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And Then I Met You

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Have you ever met someone and known from that very first moment that they were going to have a big impact on your life? That’s how it was with Willow Stone. She was that person to me. She will always be that person to me.

And this is her story.

Before you get your hopes up, I need to issue a warning about this story. There’s happiness. And there’s an ending. But there’s not a happy ending. At least, not in the conventional sense.

Anyway, my moment came at freshman orientation when the girl who would eventually become my everything stood up during introductions and proudly announced, “My name is Willow Stone, and I’m going to die on December 27th, 2019.”

305 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 27, 2021

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About the author

Erica Lee

47 books753 followers
Erica Lee finished writing her first book, Dear Santa: I’m Gay, in December 2016. Erica currently lives in Pennsylvania with her wife, dog, chinchilla, and bunny. She spends her days working as an optometrist and her nights snuggled up on the couch with her furry family, binging on netflix or youtube.

Librarian note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

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Profile Image for Laura.
179 reviews50 followers
December 27, 2021
Everyone should live their life like Willow Stone. Willow knows the date of her death (read the book to get details), but instead of huddling in the corner crying, she lives each day to the fullest. On the first day of freshman orientation, she announces to her floor that she will die on December 27, 2019. She plays it off as a joke but tells her new floormate, Rosemary Burns, it's actually true. She has no plans to let herself love because she doesn't want to leave the person behind when it's her time, but Rosemary isn't just anyone.

Rosemary has always tried to make her parents proud but it's never good enough. She dates the guys her parents want her to date even though she knows she's gay. Even now that she's away at college, she has no plans to live her life for herself, until her eyes meet Willows across the room. Sometimes, you know in an instant that a person will change your life.

These characters are so beautifully developed that you will feel like you know them. Willow, Rosemary and their best friends, Lisa and Tori will become friends. Willow's family is lovely and give Rosemary the kind of acceptance and love that her family seems incapable of providing. What begins as a casual fling, or at least that's what they try to tell themselves, becomes so much more.

Erica Lee writes beautifully emotional books, but this is so much more than that. If you follow her on social media, you know that this isn't a happily ever after. What it is, is one of the most beautiful love stories you will ever read. Willow and Rosemary are the star-crossed lovers that we deserve. Willow helps Rosemary to live for today and to do what makes her happy and not to live to fulfill her parent's wishes and Rosemary helps Willow realize that love is always worth the risk, even if it has an expiration date.

This book will rip your heart out, but it will also make you think about how you live your life. Are you watching it pass you by? Are you too focused on what may go wrong in the future that you forget to live for today? Are you "present" in the moments you spend with the people you love? Are you actually living each day and acknowledging how truly wonderful it is to be alive?  Are you trying to make the world a better place and being the best version of yourself?

I know that I will come back and read this book many times. Not because I enjoy having emotional breakdowns in the middle of the night while my partner sleeps. But because I believe in love and I believe that we should all embrace having that person who makes our heart skip a beat and who knows what we are thinking without having to hear the words. And regardless of how long we have with that person that we should embrace the time we have with them because it's everything.

If you choose to not read this book because it doesn't have the happily ever after you want to see, then you will be missing out on Erica Lee's magnus opus.  And Then I Met You has all the things that I love in a book- humor, sizzling chemistry, love and even through the tears, hope. This is one of the most beautifully written books you will ever read.

ARC given by the author for an honest review

Profile Image for Sam.
799 reviews110 followers
March 16, 2022
This book might have just ruined me.
I knew going this book was going to be different from other romances. People are arguing if it is actually a romance because of the way the story develops and ends. In my opinion it is a romance, a very bitter sweet romance. The reason why people are saying it isn’t is because of the ending. It’s the way the book begins, it is happy, the overall story, it does have an ending but it isn’t a HEA. If I were to deduct points it would be for the ending, not because it isn’t HEA, but because as a reader you don’t get all the information. Somehow I feel like I needed that closure, but I also understand why it isn’t there.

This story, as said, overall is happy. It has some dramatic undertones, of course, because of Willow’s “impending” death, but also because Rosemary is ontheven closet, her parents aren’t the nicest and just huge homophobes. The life and the love that grows between the characters is something we could all learn from, for me now it just feels so heavy even though the overall vibe is happy. It’s a strange combination.

I think you shouldn’t read this book if you aren’t in a good place. I’m in a mediocre place at the moment and it just ruined me. It made me so sad, but happy and sad, but also happy. Ugh… ruined I tell you. I’m not one to cry when reading, however my current state of mind combined with this book is just tear jerking material. So while I’ll be thinking about how to live like Willow I encourage you to read this book. For better or worse I think you’ll find something it that you need.

Live like Willow
Profile Image for Jamie.
201 reviews70 followers
January 7, 2022
So ARCs have been a little slow so I've been catching up on some KU books that I've wanted to read, and this is one of them. I was excited for the concept as I tend to enjoy Erica Lee's books and it seemed to be vaguely similar to Colorblind by Siera Maley, with a love interest who had a known end date, which is one of my favorite books I've read on KU. So I had some high hopes for this one.

This book follows Rosemary Burns over her years long relationship with Willow Stone. The first day Rosemary meets Willow, they are drawn to each other but Willow tell her that she is going to die. And we follow the story of the two of them through the book.

This is a really creative idea for a book. The blurb reminded me of Colorblind but really they aren't the same. Colorblind was more of a story of "falling in love with a girl you knew you you should stay away from, while also trying to save her," where And Then I Met You has a message more of "live for the day and love as strong as you can because nothing is forever." And I really enjoyed that message. It’s honestly how I try to live my life.

I really loved the connection between Rosemary and Willow. Willow is such a strong character and you can see how anyone would just gravitate towards her with her lust for life. And Rosemary was nuanced and deep with her tricky family situations and introversion. I feel like they made a great pair together.

And this book was incredibly touching though most of it. Rosemary and Willow had way more to deal with than Willow's incoming death. I've found I really enjoy stories that capture a relationship over a number of years like Olive Oil and White Bread or In the Silence. And this fits with that. It was very moving and touched me.

My main problem with this book is more minor, but to me, it did slow down quite a bit towards the end. I feel like the main meat of this book is in the beginning and middle, then it just kinda wound down. And not that the ending was as bad but it to me it didn't have the power the other parts did.

I did enjoy this book as I do with many of Erica Lee's books. She is trying something new with her writing and that was enjoyable to see as well. 4.25/5
Profile Image for chaos.
122 reviews
March 26, 2022
I am still in shock that Rosemary never QUESTIONED the situation, but I suspended my disbelief and continued reading. I treated the plot as a mystery, hoping to find the answer to the Big Question(TM) at the end. Alas, there is no explanation, and there was no resolve.

I do understand why the author made that choice stylistically, but I was personally so disappointed the “mystery” never was solved, and the book just….ended.
December 19, 2021
This is the kind of book you never knew you needed, until you got it. And now you can’t stop reading it, and think about all the fucking time. So worth the read!
One of my favorite books of this year. Friendships, relationships between parents and their children, between siblings, and of course, the romantic relationships were written realistically. Rosemary and Willow’s relationship started the moment they saw each other during the ice breakers. They had really amazing chemistry, including some very much sexy scenes, and to parallel them, cute and sappy scenes. The way both their emotions were written, were chef’s kiss.
The book portrayed the very thing people are afraid to acknowledge- living in the present instead of giving the future much thought than necessary and ending up not seizing the important, special moments to recount in the future. The very future they are so worried about. When we think about our past, we feel like we hadn’t seized the moments enough to remember them when we are thinking about them. It showed the significance of living in the moment. The importance of living in the moment is shown very beautifully using the romance between Willow and Rosemary.
I found it very hard to put it down, but had to physically force myself to take break, and let all of it sink in. It was especially hard to focus on anything, except thinking about them after reading the ending.
“Knowing when a loved one is going to die is a blessing and a curse. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but also wouldn’t change it if I could.”
It really is true. It is bittersweet, like something you never asked for and now don’t know whether to be grateful or ungrateful.
To be honest, I kinda hated Rosemary’s parents. A lot. But then they eventually came around, and it was so beautiful. Overall, it was a fantastic book.
P.S. you may need a few boxes of tissues, and a lot of chocolates, maybe if they are your comfort food. Basically, just a lot of tissues, and plenty of comfort food. All that might just help you get through the book without crying every time a certain thing is mentioned and you are inevitably reminded of what is going to happen as you read further and further...
37 reviews
January 13, 2022
After days of reading it, I still think about the characters, the story and the message of this novel.

I felt the love and passion between them both and their love story just warmed my heart while breaking it at the same time.
The somewhat open end however, left me a little unsatisfied, since I am just too curious and noisy.
149 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2021
Rating 4.25

This was another good read by Erica Lee. It was so much different from any of her other novels and I liked her stepping out of her comfort zone.

This was a great concept for a book. I did find myself struggling with just how perfect their life was beyond some parents being total jerks. I don’t want to get into all that without giving it away, but it was a tad unrealistic to me. Although, one could argue the whole premise is unrealistic.

Otherwise, I just kind of felt like I was eavesdropping on some soulmates with some really great sex scenes. It would have been interesting to read it from Willows point of view. Lee chose to write the story from only from one side of the couple and it worked for the most part.

The lack of communication was a bit irritating between the MCs. Given their situation, I feel like it everything should have been completely transparent between the two.

To be completely transparent, I’m rating Lee on a pretty tough scale. She’s getting up there with some really big lesfic authors that so many of us fans love. This was good writing by Lee. I’ve seen her really grow and mature as a writer and it’s fun to experience from the sideline.
4 reviews
December 30, 2021
Still processing my feelings

I couldn't write my review right after I finished the book because I didn't even know how I was feeling... which is a good thing in my opinion. It means it made me think. So here I am 3 days later! SPOILERS AHEAD:

I was naively hoping for a twist at the end. I imagined Willow having a cardiac arrest, being clinically dead only to be resuscitated a minute later so they would get their happily ever after. But then it got me thinking that a book is so much more than its ending. Rosemary and Willow's love story was epic, fun and full of wisdom. Honestly this book took me on a spiritual journey of sorts that I did not expect but I am grateful for. 100% recommend
1,058 reviews
January 2, 2022
Wow! What A Story!

Erica Lee has grown so much in her writing. Each book has been better and exciting. How she handles the characters she is developing is a wonder. Now this!!! I am not sure how I am feeling about the book but damn I need to stop the tears. This is probably going to be the best book read this year. The concept is so good. For someone so young to write this is very impressive. To know the date you are going to die. The way she perceived Willow to be. The way Willow loved her family, Rosemary and Emery. She taught Rosemary how to love and live and appreciate. Definitely a lesson to be learned here.
22 reviews
January 17, 2022
I'm so heartbroken 😢😢😢. I kept reading with the hope that at the end, it would reveal that the prophecy was just a joke Willow's friends did on her 😥😥😥. Willow reminded me of Faith from another book, with the same kind heart but less religious. It was definitely a great love story. How I will recover from the sadness is still unsure.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle  Schuler.
830 reviews11 followers
August 5, 2024
And Then I Met You

Erica Lee is a talented writer. To take a situation of deep emotions throughout the book and constantly being able to flip into something positive takes true talent. Being able to do that without diminishing the impact of what is to come takes true talent.
This emotional rollercoaster is well worth the time to read. I will continue to follow Lee's books and look forward to the next book.
Profile Image for S-Jay Hart .
23 reviews6 followers
December 21, 2021

Sometimes in life you find a book that changes you. A book that challenges everything you thought you knew and your perspectives are rewritten forevermore. For me, this book was And Then I Met You by Erica Lee. I have so many things to say about this book that this is going to one hell of a rant/review so if you are still with me at the end, know that I thank you in advance for allowing me the space to vent.

I’ve read so many things recently about the genre of romance in its bare literary form and honestly for a community that seeks to embrace change it’s insane how books that dare to challenge or play with the boundaries are often shunned or slated. The Romance genre by definition has a primary focus on the relationship between two people and typically has an “emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending”. For me this book definitely fell into this criteria but I know there will be those who seek to argue against that. To them I'd like to reference Walter Scott who defined romance as “a fictitious narrative” that seeks to display “marvellous and uncommon incidents”, this book definitely contains a marvellously uncommon incident, in that Lee dares to write a death into the narrative. Alas, I digress.

The books’ Prologue opens with a speech from the main character Rosemary, a careful, studious, sensitive soul whose ability to love with her whole self is shown in the first line she speaks. This is a character who I came to feel deeply for with each turn of the page. It’s in this opening that the entire direction of the book is revealed and although some might consider it a spoiler and others a reason to put the book down, it only made me want to read even more. You see that’s the thing about Erica Lee, she makes room for you in the chair next to her as she writes and opens up her world to you. Her vulnerability is part of her charm and the reason my kindle and bookshelf are full of her work.

As the novel progresses we move through Rosemary's life, starting from the moment she meets Willow Stone, a free spirited, go with the flow, breathtakingly beautiful, confident teen. Someone who seems like she has her whole life in front of her, but we know from the opening how little life she has left. Willow has been told by not one but two psychics that her life will end on a specific date. The outcome of this is that she truly embodies the notion of someone living their life rather than simply passing through it. She is courageous and stoic in the face of something soul crushing. She is optimistic and finds joy in every aspect of life that people normally forget to really experience. Lee really used this character in a way that causes the reader to dive deep into their own experiences and confront them. Some might worry that knowing this would possibly detract from the reading experience, sort of give the reader this feeling of unease at not knowing when exactly we encounter this loss but the author literally prepares us by reminding us of the dates as the story lives.

There are so many different components of reality interwoven into this narrative from the sweet inexperience of youth to the reckless innocence of first love. It all reads as tangible. The first encounter of the main characters is written wonderfully, it’s not a blink and you’ll miss it kind of chemistry. It weaves its way through the words on the page instantly and you can’t help but want more. This book has it all. There are tentative first touches, stolen moments in dorm rooms that fill you with excitement, fake consensual relationships to cover real ones and lines delivered that the Bronte's would be proud to have penned. The supporting characters are fully recognised and provide the comedic relief needed for what is intended to be a touching, weighty plot. Lisa is feisty and offers us a glimpse into the first girl who managed to make Rosemary throw caution to the careful and embrace the unknown. She is the driving force for the action that propels the cautious Rosemary literally into a place that becomes an anchor for Willow and Rosemary's love story. We are introduced to opposition from parents regarding their relationship which is such an occurrence within our community still that for those of us who experience this, the narrative can hit close to home. Lee does a brilliant job of relaying those parent/child conflicts in a manner that really is relatable. But what she also does is show us why dealing with all of that is worth it. For a love like Rosemary's and Willows, it’s always worth it.

The characters aren’t without their flaws (oh gosh, does that mean they’re human? Lol) and Willow likes to pretend nothing is happening and refuses to talk deeply about the reality of her fate. On the flipside, Rosemary is a little too compliant in this and while their conflicts are minor, I imagine had I been in her shoes I'd have been a constant wreck. I’m annoying enough as a sentient human, literary me would have been a challenge to control even for someone with Erica's talent. As a reader this only strengthens the characters believability as existing outside of the fictional universe. To me this could have been Lee watching someone's life unfold and choosing not to censor their story as she retold it. These characters take chances, and possibly the biggest chance they take is to choose one another to experience life with, with all it’s ups and downs.

This story isn’t all butterflies and rainbows though, I do want to stress that but if you’re like myself and you want something to sink your teeth into this book is ideal. I love angst. I always say that when I read, I want the author to break me and put me back together again but I don’t mind being left incomplete. I think it’s a true testament to any writer's ability if they can take a part of you when the last page is turned.

My final thought about this book (other than stressing that everyone reads it) is that I'd loudly advise those who are maybe considering bypassing this not to. Take a moment to allow your mind to reconsider what you know and think about love as well as romance. Take a chance on this book. Allow yourself to question if your concepts like mine were too narrow and open yourself up to the possibility that you can’t place parameters on something so transcendental.
If we are to look at in the grand scheme of things, we have to acknowledge that we are all dying and all of us are leaking sand into the bottom of our hourglasses. If our deaths are what defines if our lives have been romantic enough and we want our characters to leap off the pages/ live long after the last page has been turned; Is any story really a happy ever after?
The answer is always YES. Every encounter with love is romantic, whether it's minimal or grandiose. This book sings with possibly the truest experience of love I’ve ever read and I read a lot. It wouldn’t be out of place sitting next to Jodi Picoult's novels at my local bookstore and I'd warn her to watch out because Erica Lee has definitely set the bar with this one.

You will laugh, you will definitely cry and you will ultimately realise why Erica Lee is one of the best, most underrated authors in this genre. If you read this Erica, you broke me and I'm good with that... thank you for reminding me of the power of books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Silvia.
338 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2022
To be read

The book does start by telling us how it’s going to end so in that sense there isn’t much of the surprise. The journey there however is a classic love story between 2 women who will learn to live with a set ending in sight. Brilliantly written and managed to focus not on the ending but on the perfect love story between Willow and Rosemary.
Definitely not the standard romance ending but also definitely a love story. I feel like it leaves room for a sequel, hopefully that’s Erica Lee’s plan as well.
Profile Image for Nathalie.
271 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2021
I was so fortunate to be a beta reader for this book and let me tell you I have never felt more special for being able to be a part of this wonderful book.

This book is about the love story of Rosemary and Willow who meet in college. It seems like a normal romance novel but this book elevates soulmates to another level. It's not a traditional romance novel but I don't want to give away too much in fear of spoiling.

Both MC's are really likeable and realistic women. Honestly, there are only 2 thoughts you can have about Willow, whether you want to be her or you need her in your life. There is no in between.

This is the kind of book that makes you think (a lot) and makes you feel (a lot more) and it will get under your skin and might even change the way you think. If you are brave enough to go on this road with Rosemary and Willow, I assure you, you won't regret it.

Fair warning though, make sure you have some Kleenex next to you while reading this. There will be tears of joy and sadness but there will be no regrets that you read this book.
2 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2022
Just Wow.

I love and hate the book as much as I love and hate the life sometimes.

I wish I would have Willow in my life. Someone so strong, loving, living and positive.
There truly is great love story between Rosemary and Willow, but doesn't matter how great the story is, because even the greatest things have to end one day... and their story will end sooner than you would wish for..

If you are wondering about reading this book or not, read it. But be prepared that your heart is going slowly bleed during your reading and get's broken at the end of the book.

Thank you Erica Lee for such a powerfull book and if I could give you 100 stars, I would.
Profile Image for Vita L. Licari.
700 reviews26 followers
December 22, 2021
What an amazing love story. Willow and Rosemary meet at orientation of college. They notice each other, Rosemary is shy and heads straight to her room, there is a nock at her door and its Willow.
This follows there lives,and here's a little fact, Willow will die on Dec 27, 2019 at the age of 31. She tells Rosemary, and only her.
Rosemary does everything to keep her parents happy. Willow teaches her to do things that make her happy. Willow teaches Rosemary how to live life.
This book is definitely worth the read, but be warned, have Kleenex nearby.
Profile Image for J H.
508 reviews7 followers
May 26, 2022
An atypical, long-term love story

SAPPHIC BOOK BINGO: meet-cute, favorite trope, coming-out story, possibly other categories

Two young adults fall for each other, but a supposed end date pushes one of the MCs to resist an "all in" commitment. Once she finally allows herself the gift if their love, it's all they've dreamed far their happiness. Then, the expected happens. This is not a HEA, but it's a beautiful love story that will make you wonder - is it destiny, or a manifested outcome?
22 reviews
December 31, 2021
Beautiful and inspiring

I honestly have no words, this story should be read and re-read. Over and over.
It's captivating, it's beautifully written, and honestly, it will open your eyes to love and to life. Just Wow!
Thank you Erica Lee, of all your novels, and I've read them all, this is by far your masterpiece!
Profile Image for Ciara.
40 reviews
January 6, 2022
Wow!!! I'm not sure when I will get over this, but I think about the book multiple times a day! I love the characters, I love how the relationship evolves, I love the trope! I just love everything about this book! Reading it once isn't enough, I will need to read it again but I am trying to build myself up to it!!! I'd give it more than 5 stars if I could.
Profile Image for Kaye.
3,841 reviews58 followers
June 15, 2024
This is a different type of story from the author. Two women, Rosemary and Willow, meet as freshman at college and have instant chemistry. Willow believes she knows the day she will die. The story follows the pair as they decide to live and love in the present. This is heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time. It is a much more serious style from the author but they are joyful moments. I actually have blazed through Erica Lee’s works on Kindle Unlimited and avoided this one because I knew it would be sad. I should have just trusted the author and read it.
Profile Image for Jordan.
63 reviews8 followers
December 29, 2021
Damnit, Erica Lee!! Why you gotta make me ugly cry like that?!

This was a very emotional, sweet, romantic, addictive book. I loved and hated it, but mostly love. I’m sad at the ending but I can’t say I wasn’t warned.
3 reviews
December 31, 2021
A book to bring out EVERY emotion possible

This book, this author.... I'm truly at a loss for words. I laughed (out loud) I argued in my head and I cried both happy and sad tears throughout the journey of Willow and Rosemary. Erica Lee has a true gift with words. I really believe the world could be a better place if more people read this book
Profile Image for Celenia S.
189 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2022
Such a different by amazing story
Need a good cry-read this book! I wasn’t sure that I would like this book. But Willow and Rosemary’s love story was told so well, that I think it will be one of my favorites for years to come.
There were times that I just had to set the book down, my emotions where so high.
Everyone one deserves a love like theirs.
So well written that you felt like you were right there with Willow and Rosemary on their journey. What a big love!!!
Profile Image for Sam.
416 reviews8 followers
January 9, 2022
Sorry to be the pooper on the party but as Much as I love MOST of Erica's books I could not buy into the premise of this one. I liked the start and thought this cant be how it turns out..but alas it did and I could not help but think ..hmm did she pull the plug herself just so she was not wrong... sorry but 3.5 stars from me as I found it dragged as well towards the end..
Profile Image for Christin.
19 reviews
October 15, 2022
Well fuck that just happened…

I kept checking my percentage read and then the actual pages left. I had a countdown of my own going on. It sucked. I mean it didn’t. The book is really fucking fantastic but come on *cue the tears*
Profile Image for Jenni.
83 reviews3 followers
January 1, 2022
I’m not going to cry. Last five pages disagreed with that.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews

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