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The Bridge to Lucy Dunne

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A mad astronaut ejects a starship's sleeping crew into deep space. A playwright conjures her perfect lover into existence. Three time travellers appear to a motorbike mechanic, drink a little tea, and ruin his life. Mankind discovers the secrets of travelling to the stars, and promptly forgets them again.Exurb1a has collected 18 of his best received short stories into a book. Some of them made it into magazines - others he wrote for friends - but always for fun and never on time. The Bridge to Lucy Dunne tries its hardest to convince you that in a universe this strange, an existential meltdown is a perfectly appropriate response to being alive. In any case, he hopes you enjoy reading it.

166 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 4, 2016

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About the author


7 books1,685 followers
Exurb1a likes fiction with a metaphysical backbone. He enjoys trying to write that kind of stuff himself.

He also runs a subpar YouTube channel of the same name.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews
Profile Image for Jeff Peters.
44 reviews15 followers
May 14, 2016
Coming from the Exurb1a YouTube channel I wasn't sure what to expect. I had no idea this guy wrote anything beyond A Shit History of Dune.

I have been reading more and more self published scifi and fantasy the last few years and think you can find some more interesting ideas there than in more mainstream fiction.

Do you like modern scifi or "new weird" stories? Are you Adan of the Drabblecast or Welcome to Nightvale? Old school Twilight Zone? Give this book a try. It will not disappoint.

My favorite stories include "Godspeed and Goodnight" and "Silicon Knights."

I could have easily seen Godspeed as a framing story for most of this book. Like The Illustrated Man. He certainly has time to go a little mad and reflect on how humanity got to now.
50 reviews29 followers
July 28, 2021
Really liked the book. Quite different from his other books. A bunch of stories that aren't interlinked except by the genre.

The eponymous story 'The Bridge to Lucy Dunne' is just fantastic.
Profile Image for Цветозар.
337 reviews79 followers
March 1, 2017
Exurb1a is one of my favourite YouTube content creators and I would usually be very highly biased towards his work, but this is just sheer brilliance and I'm just happy that through his YouTube channel and his novel The Prince of Milk I was able to find this and read it and enjoy it as much as I have because darn this collection of short stories is top notch.

I'm having trouble thinking of any story in this that I'll consider not in the really good category. Most are in the brilliantly good category and a handful are in the genius and chilling category. It might be my taste in literature but the way Exurb1a sets up endings pleases me greatly and even though I foresaw almost every ending by the middle of each story I was still shocked that the guy went through with it and made it seem so easy to write a story that turns on a single ending sentence. For that deed, Exurb1a has earned my kudos, and kudos he well deserves! This short story collection is a bundle of the things I love about writing and I highly recommend it to anyone that's a fan of the sci-fi, thriller or horror genre.
Profile Image for Alyx.
7 reviews
January 25, 2023
A wonderful journey

Honestly fantastic. I expected adams and got adams and banks instead. Though that's unfair there are definetly elements there that take me back to my first reads of both, but do not expect these stories to be so derrivative.

Exurb1a has his own distict melancholy about his work. Its weltschmerz about the inevitable whilst also reveling in it.

Wonderful. Sometimes horrible. Sometimes heartbreaking. But always wonderful.


In light of recent(ish) events I think its important to say that the terrible things a person does impacts how you should perceive both them and their writing. Exurb1a has betrayed his audience and fan's trust with his actions. Don't support abusers.

The book is a good. The author however is not. And that matters more.
Profile Image for Vinay Vallala.
101 reviews6 followers
September 14, 2020
One fine day YouTube's algorithm did it's job perfectly by recommending a video from a channel called Exurb1a, which I've never seen before . Name of the video is "Moon is a door to forever", oh god!! I loved it . And then I watched more videos from the channel and loved most of them. The channel posts videos about paradoxes,time and space travel and other good stuff in an artistic way. That is how I came know about the author and his books. He has a decent sarcastic humour and presents it beautifully in his YouTube channel.

This book is a collection of short stories, whose subjects are same as that of his YouTube videos'. I felt that these stories are peculiar (in a good way). Every story surprised more than the previous ones. Some left me pondering about nature of our existence for days. There is some kind of freshness about these stories and one can feel it right from the start. I took some months to finish it but that's because of the nature of short stories collection genre and not the content of the stories .

Looking forward to read his other books.
Profile Image for Aditigro.
68 reviews
March 29, 2022
As much as I love Exurb1a's writing, I have to admit this book was a little disappointing. There's a couple of good stories in here, but most are meh. Some of them take heavy inspiration from well-known works.

My personal favorites are 'A Dance' and 'The First Living Exhibit'
Profile Image for Altan.
478 reviews
June 29, 2017
I enjoyed this so much. Even though it took me half a year to read, every story is still so vivid in my mind. Most of them freaked me out, to be honest. But I would definitely recommend this to anyone starting out with short stories! They weren't very long, and they held my attention all the way through.
Profile Image for Devesh Rawat.
14 reviews
January 11, 2023
Overall - 3.5

Half of the stories were really good but half of them were just meh.

Good ones -
Godspeed and Goodnight (My Fav)
The Flowers
Sins: Various
The Rite
The Gift
Silicon Nights

Bad Ones -
Empty Cups
My Brother, My Wife, and the Wheel
Profile Image for R.L. Stedman.
Author 15 books173 followers
July 24, 2016
My son introduced me to this work. Exurb1a is a youtuber (I’ve not watched his videos but I sure want to now).

The Bridge to Lucy Dunne is a short-story collection of fantasy and speculative sci-fi. They’re easy to read and very well-written. Some are very short, others are in multiparts. Some are written like an interview transcript, others as diaries, others as a fable. Some of the stories in Lucy Dunne discuss deep issues: who are we, why are we here, what is God, what is time? But also they’re entertaining and because they’re all so different you can’t really predict what’s coming next.

I think books like The Bridge to Lucy Dunne represent an exciting new wave of platform agnoistic narratives: youtube, book, gaming.

What’s to like: The shortness of the stories! Seriously, after reading two massive books it was a relief to dive into a quick read. I enjoyed the diversity of the story structures. But mostly, I enjoyed the ideas behind the stories. My favourite was VASE, about a device that removes your awareness of thought. Without conscious thought, what are we? No depression, but no rapture. And yet, does this make us more or less human?

(A digression: I was listening to this really surreal interview with Thomas Thwaites (GoatMan: How I took a Holiday from Being Human) – some concepts in VASE are real.)

What’s annoying: Some of the stories (The Rite, The Flowers) were a little predictable. And some of the more complex issues, like VASE, might be more suited to a deeper structure, like a novella.

Best Quote:
“When cameras were invented plenty of people thought they stole the soul of anyone they took a picture of. There’s always a brief period of hysteria when a new technology comes around.”

PS: this is review is part of a blog post. You can read the entire post here: http://rlstedman.com/great-holiday-re...
Profile Image for Meg.
237 reviews12 followers
July 14, 2017
the guests - pretty funny time travel nonsense
tap - terrifying, really good
a dance - hell yeah one of my favourites. existential. love it
godspeed and goodnight - pretty good. was short and scary and i liked it
into that good night - it was ok. i liked it well enough
the flowers - it was ok, predictable
empty cups - some guy cheats on his sick wife. boring and dumb.
the bridge to lucy dunne - very meta but also kind of boring. i dont care about these people
collision - short and predictable? still enjoyable to read
the bait - good twist (i think????), but the twist itself was so vaguely written it was difficult to understand exactly what happened. had to read it twice.
vase - amazing, thought-provoking
a haunting - forgettable
my brother, my wife, and the wheel - too long with an irritating mc and unsatisfying ending.
sins: various - it was ok. i think i liked it
the rite - forgettable
the gift - i especially loved this one bc i was reading it on a plane. it was ~~~immersive~~~
the first living exhibit - pretty good. funny
silicon nights - amazing, one of my favourites. a good one to end on

(one little nitpicky thing: mixing up the word 'women' and 'woman'. eg "for my wife is not the kind of women to take off her clothes in haste," or "discount me as a mad women if you wish," from my brother my wife and the wheel, or "she was reborn as a young women," from silicon nights. all these refer to a woman in the singular, not women plural. it's annoying to read. thats all.)

anyway some stories were just ok and some were good and some were amazing. also it's hard not to read the narration in exurb1a's beautiful voice, so that's a plus.
February 20, 2017
As someone who hasn't read a lot of sci-fi books, but does enjoy the occasional short-story and has had a bit of experience with existentialism - sigh -, I've enjoyed this book a lot.
The stories are pretty short and make for a light reading, but they do put you in a thinking mood and casually remind you of the nonsense this life is.

While I would not read this before going to bed, I would recommend it to a friend, and have already done so. I love the style of writing, the twists, the (funny) self-loathing of the author and wish I could read more of his works.

October 27, 2023
5.00 / 5.00

I don't think I can not like any of this man's works. I enjoyed every moment I spent with this short story collection. With the eponymous story, 'The Bridge to Lucy Dunne' and the last story 'Silicon Nights' I had to turn back around as soon as I was finished with them to read it again from the beginning. Even when some of the stories got very predictable I had to still continue reading with interest just because of his language and the way he presents the scenes. 'A Dance' was pretty grand and philosophical. 'Godspeed and Goodnight' was terrifyingly existential and set the theme for this collection nicely, if there was any. But the story that genuinely shook me was 'My Brother, My Wife, and the Wheel'. I got actually scared as I was reading it and have not been able to stop thinking about it for days.

I took my time to really savour this collection and quite a few times wished that it would never end. Exurb1a is simply brilliant.

~ 27 October 2023
Profile Image for madhumoiselle .
75 reviews
February 22, 2023
The Haunting. The Rite. The Bridge to Lucy Dunne. Sins: Various. The Flowers. Silicon Nights. five stars each.
Profile Image for Ben.
11 reviews
April 9, 2024
Some good ones and one awful story

I love exurbia but the whole air traffic controller story anyone could’ve written at 10 years old
Profile Image for Daniel-Ioan Mlesnita.
39 reviews10 followers
April 24, 2020
Where should I even start? (Before, remember that I am just 17 and pretty easly impressionable, so take this review with a grain of salt, as my exposure to this kind of material is limited to say the least.
English is not my first language so some mistakes will be seen here and there.)

I don't know how, but almost everything that he creates (videos and stories) resonates with me, after finishing every story you will HAVE to sit for at least a few minutes to rethink what you just read, "how would that feel", "how beautiful it would be", "could it be translated to this world?", and most important "wow" and just sit there and think of nothing or everything at all.

Until now I watched only his videos on YouTube and read "The Fifth Science" (my favourite book to this day) and I can assure you that there is work put in and the final product is one with a pretty good quality.

"The Bridge to Lucy Dunne" is a collection of stories meant to transport the reader to different worlds and times in order to move his thinking to instances never thought before (by reader's mind). Most of them are short and you will most probably read through them with fair ease, but always try to think and rethink what you read as there could be value in them that you would miss otherwise.

I definetly recommend it, as it is not as good as "The Fifth Science" it is still very good and short in itself. The few hours spent with this book will be some of your favourite hours lived.

- Daniel, April 2020
October 8, 2019
Almost every story, if read with an open mind, has the capacity to keep you up all night just thinking about it. Genres range from sci-fi and space/futuristic stuff to simple but creepy horror to just plain human drama. But almost all of them have one thing in common:- they will make u question your thinking, the life you've been living so far and the life u plan to live in the future.

Moreover, I'd also like to mention the title story(rightfully so), 'The Bridge to Lucy Dunne' gave me multiple goosebumps and has small but extremely powerful statements that just shake u from the inside. Not to mention the story, although seemingly a simple drama on a human level, is extremely well-written and thought-out. The writing style is pretty unique and extremely engaging.

And despite all this, little specks of humour are distributed throughout the book in just the right amounts.
Profile Image for Michael Ben Silva III.
Author 1 book5 followers
November 17, 2016
An excellent collection of stories, with high points and low points, as all short story collections have, but which kept me reading all the way through. Exurb1a's youtube channel could be considered an audio/visual primer for these stories, or the other way around, and if you enjoy one I'm certain you will enjoy the other. I'm so glad I bought this book. The sense (self-centered as it is) of discovering an emerging talent is worth the price alone.
56 reviews
February 13, 2017
To be objective, I gave one star for the following reasons:
1- I'm not a fan of fictional stories.
2- I found the stories to be much longer than needed to deliver a simple idea
3- I had a very high expectations about the book, based on my opinion regarding the youtube videos which I like a lot.

So may be I was the wrong audience for the book, I hope that he will keep writing and I will read his next book for sure as long as he keep good quality videos.
Profile Image for May Be.
130 reviews10 followers
August 10, 2016
About half of these stories are really interesting, well written and just the right length. The other half is -unfortunately- none of those things.

Still worth reading, but if you think a story is boring in the beginning, just skip it.
Profile Image for Lin.
35 reviews
June 17, 2022
A bit hit and miss. As it's a collection of stories, some are bound to be less interesting than others. Unfortunately my favourite ones just happened to be more towards the beginning than the end of the book, so it felt a tad long to finish.
Profile Image for Mallory.
8 reviews
September 30, 2016
Very fun read. The first story set my expectations well for the rest of the book.
Profile Image for Simona.
208 reviews36 followers
November 14, 2020
There are ups and downs in this short story collection, but few of the stories made it all worth it.
Profile Image for Tim.
41 reviews
November 3, 2023
I was recommended Exurb1a by a student of mine several years ago, and I'm finally now getting around to reading him, having recently discovered his YouTube channel. Of which, his YouTube channel is incredibly creative, funny, and educational. My student recommended The Fifth Science, which I will read soon, but I wanted to read something quicker to get a sense of his story writing.

I understand that this is his first book; it definitely shows itself to be one. I found a few really solid ideas with stories based on scientific concepts. However, for every one decent/good story, there were two mediocre or terrible stories. Only three or four stories are in my mind of being memorable. Ironically, my favorite story seems to be many reviewers' lowest ranked story in the collection. The one about all the dead coming back to life. The character might've been a terrible person, but he's the only character that felt real and interesting in all of the stories. All other main characters in the book I felt were flat and unengaging, imo.

I think there's only going up from here, so I'm very hopeful! I have two more books of his to read, and while this book was very hit or miss, I'm confident that I'll enjoy the other books more than this one!
Profile Image for Antoni.
7 reviews
September 20, 2024
Overall Score - 2.5

This book has a lot of stories, and it's a pretty even mix of really shit stories, and some really good ones.

A lot of the concepts are interesting but not really expanded upon, and nearly all of the stories suffer from a predictable storyline with a twist in the last paragraph. Unfortunately this layout gets incredibley boring after like 5 stories and ruins the experience. So if you want to read this book, i recommend spreading it out, reading a single story in between reading a different book, or whatever else you got going on.

So to conclude, good read, but couldve been a lot better.

All the stories reviewed separately:
The Guests - 2/5
Tap - 4/5
A Dance - 4/5
Godspeed and Goodnight - 4/5
Into that Goodnight - 5/5
The Flowers - 1/5
Empty Cups - 1/5
Thr bridge to lucy dune - 1/5
Collision - 2/5
The Bait - 1/5
The Vase - 4/5
A haunting - 1/5
My brother, my wife and the wheel - 2/5
Sins: Various - 2/5
The Rite - 4/5
The Gift - 4/5
Thr First Living Exibit - 3/5
Silicon Nights - 5/5
1 review
December 1, 2021
His style of writing can be described as short punchy lines rather than flowing dialogues, which fits the kind of stories he writes. It can be a bit jarring at first but after a while you get used to it.
Other than that I noticed that the characters often lacked variance, making it seem like they're different versions of the same guy. Sometimes I found myself attributing traits of one character to another from a completely different story, which made it a bit convoluted.
Besides a few ones, the story also tends to lack depth (some of them could've been condensed into a few lines)

HOWEVER, there is the occasional masterpiece that makes the book worthy of the 4 stars. It's like every once in a while Exurb1a gets drunk and decides to draw out a complete story consistent with the universe it's set in. There is no way you'll be bored while reading his work and I feel like it'd be great for people with short attention spans.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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