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Août 1973. Zidrou et Lafebre nous font une place dans la 4L rouge Esterel de la famille Faldérault : entre les parents et les 4 enfants, nous voici en route vers le Midi pour de "beaux étés" ! Chaque année, les mêmes rituels : Pierre, le père, rend ses planches de B.D. en retard, les chansons de vacances, l'étape pique-nique... Un mois pour oublier le quotidien, le couple qui bat de l'aile, Tante Lili malade. Des souvenirs à engranger qui font que la vie est plus belle, des moments précieux pour se rappeler l'essentiel. Cap au sud !

56 pages, Hardcover

First published September 4, 2015

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356 books143 followers
Pseudonym of Benoît Drousie.

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Profile Image for Nataliya.
886 reviews14.7k followers
July 4, 2022
It’s quite a challenge to walk a fine line between sweetness and sentimentality and never fall on the wrong side, trading sweetness for the maudlin. And yet Zidrou manages to avoid that pitfall seemingly effortlessly, bringing to life a simple story about a Belgian family taking a summer vacation in France in 1973.

It’s just that - a story of a family vacation. Mom and Dad with the weight of the unsaid between them, four kids acting like kids, one cramped Renault, one imaginary friend, a trip cut short — and through all that mundane but strangely fascinating stuff a surprisingly warm story of family and love unfolds. There are tents and fries and lack of seatbelts in the back seat of the cramped family car, and hilariously short shorts on Dad, and family skinny dipping without prude shame, and funerals, and bouquets, and the growing pains of reconciling the dreams of your past self with the reality of your present self. And it all is sweet and charming and decidedly not cloying.

And sometimes you need to feel the warmth of the August sun and the leisurely promise of riverside camping to really reflect on who you are and what you want and need.

It’s a slice of life that feels lovely and real and very comforting in its ordinary beauty.

4.5 stars.

Buddy read with Dennis, the comic book guru (and he loved it, too) (Although this book just begs to be called a “graphic novel”)

Also posted on my blog.

Recommended by: Dennis
Profile Image for Dennis.
660 reviews308 followers
March 7, 2022
OT: Cap au Sud !

Wonderful little book.


The plot can basically be summarized as a Belgian family going on a summer vacation to France and returning back home early because of unforeseen circumstances. But within its mere 60 pages Zidrou makes you deeply care for his characters. You fall in love with the family, you are enchanted by how the parents are treating their kids, you feel for them when it becomes clear that marriage is a challenging thing, you cheer for them when they have to overcome problems. It’s mostly just ordinary things. But it’s written in such a way that it becomes something extraordinary.

A slice of life story at its very best.


4.5 stars, rounded up. My only complaint is that I wanted more. Not necessarily more content as it seems quite nicely balanced to me. But I just didn’t want to let go of the characters that early.


I stayed up until ridiculous o’clock in the morning to finish this. And now I’m really looking forward to my next Zidrou book. The guy is pretty good.


Buddy read with Nataliya, who wants to read another Zidrou book now as well.
Profile Image for Andy Marr.
Author 3 books1,040 followers
June 28, 2022
Wow. I did NOT expect to like this so much, or to find it so moving. One of the sweetest books I have ever read.
Profile Image for [S] Bibliophage.
950 reviews873 followers
November 17, 2018
Glorious Summers: 1 Southbound is a graphic novel that narrates the supposedly final summer vacation of the Belgian family, Faldérault, before the parents' plan of divorce. Their adventure going south to France gave some time for the parents, Pierre and Maddie, to reflect on their life together and how much they really love their family. A great short-read that will also make you want to join them because of how fun they were having on their journey.
Glorious Summers: 1. Southbound
Glorious Summers: 1. Southbound
Profile Image for Chad.
9,155 reviews1,002 followers
May 31, 2020
The story of a Belgian family traveling to France on holiday in the 1970s. The father is a struggling comic artist and the quirky family goes through some rough times as they entertain themselves. I really liked this slice of life story and thought the art was great.
Profile Image for Cristina Delgado.
255 reviews64 followers
April 27, 2022
Esta série não contém lutas sangrentas nem conspirações internacionais.
Fala da vida, da verdadeira. a vida - bonita - de pessoas que, ao longo do ano, trabalham arduamente para poderem gozar umas férias de Verão.
1973, 1969, 1980... volte atrás no tempo, entre com o Pierre, a Madô, a Julie-Jolie, a Nicole, o Louis e a Pêpete na sua 4L Vermelho Estérel, e reviva as férias da sua infância!
Instale-se na 4L vermelha dos Verões Felizes e... rumo ao Sul! no programa constam piqueniques, parques de campismo e sessões de bronzeamento na praia.
Entre ataques de riso e ataques de choro, a família diverte-se à beira-mar, discute, zanga-se, mas mantém-se sempre unida, numa banda desenhada alegre e optimista.
Profile Image for OV.
47 reviews8 followers
June 12, 2018
Comecemos pela história, maravilhosa, na qual um casal na casa dos 60 – digo eu – se senta a conversar e a relembrar histórias de outros verões, começando, neste livro, pelo verão de 1973. É uma viagem fantástica pelas recordações destes dois e que podiam muito bem ser as recordações de muitos de nós.

Será, provavelmente e eventualmente, um dos livros mais bonitos que irão ler desde há muito tempo. O tom é de verão, de nostalgia e de felicidade…felicidade que não se faz só de momentos felizes, não nos deixemos enganar.

E arte? De uma sensibilidade arrebatadora…realmente extraordinária. Posso assegurar que há poucos livros de BD que me tenham transmitido o que este transmitiu através dos desenhos…os sentimentos passam mesmo além dos desenhos.

Se tiverem oportunidade, leiam…caramba, é tão bom…e tem uma 4L, uma família de 6 pessoas, e um esquilo imaginário de 2 metros, dentro de uma 4 L a atravessar a Bélgica, só isto já devia ser motivo suficiente para vos fazer ler este livro. A mim, fez-me recordar aquelas viagens intermináveis a atravessar o país para chegar à praia, demorávamos 6 horas a fazer 300 quilómetros, em que saímos de casa às 4 da manhã e quando o sol nascia a minha mãe nos acordava para ficarmos a contemplar o dia a nascer.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,398 reviews235 followers
May 17, 2020
Husband and wife on the verge of separation hit the road from Brussels for the south of France on a summer vacation camping trip with their five noisy young children. Exceedingly mild family humor and drama ensue. It's not bad, but it just did not come alive for me, especially since it includes a framing sequence that removes any doubt about the outcome.
Profile Image for Colin.
1,567 reviews38 followers
April 25, 2021
Wow, this was a *lot* better than I expected. I bought it for French reading practice and I thought it would be mainly kids doing cute stuff and getting into amusing scrapes, but it was much deeper. The characters are fully developed (well, apart from the mum changing her appearance every 5 frames), it's set in the seventies and the attitudes of the parents are just as realistic for the era as the clothes and the cars.
The adults have some serious adult things going on in their lives and there ars no syrupy kids-say-the-darnedest-things moments. I found myself getting properly emotional at a couple of points. I was really blind-sided by how good it was.
Profile Image for littleprettybooks.
933 reviews318 followers
August 4, 2017

Partez en vacances en compagnie de cette famille dans leur 4L ! Un grain de folie, un vent de détente, une famille en laquelle chacun pourra se reconnaître. Une véritable beauté dans cette histoire profondément humaine qui décrit la vie dans ses joies et dans ses moments plus difficiles.

Ma chronique : https://myprettybooks.wordpress.com/2...
Profile Image for Cathy .
1,811 reviews276 followers
April 2, 2023
A family of seven—parents, four kids and an imaginary friend—drive South from Belgium through France to a holiday in the sun. There are picknicks, fight between sisters, skinny dipping and a little family drama. Nice.

Profile Image for Oneirosophos.
1,470 reviews70 followers
July 31, 2018
A wonderful slice-of-life story, back in 70s, where the family of a Belgian comic artist is going for a roadtrip-like vacation to South France.

This is the first tome of an ongoing series, that has reached 4 tomes in France and I really hope Europe Comics will continue translating it!
Profile Image for Koen Claeys.
1,321 reviews22 followers
October 13, 2015
Na "Lydie" en het tweeluik “La Mondaine” leveren Zidrou en Lafebre nog een parel van een strip af. Mooi, teder, menselijk, ... Topper !
Profile Image for Raul.
Author 0 books19 followers
February 23, 2019
Transpira senzillesa i veracitat. Una meravella a descobrir.
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,104 reviews28 followers
June 26, 2018
'Glorious Summers' by Zidrou with art by Jordi Lafebre is a graphic novel about nostalgic family vacations.

The Faldérault family needs a vacation. Father is working too hard at trying to have a hit graphic novel series, and mother is th‌inking about leaving father altogether. The trip is delayed due to one of father's work deadlines, but it's finally time to hit the road. The seven family members (and one large imaginary friend), pile in the family car and head for the sun. With a compass that lies, and a group of Dutch tourists that steal the best picnic spot, there is lots of fun to be had. Mother and father may even remember each other along the way.

I really liked this slice of life graphic novel. The plot has some heavy elements, but they are handled really well. I cared about the things these characters were going through. The art was nice too.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Europe Comics and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
Profile Image for Phil.
840 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2018
Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Slice of life books can be very hit or miss. This one follows a Belgian family as they go on their annual holiday, which this year involves a car ride through rural France. The family as a whole seems to work. The dynamics between them are interesting. None of the characters on their own really jumped out at me though. There are some rough patches during their trip, which helps keep the story going. I felt like it was forgettable though. In the end it wrapped up nicely. I like how things come around for the family.

The art style didn't do much for me. It's sort of cartoony, which doesn't always appeal to me. I think going that way fits well with some of the more fanciful elements. It really just comes down to personal preference on that aspect. This is a nice alternative to some of the superhero comics out there, but I don't think I would continue the series.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews412 followers
November 27, 2016
Wat een vreemd boek. Ik kan helaas niet meer zeggen dan dat. Ook mooi dat je dus al weet dat de ouders toch weer bij elkaar komen gegeven dat ze in het begin, oud en gerimpeld, op vakantie zijn, samen. Ach ja. Mooie tekenstijl, dat weer wel.
Profile Image for Emma Ferrier.
376 reviews73 followers
December 5, 2018
This was such a cute little story and it filled me with so much happiness. I love the parents and I love the traditions they have for their vacation. Just so sweet
Profile Image for Laia • vidaentrellibres.
501 reviews394 followers
August 12, 2023
Los buenos veranos • llibre 1 i 2

M’he enamorat d’aquesta col·lecció.

L’il·lustrador Jordi Lafebre em va robar el cor amb la seva novel·la gràfica “Carta blanca” i aquesta saga d’estiu no m’ha deixat indiferent.

Son 6 llibres independents, però ara l’editorial Norma ha fet un únic “Tomo” amb tota la col·lecció en un sol llibre. Vaig comprar-me el número 1 i 2 i, finalment, m’he comprat també el recull dels sis llibres.

He començat el primer un matí feixuc d’agost i he hagut d’acabar-me també el segon.

Una delícia majúscula!

Les il·lustracions son precioses i el text molt addictiu. Novel·la fresca i lleugera, fa moltes picades d’ullet a la vida mateixa i llegir aquests còmics t’arrenca amplis somriures.

He gaudit immensament!
Profile Image for Uva Costriuba.
383 reviews12 followers
March 16, 2022
deu saudades das férias escolares.
e de experiências que eu nunca vivi, como acampar e mergulhar em rios que apareceram no caminho.

o traço tradicional de linha clara com aquarela é muito gostoso. e tem tudo a ver com a estética e o estilo de vida europeu branco. nada revolucionário, mas confortável como um filme cult crônica de costumes belgas.

não sei se continuo a ler a série. talvez seja um refúgio de escapismo esporádico.
Profile Image for Inês Sousa.
186 reviews35 followers
March 20, 2023
"Muitas pessoas que têm medo sentam-se num ramo e não se mexem mais. (...) Mas nunca se deve parar! Deve-se continuar a subir! Sabes porquê? Porque lá de cima a vista é tão bonita!" ✨

"Verões Felizes", de Zidrou & Jordi Lafebre, apresenta-nos a família belga Faldérault, constituída pelo pai Pierre "Pedro", a mãe Madô, e os filhos Julie-Jolie, Nicole, Louis e Pêpete (e também o amigo Tchouki). Neste livro a história começa com Pierre e Madô já mais velhos e que recordam alguns anos (1973 e 1969) onde foram felizes com os filhos durante as férias de verão, na sua velha 4L vermelha!

Tão, mas tão bonito. E real. Uma família real, com momentos bons e maus, que partilha as alegrias, sonhos e também se une nos momentos mais tristes e até frustrantes. Um pai e uma mãe liberais, modernos para a altura, e que transmitem uma segurança e uma vida feliz aos seus filhos, apesar de algumas diversidades.
Este é um livro a mostrar a vida tal como ela é. 😉

Uma das coisas que mais gostei do livro (para além dos desenhos!) foi a mensagem de tentar manter a tradição da família de ir rumo ao Sul para as tais desejadas férias de verão, em pleno Agosto. Nestes dois capítulos, podemos vivenciar momentos importantes da história europeia e mundial.
O meu ano favorito foi sem dúvida o de 1973 porque teve uma carga emocional maior mas o de 1969 não ficou atrás. 😁 4🌟

Dêem uma oportunidade a esta banda desenhada editada pela editora Arte de autor, porque irão ficar com o coração mais quentinho e recordem aquelas férias felizes com os vossos pais e aquelas viagens longas de carro.
Profile Image for Jonath666.
394 reviews21 followers
April 8, 2019
Une magnifique BD qui sent bon les vacances.

On va suivre les vacances d'une famille Belge en France en 1973.

Les dessins sont très beaux et il y'a plein de scènes touchantes.

Ce tome 1 donne envie de suivre les autres aventures de cette petite famille.
Profile Image for Lulai.
1,322 reviews157 followers
April 25, 2019
J'ai beaucoup aimé ce premier tome, la dynamique familiale est représentée à merveilles et j'ai aimé découvrir tous ces personnages.
Profile Image for Juan Fuentes.
Author 7 books59 followers
January 12, 2022
Al principio pensaba que sería la típica serie de memorias ñoña y sin mucho interés, pero estaba muy equivocado. Me ha llegado a la patata
Profile Image for Karen Mardahl.
685 reviews33 followers
December 8, 2023
I went for this one because I really, really liked Jordi Lefebre's illustrations from "Malgré tout" and "Lydie". This one also had an interesting story with a couple sharing memories about their summer vacations back in 1973. It is the first in a series, and now I am very sad because I cannot find the continuations anywhere. I must keep my eyes open for it...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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