; as it expands on the lore between kingdoms and we learn more about the lore of this wonderful universe Miyazaka has crafted. As usual; the art is stellar.

Overall if you have been enjoying Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind so far; vol. 5 will not leave you disappointed. 5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for ❄ Pixelflocke ❄.
331 reviews42 followers
May 28, 2017
Die Geschichte verdichtet sich immer mehr. Nausicaä versteht den Wald, die Insekten und Organismen immer besser und lüftet langsam die Geheimnisse um die große Verheerung. Auch scheinen ihre Kräfte von Mal zu Mal stärker zu werden.

Kushana ist mir auch immer mehr ans Herz gewachsen und mittlerweile leide ich richtig mit ihr mit. Der neue heilige Kaiser ist ebenfalls sehr spannend und verspricht noch für viel Aufregung und Drama zu sorgen.

Ich bin sehr gespannt auf die letzten beiden Bände, kann es kaum erwarten weiter zu lesen!
Profile Image for Sandra.
53 reviews
February 3, 2024
Un nuevo mundo comienza y los supervivientes deben decidir qué papel quieren ocupar. Nausicaä renace como una heroína que tiende un puente entre la humanidad y la naturaleza. Su sacrificio inspira a todos a su alrededor y sus propios enemigos no pueden odiarla. El despertar del Dios de la Guerra introduce inesperados elementos en la historia y la leyenda que rodean a la protagonista. Probablemente la escena de la llegada de Nausicaa al encuentro del Emperador de Durku con su pueblo para dar vida al gigante sea de los mejores momentos hasta ahora.
Profile Image for kay.
106 reviews
July 24, 2023
the artwork in this volume was especially beautiful. the beginning was hard to decipher (maybe because it's been a month since i read the previous volume? idk) but once i got into it it was easy to understand
Profile Image for Thelonious.
62 reviews
October 24, 2023
Surprising, bleak, and profound. There may still be a couple too many characters and threads, but Nausicaä’s personal journey grows more compelling and moving with each page. I grow anxious for resolution.
Profile Image for Babs.
1,368 reviews
May 8, 2017
Things are getting very bad indeed. Yupa and Nausicaä figure out their own parts to play.
A special, sensitive story.
Profile Image for Kristina.
329 reviews18 followers
July 7, 2017
I'll have to re-read The Odyssey now that I know where Nausicaa comes from and the Heedras aren't fooling any one. We all know they are bloodthirsty cyclops.
Profile Image for Linn Lönn.
102 reviews
February 8, 2020
The message that we humans are destroying the world we live in is stronger than ever. Nausicaä never gives up trying to understand the ohmu, I hope that she’s allright.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 reviews

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