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You just boarded a flight to New York.

There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.

What you don't know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot's family was kidnapped.

For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.

The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.

Enjoy the flight.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published July 6, 2021

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About the author

T.J. Newman

4 books3,248 followers
T.J. NEWMAN is a former bookseller and flight attendant whose first novel, Falling, became a publishing sensation and debuted at number two on the New York Times bestseller list. Her second novel, Drowning: The Rescue of Flight 1421 was an instant New York Times bestseller. Both books made a number of best book of the year list, are published in thirty-five countries and will soon be major motion pictures after selling in two separate headline making seven-figure deals: Falling with Universal Pictures, and Drowning with Warner Brothers. T.J. lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Her new novel - WORST CASE SCENARIO - comes out August 13.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,181 reviews
Profile Image for Yun.
569 reviews29.4k followers
May 1, 2023
Wow, I'm kind of speechless at how utterly dull this story was. Given the premise, it's really quite unbelievable.

Bill Hoffman is the pilot of Flight 416, en route to JFK with 149 souls on board. What he doesn't know is that his wife and children have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. When his plane is midair, he is confronted with a choice: crash the plane or his family will die.

That sounds interesting enough, and the first few chapters were. But the more I read, the worse it got. The crux of the problem is that there's nothing compelling or new or even entertaining in here. If a book could be made up of clichés, one after another, this is it. Of course the passengers are upset, the flight attendants heroic, the bad people Middle-Eastern, and the authorities good meaning but bumbling.

Every dialogue is so cringey in how predictable and trite it was. Every scene felt like a repeat of ones I'd seen before from bad action movies. It's hard to keep my focus when I already know how it will all play out. I caught myself skimming multiple times because my brain just filled in all the blanks without having read any of it.

I never made any emotional connections with the characters. They are just stereotypes, and can be replaced by any other character of the same type. There's a simplicity and predictability to everything in here that wore me out and completely bored me to tears.

Honestly, there's no need to read this book. Just close your eyes and imagine some scenes from an airplane hijacking. Whatever you just imagined is more exciting than what you would find in this book, and you just saved yourself many hours. You're welcome.
Profile Image for Roxane.
Author 123 books165k followers
September 18, 2021
Let me preface my comments by saying I love this writer's backstory. I love the origin story of this book. I love that it is in the world because there's room for all kinds of storytelling and I welcome the rainbow, enthusiastically. I can't wait for the movie, either.

So. The story here is great, total thriller, action-packed, sometimes ludicrous, but always engaging. I read this book in a few hours.

An airline captain, Bill (tall handsome), has been given an impossible choice--crash the plane he is flying from LAX to JFK or his family (hot, perfect wife, brave son, cute baby daughter) will be murdered. He also has to gas the cabin with poison and there is someone, he doesn't know who, on the plane to ensure that he complies with his tormentor, Sam's, instructions. He's not supposed to tell anyone; he's supposed to kill his co-pilot Ben, and he only has like 5 hours to save the world.

Why is Sam doing this? Well, he's from Kurdistan, and he has legitimate beef with the United States (as do most countries in the world), and he's going to get his pound of flesh one way or another.

The sort of inside trade secrets of flight attendants and pilots were super interesting to me as a frequent flier. The action was great.

The biggest issues here are that the characters are thinly drawn, rife with cliches, and the writing is often not good. Certainly, on a sentence level, the writing is fine, and the pacing is great. But the structure is kind of off in that a lot of the character development that there is, happens through weird flash backs that conveniently give the reader the information they will need to contextualize what's about to happen. I understand why it is being done this way but it is too convenient. The writer's work is too obvious and in plain sight.

Then there are the tics. For example, whenever a character is surprised, their jaw drops. There were so many dropping jaws throughout the novel. A pandemic of dropped jaws. Bill's jaw dropped at least four times. There were also gasps and wide eyes and so on.

You know how airplane internet never works and when it does you can barely download an email? Bill is on a flight with amazing internet. He spends the entire flight FaceTiming with his wife and the kidnapper, without any connection issues. It's simply ludicrous. You can barely log on to that crap internet.

Every cliche you can imagine about masculinity and Americana are here. SPOILER ALERT! The penultimate scene happens as the plane flies over Dodger Stadium during Game 7 of the World Series where the players decide to keep playing the game even though they know there is a threat hurtling toward them. Just... incredible.

The secondary characters include Jo, the tiny feisty black flight attendant and her FBI agent nephew Theo who resists authority, an airline attendant who is also diminutive but is called Big Daddy and let me tell you, every time his colleagues call him Big Daddy or Daddy, I just giggled with delight because it was just so strange. And then there is Kellie, I think, the third flight attendant who is brand new but rises to the occasion. As an aside, in WHAT WORLD, would there only be three flight attendants on a transcontinental flight? I happen to take this particular flight REGULARLY and there are usually like five or six flight attendants, even on single-aisle planes!

Anyway, it's fine. This is a fun thriller. I just notice these kinds of things.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
February 4, 2022
41 literary agents rejected this book and now I know why.

Newman writes with a particular parochial gaze that confines the characters and plot into a one-dimensional space where everything is predictable.

Final verdict: mediocre and the author needs writing lessons.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,688 reviews54k followers
July 5, 2023
OMG! Since 24’s season 5 21st episode I haven’t gotten so tense! I am so close to explode! My heart is pounding so fast! I can crush because of extra adrenalin rush as the blood keeps pumping into my veins! What a freaking eyes popping head spinning gut wrenching ride I jumped on!

This book is sticky! It glues to your hands, taking control of your mind, forcing you cut your connection with the real world and for cues you to enjoy the action packed, fist pumping, jaw clenching, heart throbbing pacing!

Don’t you ever dare to put it down! If you do that, you’ll regret it because when you turn back your normal life, intense feeling of claustrophobic cabin fever will follow you in everywhere!
Let’s take a closer look to the plot line:
Captain Bill Hoffman feels sorry how he left things with his wife at home. She didn’t answer his calls which is strange because whenever they have argument, she never chooses silent treatment. Something is off.

He couldn’t be so right because as he sits on his seat at the cockpit, checking last things before his flight from LAX to NYC’s JFK airport, he gets an email from his wife without subject attached with a photo shows his family are hostages of a very dangerous man.

As he clicks the man’s FaceTime call, he sees his wife strapped with explosives (just like Bodyguard’s final freaking episode)

The man call himself Sam tells him he has two choices he’s going to crash the plane if he doesn’t he will kill his family. Plain and simple.
Bill cannot tell it anybody if he does that his family dies. If he rejects the plan again his family dies.

So he has to obey the rules. He has to change the rotate to Washington D. C., killing his copilot by mixing white powder with his coffee inserted his bag and throw a gas can at the cabin before crashing the plane!

He carries 144 souls onboard whose lives at stake. Will he crash the plane to save his family?
At the cabin, there are brave flight attendants do their best to keep the passengers alive as Bill literally deals with fight or flight situation.

Jo, experienced flight attendant, is close friend of Bill learns the threat at the first hand and thankfully her nephew Theo is FBI agent but even their resources and ATC’s support can not be enough to fight against the big threat.

What’s going to happen? Could loved be saved and could the imminent political threat and national crisis be stopped before things are getting escalated?

There are so many movies take place in the plane like Passenger 57, Red Eye, Nonstop, United 93, and lately Joseph Gordon Levitt’s 7500.

This book’s storyline is quit best example of action packed- adrenaline rush- cabin fever movies and with fast pacing, mind whirling, high tension storyline helps you consume it as like you’re devouring your favorite action movie! ( its storyline is so much better than the some of the movies I listed before so this has great potential for an adaptation!)

If you enjoy unputdownable, addictive, one sit readings which can get you out of your mind, this book is best fit for your needs. Pick up your popcorn and wine ( or any other combination like pretzels, biscotti and can coke just like airline complimentary menus) and sit tight at your seat, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy your crazy flight!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Avid Reader Press/ Simon& Schuster for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

Follow me on medium.com to read my articles about books, movies, streaming series, astrology:

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Profile Image for Regina.
1,139 reviews4,216 followers
July 7, 2021
And the 2021 winner for Worst Book to Read on an Airplane goes to… Falling by T.J. Newman!

Applause, applause. The concept itself definitely deserves it, since it’s one of the best “would you rather” quandaries I’ve ever heard: If you were a pilot, would you rather crash the commercial plane you’re flying or have your kidnapped family be murdered? I consider myself pretty savage at WYR, but even I wouldn’t want to answer that question.

In fact, it’s such a good one that it’s already netted debut author (and former flight attendant) T.J. Newman a $1.5 million movie deal with Universal Pictures. Get that popcorn popping!

As for the novel itself, I found Falling to be a somewhat problematic page turner. The cold open thrusts readers into an extremely over-the-top and graphic scene that doesn’t jibe with the rest of the book. I fear it will turn some people off, but those who stick with it will see a quick downshift from rated-R to PG-13 territory.

More significantly though, I also fear the “bad guys” (as they’re oft called) and their motivations are going to disappoint a lot of readers. They certainly did this one. The flip side of that coin is that the “good guys” consist of some refreshingly memorable characters that make flying through these pages a heck of a lot of fun.

This was a buddy read with Michael David, and he was a bit more enthusiastic about the book than I was. Be sure to check out his review as well. :)

My thanks go to T.J. Newman and Avid Reader Press for my gifted advance readers copy to review.

3.5 stars

Blog: https://www.confettibookshelf.com/
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,347 reviews3,470 followers
July 12, 2021
Heart Thumping -Non-Stop Action-from START to FINISH!! ❤️

You CAN read this ADRENALINE thriller in the course of the five hours or so that it might take you to fly from LAX (Los Angeles) to NY’s JFK airport....but I suggest you read it when your feet are planted firmly on the ground!!

Captain Bill Hoffman’s family has been kidnapped thirty minutes before his flight but he doesn’t know this yet.

His wife Carrie, and his two children are being held hostage, strapped to explosives 🧨

And, when he finds out, he is told that he can’t share this information with his first officer, Ben or his cabin crew.

Once airborne, he is given the “choice” of crashing the plane to save his family OR saving the 149 souls onboard, instead.

The pace is FAST as the action alternates between the choices being made in the cockpit, what our fearless flight attendants are doing in the cabin, and the support being given by the FBI and ATC (Air Traffic Control) on the ground.

As a 25+ year flight attendant, myself, I loved reading a book without the stereotypical pilots and flight attendants you usually find in these books! The story was peppered with actual “lingo”and authenticity only a crew member could write, because our author was also a flight attendant, for Virgin America and Alaska Airlines, for 10 years, before selling this novel!

Although I fly for a different carrier, we too have “legendary employees” like Michael “Big Daddy”, who have “three digit” employee numbers.

And, many of us “slam click” on our overnights, as lead flight attendant “Jo” talked about! (Hotel doors SLAM shut, you hear the CLICK of the lock and the crew members aren’t seen again till the next morning).

Kellie-the “reserve” flight attendant who got the assignment “last minute” when someone else called in sick.....Yes-that is how it works! It was her lucky day!

I had SO MUCH FUN reading this, as I immediately donned my thinking cap, wondering how I would have handled the situation …

And, YES, I laughed, I cried, and I cheered them on!!!

You cannot ask for more than that in a thriller!!
This will make a great 🍿 movie!

Congratulations to Torri Newman for her perseverance in not letting the 41 rejections stop her from submitting this to #42! Being a flight attendant will give you a thick skin-and it paid off here!

I too, live in Phoenix and have referenced The Changing Hands bookstore, where she once sold books in a past review! (Our Souls at Night-Kent Haruf)

I hope she will have a book signing at her old store, sometime? 🤞🏻

NOW AVAILABLE from Avid Reader Press/Simon & Schuster!

Thank you for my gifted copy provided through NetGalley in exchange for a candid review!
Profile Image for Dorie  - Cats&Books :) .
1,097 reviews3,537 followers
July 8, 2021

Remember the name of this author, T. J. Newman, because I assure you, you will be awaiting her next book. A former waitress and flight attendant, this is quite a debut!!

This novel will take you away from wherever you are and take you into the air and the TERRIFYING PLIGHT OF THE PILOT, PASSENGERS AND CREW aboard flight 416!!

Coastal Airways Captain Bill Hoffman wasn’t supposed to be flying that day. In fact he had a disagreement with his wife before he left, this was supposed to be a family night. But when his superior officer asked him to fly, he felt he had no choice. There are 143 souls on board, an incredible responsibility.

Bill’s mind is on home as he does his pre-flight checks, but all seems right with the plane and they are ready for take off, a six hour flight from LA to New York.

Not long into the flight he receives a message from his wife’s number for a FaceTime call. What he sees is not what he expects. His family has been taken hostage, tied up and are strapped with explosives and terrified.

Sam, the man calling the shots on the ground, tells Bill that he HAS TO MAKE A CHOICE!!!! To save his family he is told he must crash the plane, if he doesn’t his family will die!! Bill’s immediate response is “YOU WILL NOT KILL MY FAMILY AND I WILL NOT CRASH THIS PLANE”.

Kellie is a new flight attendant while Jo and Big Daddy are the seasoned professionals “They’d both been in aviation their entire adult lives and they both knew the only thing you could always count on was that your crew had your back. Crew was family”

Jo has a nephew, Theo, in the FBI and manages to get a message to him. Eventually the FBI, Homeland Security, Air Traffic Control and even the president will have a decision to make about this flight!!! What that is I will leave you to discover.

You will not be bored as you race through this book, following the crew as they come up with a plan to keep the passengers safe. When one plan falls short, they come up with another. Even for Kellie, their training kicks in and helps them make decisions.

Both scenarios are equally as exciting; what is happening in the air and what is transpiring on the ground as Theo and all of the other pros race against the clock to try to save Bill’s family.

I couldn’t stop reading this until the ending, which was outstanding!!

I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley.

Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,859 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2023
This is a fast-pace Suspense Mystery/Thriller. This book takes you on a wild ride of action, twist and suspense. Basically without giving anything away this book is only about a pilot being made to choose to save his family or to save everyone on the plane he is flying. This book pull me in so fast, and I did not want to put it down at all. I spend most of today reading this reading. All the characters in this book are really developed, and they really came to life for me while I read this book. My favorite character was Jo who was a flight attendant. I loved her character so much because she was a strong well woman that was the rock for everyone. This book is told to us by a couple different character, and Jo is one of them. I love the parts that came from Jo's point of view. I cannot believe this is T.J. Newman's first book...WOW... What a great job. This book is so well written. This is a must read thriller, but you should not read this book if you are going to fly anytime soon. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Avid Reader Press) or author (T.J. Newman) via NetGalley, so I can give honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

Note: I also won a goodreads giveaway for an ARC of this book right before getting approve for the Netgalley copy.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
398 reviews524 followers
February 1, 2023
“Most people just exist and roam around. It’s a choice, to actually live.”

The captain of an LAX-JFK flight is given a sinister ultimatum. His family has been kidnapped and for them to survive he is faced with a horrible decision.

Crash the plane killing everyone onboard or his family dies…

This story is told from three points of view. Bill the pilot, who is determined to save his family and the passengers. Jo, the head stewardess with years of experience and Jo's nephew Theo. Who is an FBI agent. Each of the main characters are strong willed and full of determination. What let this one down for me was the lack of character development. I felt zero connection to any of the characters. There was enough intrigue to keep me interested, but it was fairly predictable.

Having said that, the authors experience and knowledge as a flight attendant really comes through in the narrative. It gave an element of realism to the story. I also learnt about the Anfal genocide which claimed the lives of up to 180,000 civilians in the Kurdish region of Iraq. The author shines a light on the horrific injustices suffered.

I believe a film adaptation is being made and I can see myself enjoying this more than the novel. Which is a rarity!
Profile Image for JanB.
1,249 reviews3,740 followers
August 12, 2021
Does every book live up to the hype? No. And this is one of them. There’s probably a reason it was rejected forty-one times by publishing agents.

The Dilemma:
save your family or save all the passengers on a plane?

This isn’t a new premise this summer, but it’s the last of the three I read, and perhaps the weakest.

On the negative side, this is one of the worst examples of stereotypical villains I’ve read in quite a while. The characters, along with the plot developments, all require of high level of suspension of disbelief. Also, I was lured in by dramatic jaw-dropping opening scenes that
The characters were stereotypical, and the events that unfold were unrealistic, inducing much eye-rolling. Get ready to pile on the guilt for living in a first-world country.

On the positive side, the premise is great, even if overdone this year. The inside info into the flight attendants and the lingo used is spot on according to those in the know. Kudos to the men and women who are flight attendants - thank you for your professionalism and your expertise!

Another positive is this will be a terrific movie. But, as a book this is an airport novel…oops…maybe I should say a beach read. In any case, for a propulsive book where you are able to suspend disbelief and keep flipping the pages, this one works if you don't want to think too hard.
Profile Image for Tina.
659 reviews1,463 followers
August 13, 2021
Oh gosh was this one ever a THRILLING EDGE-OF-YOUR SEAT kind of book! WOW, cannot believe this was a debut novel. Kudos to T.J. Newman, an ex-flight attendant for writing such an engrossing tale!

Coastal Airways Flight 416 is on-route from Los Angeles to New York City when the pilot Captain Bill Hoffman receives a terrifying FaceTime call from his wife Carrie only it's not her calling. A man named, Sam has kidnapped Hoffman's family and tied them up with explosives. He demands that Hoffman must crash the plane killing everyone on board if he wants his family to live. If he does not do this he will kill his family. Wow, what a terrifying scenario!!!

The story alternates between the goings on in the cockpit, the flight crew and passengers outside in the cabin, and the kidnapped Hoffman family. Many people come into play to help as the time is ticking. I listened to this audio and I must say I felt many different emotions. At one point I did get a little teary eyed as I found myself holding my breath.

Please tell me someone is making this into a movie! It has all the right elements for one and I'd definitely watch it! This is what I'd call an all-out entertaining book! ✈️ 😬 🧨
April 30, 2022
I know that this book is a bit like marmite, so I was a little hesitant going in. I read the first chapter through Netgalley and was intrigued enough to grab a copy of the book from my local library so that I could read it all.

Falling follows a pilot whose wife and children have been kidnapped. He is given the option to either crash the plane and kill everyone on board, or his family will die.

I must admit, I have never read a book or watched a film involving a plane hijacking before. It is very possible that this has altered how I viewed this book. For me, this book was something new and exciting, but I know it won’t be like that for some. I found myself continuing to turn the pages, desperate to know what would happen even though I already guessed it. I liked the philosophical question of whether you would save the people you love or a larger number of strangers. I enjoyed seeing that fleshed out in this book. I’ve always found pilots and cabin crew fascinating so I loved taking a peek into their world through this novel.

Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with many of the characters. I felt a connection to Jo, I am so a fan of a brave female who takes control and does their best to help others. I was also a fan of Big Daddy, he tickled me! But I just found I didn’t quite get the depth I wanted from any of the characters. I also found the kidnapper/ransom guys difficult to wrap my head around. I struggled to support the FBI as they fumbled around making reckless decisions that put MORE innocent people in danger. I think this would have been a 5 star read for me if I could have connected more to the characters! I did still find myself feeling a little emotional towards the end of the book though, which is so rare in a thriller like this!

Overall, I personally enjoyed this and I’m looking forward to more from this author. Although I know it is not for everyone! I want to thank Netgalley, Simon and Schuster UK and TJ Newman for allowing me to read the first chapter of this novel.
Profile Image for Michael David (on hiatus).
744 reviews1,904 followers
May 8, 2021
“Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”

Bette Davis said that famously misquoted line in All About Eve, and it applies here as well.

Flight 416 is on its way to New York when Captain Bill Hoffman finds out his wife and two children are being held hostage by a man that has strapped them into explosive vests. The man contacts Bill in-flight and tells him that if he doesn’t crash the plane, killing all “souls” aboard, then his family will be killed.

After the initial shock wears off, Bill assures the man that his family will not be killed, and he will NOT crash the plane.

This sets in motion a non-stop, fast paced action-thriller that never lets up. It’s a fun and suspenseful popcorn read, but with a surprising layer of depth that is shown through the fascinating characters and some of the plot reveals. I even choked up towards the end, and I was not expecting that to happen during the reading of this book.

Speaking of the characters, the flight attendants, among others on the flight and on the ground, were amazing and multi-dimensional...not at all surprising given debut author T.J. Newman is a former flight attendant (and bookseller) herself. Special shoutout to FA Jo Watkins, badass extraordinaire!

One thing I didn’t like was some of the stereotypes used. You’ll know what I mean when you read it.

Other than that, this is a crackling and highly enjoyable race-against-the-clock thriller full of entertainment.

This was a buddy read with Regina. While I enjoyed it more than she did, it was nice to discuss our perspectives.

Sincere thank you to Avid Reader Press for sending me a physical ARC in exchange for an honest review. Preparing for takeoff on: 7/6/21.

Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
March 26, 2022
this is a story that is meant to keep you on the edge of your seat. it was an engaging reading experience, thats for sure. the writing is easily bingeable, the plot is fast-paced, and the stakes are high and thrilling. the prologue/opening section is such an awesome way to start the story and immediately had me hooked.

but the thing is, even though i really enjoyed the book in the moment, there are some things that are nagging at me ever since finishing it. the plotholes, the poor characterisation (or attempt) of the bad guys, the improbability of it all. nothing that obviously ruined the story for me while reading it, but little things that have me questioning if this is really as good as i thought it was.

i think this story might be better suited as a movie - perhaps that might fix some of those issues. but i cant deny that i was entertained as i read this.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.6k followers
August 21, 2024
In Falling, T.J. Newman successfully brings a full-blown action movie to the page. I've seen it and I like it.

Even though I wouldn't say this plot will win any awards for ground-breaking content, it was still a heck of a lot of fun.

Sometimes that's just the type of read you need!!

Although, all things considered, I definitely wouldn't pick this one up prior to boarding your next flight...

Profile Image for Liz.
2,473 reviews3,350 followers
June 1, 2021
4.5 stars, rounded up
This book starts with one of the scariest scenes I’ve ever read. I had no clue where the book would go from there. But it does…
Captain Bill Hoffman is the pilot on an LA to NYC flight when he gets an email from his wife. A picture of her and their son, bags over their heads and explosives around her waist. His choice - crash the plane he’s flying or have his family killed. It’s a wild ride to see how he plans to get out of this situation. There’s never a lull in the suspense. It’s got a flat out mile a minute pace with no pauses.
This is one story that might make you afraid to fly. But it might also make you appreciate the pilots and flight attendants a lot more. I loved that most of the characters are just regular folks dealing with a crisis. Yes, maybe trained for it, but never expecting it to land in their laps. And kudos to Newman for giving the terrorists some good talking points. Americans do have the privilege of not caring about what’s happening elsewhere in the world, about having the luxury to look away.
This would make a fabulous movie. But I hope if it is made, they don’t lose the nuances of the characters involved. Because this is more than just an action story.
I tore through this one in just slightly over a day.
It shocked me that it took 41 rejections before this book found a home, because I was really impressed by this debut effort.
My thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for an advance copy of this book.

Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
July 24, 2021
This book has one of the coolest premises I’ve ever heard, but unfortunately it just didn’t really live up to its cool premise for me, and I found parts of this book to be kind of problematic 😬 it just didn’t sit right with me. But this story is nonstop action which was fun, I think it would make for a really great movie.

Reading vlog where I talk about it more: https://youtu.be/8s5cz0XmpY0
Profile Image for Kay.
2,183 reviews1,121 followers
July 24, 2021
My second airplane disaster novel this summer but for me, this one was a disappointment. I know so many friends read this book and loved it and I wish I did too.

This is a quick read. I could've finished listening in a day, but after halfway I realize I didn't care for the characters. Although, Big Daddy does perk my interest when he's there. A break from the book could help make it more interesting the following day. Which it did.

I don't know what to say about the motivation for the hijacking. The author made good guys (in my view) into a stereotypical terrorists. That's too bad and it didn't make sense. But you need a cause so I'll accept. I think the suspense at the beginning made the book more enjoyable than the second half, but there are more actions towards the end that keep me engaged. I had my suspicions for some characters, and they proved to be correct. Some scenes made me roll my eyes with corny dialogue (the pilot) and another towards the ending.

Falling is a good debut for the author and I mostly enjoy the story. I think I was expecting to be blown away...

Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,481 reviews696 followers
October 25, 2022
Wow! What an incredible debut novel. Fasten your seatbelts and pull your seat back straight because this is going to be one helluva ride!

When Coastal Airways Captain Bill Hoffman is called in on his day off to pilot flight 416 from LA to New York, he little imagines it will be any more than a routine flight. With clear weather, he’s not expecting any problems flying the Airbus A320 carrying 144 passengers, his experienced co-pilot Ben, two senior flight attendants, Jo and Michael and young probationary attendant, Kellie. Even though Bill should be enjoying family time with his wife Carrie and kids, they’re used to managing without him and he plans to make it up to them later. However, with the flight underway and the plane set to cruise, Bill is sent a shocking photo of Carrie and the kids being held hostage in their home, with a suicide bomber’s vest strapped to Carrie’s chest, and told he must make the impossible choice to either save his family or crash the plane.

Even though he has just found himself thrust into every pilot’s worst nightmare, Bill is determined that neither of those options will happen on his watch. With Bill doing all he can in the cockpit to keep the flight safe and his flight attendants preparing the passengers they make a formidable team. The action and the tension as the remaining five hours of the flight count down are relentless as events unfold rapidly in the air and on the ground.

What I really enjoyed about this book, was seeing the flight crew’s training kicking in as they planned and managed the situation. This should have been no surprise since the author was a flight attendant for 10 years, writing much of her book while flying red-eyes. However, the professionalism which Jo, Michael and Kellie showed really added an authenticity to the action. I was however, a little disappointed in the stereotyping of the terrorists and their motives, but this was the only aspect of the novel that I felt could have been more imaginative and did not detract from the very suspenseful plot or the rapidity with which I turned the pages.

This book should come with a warning that under no circumstances should you be tempted to buy it in the airport bookshop to read during your flight. Much better to read it with your two feet firmly on the ground.

With thanks to Simon & Schuster and Netgalley for a copy to read. Published early June in UK and Australia and 6th July in USA. Original review first published in Mystery & Suspense magazine https://www.mysteryandsuspense.com/fa....
7 reviews1 follower
June 23, 2021
Don't believe the hype via a massive marketing campaign and glowing reviews from famous authors (do they get paid for their reviews?). This book is awful. Truly awful. I'd rather watch grass grow, or get my tooth pulled kind of awful. People seem to have forgotten that there was an equally awful trend of thrillers in hijacked planes in the 1960s and 1970s. They were cheesy and cliched so much so they actually made a very successful parody film on the genre. Who could have imagined that it was re-invented with a plodding, cliched story that was so tedious and predictable I couldn't wait for the ending. One dimensional characters, and a story so flawed that you could drive a bus through the plot holes . I also feel bad for the Kurds who were turned into bad guys in this book. I guess it's more politically correct blaming Kurds for terrorism in the skies even though there's never been a single incident involving Kurds and in fact they are among the most oppressed people in the world. I could find no redeeming qualities in this book at all other than the very successful marketing campaign.
I wish Goodreads had a zero star option.
Profile Image for Sydney Books.
361 reviews19k followers
January 28, 2024
3.5* This was a fun thriller. A little bit corny in an over-the-top stereotypical action movie kinda way, but it was fine. I tore through it in a couple sittings.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,420 reviews2,033 followers
June 10, 2021

This is one that’s best to go in blind, without too much information which would spoil the enjoyment. Suffice it to say, Captain Bill Hoffman works for Coastal Airways, there are 144 passengers on Flight 416 from LAX to JFK. Meanwhile on the ground his wife Carrie, son Scott and baby Elise are held at gunpoint by Sam .... The story alternates between the cockpit and cabin and events on the ground.

‘Come fly with me, come fly, let’s fly away’ ... but maybe not this flight as it’s your worst nightmare. This is as taut as piano wife, as tense as a Hitchcock movie, it could potentially shred your nerves and reduce your fingernails to stumps. Both Catch-22 dilemmas are extremely well done as the plot develops explosively with several jaw dropping and exciting scenes of excellent thriller movie potential. Without being too cliché I visualise Tom Hanks as Bill (too Sully?!!) and Tom Cruise (too Ethan Hunt?) on the ground as FBI agent Theo Baldwin. There’s bravery in abundance with several characters demonstrating a gird your loins, warrior spirit as they think fast on their feet. There’s guilt and betrayal too but some of that has political reasons at its core which does give you something to reflect on. The plot is clever, the pace is fast when it needs to be and thankfully you do get occasional breathers with some little moments of ‘peace’ which serves effectively serves to highlight the trauma and the drama. There are at least a couple of occasions when your heart breaks in two with the voluntary sacrifice offered. There is one moment of reckless stupidity which makes you wonder why some people think they can be Rambo????

Overall, this is an exciting well written thriller that will have you perched on the edge of your seat. A major plus is the authors flight attendant experience which gives a feeling of authenticity to the storyline.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Simon and Schuster for being kind enough to grant my wish for the arc in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa (Sailing the Greek Isles).
4,906 reviews2,693 followers
August 6, 2021
Super exciting and difficult to put down!

Once I started this book I found myself thinking about it when I had to go and do other things, longing to get back to find out what would happen next. This is a fantastic debut thriller, with just the right amount of action, tempered with some humor and some clever twists. There's definitely a bit of anxiety as I was hoping everyone I cared about would survive the ordeal, but it is the good kind of anxiety that kept me turning pages.

The premise is--Pilot takes off with a plane full of people flying from LA to New York. When he reaches cruising altitude, he gets a video call from home, and it turns out that his entire family has been kidnapped. He is told that he has to choose--crash the plane or his family dies. Tell anyone, and they all die. What happens next is a wild ride!

While I probably wouldn't choose to read this one on a plane trip, I highly recommend this gripping tale that will make your heart beat faster and your breathing become more rapid as you frantically turn the pages to discover the fate of the family and the passengers on the plane. The only shortcoming I found was that I didn't have much buy-in for the motivation of the people behind the events that occur. I did really like the characters involved, especially the flight attendants. Because the author is herself a flight attendant, the details are authentic and believable, which made me enjoy the story all the more.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kemper.
1,390 reviews7,421 followers
November 12, 2021
This seems to exemplify the very concept of an ‘airport novel’, but there’s a couple of problems with that. First, who’d want to read this while they were actually on a plane? Second, it’s just not very good.

Captain Bill Hoffman is an airline pilot, a husband, a father, and all around good guy who is flying a plane full of people from LA to New York. Unfortunately, a terrorist has taken his family hostage, and now Bill faces a horrible choice. He either uses a poison gas canister to kill the passengers and then crash the plane, or his family will be killed.

That’s a pretty intriguing set-up, and the author, a former flight attendant, has a lot of detailed knowledge to keep the premise going for a while. Unfortunately, the whole thing collapses under the weight of bad plotting and paper thin characters.

There’s a couple of things that I just couldn’t get past. Like if Bill is supposed to crash the plane, why does he also have to gas the passengers? How many times do you have to kill these people? The reason is to introduce a subplot about the flight crew trying to find a way to save them while Bill plays cat & mouse with the terrorist from the locked cockpit. While that provides some of the more interesting details about planes and procedures, it also doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Another thing is that in a post 9/11 world, it pushes the suspension of disbelief far past the breaking point to think that the US government wouldn’t immediately shoot down an airliner with a compromised captain once the situation becomes known. There’s also a real humdinger of a fundamental flaw that will make you ask why the terrorists bother with the whole kidnapping scheme anyway, and the book’s only answer is some goobledy-gook of wanting Bill, as an average American, to have to make a choice.

Although some effort is made to give the terrorists some real world justifications as to why they’re so angry, the rest of the cast is pretty much standard issue good-people-who-stand-together-in-the-face-of-adversity, and I’m sorry but as somebody living in America in 2021, I know that’s just complete bullshit.

I was intrigued at the start, but the book lost me quickly, and after that I mainly read it just to heckle the stupidity.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,925 reviews600 followers
September 10, 2021
What would you choose, your family or the lives of over one hundred under your care?

This is the dilemma Captain Bill Hoffman of flight 416 is confronted with.

His wife and his two kids have been taken hostages by a terrorist and unless he crashes the plane when he is told, they won't survive the day.

Bill is told he can't contact anyone, he can't say anything to Ben, his copilot. He can't share his news with the Crew either or his family is gone.

What to do?

Falling has an excellent premise to trap you and ensnare you all the way through.

I could feel the tension in the cabin. The desperation and fear of the passengers and the determination of the Crew which by the way had a fantastic characterization. Bid Daddy, Jo and Kellie are the crew you want to have in a situation like this other than Bill or Sully Sullenberger for that matter.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Avid Reader Press / Simon Schuster via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Tracy  .
943 reviews12 followers
April 30, 2023
Falling is the perfect title for this super-charged suspense/thriller. Author T.J. Newman did a tremendous job with the development of all the characters - protagonists and antagonists alike. When I initially read the synopsis I had a whole different impression of how the trajectory of the storyline would flow. I couldn't have been more off-base and quickly discovered there was so much more depth to Falling than I ever could have imagined. For example, as the plot progressed it became clear that there were numerous moral obstacles and dilemmas which just about all the characters had to face and ultimately take action(s) towards to obtaining their - often conflicting - goals.

Which action do you take when facing a choice between saving your beloved family or your commitment to duty as the head captain of a commercial airliner carrying 140 "souls"? What is the reason for being asked to make such a choice? These and many more fascinating questions are raised (and answered) over the course of the book. I appreciated the flashbacks of many of the characters as it explains a lot about the people we come to know them as in the present.

In addition, hearing the Yankees v. Dodgers play game #7 for the world series while the plane was plummeting towards them was nothing less than head-spinning excitement. When Jo (one of the amazing flight attendants) described her stomach falling as the plane pitched quickly towards the ground I felt my stomach do the same as I grabbed the armrests on my chair. Just wow. I have always had deep admiration and gratitude for flight attendants because they always keep their cool and this has been a great source of calm for me on flights. They are responsible for our safety and if the sh-- ever hits the fan (as it did here) is when their training really comes into action. They refer to (captain and whole flight crew) as family and trust in each other to do their parts in the event of an emergency. Tragically, I remember a flight (which had international coverage for weeks) several years back when a co-captain (who had his own agenda) took the whole plane down - killing all onboard. Terrifying.

Narrator Steven Weber kept pace with the rocket fueled momentum flawlessly. He was superb at individualizing all (children, men and women) voices and dialects without missing a beat. Highly recommend the audio edition. Well done.
Profile Image for Barbara (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS!).
1,588 reviews1,147 followers
October 5, 2021
“Falling” by T.J. Newman has garnered lots of press for good reason….and the film rights have been purchased at Universal Pictures. I shall watch that movie.

Author Ms. Newman is a former flight attendant for Virgin America and Alaska Airlines; she had an idea which she posed to many pilots: What would you do if your family was kidnapped and you were told that if you didn’t crash the plane, they’d be killed? After an abundant amount of research, Newman had her book.

Pilot Bill Hoffman is flying from LAX to NYC when he gets a picture text from his wife. It’s a photo of her and their son encumbered by an explosive suicide vest. He receives a text explaining that he will crash that plane, or his family will be blown up. Oh, and don’t alert the authorities or we will kill them. Plus, there is another person on board who will assure this will happen if you don’t crash the plane, and if that person needs to take over, your family will be dead.

What ensues is a fast-paced thriller that takes place in a 6-hour flight from LAX to NYC. What I enjoyed was Ms. Newman’s intel on commercial aviation. For example, did you know that there is only 12 minutes of oxygen when the oxygen masks come down? Additionally, we learn more about the safety training that flight attendants receive. They are there for our safety, not to distribute bags of chips on a timely manner. Besides the pilot Bill, there are two very seasoned flight attendants, and one newbie. What occurs in that cabin is certainly thriller material, hopefully unlikely to occur. As with all thrillers, there is generally a bit of unrealistic fiction to spice things up. You understand it as a reader, yet you don’t care.

This is less than 300 pages, and that’s good because you’ll want to read it all in one sitting.
Profile Image for Linzie (suspenseisthrillingme).
534 reviews372 followers
November 12, 2023
On a random Saturday, Bill Hoffman, a longtime pilot for Coastal Airways, has agreed to captain a last minute flight. Leaving the house and his family, he does his normal checks and gets onto the plane. Onboard, he finds one hundred and forty-three passengers and three flight attendants all set for their long trip from L.A. to New York. Everything feels just as it should as he gets down to business.

Little does he—or anyone else—know, but just moments after Bill left his house that morning, his family was taken hostage by a stranger. Once reaching cruising elevation, however, a terrifying email alerts him to the situation. According to his family’s kidnapper, the only way that his wife, ten year old son, and ten month old daughter will survive is if he crashes the plane.

With the rules quickly laid out, Bill is told not to tell a soul or the unthinkable will happen. Stuck in an impossible situation, he racks his mind to figure a way out of this unimaginable nightmare. He can’t in good conscience crash a plane full of innocent passengers, but neither can he sentence his family to death. How can he possibly find a way out of this mess? Thirty-five thousand feet in the air, Bill must make the most life changing decision that he’s ever encountered. Save the three people he loves most in the world? Or keep one hundred and forty-three strangers alive?

I’m sitting here slack-jawed. Seriously. Falling, and the thoroughly mind-blowing trip it took me on, did that to me, which, I’ve got to say, was the best ride I’ve been on in quite awhile. A blindingly fast-paced book that started with a bang and didn’t let up until the very last word, it was also something that left me thinking long and hard. After all, not only was it a truly epic thriller, but there was a lesson within it as well.

An intense yet compelling plot was where, for me, the magic was found. With the entire 285 pages a rip-roaring explosion of adrenaline-fueled thrills, I quite literally couldn’t put this book down. What I didn’t anticipate, however, was how many twists and turns there were going to be. Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen next, I was floored by a turn of events that outsmarted my armchair sleuth self. At the same time, however, not once did any of the twists feel anything but authentic to what could happen in a nightmare of this kind. In fact, I could see it playing out exactly as it did on the pages of this expertly written debut.

Shockingly, all of characters won me over as well. Complete with the types of individuals—heroes, suspects, villains, and innocent victims—that you’d expect from a novel such as this, I was nevertheless surprised by their distinct voices and how three-dimensional they each felt. After all, considering the rapid-fire pace and nail-biting intensity, the strength of the characters could have easily faltered. Instead, they cemented this book as not only made for the silver screen, but also a humdinger of a novel as well.

A compulsively readable book that just called out to be binged, the non-stop suspense and whip-cracking plot kept me on the edge of my seat. Told over the course of just six hours, there was never a dull moment, but also not one overdone scene despite a plot that could easily rival the likes of 24 or Air Force One. Trust me when I say, I most certainly hope this one makes it onto a screen near me someday soon. But until then, I’m just going to have to satisfy my craving by diving into the sequel, Drowning (pun most certainly intended) ASAP. All I know is, if you haven’t read this one yet, what on earth are you waiting for? Rating of 5 stars.

👉 Be sure to head to my Amazon Storefront to order. I get a small commission and would love your support!

Note: If you were in the 9/11 attacks or had family that was, you might want to give this book a miss.

Trigger warning: kidnapping, hijacking a plane, terrorism, explosion of a house, poisoning, mention of: suicide
Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews851 followers
August 29, 2021
Loved the premise of this, an impossible choice that must be made with limited time to decide.  The thrill factor was right up there at the top of the tree for me.  I agree with other reviewers who have mentioned the opening chapter perhaps not being the best decision.  It may very well put off more readers than it would attract, and little would be lost if it had not been included.  I daresay you can skip it entirely, go on with the show, and be riveted to your seat.   


I appreciated the savvy brought to the table by the fact that the author worked for years as a flight attendant.  It lent an air of authenticity to the in-flight doings.  Kudos to the author for persevering in her quest to publish.
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