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Zodiac Forces #1

Closer Than Touch

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They call him the Black Widow.

Diea is a Gemini soldier, a special ops marine trained to work more closely with one partner than any other. Through the nanotech in their veins, a Gemini pair can communicate over any distance, see and hear what the other experiences, and it's been said when one partner is killed, the other will fall dead on the spot.

But the Black Widow has outlived two partners. And counting.

Phade has just transferred from Taurus to Gemini, and he's not intimidated by Deia's reputation. Phade knows better than anyone that the image people see is just a mask for what has been broken underneath. Even the hardcore have to let their guard down when the nanotech shares every heartbeat.


First published January 4, 2012

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About the author

Tami Veldura

110 books142 followers
Tami Veldura is an enby/aro/ace author of queer fiction. Their pronouns are they/them/Mx. They love romance, fantasy, science fiction, and paranormal stories that push genre limits. Their work has been nominated for the M/M Goodreads Reader Choice Awards and they have been nominated and placed in the Rainbow Awards.

Website: Failure To Communicate
Twitter handle: tamiveldura
Email: [email protected]

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Profile Image for Cole Riann.
1,078 reviews254 followers
January 29, 2012
Review posted at Brief Encounters Reviews.

The government’s offensive agency is called the Zodiac Force, made up of different types of operatives with different skill sets and responsibilities. Scorpios are the solo fighting force, such as snipers; Taurus are demo experts; Aries are the communication between different operatives in the field; and Gemini are two-person teams of elite fighters. They do all different kinds of work (though it all seems pretty unapologetically offensive in nature) and the teams are linked by their Gemini suits — a nanotech type of symbiosis that almost literally makes one half of the team the other. They can feel each other, think to each other, fight like a hive mind, and become incredibly close.

Deia is a Gemini and is unsurpassed in skill. His last two partners have died in action while he survived, leading others on the Zodiac Forces to name him the Black Widow. He’s right to be arrogant when he is repeatedly partnered with other Gemini much below his standard, which then becomes a liability. When he puts his foot down to his commander (a transfer to Scorpio or some real sim training for his new partner) he finds that the new guy he’s to be working with is more closely aligned in ability and mind than any partner before him. Phade is all smiles, charm and arrogance to Deia’s irascible haughtiness, but they’re actually pretty similar. After their battle of wills, they embark on their first mission together, which only begins to test their shared ability and their newfound affection, friendship and loyalty.

For me, this story set the bar pretty high from the beginning. The writing was pretty excellent right away. Tami Veldura has a real knack for writing action sequences. The depth of the worldbuilding is pretty vast with possibilities. I like when I start a short story that seems to have the ideas of a whole series of novels, yet this author’s minimal and commanding style of writing is suited displaying so much information and plot well in such a short format. For a 15k story there is a huge amount of plot worked into Closer Than Touch. The story is very action packed and densely written, so I often had to take the reading slowly to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Sometimes this became a bit tedious, with lots of technical jargon, but in the end I enjoyed the story enough overlook most of it.

I can only say that the large undertaking in worldbuilding is setting us up for a series (as the title would suggest), and as such this first story suffers a little bit. Normally that happens when the first story takes the brunt of the worldbuilding, but here I thought that it was handled well. The problem is that I often felt a little lost in the detail, and would rather have gotten a nice big picture. I’m not entirely sure who they work for, nor what the other Zodiac positions entail.

Much of the story is a pretty similar take on The Matrix, which I enjoyed. There are even some bland references to Agent Smith, which I found a bit funny. The idea that is central to the story is that Gemini can feel their partners, which isn’t only an interesting premise relating to the story, but poses some pretty remarkable sexual opportunities as well :) I didn’t agree with the addition of the last scene, which felt like a ribbon and bow tied a little too nicely on a story that until then had been pretty emotionally sparse. I would have preferred the natural progression of the characters, especially if this is the first in a series. The earlier sex scene, however, was a really great part of the story and worked well into the overarching plot.

This is a really wonderful story, and Tami Veldura is an author that I know to look out for now. While I had some problems with this story, mostly that I felt it didn’t quite live up to it’s potential, there were still so many great things about it. As I said, the bar was set pretty high after I read the first paragraph, and for the most part, the story met my expectations. I’m looking forward to whatever is next from Ms. Veldura! B+
Profile Image for AngelFire.
767 reviews57 followers
April 24, 2024
Rating: 2.5 stars (rounded down)

This could have been great if it was double or even triple the length. The author did a huge amount of work creating the interesting military tech that was incorporated into the story and while some of it flew over my head, I'm sure that fans of military sci-fi worldbuilding would love it. My main issue with the story is that the entire thing takes place over the course of a few days so everything that happens is very rushed.

Both MCs are elite special forces soldiers in the Gemini division and I especially liked that Diea and Phade are complete opposites when it comes to their physical attributes and combat styles but they're equally tough and intelligent. From the moment they meet, their chemistry is apparent and they both quickly come to respect each other's abilities and professionalism. While the hand-to-hand combat and the simulations they engage in were too lengthy and detailed, I appreciated that we got to see both of their high competency levels despite how differently they approach situations.

I also liked that the author used the high tech Gemini suits (which allow the MCs to share a mental bond) to develop the romance. Is it an original application of the MCs-share-mental-bond trope? No but I liked the creativity that went into the design and usage of the Gemini suits and it was a natural way for the MCs to bond during their off-duty times when they're not in the same place.

This all being said, the story was way too rushed and the author spent too much time on action scenes and tech explanations when the book had too few pages to begin with. The majority of the book consists of action scenes and while they were well written and I'm sure some readers would love them, I wanted to have equal time or even more time spent on the romance. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. The MCs only spend a few days together and during that time, their relationship rushes from strangers to colleagues to lovers. They did have good chemistry and they did go through some tough times together but there was barely any room to breathe and that resulted in their romance feeling rushed.

Along with the action scenes being too long and there being too many tech details, it was also a miss (IMO) to include tons of other side characters and to include lots of details about things that weren't relevant to this particular story (ex. how the Taurus division's tactics differ from Gemini's and the office politics that were happening in the Aries department). The story that the author was trying to tell is way too big for the 60 odd pages that they chose which meant everything happened too quickly and I wasn't able to enjoy myself. It's a pity because the writing was great and I liked most things about the story but the actual plot construction and pacing wasn't done well.
Profile Image for Elizabetta.
1,230 reviews34 followers
August 16, 2014
I really, really, really liked this techy story. I’ll do my best to translate the basics because the blurb doesn’t do it justice.

In this futuristic world, clandestine field operatives working for a mysterious, might-for-right organization called Zodiac Force are divided into groups and interact in teams as their designations dictate. If there is some wrong in the world, Zodiac is your group. The Gemini work in pairs (of course), each wearing a wonderous, body-hugging suit that is triggered by a special chip imbedded in their arms. Push a button and the suit slips over the body seamlessly (I'm thinking, Spiderman). And it can morph into any disguise needed. Cool. The suit allows an intimate, almost symbiotic, relationship between the two Gemini operatives.

Pause... imagine the sensual possibilities here...

So in the field they are physically aware of what their partner is doing and experiencing and can communicate with each other psychically through the suit as well as with the rest of their support team.

Waaay cool.

Well, OK... the suit, IMO is just as much an MC as the two men we follow in this short story-- Deia and Phage.

Deia is a genius operative and has trouble keeping his partners (well, they just can’t keep up with him ) -- they keep dying due to their ineptness and he is fed up. He actually feels their deaths due to the suit’s connection and feels in some way responsible.

At the start of ‘Closer than Touch’ ( great title) the reader is literally dropped into the middle of a mission gone bad where we see Deia lose and yet another partner. He wants out, he wants to be transferred to the Scorpio unit where he can work alone. Well, Zodiac Force has one more partner they want him to try... Phage, who is this hot (of course) ninja with a long black braid that, when he’s suited up, acts as a weapon. Need I say more? Love the ingenuity.

So, why not 5 stars? The story suffers from being just too short. Again, we’re literally dropped into the action without any backstory. Which is OK in and of itself, but then the first mission that Deia and Phage partner on goes seriously awry and there is no explanation as to what exactly went wrong and why and no sense that, in the end, they need to get back in there to get the job done right.

Instead, we get the end of the story.

So, ultimately this fantastic build up to this fantastic new partnership is all about what the suit can do for them and not what they can do for the suit. And we want so much more for these two. We get a HFN that leaves you really wanting more.

Pulled from the bigger Zodiac world (extensive free read on the author’s website) we could use about 20 more pages to show us how Deia and Phage are awesome on the job. I want more about Deia and Phage. Not some other Zodiac couple. Just them. I hope we can have it. Did I say more?

Profile Image for Courtney.
63 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2017
I enjoyed the book. Of course, I'm a huge fan of tech, whether in books or in real-life. The idea of the Gemini suits was only too appealing. I wouldn't be able to do it myself but the theory was fun.

The characters were interesting and I really enjoyed that. Deia made me want to hug him. He can obviously take care of himself but that urge still existed. Phade cracked me up with his dialogue and I might have fallen in love with his hair a little. Even the side characters were fun. I know they're from another story. I'm excited to read that one when it's released.

The plot was fairly simple but considering the story is a short, that's alright. In fact, it's preferable to overcomplicated. The glimpses into another world were amazing. I love a good world build and this was a good indication that a lot of thought and devotion went into that world.

The ending felt like it was missing something, but I can't put my finger on what. It wasn't enough to really take away from the story though.

Overall, it was a great read.
Profile Image for Tygati.
Author 8 books63 followers
November 8, 2013
I waffled on this one for months because the blurb and excerpt left me feeling that it was going to go horribly wrong ten pages in. I'm glad I finally sucked it up and bought it, though, because I was so wrong. It was a tale beautifully spun, if far too short for all the wonder it set up. I really hope there are more tales in this universe. It's very well thought out, all the side characters and positions being clearly developed, to the point it practically aches for a series.

Both of the MCs were interesting, distinct in personality but each with their own draw. It's not as heavily sci-fi as I tend to prefer but what tech there was definitely warmed my geeky heart.

Definitely worth a second and third read.
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,060 reviews31 followers
June 29, 2024
They blended so smoothly Deia was startled to realize he was actively adapting his well-worn muscle memory into Phade's more fluid dance. He couldn't recall the last time he had altered to his partner rather than trying to pull them up to his level. Perhaps it hadn't ever happened before. — Deia

June 2024 reread: I'm in a bit of a reading slump at the moment and needed a comfortable read, Closer Than Touch fitted that bill. I really enjoy Tami Valdura's writing but I specifically like the characters and simple plot of this story. Also, it's short. Phade is a gorgeous character that I find unforgettable, he's just well-written and pushes so many of my military character buttons. But always forget how much I adore Cleo, he is competency plus and much more than he appears. I still think this is more expensive than it probably deserves to be but in good news for those who don't want to use Amazon Tami Valdura does sell all her books on her website as well as the selection she has on Amazon.
I have a quote I need to add:
"Phade." he said, his voice so deep it was almost underfoot. The tree trunk arm swung over. "Deia." He smirked. "Play nice."
Phade flicked his head in a move that neatly settled his braid over one shoulder. Some motions had nothing to do with gender and everything to do with how long your hair was. "I don't play nice." He offered a toothy grin and pealed his t-shirt up.
Deia found himself tracing the path of that shirt as it revealed washboard abs, long lean muscle, a bare dust of hair and not an extra ounce of fat. "I don't play." He replied when his scrutiny met knowing eyes.
— This is right when Phade and Deia meet for the first time. Phade is already starting to flirt, though it is as much to put his cards on the table and seeing what Deia's reaction is. But I'd never caught the hair/gender comment previously. That is 100% fair and I'm glad someone said it. (Nathan, Phade and Deia)
"Let go of my hair." All of the humor was gone from Phade's voice.
Deia slanted a glance at him. His eyes were perfectly black. Nearly all pupil. He could see himself in their reflection. "This is a liability." The knife slid up, pressed against sensitive flesh.
"Let go or we'll find out how true the rumor is that you have balls of steel."
— I really like this moment. As a woman with long hair I will say, you handle it you will hear about it, if only I had Phade's skill. This is before we learn what Phade can do with that hair in his Gemini suit. This is them sparring... hard. They are testing limits but as with any story this short it is definitely also more than that. (Phade and Deia)

'They'll just find you at home.'
'And I'll just tell them to fuck off. It's not the first time I've bailed. They'll get over it.'
'Your drama.'
'So have I passed your tests, Black Widow?'
Deia dropped his skillet on the stove with a bang. 'Deia.'
'My callsign is Deia; I detest that nickname.'
'Who came up with it?'
'Fucking Vaughn. I will never forgive him.'
— Deia and Phaede

Warnings: Death, Mutual masturbation, Genre appropriate violence

Closer than Touch ends in a perfectly odd place. I found it to be a bit expensive for what it is, I kinda wish it was longer I want to spend more time with them. Not just the main characters of Phaede and Deia but the supports, Cleo is adorable and I wish for more of his story (and Moto's, I do love me a badass sniper). Phaede and Deia are a perfect match. Phaede is brilliantly deadly, in a way this is a dichotomy to his personality. His braid is a helluva thing both visually and in a fight. Phade is flirty and charming before he suits up, and before he fights than he is serious and quite a good tactician. Deia is a bit of an odd character. I like his whole deal though. He is kinda lost to his own past. Deia is written in a bit of a weird way. You could project aspec traits onto him or perhaps autism. Either way he is lacking social skills. I like it. I like his difference as a character. Vaughn is fun, he is chaos incarnate and a perfect fit. Consider him the comic relief.

What appeals to me most is the style. It is gorgeous and makes me what to add so many quotes to the review. I will limit myself as much as possible.
"He was too brash for Taurus. Not enough room to show off. Not enough people who knew anything to be impressed."
"He is not showy."
"Not with you. You're not impressed by showy. You demand competence without excess and you can recognize it. So can he. Keep Phade's feathers preened and he'll sing any note you ask."
Deia wasn't sure he wanted Phade to do what he said. Yes, Deia had been in control of their session today, but there was more to Phade than a warrior. There wasn't much more to himself.
— I love this. Phade is an intellegent man. He knows what will earn him respect from Deia and how. But Deia talking himself down just hurts me. There is more to him. (Vaughn and Deia)
'And ... You execute social warfare with a stunning array of weapons.'
'... what?'
'Your smiles. You have two dozen at least and they each convey a different opinion. I'm trying to catalog them: it's fascinating how detailed a thought you can project through expression.'
'You are cataloging my smiles.'
'You are officially the weirdest fucker I've ever met.'
'Uh ... Thank you.'
— I said that Deia was coded in a bit of an odd way? This is one of the best examples of it. This is actually Deia complimenting Phade and I think it's him flirting too. I appreciate it as character coding. It is perfect. (Deia and Phade)
Deia stared somewhat wryly at his own lap where a minor erection was working diligently toward becoming a problem. He knew what to do with one, not like he'd never been around this block before, but it had been a long time since he'd done anything with another person ... no one had been worth it.
Phade was worth it.
— The damn kink of the Gemini suits, mutual masturbation, and the pleasure. The feedback loop. It is a thing to behold, it's hot as hell okay. (Deia and Phade)
Clusterfuck. That's really what Cam meant to say when he claimed there were 'conflicts' with Aries. A full blown SNAFU. — I mean this is just an appealing descriptor. If you've read enough military or spent enough time around military it gives you all the info you need. (Deia)

I wish there was a clearer explanation of who was what in the zodiacs. There is some kind of basic understanding that can be developed through context clues. The tactical Aries, Taurus acting as police, Gemini as an elite unit and Scorpio as a special ops unit. These are guesstimations I read this without reading Tami Veldura's incomplete work, A Scorpio's Nature, the basis for the Zodiac Forces series. This feels like a spin-off and like it is missing something because it is. I'm not a fan of authors and short stories that are written in such a way that so many questions are asked by the reader as they go. That is the sensation I got from this, I couldn't immerse myself in the world for want to know.

I'm giving this 3.5 stars (rounded up) because it is so expensive, unavailable on KU and feels quite offputting. The characters and their dynamics are strong but there is not enough set-up or build-up for it to feel satisfying.

Deia watched laughing dark eyes pass an inch from his nose. He jerked his right elbow down to intercept the jab to his ribs he'd all but invited and then of a surety they were fighting. Close, quick little movements that encouraged Deia to predict two, three, four steps ahead. They circled around like two Tasmanian devils, whirlwinds of exact muscle and violence. — Deia

A representative gif:

Profile Image for John-Torleif  Harris.
2,681 reviews12 followers
August 5, 2020
Interesting works, but I had far too many unanswered questions

This book was far too short. What or who is Katz? Is that a name or an acronym? How do they have the funding and the knowledge to overcome the peak military technology so easily? What was the purpose behind the operation that Katz undertook, and what makes the threat of their retaliation a concern? And if they are such a concern, why have the Zodiac Forces not been deployed to decisively deal with them?
Profile Image for Wendy❤Ann.
1,757 reviews48 followers
November 20, 2012
I really hope there’s going to be more (and not just a teaser based on the title) – as in a series based on this fascinating world! It’s hard to imagine anything more intimate than being able to commune with someone else to the extent that you can actually feel through their sense of touch (what they feel, you feel), monitor their heart rate, etc. But, that’s exactly what two matched Gemini are capable of. Deia and Phade were a very good match – comparable skills, thoughts, and lots of heat when they hooked up. Excitedly looking forward to more!
Profile Image for Sarina.
766 reviews1 follower
September 13, 2014
I thought this was a great start to a new series; it had plenty of action and the uniqueness of the special forces easily kept me interested and ready to read more. I do wish I could've been able to read more about the partners working together or at least interacting like they did during the simulation but I'm happy with what I got. I really look forward to reading even more in this series, especially since I liked this one so much.
Profile Image for Moira.
1,126 reviews61 followers
February 7, 2017
22.1.2017 - 3*
Tenhle příběh má kolem a kolem vážně velký potenciál. Nezaslouží si tři hvězdičky, jelikož byl příliš jednoduchý a plochý, ale autorka představila myšlenku a pár prvků, které se mi vážně líbily, a proto tu jednu navíc přidám. Škoda, že to není o trochu více, než jen zaláskovanost. Pozadí to mělo vykreslené hodně dobře, což je ironické, jelikož zbytek byl tak příšerně průhledný.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,197 reviews332 followers
February 2, 2012
The story wasn't bad, but I guess sci-fi isn't really for me.
There was quite a bit of action and the dialog betweent the MC was funny, but I guess I was just missing a bit more emotion or feeling as to why the MC's connected.
Profile Image for blub.
2,040 reviews
April 27, 2013
Great start to a series. World building was very good and I look forward to learning all about the different divisions of the Zodiac Force.
318 reviews1 follower
August 24, 2014
Not enough background and didn't feel an emotional connection between the MCs.
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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