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7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (Manga) #2

7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! [Manga], Vol. 2

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Every time Rishe turns twenty, she dies and is reincarnated to the day her engagement is broken off. This time around, she winds up the fiancee of the man who killed her in her previous life: the crown prince of the Galkhein Empire, Arnold! Knowing from her past lives that Galkhein is on the path to war, Rishe is determined to prevent it. She starts by turning the royal villa into a training ground…for handmaidens! Will her unorthodox plans be enough to keep disaster at bay?

184 pages, Paperback

First published November 25, 2021

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Hinoki Kino

39 books34 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,838 reviews4,210 followers
February 6, 2023
One of the few things that's been able to keep my attention lately. Personally, I really enjoyed this first manga volume and plan to continue the series and possibly read the light novels. The younger brother is giving slight orange flags, but we'll see how that goes.

I honestly didn't pay attention to content, but I do recall a 'd*mn', 'hell', and God's name misused once between both manga volumes.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,087 reviews30 followers
December 6, 2023
December 2023
Kindle edition

...I may have to disable the one click buy. As much as I like Rishe, she does have that perfectionist vibe to her and the naïve pacifist thing feels off somehow. She's trying to live her best live and roping in others from her previous life. Arnold still has the I know something you don't know vibe going on and then there's the little brother. Yandere? Brother complex? I have no idea yet. Sleeping on the new gardening patch though for an intro, lol. Tully seems like a fun character. The little stories excerpts at the end are sweet. Fave bit though is the little bonus strips.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Danny_reads.
395 reviews245 followers
August 21, 2023

This is such a fun and fluffy series.

I enjoy all the characters and the art style is gorgeous.
Profile Image for Laura A. Grace.
1,721 reviews225 followers
December 14, 2023
VIDEO REVIEW HERE: https://youtu.be/8noCtJJ-_rQ

"Just as Diana said, once you learn something you don't forget it. You can use the skills you learn for the rest of your life. Even if you end up living a different life, they'll still be useful to you."

Okay, I am SO glad I kept reading this series because this volume was VERY good!!

I felt extremely emotionally invested, especially with that HUGE cliffhanger of an ending!! I am SO thankful to know I have volume three on hand and went ahead and ordered volume four so it could be here in the next few days!

While I really really enjoyed the entire volume, hands down my favorite part was the scenes about the maids and Rishe choosing new handmaidens. The way she handled things honestly brought tears to my eyes and had me internally cheering for how incredible Rishe is as a heroine.

However, my heart broke when she started to open up to Arnold and share her inner feelings that she herself hadn't even been realizing was feeling. She is a very multi-layered character who is not consistently upbeat, which usually is a character I LOVE reading about, but it makes this story refreshing in that regard. I also know other heroines who are business savvy, but Rishe really is on a whole other level (and I don't mean that in a way to bash other heroines because I LOVE Aileen from I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss and feel she is business savvy too!). She is very calculating and absolutely loved that while she might have had a "sneak out" chapter, she completely respected Arnold's wishes to not get close to his brother. Even when she could gain more information, she still didn't take the opportunity.

One of my favorite parts is Arnold and Rishe's growing relationship, specifically how he just watches her when they are together. In one of the scenes, it was like they were an everyday couple and not one of nobility. She did her hair, cooked, and they talked. It was a really really nice moment and I love how despite their titles, they don't seem to have this grand sweeping romance. That's not to say they didn't have some swoonwrothy romantic moments and I wasn't totally squealing because I VERY much was and VERY much here for more of it!! EEEEEPPPP!

Lastly, I will just say that I LOVED Mr. Tully!! I really hope we see more of him in the next volume!

Again, I'm very glad I gave this series a second chance and I am EAGERLY looking forward to the next volume! Too bad I need to do some chores before I can start it! UGH! LOL!
Profile Image for Of Butterflies & Books.
795 reviews25 followers
February 4, 2024
This series continues to be a fun, fluffy, comfort read. It can be a little wordy at times where there's a bit more telling than showing, but it's not a constant thing that's bothering me or derailing me from the story or the characters themselves. I would like a bit more characterization from Arnold as the series goes forward, for example, is he really in love with Rishe or is something else going on?
Profile Image for Azbaqiyah.
880 reviews54 followers
April 30, 2023
Plot - 5 🌟
Character - 5 🌟
Writing Style - 5 🌟
World Building - 5 🌟
Art - 5 🌟
Cover - 5 🌟

Overall - 5 🌟
Profile Image for Lea.
61 reviews7 followers
October 4, 2024
I'm having fun reading this series. It's so interesting! I'm excited to keep reading and see what Rishe plans or does next. And I hope to understand Arnold more as time goes on 🤓
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,154 reviews13 followers
May 30, 2024
The second volume keeps up the very strong start! So much so that it's 1am, and im going to start the next volume! Who needs sleep when there is manga to read!
Profile Image for cvtherin.
471 reviews28 followers
March 11, 2024
Love how Rishe is determined to do nothing in this life and proceeds to do the exact opposite, lol. Bless. This girl just wants to sleep.
Profile Image for Billie Flaming.
537 reviews6 followers
December 13, 2022
I LOOOOVE this series. Love it. I love Rishe and how she’s compelled to help those around her. I love Arnold and how quietly he cares. I like the maids and the guards and Tully is a laugh.
Profile Image for Hisgirl85.
1,947 reviews53 followers
December 28, 2022
4 stars. I still haven't caught up with the first light novel I read, but I'm enjoying this. I thinknwith the next manga volume I'll match where I was with the light novel.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,899 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2024
Volume 2: (Chapters 7-12) + Bonus Story


Every time Rishe turns twenty, she dies and is reincarnated to the day her engagement is broken off. This time around, she winds up the fiancée of the man who killed her in her previous life: the crown prince of the Galkhein Empire, Arnold!

Knowing from her past lives that Galkhein is on the path to war, Rishe is determined to prevent it. She starts by turning the royal villa into a training ground… for handmaidens! Will her unorthodox plans be enough to keep disaster at bay? [x]
Profile Image for Sunread26.
875 reviews
April 10, 2024
Chronique complète :

Extrait :
J’avance un peu plus vite dans les tomes que j’ai de la série, je suis presque à jour d’ailleurs puisqu’il ne me reste plus que le tome 3 à lire, la série ayant 4 tomes de sortis pour l’instant. J’aimerais pouvoir voir un peu l’anime en ayant déjà lu un maximum, car c’est un peu le souci avec eux… parfois ils vont plus loin niveau intrigue que le manga (décalage entre la sortie FR et JP, mais pas seulement surtout quand il s’agit d’adaptation de light novel).

Il se déroule pas mal d’événements différents dans ce tome, encore ponctué de plusieurs flashbacks assez bref. L’intrigue reprend toujours lors de la soirée, mais un peu plus tard, alors que Rishe prend une pause à l’extérieur, Arnold la rejoint s’en suit une conversation entre les deux personnages. Rishe, qui cherche toujours à comprendre comment il a pu devenir aussi sanguinaire ne peut que se poser des questions. J’ignore comment, sans doute grâce à ses nombreuses vies, mais elle a deviné qu’Arnold était sans doute blessé physiquement, ou du moins qu’il l’a été fortement. Ce qui est intéressant, c’est la réaction de celui-ci, qui ne nie pas, au contraire, il lui montre sans hésiter, tout en indiquant que peu de personnes sont au courant. Arnold, qui semble être un personnage assez discret et mystérieux, ne semble pas pour autant adepte du mensonge et des cachoteries. Bien sûr, ça ne veut pas dire qu’il va tout déballer pour autant, mais montrer une telle blessure, peu connue, à Rishe est déjà une certaine forme de confiance qu’il lui offre. Ou alors, il pense juste que cette information ne lui servira pas vraiment.

Pour Arnold, Rishe semble être une personne des plus captivantes, mais il ne doit pas vraiment savoir pourquoi. Elle a des connaissances et des capacités dans divers domaines, ce qui est assez étrange pour une femme noble (et jeune). C’est sans doute sa curiosité qui lui a fait faire sa demande dans le tome précédent, maintenant, il apprend de plus en plus à la connaître et voit quelqu’un d’assez facile à cerner. Comme quoi, avoir plusieurs vies ne nous permet de nous améliorer en tout. D’ailleurs, il n’est pas le seul personnage qui arrive à la cerner, son regard en dit souvent long, et je trouve que l’auteur travail beaucoup là-dessus pour chacun des personnages. Même si Rishe est encore loin de tout savoir, elle apprend tout de même diverses choses dans ce tome, que ce soit au sujet d’Arnold, de ses relations ou du royaume. Malheureusement pour elle, elle est seule et doit donc s’occuper de tout ce qu’elle souhaite accomplir d’elle-même. Est-ce que la prochaine étape de l’auteur serait de lui permettre de trouver quelqu’un de confiance, au moins pour l’aider dans certaines tâches ?

Profile Image for Katrina.
1,142 reviews39 followers
April 29, 2024
To be honest, it's a little tiring to be going through this story this many times in such close succession. Do other people struggle with that? Manga adaptations of light novels seems like a pretty common thing in Japan, but maybe the manga tends to come out later in its original language, whereas the English licenses snapped them both up at the same time?

I think I want to get through the rest of the manga I have on hand, then move to the light novels, since it is nice to have the visuals as a little bonus, but the light novel itself was, at least in volume 1, more satisfying as a complete story. It looks like it takes a little over three volumes of manga to cover a single volume of the light novel, so I'll have lots of new material to look forward to in the novels.

This volume ended with one of my favorite scenes, where Arnold and Rishe reveal a little of their insecurities to each other (and then kiss for the first time). The part I find fascinating is Rishe's fear that she's not actually going through her life on a time loop - that she died for real the first time, and everything since then has simply been her afterlife imagination.

That honestly sounds kind of horrifying, but Rishe has this vibrant, optimistic personality that is so captivating - to readers and to Arnold. It doesn't really matter whether she's alive or dead, or whether she will be dead again in the near future. That is to say, she cares very deeply about living - she's fighting with everything in her to last more than five years this time, by doing everything in her power to prevent Arnold's war - but whether she succeeds isn't the truly important part. She just wants to live every second of her life to the fullest.

I still don't know that much about Arnold, even after experiencing this story for the third time in its third format. How much of Prince Theodore's stories about his brother's cruelty are true? Arnold doesn't want Rishe to have false ideas of his own heroism, but he does have a kinder heart than he'd like to reveal, and the faces of those he's killed in battle still haunt him. Rishe's would have, in the timeline that she either wiped out or branched off from by dying again and starting over.

I honestly find this whole plotline a little confusing, but I'm looking forward to getting to a point where I can actually move forward in it and learn more, rather than rehashing more of the same scenes. Still, it is nice to have the manga as sort of a visual reference, although I think I'll be more likely to reread the novels in future and simply flip through the manga to look at the pictures.
Profile Image for Enairolf.
2,064 reviews18 followers
October 12, 2023
Après avoir dévoré le premier tome, je me suis empressée de dévorer le second. autant profiter de l’avoir sous la main pour ne pas le laisser traîner dans ma PAL plus longtemps! J’avais énormément aimé le premier tome et le second est dans la même lignée. Je sens que ce manga va de plus en plus me plaire au fur et à mesure que j’avance dans la découverte des tomes. J’aime tellement ce genre de manga, je passe un excellent moment et j’oublie tout ce qui existe autour de moi pendant que je suis plongé dedans!

Dans ce second tome, pour empêcher Arnold de déclencher une guerre d’invasion dans le futur et pour enfin profiter d’une longue vie tranquille, elle décide de commencer par changer ce qu’elle peut autour d’elle. Se servant de son expérience passée, Rishe met au point une méthode d’apprentissage révolutionnaire. Elle prévoit aussi d’entrer en contact avec Tully, son ancien maître en commerce, mais… ?!

Qu’est ce que j’ai aimé ce tome encore une fois. j’ai l’impression que plus je vais avancer et plus je vais adorer cette histoire. Rishe me fait beaucoup rire, elle ne fait rien comme tout le monde. Elle travaille au champ, elle escalade les murs pour partir la nuit, bref, elle ne se comporte pas forcément toujours comme une jeune dame doit le faire et c’est ça que j’aime avec elle. Ici elle va retrouver une tête qu’elle a bien connue, son ancien maître en commerce, Tully. J’ai beaucoup aimé ce qu’elle a fait pour toutes les servantes, on voit que Rishe a vraiment un grand coeur et aime aider les autres. Elle va mettre en place un apprentissage pour que les servantes puissent apprendre à lire et à écrire, je trouve ça tellement chouette. On découvre le petite frère d’Arnold dans ce tome ci. Et le moins que l’on puisse dire c’est que ce personnage est très mystérieux. Je me demande qui il est vraiment, il cache quelque chose mais on ne sait pas vraiment encore quoi.. J’espère en apprendre plus sur lui par la suite parce que je suis très intriguée par Théodore..

Un second tome dans la lignée du premier. L’histoire suit son cours, on continue de suivre Rishe dans sa nouvelle vie. C’est un manga que j’affectionne énormément en tout cas, je regrette juste d’avoir mis autant de temps à le sortir de ma PAL tant cette histoire est tout simplement géniale. L’univers, l’intrigue, les personnages, tout est bien construit et c’est très plaisant. Il me tarde de lire la suite en tout cas!
April 2, 2023
It’s like the two of them understand each other on deeper levels by their own means. Even though Rishe has a lot of history to aide her understanding, Arnold possesses a lot of experience within his short lifetime as well. Both of their experiences allow them to see one another for who they are and what they stand for, even though neither understands the other’s motives or thoughts.
This deep connection yet near-total mystery mixes for powerful chemistry between Rishe and Arnold, resulting in what feels like a deep romance. This might be Rishe’s most romantic life, out of all seven (or eight, if you count her original life in her original world).
The art is absolutely stunning and mesmerizing and the story is quite good. I also admire the costume design and I absolutely adore character design. I simply cannot get enough of Rishe, Arnold, or Theodore. Even the handmaidens are amazingly appealing to the eye. I intend to read the novels but I can only hope that they’re extremely descriptive because I don’t know how I’ll cope without gazing upon Hinoki Kino’s art (which reminds me of a blend of Jun Mochizuki’s works and Seraph of the End— some of my favorites).
October 28, 2023
J’avais adoré le premier tome, le second reste sur la même lancée ✨

Personnages ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Rishe est jeune mais elle a vécu tant de vies précédentes qu’elle est mature et très intelligente. Elle se sert de ses expériences passées pour faire les bons choix. Il y a tout de même quelque chose d’imprévisible, qu’elle ne peut gérer… et c’est bien Arnold! Il l’a tué lors de sa dernière vie, mais il est totalement différent cette fois ci!

Romance ⭐️⭐️⭐️,5/5
Mon petit coeur d’artichaut a adoré ce second tome et plus particulièrement la fin. J’ai trop hâte de découvrir la suite, de voir la romance évoluer 🤭

Intrigue ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Alors qu’elle voulait se prélasser, Rishe a de nouveaux objectifs. Créer une école de servantes afin d’unir les jeunes et les aînées, reprendre contact avec d’anciennes connaissances,… Elle souhaite plus que tout éviter la guerre à venir, et pourquoi pas sauver Arnold de ce futur sanglant dont il serait le grand instigateur?

Rythme ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Le rythme est très bon dans ce titre, on ne s’ennuie pas, même s’il n’y a pas forcément beaucoup d’action en tant que tel, on se laisse emporter dans le quotidien de Rishe sans mal.

Profile Image for R..
1,628 reviews
August 15, 2024
We made it to the chapel scene and perhaps the first time Prince Arnold tells Rishe start opening up to each other. They really do have an odd way of communicating at times, but it seems to work for both of them, especially with their positions and secrets. Not sure what to think of Prince Arnold liking Rishe's medicinal herb soup, but maybe that has more to do with both of them appreciating things that are nutritious rather than prioritizing taste. It certainly gave Oliver some food for thought when he heard about it, let alone that Prince Arnold willingly took a break with Rishe. Rishe certainly isn't your average girl at this stage, but that's really probably why she fits so well given her wider range of knowledge and abilities.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
685 reviews1,268 followers
March 25, 2024
i am going through this manga faster than i thought i would be. one thing that stood out for me the most was how likeable the main character is. she is fierce and strong willed. she is not the type to cry on a corner because of how hard everything has been going for her. she thinks of a way to figure out how she can improve her life in each time loop. i love her so much! the romance, oh god, it's so cute and adorable. i can't wait for it to go further and see how things turn out for them. i'm reading the third volume asap.
Profile Image for Kat.
1,373 reviews10 followers
December 15, 2022
this continues to be amazing...rishe is such an interesting character and I love how she continues to use her experience in all her previous lives in combination with her wits. I like how she's training her handmaidens and teaching them to read. arnold is such a mystery...but that kiss at the end....!!!! that two page spread was glorious!!

I just like how this so far has still kept me guessing and is moving at a solid pace. definitely picking up the next one!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
213 reviews
October 24, 2023
This volume was so pleasing to read ! It's a well-paced and carefully crafted story with the added benefit of having pretty drawings.

I'm usually quite hesitant to give 5 stars reviews, but this checks all the boxes. The setting is nice, the drawings are beautiful, the characters are likeable and the pace is engaging. It feels good to read a good book !

Thank you very much to the team involved in the creation of this manga !
Profile Image for Hibikiyume.
360 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2023
Avis t1 et 2 : un manga vraiment sympa et original car on est pas sur un isekai mais juste une femme coincés dans une boucle temporel. Personnellement j'ai très vite accroché à la série est surtout au 2 personnage clé. La qualité de dessin est top. Le manga me fait un peut penser à " a fantasy lazy life" que j'adore.
Bref hâte de lire la suite est de suivre les aventures de Rishe.
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,195 reviews168 followers
January 24, 2024
jan 2024
read until: chapter 21, vol 4

definitely reading this because of the anime. the manga isn't totally translated yet, but i'm having fun with what i'm reading now. loved the heroine because she's knowledgable and badass, especially since she has lived 6 lives prior. wondering how her relationship with the male lead will develop over time.
945 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2024
We are still introducing characters and establishing Rishe’s skills to use for later conflicts. As such, this volume is a little lackluster as it doesn’t complete an arc. She is exploring the Galkhein Empire, gaining some allies, and trying to discover what led Arnold to war. Still, the execution remains solid, preventing too many complaints.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jess | jadecanread.
857 reviews155 followers
June 16, 2024
just binged volume 1 and 2 because my library hold was ending in a few hours.

soooo freaking delightful. I can't put it down. I think I'm taking a break from the manga and will likely pick up the light novel hehe.

FMC does the unexpected with her handmaidens, meets her fiancé's brother who's bonkers, schemes a bit with the old traders she knew in another life, and is found out by her fiancé. they also kissssssssss.
Profile Image for Tay.
107 reviews12 followers
June 25, 2024
I love that Rishe has decided she wants to do nothing in this life. Thats my kinda girl right there.

Should I also mention THE LAST FEW PANELS!!! Kicking my feet and giggling on my couch right now! I love the art, I love the story, and I love that there are elements of unknowing still. Like we know what Rishe’s goal is but what about Arnold? His brother? Excited for volume 3!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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