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スキップ・ビート! [Skip Beat!] #37

スキップ・ビート! 37

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192 pages, Paperback

First published September 18, 2015

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About the author

Yoshiki Nakamura

117 books1,052 followers
Yoshiki Nakamura (仲村佳樹) is a Japanese mangaka. She was born June 17. Nakamura made her manga debut with "Yume de Auyori Suteki" in the manga magazine Hana to Yume in 1993.

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Profile Image for Brendy.
437 reviews60 followers
September 10, 2015
whe the hell are you gonna be honest with yourself and do a freaking move?! she's not a child!!!

Being like that since the beginning, then:
All good and sweet and interesting life lessons and all.

And then her mom..

And... back to the waiting!
Profile Image for Sara.
630 reviews771 followers
January 2, 2018
After we took a small glance on Kyoko's past in the previous volume, we take a deeper look on her relationship with her mother in this volume.
Also, a progress between Kyoko and Ren is made although it is still not satisfying.
Shocking but still heartwarming, I still love Skip Beat even after I have not read it since more than a year.
Profile Image for María Belén.
138 reviews13 followers
October 6, 2015
¿Cómo va a Kyoko hacer frente a su madre sobre negar su propia existencia?
OKay admito q al principio odie a la madre de kyoko es tan guapa y piensas q mala(ushhhh -_- ganas de darle un zape), bueno tal ves si que es mala pero conforme trancurre la historia y no solo aplica para esta te vas adando cuenta q los personajes ''malos'' no fueron asi todo el tiempo asi q ahora quiero odiar al padre de kyoko que quien demonios sabe quien es? u_u
La cuestion es que no la puedo odiar por mas que quiera por que amo a kyoko :3 ella es una ternura, loca de remate e inmadura jjj ... la adoro y si ella no hubiera vivido todo lo que paso con su madre no seria quien es ahora y yo estaria perdida sin su existencia TwT ... Gracias Saena
Profile Image for Toviel.
145 reviews23 followers
April 16, 2017

Eat your heart out, slow burn fan fiction. SKIP BEAT! will find a way to keep a relationship evolving at a snail's pace, and then make it go 5 MPH slower for good measure. If the series ends before the next decade, I'll eat my hat.

The thirty-seventh volume of SKIP BEAT! exemplifies the sort of bloated mess that the series has become. The story has long since abandoned its semi-satirical rom-com roots of the Japanese show biz industry, and plays the soap opera-esque drama straight. Aside from the first two chapters, which are devoted to resolving the newest Love Me member's first major character arc, most of the book is dedicated to the main cast reacting to a particularly nasty comment made on national television by the lead's mother. The setup is tenuous—it requires that almost every character a) knows or discovers who said mother is before/during the broadcast, b) happened to be watching it, and c) connected the dots between the two.

To the book's credit, the dysfunctional nature of Kyoko's mother is an issue that's been built up to for nearly half the series. Seeing the shoe drop is immensely satisfying, and it's one of the few plot developments which allow both romantic leads to distinct meaningful responses to Kyoko’s needs, rather than fighting over chocolate or shit like that. Kyoko’s subsequent catharsis plunges the reader into her pain and frustrations, and refuses to let go. As far as the love interests are concerned, it’s always wonderful to see how Human Disaster™ Sho Fuwa tries to work through their issues via The Worst Method Possible. While the book does eventually resort to its “and Ren shows up to solve everything” crutch, his lack of involvement over the core events allows for a bit of much needed breathing room and character development.

This volume hopefully marks an upturn in the series—after floundering for multiple volumes, it looks like the story is finally going somewhere outside of the tedious “will they or won’t they” romance. While the book requirement far too much set-up and not enough pay-off to outright recommend by itself, it’s a point in the series’ favor nonetheless.
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,658 reviews49 followers
August 4, 2019
Precious Kyoko! My heart breaks for you too 😭😭😭😭
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Maricar (BookOaths).
367 reviews26 followers
May 4, 2015
I just want to get over the Saena arc quickly and proceed with Kyoko (hopefully) starring in a love drama (I’m okay if it’s opposite/not of Ren because either way, we’ll get to see interesting reactions from him).

And that last part about Sho being the first to see Kyoko, even though I wish Ren would`ve arrived first but it makes perfect sense for Sho to be there. It`s about time that we see the guy’s full blown concern for Kyoko. I wasbso affected by her empty eyes, what more for the guys who love her?
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews60 followers
November 23, 2018
Kyoko's mother is making an appearance, but it's not like most people would imagine. Now, she must deal with her past, and seeing Ren again as well. All of this leads, Kyoko to realizing she's in emotional danger.

This book was great, but also really sad. I felt so bad for Kyoko at times! And the way this one ended just frustrated me, because I really want her to learn the truth about Ren, but I don't think that's going to happen. Now, I must wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Marguerite.
570 reviews30 followers
January 7, 2017
4 Stars.

Fun as always :) This volume was really sad and difficult for Kyoko and I'm really curious to see how that ending plays out in the next volume.
Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,523 reviews123 followers
February 1, 2021
2017: I have really missed reading this story and manga in general. I was so glad to find this in the store!
Profile Image for Natalie.
819 reviews67 followers
September 30, 2018
I have a lot of strong feelings about this volume... in regards to one central character in this volume...


I *did* love how everyone seems to have come together in mutual horror for this, and that Shou immediately went to go and check on Kyouko (and try to prevent her seeing the video if she hadn't already) but I just can't get over THAT ABSOLUTE C*** OF A SO-CALLED "MOTHER".


On a happier note though, we got a pretty adorable hugging scene between "Corn" and Kyouko? ;u;
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miss Susan.
2,645 reviews58 followers
June 6, 2017
wow it sure is a good thing that kyoko is my daughter and not the daughter of anyone who would do something terrible like say disavow their parental relationship with her entirely

anyways things my daughter did today to make me proud include being an excellent friend to chiori amamiya. i am fully in support of storylines wherein my daughter gets to hang out with other love me actresses who are excellent and do not lie to her

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Dasha.
1,406 reviews19 followers
November 12, 2022
⭐ 1, 2 de 10 suspenso, lo odio
⭐⭐ 3, 4 de 10 justito, meh
⭐⭐⭐ 5, 6 de 10 bien, no está mal
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 7, 8 de 10 notable, me gusta bastante
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 9, 10 de 10 me obsesiona, me encanta.

Mis puntuaciones son para toda la saga, en general. No por tomos.
Profile Image for Pflanzis.
323 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2022
Dieser Band war sehr dramatisch und niederschmetternd, aber es gab auch ein paar schöne Szenen. Besonders gefallen hat mir der Cliffhanger am Ende.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
441 reviews36 followers
December 11, 2022
I've been obsessed with this series for 5 years, but also deliberately reading the manga slowly, to savor each plot point..... And every time I start the next one, I'm hit with a truckload of FEELS, ANGST, ROMANTIC TENSION, and so. much. DRAMAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Also, this is the first time since 2014 that I can recall actually CRYING literal tears while reading manga. Congratulations, Skip Beat, you finally broke me. And I'll keep coming back for more, because my gods, this manga is insanely well-written!!!
Profile Image for Zima Mythos.
53 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2019
Yeah, that's right, no continuous stream of quirky commentary this time. I read this entire volume while I was somewhere not-at-home and therefore not-at-computer today. Turns out I am still as perfectly capable of voraciously devouring manga as I was as a teenager, you just need to place me in the right circumstances lol.

Since it's just a singular volume, this'll likely be significantly shorter from me. :P

I mean, the whole Chiori subplot with her committing to go do the comedy show despite her injury was basically just a plot device to get Kyoko in at the right place at the right time in order to bump into her cold-as-ice mother for the first time in years. (I was considering marking that as a spoiler, but considering it's the whole point of the volume, it doesn't really seem like anything someone wouldn't expect going into it.)

It's really sweet when Kyoko realizes she has so many people around her who love and care about her in her current life, compared to how alone she had been in her former life. Similarly it's pretty satisfying to see everyone else get concerned about her when they all realize it's her mother appearing on TV and hoping she doesn't see it. 'Cause well...yeah, it's pretty harsh. I'm sure there'll be some sort of sympathetic backstory to it in the following volume(s?), but still.

You have Kyoko so flippin' out of it that even stupid Shotaro is worried about her and she doesn't react at all

So you might say the highlight of all of this is for me was definitely the end, in which Kyoko, desperately wishing to see her fairy prince again so she can just spill out her guts in anguish, sees Ren in silhouette, (correctly) mistakes him for "Corn" and zooms over to wrap herself around him like her life depends on it. It did indeed make me tear up a bit, as my given tag would suggest. She just needs him so much in that moment that all her silly little mental filters that she's tried to fool herself with just kinda collapse and it's beautiful. *sigh* (Also, not that I'm super into height difference, but if a ship I like happens to have one, it does sometimes have the potential to make me weak. Case in point, Ren having to bend down in order to hug her back and the way her places his hand all PROTECC over her head.)

But seriously, that ending made me so happy.
Profile Image for Malia Vang.
20 reviews1 follower
March 21, 2017
I adore and love this manga series so much. I have to say, hands down, that this is probably my #1 favorite manga of all time. I am in love with everything this manga has. I love the characters and the story and the art. I have a huge crush on Tsuruga Ren and even though he's not real and just a beautiful and handsome drawing, he is my ideal man. I love Kyoko Mogami because she's is lovable and seriously hilarious. This manga has about everything and appeals to everyone. Romance, comedy, a great story, incredible art work, well-developed characters, some action, and drama.

Kyoko Mogami is my favorite female character because she's a very strong-willed and hardworking girl. She's is someone with a somewhat dark past and the childhood friend who she was living with and taking care of ditched her. Instead of crying and being depressed about it, she sheds her old self to someone very strong and brave. She decides to take revenge by being the best actress that can top him. Throughout the story, you see how she grows and develop into a professional and mature actress. She realizes that she's not acting because of revenge but because she loves acting, that it's for her. I really love her character.

Tsuraga Ren is the man of my dreams. He's kind and handsome and beautiful. He's also very serious with his job, which is acting, and "tells people off" in a very direct but nice way. The first time meeting Mogami, Tsuraga sees someone who isn't serious with acting and he hates her. Eventually, he realizes how she transformed into a true actress and now respects her. I think he's the best male character ever and I feel that I need a Tsuraga Ren in real life.

The comedy and the artwork that goes with the comedy compliments each other very well. I love all the chibi's and funny moments that goes on throughout the series. I absolutely recommend this series because it's not your average romance manga, it's a manga with a well-developed story and lovable characters. The comedy is hilarious and the romance is sweet. The best manga ever!
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
May 27, 2024
Mamma mia che botta questo volume. E, viste le premesse, anche il prossimo ci andrà giù pesante. Kyoko ha sempre avuto un rapporto conflittuale con la madre, ma quello che vediamo qui è qualcosa che va ben oltre il concetto di "conflittuale": Saena non si fa problemi ad andare in televisione e dire che non ha figli. Che non è madre. Di fatto, ha cancellato completamente l'esistenza di Kyoko dalla sua vita. Dopo averla maltrattata e abbandonata quando era solo una bambina, dopo averle detto di nascondere a tutti il loro legame, adesso ha proprio negato l'esistenza stessa dalla ragazza. E ancora non ci è stato spiegato da dove arriva tutto questo astio, cosa avrà mai fatto di male una bambina innocente.
Quella dichiarazione così sconvolgente porta sia Sho che Ren a preoccuparsi per la ragazza. Se quando incontra il primo, Kyoko ha spento tutte le sue emozioni (poi vorrei capire come cazzo si permette quel pirla di baciarla senza prima chiederle il permesso), la sofferenza viene a galla tra le braccia di Ren. Certo, lei ha cercato, proprio come quando era bambina, il conforto di Corn e solo dopo realizza di essersi fatta consolare da Ren. Certo, i due sono la stessa persona, ma lei ancora non l'ha capito...forse Ren farebbe bene a dirle la verità (la parola chiave è forse).
Visto che ho tra le mani anche il volume 38, me lo leggerò subito per vedere questo confronto madre-figlia. Io non so che problemi abbia Saena, ma certi atteggiamenti e certe esternazioni sono inconcepibili. Kyoko è una vittima, non ha fatto nulla per guadagnarsi il disprezzo della madre, se non esistere. In questo volume, mi ha fatto una tenerezza infinita (piccolo punto simpatia per Sho Fuwa che, se non altro, ha avuto la decenza di correre da lei ben sapendo il danno che avrebbe potuto fare una dichiarazione orribile come quella di Saena...dopotutto lui ha visto con i propri occhi la situazione, quindi non poteva rimanere indifferente, anche se poi finisce per prendersi delle libertà che Kyoko non gli ha mai concesso e questa cosa mi fa incazzare 🤦‍♀️) e la madre si merita un paio di ceffoni a mano aperta.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kayt O'Bibliophile.
797 reviews25 followers
September 27, 2019


I went from "well, I'll try to keep reading" to "hey this is actually enjoyable" to "GIVE ME MORE" over the course of the past thirty-odd volumes, and even though she's softening up, I think Kyoko is such a great main character, what with her still-existing spite and anger.

This volume, and the one immediately prior, were a shift since Kyoko and Ren are done playing the Heel siblings, and we're back to seeing the other characters. I had to wrack my memory for a bit to remember who Chiori and Moko were, and it was hard to shift my expectations back to more regular entertainment work.

I'll say something for this series: for as long as it is, it doesn't usually make any given thing take too long. It feels like, to make up for the focus on Kyoko and Ren of the previous books, that we got a lot more focused on Kyoko's showbiz and entertainment connections here. Good.

But of course, the ending of the book. THE ENDING SCENE. We've just seen not only a bombshell, but Kyoko's having to deal with it.

I am having emotions about this.
Profile Image for Reader17 Der.
523 reviews5 followers
August 11, 2019
Love this series, in this volume we learn more about Kyoko and her mother's relationship. Kyoko and her Mother actually passes one another and neither of them talk to each other. Since her mother is a lawyer she is on a show giving legal counseling and because they all watched the show more people around Kyoko have figured out that she is Kyoko mother. On the show her mother says something and causes everyone to react to what she says along with Ren, Sho and Kyoko. I felt so bad for Kyoko at the end of volume :(
Profile Image for Sammie.
840 reviews2 followers
January 23, 2019
Omg this volume was so freaking good! omg when Sho shows up and Kyoko freaks out was great.

Omg Ren coming to see if Kyoko is ok after her mother says she has no children was such a great scene ,i need him and Kyoko to get together asasp !!! i mean it's been 37 volumes !!!!!!!!!!!

Love this series so much :)
Profile Image for Alejandra Bran (Blue Reader).
578 reviews12 followers
May 2, 2022
Omg omg omg! Is he really gonna tell her the truth?? Im freaking out I love how everyone was worried about her! I love that we are finally getting more of Kyoko’s background story!

Now it makes sense why can they never use her last name when promoting her as an actress.

Also I'm so torn because my heart is starting to like Sho a little bit.

Starting the next volume ahorita
Profile Image for GuisBell.
1,297 reviews31 followers
May 20, 2017
Simplemente la super odio a esa mujer desalmada sin corazón😠😠😠, no me importa lo que le haya pasado, no tiene ningún derecho de hacer sufrir a Kyoko, toda su vida ha sido dolorosa por culpa de ella😭😭😭😭, la super odio, no tiene perdon...
Profile Image for Sophie.
572 reviews13 followers
April 22, 2018
Still moving a little slowly... My God is Kyoko's mum a bitch! And I hope Ren clears up the whole misunderstanding about Corn, or Kyoko realizes, because at the moment it just infantilizes her whenever it's mentioned, and Ren is having a hard enough time as it is to not see her as a child...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 82 reviews

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