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Call of the Night #1

Call of the Night, Vol. 1

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Nazuna is a vampire.
That’s okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too.
But transformation doesn’t come that easily...

One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! When flirtatious Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he’s stoked! But then he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them... Is it just the delicious taste of his blood that makes her meet him night after night for late-night adventures, conversation and...naps? Or something else? Then, when a cute girl from Ko’s past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test!

200 pages, Paperback

First published November 18, 2019

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 231 reviews
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,804 reviews71 followers
May 12, 2021
There's something lurking beneath the surface of Call of the Night. What that is isn't clear yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the whole story is something of a metaphor for depression and introversion. Ko, the protagonist, had been doing all right in life until he hit fourteen, at which point his lack of interest in romance suddenly became stressful socially (right there with you, buddy), eventually leading to him developing insomnia. He began walking the night and not going to school, with his parents basically checked out of his life, but his perambulations aren't really helping with his problems.

Then he meets Nazuna.

Nazuna's a vampire, and she's nominally after Ko's super tasty blood, but once again, there's something else simmering beneath the surface. She has no interest in turning Ko into a vampire (which would require him to fall in love with her), but she does seem invested in his emotional well-being, something she's possibly unaware of. Are they friends? Something more? It's not clear, nor is it obvious if Ko's sudden proclamation that he wants to become a vampire is due to him actually wanting to be a vampire or to a need to prove that he CAN fall in love.

Whatever else it is, Call of the Night is not your typical vampire story - and that's a very good thing.
Profile Image for Victoria ✮⋆˙.
1,065 reviews103 followers
June 10, 2021
Honestly I just think this series is really fun! The chapters are easy to read and pretty short and the art is really nice! Idk I just had a lot of fun reading this
Profile Image for Geoff.
988 reviews119 followers
March 21, 2021
Creepy, but not because it's a vampire manga. The protagonist doesn't like people and wants to become a vampire but learns the only way to do so is to fall in love with a vampire and have that vampire feed off of him, which is given a very sexual vibe. To be honest, once I realized that was going to be a love sex farce with a middle school aged protagonist? I lost any interest.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,213 reviews179 followers
July 24, 2022
"I don't usually feel lonely when I'm alone. I feel lonely when I'm with people. Is it like that for other people?"
14-year-old Ko has neglectful parents, has gotten bored with school, and is completely disinterested in dating. He decides to ditch school and prowl around his neighborhood at night. In his wanderings he comes across a vampire, Nazuna, who has the form of a young girl. She takes him back to her place in a seedy apartment building and bites him... but nothing happens.

With a kind of silent acknowledgment, Nazuna and Ko decide to hang out at night, with Nazuna feeding on Ko at some point along the way. Apparently Ko must be in love with Nazuna to transform into a vampire, and since he enjoys his night life more than his life during the day, he wants to transform, but has no idea what love might be like.

Nazuna constantly refers to vampirism as the vampires' equivalent of coitus, embarrassing Ko, and Ko reminds her that love is an essential part of the equation, embarrassing her. Their interactions are fun, showing how essentially naïve both characters are about what might otherwise be a racy arrangement.

Ko is interesting as what I suppose to be an asexual or aromantic youth, wanting friends and connection but feeling like a kind of alien among people who handle attaining those things very differently than he does. The various chapters in this book run a range of tone, from an almost childish-feeling one where Ko gives Nazuna one of a matching set of walkie-talkie watches so they can more easily talk with each other at a distance (this is set up with an episode where she fails at understanding cell phones), to one with much more adult-feeling banter where Ko meets a childhood friend.

Skimming ahead in the other couple of volumes I own of this series, it looks like vampirism will continue to be a metaphorical means of exploring various sexuality and relationship topics in a lightly comedic, non-explicit way. There's plenty of fan service in this volume, but unusually I didn't find it to be objectifying or borderline insulting like I usually do. Well, frequent crotch shots aside. She's wearing short shorts. Yup.

I like the nighttime vibe of this manga, and Nazuna and Ko's silly banter, and those by themselves will carry me at least through the three volumes of this manga that I own. We'll see what I think from there!
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews156 followers
April 14, 2021
Wow, this was a pleasant surprise from start to finish! I'm glad I went out on a limb and purchased this, it was more fun than I anticipated!

Before I get in to my review, I want to address two common complaints I've seen about this series:
the age gap between Ko and Nazuna and the admittedly slow pacing.

First, the age gap. I will admit, I was stunned to learn that Ko is 14. The summary didn't give Ko's age and I can only assume this was because the publishers knew if they gave away that information, people would be hesitant to purchase this volume. And considering how many people gave this volume 1-2 star ratings because of the age gap, the publishers were right to be wary. Now, do I approve of this deception? No. Does the age gap bother me? Nope. Why? Because age gaps between supernatural beings and humans are so commonplace in media that unless something really problematic is happening, I don't care. And frankly, nothing problematic occurs in this volume. Yes, Nazuna wears a scantily clad outfit and makes a lot of sexual innuendos, but she never gropes or assaults Ko. In fact, the only time you could say Ko is in a vulnerable position is in the first chapter when she leads him to her place, but she doesn't sexually assault him. She bite his neck cuz, you know, SHE'S A VAMPIRE. And yes, to her biting a human's neck is considered sexual, but Ko doesn't see it like that and is clearly not bothered by it once the situation's explained, so I have a hard time being bothered by an age gap when nothing sexually problematic happens. But if this bothers people and they don't want to read it, that's fine. I can totally understand why this bother others and I don't want to shame them, it just doesn't bother me.

The second issue is the slow pacing. I have to agree that the pacing is much slower than in other shonen titles, but I actually like it here. There's such a heavy focus on the scenery and setting and it kind of gives the series a meditative feel. Not that I'm saying this is scholarly reading, but the slower pacing makes you take in everything and give you a chance to pause and think about what you've read. It certainly won't be for everyone and I'm sure it will put off most, but I liked it a lot.

Okay, with that out of the way, here are the rest of my thoughts on this series:

I really liked Ko's character, specifically his apathy and lack of motivation. I think it's great that we have an apathetic main lead who isn't really a dick, just a kid who's hit a rut early in life and doesn't know what to do about it. I also love how he's grappling with understanding friendship and love on an emotional and logical level. I can't really explain it, but it's refreshing to see a character honestly address the more complicated feelings surrounding these things in a time where kids are expected to just go with their emotions. But what happens when there's a kid who doesn't experience those emotions and has no one that is willing to take the time to guide him? That's Ko, and I'm glad we have a shonen protagonist who's dealing with these issues without being an ass about it.

As for Nazuna, I LOVE her design. It's so simple but works for her character and personality so well. I like how she can be, but she can restrain herself when she wants to. It's nice to see a vampire who is constantly trying to get into the main protagonist's pants. Also, she unabashedly drinks in front of Ko and blushes when love is brought up, but has no trouble discussing sex. She's just a lot of fun and I really like her.

Don't have much to say about Akira. Love her design, I think she's a nice, down-to-earth influence for Ko, and is just a genuinely good person.

I love the artwork and attention to scenery/setting. It really sells the "night life" vibe and how beautiful yet grungy it can be.

Okay, that's all I've got. So, do I recommend this? Absolutely! I think it was a lot of fun, even if it was slow. If age gaps are an issue for you, though, you might want to proceed with caution. If not, this was a fun start to a series and I'm looking forward to more.
Profile Image for MargReadsManga.
417 reviews70 followers
August 7, 2022
Such a fun first volume! I can’t wait to read the next one. It’s a different kind of rom com and I’m loving it so far.
Profile Image for amelia.
87 reviews
March 11, 2024
WAMPIRY!!! czy trzeba mówić coś więcej??
tak czytam to bo są tu wampiry, na razie jedna wampirzyca i chłopak chcący wampirem być.
Na razie świetnie się bawię i chce więcej
Profile Image for Adam.
621 reviews19 followers
November 30, 2021
This was fine. It's not terrible, but it was problematic. I think a younger audience may enjoy it more. Horny young 14 year old boy can't sleep and feels like he doesn't have a place in his school. Young looking, but actually old lady vampire drinks his blood but it doesn't turn him because only vampires that are in love or some nonsense can turn people? I dunno, the protagonist was too young for how close to sex this book creeps. And I use creep intentionally, the old vampire that looks young is super flirty and teases the 14 year old enough that I'm out right away. There is a childhood friend who shows up near the end to complicate things, but this drifted into gross early enough that I'm good.
Profile Image for Lea Saurusrex.
518 reviews45 followers
March 23, 2024
Un peu perturbée par les premiers chapitres qui sont très précipités et dont la narration est un peu all over the place. Ça devient mieux sur la fin, potentiellement parce que l’auteur a trouvé un meilleur rythme ? Je garde en tête qu’au Japon les mangas commencent souvent publiés de manière épisodique dans des revues avant de devenir des tomes à part entière, et ça explique peut-être ce début un peu bordélique.

L’histoire en elle-même me semble avoir du potentiel derrière les sous-entendus sexuels et les blagues potaches. Il y a quelque chose qui se cache dans cette ambiance nocturne (très bien retranscrite d’ailleurs : insomniaques assemble), et dans la déscolarisation du héros, mais aussi dans son lien avec cette vampire qui, je pense, peut avoir également d’autres choses à proposer.

Je suis curieuse, même pas si pas entièrement charmée par ce premier tome.
Profile Image for Kayla Brunson.
1,535 reviews267 followers
March 11, 2021
I'm not sure how I really feel about this one. It didn't really hold my attention and I'm not really interested in reading more of this series. Maybe if Ko was older than 14? Nazuna seems older and more mature (about certain things) than he does so they don't seem to mesh well.

*I received an ARC via Edelweiss for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,323 reviews200 followers
April 16, 2021
Ko cuts and runs when the pressure of school gets too much, which leads him into the night and to cross paths with the oddly attired Nazuna. When he agrees to spend the night at her apartment it turns out they’re both suckers and a very odd story of boy meets vampire begins...

This book starts off with the lowest-key bang ever, but I LOVED it. The author perfectly captures the appeal of seeing the world that runs so normally during the day through the lens of the strangeness that comes out at night. Additionally, it shows Ko having the inscrutable curiosity and lack of self-preservation that all 14-year-olds possess.

I’m torn on whether or not we needed more with the school stuff. I think more would have bogged it down a little, but we get only the slightest inkling of how bored Ko is and how aromantic he feels (for now). Yes, he’s 14, flee now if that bothers you.

Anyway, then he meets Nazuna and boy I should be running for the hills at this point. Once she throws off her cloak and we see yet another vampire who doesn’t wear a whole hell of a lot (she makes out better than some, to be fair, and you do you, Nazuna) I was figuring this was going nowhere fast.

Then Ko’s blood tastes delicious and I was battening down the hatches for more annoying tropes than I could shake a stick at.

Except that doesn’t happen.

Nazuna is just as bad as Ko is in the relationship department, just from a different angle. While Ko has no feelings, Nazuna is easily flustered by everything and uses dirty jokes to hide it (I’ve never heard the word coitus used for better comedic effect). She’s wildly inappropriate with him, but there’s an immaturity to both of them that’s quite smart.

When Ko makes a fairly rash decision to throw away his old life and become a vampire, we learn that the only way for that to happen is if he genuinely falls in love with Nazuna and then she drinks his blood. There is an amazing exchange when Ko assumes bloodsucking is all it would take and Nazuna points out that it would be like us having children every time we had supper.

This book kills for several reasons. First, both leads are interesting. Ko is not just some generic self-insert lead, he’s a believable kid who might not have the best ideas for his life but is clearly making them for himself (maybe don’t call a vampire a slut because you got jealous, though). Who hasn’t been tempted by the promise of something more interesting just beyond the norm?

Nazuna is cool and aloof. On the outside. She’s just so easily thrown off her cool and aloof game and beneath her bluster she blushes way too easily and can’t handle the idea of love herself. Her reaction to technology is much funnier than it should be (why WOULD an immortal worry about phone contracts?).

Minus one fabulous punt that the chapter title spoils, all the comedy and drama is from conversation which is so unique in a manga that I want to bronze the book and put it on my shelf. There’s a lot of great talking in here, far above my standard for manga writing. It’s delightful. What vampires consider inappropriate for PDAs is quite amusing.

There’s a chemistry to this that I just loved. Both of them make mistakes with each other, then grow from it. It’s unerringly realistic for something with this mad a premise. Ko has no experience having a close friend, let alone a girlfriend, and Nazuna is so easily hurt when something slips through the layers of armour she’s built up.

When Ko’s childhood friend, who is nice but so wrongheaded with him that it’s not even funny, puts a spanner in the works, there is some viciously satisfying back and forth. Nazuna calling out childhood friend tropes, but with a legitimate beef, is sneeringly perfect.

So there’s no indication of exactly how old Nazuna is, which could be a thing, but I think the book’s kind of smart to leave it in the dust or not address it at all (vampire romances have been age-differential problematic for years, see: Buffy). The book doesn’t need the baggage.

It’s sometimes a little male-gaze on Nazuna, hard not to be with her get-up, but I will say that this book is very light on straight up fanservice and instead leans hard into two people talking with one another and hanging out, which is where it’s at its best.

Shrug, look this is what it is. I think 3.5 to 4 stars is closer to a true rating. However, I read some books that had me seriously questioning my devotion to manga this week and then this happened and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. So, hey, contextual five stars for being a reminder of how good a well-written manga can be.
Profile Image for Sean.
88 reviews
June 24, 2022
This was an interesting one. I wasn't sure what to expect, but got a mix of comedy and some fairly real "feelings" stuff. It felt quite heartfelt in aspects when talking about being lonely and valuing your own company.

I do find it a bit odd that the main character is 14 and the vampire girl seems older? (not sure 100%). I am interested to see what happens with this story though.
Profile Image for Clar.
268 reviews10 followers
August 15, 2024
VALORACIÓN: 2'5 estrellas

La premisa de la obra me llamó poderosamente la atención. Mi problema: el protagonista tiene 14 años y ella es una vampira que, aunque no nos hayan dicho su edad, sabemos que es mucho mayor. Me recomendó la obra un amigo y me dijo que "los tiros no van por ahí", así que decidí darle una oportunidad al segundo tomo.

Como punto a destacar, creo que si hubiese sido al revés que la protagonista hubiera sido una chica de 14 y él un señor vampiro habría generado mucho más ruido del que estoy viendo.
Profile Image for Johnny Bahama.
54 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2020
God diggity damn! 30 chapters in and this middle school Twilight shit just might cure this 30 year old’s seasonal depression!
Profile Image for Valérie_Valcoolbooks.
240 reviews40 followers
April 7, 2024
Un manga shonen qui mélange paranormal, humour, romance et quotidien (tranche de vie), voilà ce que nous propose Kotoyama avec Call of the Night.

On suit Kô Yamori, jeune adolescent de 14 ans, qui est en perte de repères. Il ressent depuis longtemps une certaine insatisfaction par rapport à sa vie, ne cultive pas de but précis et a toujours ressenti une déconnexion dans ses relations avec les autres. Il ne comprend pas ces filles qui tombent en amour et veulent sortir avec lui; il ne comprend pas d’où vient ce sentiment.
Au début du volume, Kô décide de cesser d’aller à l’école et de vivre la nuit. Dès lors, il se découvre une fascination pour la nuit. Durant une de ses sorties nocturnes, il fait la rencontre de Nazuna Nanakusa, une vampire. Cette rencontre solidifie le nouveau plan de vie de Kô : il veut devenir un vampire. Comme Nazuna trouve son sang tout particulièrement alléchant, ils concluent un pacte : il lui permettra de continuer à boire de son sang régulièrement et elle accepte qu’il fasse tout ce qu’il peut pour que cela parvienne à le transformer en vampire. La condition essentielle pour devenir une créature de la nuit, autre que de se faire mordre par un autre vampire : on doit être amoureux du vampire qui nous mord. Nazuna, si elle accepte de boire son sang pour des gains très égoïstes, n’est par contre pas très collaborante pour l’aider à développer des sentiments pour elle. Malgré tout, Kô ne se décourage pas et nous le suivrons dans ses tentatives pour développer des sentiments pour lesquels il n’a jamais compris l’intérêt. Ils passeront donc leurs nuits ensemble et développeront une amitié improbable…

Au final, cette histoire était divertissante et intéressante de par son concept original. J’aurais toutefois aimé me sentir un peu plus connectée aux personnages pour ressentir un peu plus avec eux, mais je pense qu’ici le but de cette œuvre n’était peut-être pas d’aller dans ce sens, donc ce n’est pas nécessairement un manque du manga. On se rappellera qu’on est dans un shonen, et non un shojo. Il m’a quand même manqué un petit élément pour me sentir investie comme je l’aurais voulu par ce volume.
Si toutefois le concept vous intéresse et vous avez le goût d’une histoire inusité, avec une petite dose d’humour et une ambiance « quotidien », ce manga pourrait bien vous plaire.

*Manga shonen : mangas destinés à un public adolescent/jeune adulte, principalement masculin.
Profile Image for Lauren Evatt.
57 reviews5 followers
January 8, 2022
Call of the Night took me by surprise by how fun and oddly relatable it was. It's theme of night is something I didn't realize I would connect with so deeply until I started reading it.
The story portrays night as a time of freedom when burdensome responsibilities are distanced and the world seems beautiful and free. As someone who loves walks at night (entirely for those reasons) this story really resonated with me. The feeling and the atmosphere made me feel like I was walking on my own at night even though I was in a crowded room on my lunch break. That alone made this manga worthy of a read.
The art perfectly compliments the feel of the story. It is dark and slightly jagged but overall is beautiful and aesthetic. It's hard to describe but I love it.
The secondary theme of love had me less interested but I understand the romance theme is necessary to sell books. Even though it wasn't my favorite part of this story I still thought it was executed well. For me personally however, the theme of night is what kept me interested.
The main characters were fun I liked each of them of them Ko is an interesting protagonist who sometimes feels older than he actually is. But his almost adult moments of 'I'm fed up with the world' contrast well with his moments of childishness and make him more entertaining. He is likable and easy to root for. Watching him try to discover what love is was this is was very entertaining. Nazuna is very fun and cute and her carefree life in contrast with her easy embarrassment when Ko commits to fall in love with her is great.
Overall I really liked this first volume and cannot wait to read more. The song I chose for this is Give Me a Reason by Boy Harsher (this band's whole vibe feels like night time to me)
"Give me a reason to wonder why
When you call will you call my name?"
Profile Image for Heather.
911 reviews56 followers
June 24, 2021
I really loved this one! I'm a vampire fan but I have some pet peeves about them. I don't like when they eat human food and walk in the daylight, because to me that just takes away the whole point of being a vampire. In Call of the Night, vampire Nazuna drinks alcohol in addition to human blood, but she doesn't eat human food and she only comes out at night. So I was quite pleased with the way vampires were portrayed in this manga!

The art is a little weird - everyone has buggy eyes - but there's something I found really beautiful about it, too. All of the backgrounds are cityscapes. It's a little monotonous, I guess, but I like it. You really get a sense of the location of the story. It feels real.

The main character, Ko, is a 14 year-old boy with insomnia, so he walks the streets at night to occupy himself. He has dropped out of school because he just doesn't see any point to it, and his parents don't seem to care about him. So when he meets Nazuna, he decides he wants to become a vampire like her, so he can always walk the night and savor the freedom she enjoys. There's just one catch: to become a vampire, you have to fall in love with one.

The plot is complicated when Ko runs into Akira, a friend from childhood, who wants him to go back to school with her. I'm not sure where this series is going to end up, but I'm enjoying the ride so far.
Profile Image for Siina.
Author 34 books21 followers
February 7, 2021
Call of the Night was just what I expected! A different kind of vampire manga. This actually feels like seinen, although this is shounen. Yamori cannot really sleep and he has insomnia. The guy feels empty inside, stops going to school and wanders through the streets at night. He meets Nanakusa, a girl that wanders at nights too, but for a different reason. She's a vampire and finds Yamori's blood super tasty. Yamori himself decides he wants to become a vampire too, but Nanakusa can turn him into a one only if they fall in love. The plot doesn't seem all that different, but the way Kotoyama handles it actually is. The series is quite philosophical and mostly it's actually about these two discussing. That's the best part of the series! We really get to know both Yamori and Nanakusa and see them getting to know one another and you hardly see that in manga. It's great. They feel so real!

The art looks wonky and dark even and fits the series well. The view angles are interesting and the rhythm rolls nicely too. The series avoids cliches, which makes this better than most. Let's see how this will turn out and if Kotoyama can keep up with how well this started.
Profile Image for Ryan.
5,047 reviews28 followers
Want to read
June 28, 2021
This one is giving me judgement issues. Overall I like it. Ko likes the night. He feels alive. He meets a lovely/sexy vampire who wants to play. But she does not want to fall in love. Because if a vampire falls in love with a human, and the human falls in love with a vampire, she can turn that human into a vampire. Ko is lonely, and he wants to know what love is. However Nu (the vamp) absolutely does not want to fall in love. She just wants to feed, which is it’s own orgasmic experience. But Ko forgets he does have a friend, and is reminded later in the book which sets up a triangle. My entire problem with this book is that Ko is 14. This book seems too sexual for that age (but that may just be my age speaking). Plus the other thing that annoys me is the gratuitous crotch shots. That is all that is in the frame. The female vampire wither her legs spread (clothed) and some words that have nothing to do with the post. This annoys me. I think I will check out book 2 before deciding if I like the book as a whole.
Profile Image for Francis Alexander.
119 reviews1 follower
April 4, 2023
DNF at 39%

I was curious about this, so I got it from the library. Glad I didn't actually buy it because i found it quite boring.

The style is okay I guess, although I'm a bit bored by the usual half naked vampire lady main character..

The main character has insomnia, and decides to go for a walk alone at night. He meets a girl that invites him to her flat, where he pretends to fall asleep and we discover she is actually a vampire when she feeds on him. He decides he wants to become a vampire, but to do so he needs to fall in love with the potential vamp-parent. The kid is 14, and doesn't really understand people (especially girls), and the fact that he arbitrarily decides he will fall in love with the girl is kinda funny? Still, not enough for me to keep reading.
Profile Image for Irene ➰.
889 reviews85 followers
April 29, 2023

I'm scared of this wave of awesome mangas I'm reading lately lol
Another amazing read for me this moring!

This was very different from everything I read so far, there are vampires but it's still a fun read, I'll put it in the horror comedy side, there's both the creepy and fun part.

I loved the atmosphere it was created, and especially that most of it is set during night time.
I found the art amazing and it's a very fast read as well.
All the characters are pretty spot on and I immediately liked both the protagonists.
I'm super curious to see how it develops.
Profile Image for Di.
519 reviews30 followers
April 11, 2021
I really enjoyed this first volume. I thought the characters and story were interesting. The art style was different from what I usually go for, but was something I also enjoyed about this volume. I look forward to seeing where this story goes and I'll definitely be picking up a finished copy of this volume as well as the next!

Thank you to Viz Media for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy of this volume in exchange for my honest review. This in no way affects my thoughts on this volume.
Profile Image for Dr CG.
405 reviews27 followers
December 31, 2023
This was a cute little story. It sounds funny to call a story about a vampire a “cute little story,” but that’s what it is :)
Profile Image for Knigoqdec.
1,079 reviews173 followers
March 4, 2024
Харесва ми това стилно издание, макар че си признавам, че част от хираганата е дооооста дребничка и аз май вече остарявам, щом не я виждам хахахах :D
Много се радвам на тази книжка, имам и том 2. Като история обаче ми е трудно да я препоръчам. Още покрай анимето беше така. За мен е вид модерен ияшикей, така да се каже. От онези истории, в които "те просто си говорят". Действието е малко еднотипно и еднообразно, а аз предпочитам да има поне мъничко вълнение, щипка мистерия или нещо подобно.
Случвало ми се е да будувам в 2-3 сутринта и да съм навън, така че мога да потвърдя, че при определена нагласа да будуваш по това време е приятно и авторът е уловил чувството. Но нека подчептаем определената нагласа...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 231 reviews

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