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Clara’s magic has always been wild. But it’s never been dangerous. Then a simple touch causes poisonous flowers to bloom in her father’s chest.

The only way to heal him is to cast an extremely difficult spell that requires perfect control. And the only person willing to help is her former best friend, Xavier, who’s grown from a sweet, shy child into someone distant and mysterious.

Xavier asks a terrible price in return, knowing Clara will give anything to save her father. As she struggles to reconcile the new Xavier with the boy she once loved, she discovers how many secrets he’s hiding. And as she hunts for the truth, she instead finds the root of a terrible darkness that’s taken hold in the queendom—a darkness only Clara’s magic is powerful enough to stop.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published March 14, 2023

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About the author

Catherine Bakewell

3 books374 followers
Catherine Bakewell is a writer, artist, freelance editor, and an opera enthusiast. She has lived in Spain and in France, where she romped through gardens, ate pastries, and worked on her novels. She is represented by Jordan Hamessley at JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.

Her YA Fantasy, FLOWERHEART, and her MG Fantasy, WE ARE THE SONG, are available wherever books are sold or at your local library.

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July 24, 2023

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FLOWERHEART made it to my TBR ever since I heard that it was cottagecore fantasy. And while it is that, it's a little bit darker than the blurb or the cover would have you believe (and I think it helps to know that going in, just in case you're not in the mood for heavy content). Thanks to Heather for reading this with me so I can finally check this one off my list.

Clara's magic makes flowers grow; but it's always been wild and out of control, and it whispers sinister, wicked things to her. When it harms someone close to her, she's forced to turn to her childhood friend, Xavier Morwyn, to save her father from dying at her hands. But his help does not come for free, and he has secrets of his own. If they fail, both of them might be stricken from their magic for good.

I don't want to say too much because less is more going in, however I read this book thinking that magic was almost an allegory for mental health and the arts; being neurodivergent can cause you to see the world in an interesting, unique way, but if the symptoms of a psychiatric affliction are left unchecked, it can consume you, and cause you to act in ways that can harm you and those around you. Art should never come at the cost of your health, but a very real fear of neurodivergent creators is that seeking help can cause them to lose their art because their psychological state makes them see the world in a specific way, which generates that art. I felt like the loss of magic in this book felt like a very real parallel to that, so it was surprisingly bittersweet and satisfying to see a character who lost their magic cope and be ok with that.

This book is pretty slow-paced. I was actually a little saddened by some of the reviews saying that the heroine is unlikable, because her negative self-talk so closely mirrors my own when I'm experiencing an anxiety spike, but I understand how people can have a kind of knee-jerk reaction to that. It's hard to listen to someone who is that negative all the time and it can definitely bog you down. I actually liked Clara a lot and I liked that she was impulsive and emotional; it's nice to see heroines who are allowed to be imperfect, to exist while not being neurotypical. They might not be your cup of tea, but if you happen to be that tea, it's really nice to see yourself being represented that way. I personally liked her a lot.

I was less fond of the love interest, even though I liked the is he/isn't he the bad guy angle, and the nod to Bluebeard in the beginning of the book. For a beta hero in a YA book, I thought the author did a good job making him seem awkward and bashful without being too precious. But I also didn't really feel the chemistry between him and the heroine. I also felt like the thing with her mom didn't go as far as it should have; it felt very anticlimactic. The ending was also rushed and felt too neat, because the author had seemingly forgotten about some of the potential plot points she set up. Maybe there's going to be a sequel or a companion book? Either way, the pacing felt kind of weird.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys unusual heroines and beta love interests and casual queer rep (one of the side-characters is non-binary and they're great; and I think it's implied that the heroine might be bi, because she mentions having a crush on an "Ada") and a Hayao Miyazaki vibe that takes cottagecore in a slightly darker, body-horror-ridden direction. Is it a perfect book? No. Is it charming? Yes. If you enjoy reading Charlie Holmberg's books, you'll love this.

3.5 to 4 stars
Profile Image for Megan.
246 reviews125 followers
March 19, 2023
Well this was kind of disappointing. It was just kinda dull.. it felt like there was no real stakes, no real tension, underdeveloped world-building, repetitive/flat dialogue

The romance I liked at the start but it became more like a middle grade romance rather than YA. Xavier didn’t have much off a personality, he blushed a lot. That was kinda of it.

The story overall became boring and I just ending up skimming the last 3 chapters so I could just be over and done with it.

The cover is pretty and the idea was promising but it really needs a lot more development especially as this was marketed as YA fantasy romance. Shame really, because I had been looking forward to this book for a while💫
35 reviews3 followers
March 21, 2023
Well, this book was a disappointment.

Let me start first with what I liked. Firstly, the cover is gorgeous. Secondly, this book has great atmosphere. You can really feel the whimsy of the magic. (If you like Howl's Moving Castle, there's a decent chance you'll like this book.)

What I didn't like: pretty much everything else. I'll break this up into two problems.

1. The characters felt flat, the romance had no chemistry, and not that much happens. Personally I think all of these can be attributed to one specific aspect of this book, which is that it's really short. Like novella short. The reason I say that is because so much of the text of this story is Clara thinking about one of three things: she hates her magic, she feels awkward about Xavier, and she's worried about her dad. One of these three things is talked about at least once a page. And I don't mean mentioned in a sentence. I mean it gets a full paragraph, over and over and over again. If you cut all of this repetitive text, you'd lose a good chunk of the book.

The repetitive writing also slows down the pacing. Every time something starts to happen, the story stops for a paragraph to remind us that Clara is worried about her dad.

2. The worldbuilding and magic system are shoddy. A lot of the world building felt illogical to me. They let sixteen year olds become part of the council and oversee other magic users? After years of dangerous magic, Clara does one blessing and they decide she's safe? With no tests or anything?

And the magic... I liked that it was whimsical, but it was also the kind of magic where you learn to control it by "concentrating". So suddenly the Clara can control her magic and you're like... but how? She couldn't do something, but now she can. For no reason. It completely kills the stakes, because there's no work or build-up.

3. I wanted there to be more twists, especially concerning her mom and how magic works. There's one surprise, which is about Xavier and it didn't really work for me.

It wasn't terrible, it was just underwhelming.
Profile Image for Nefeli.
339 reviews15 followers
May 28, 2023
I don't want to be mean,but the best thing about this book was its cover
Profile Image for Marcella.
433 reviews20 followers
January 8, 2022
Chaotic magic gone wrong, headstrong girl with big dream, shy (good looking) emo guy with secrets, sweetest slowburn ever, friends to lovers (with a twist), victorian setting, witches and curses -- literally everything I could ask for! I love this book to pieces with my whole heart!

- coherent review coming soon bcs I want to yell about Xavier and Clara but it will be spoilery lol but trust me it's so gewd -
Profile Image for Savannah (forest_reader).
759 reviews49 followers
January 19, 2023
Things I loved about Flowerheart:

- The cover is to die for. I love the artistry, the flowers, and the red hair.
- I loved that Clara's magic manifested in flowers, and that she was so in-tune with the flowers' meanings
- Overall a cute, magical read.

Things I didn't love:

- Everything felt underdeveloped: the world building, romance, and especially plot.
- Speaking of plot, it wasn't tense. At all. Even when the stakes were supposed to be high, I was never invested.
- The romance felt like instalove because there wasn't enough development.

This book had potential, but it just didn't deliver for me. I think it would be better as a short story instead.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 4
Plot/Movement: 3
Character Development: 3
Overall: 3

Thank you, Harper Teen and NetGalley, for the arc!

Trigger/Content Warnings: depression, parent sickness and wounds
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,124 reviews625 followers
June 21, 2023
OJO! SI TE GUSTA HARRY POTTER Y te encantan las historias con armarios mágicos, pociones y...

creo que me estoy adelantando un poco... (un poco demasiado🤭)

🌼Tanto así que,

- A) Te gustan las historias con brujas y brujos❤️!
- B) Y, si, además te apasionan las historias de fantasy cozy, esta novela te apasionará😍
- C) Pero, si, además de los ademases, te encanta Harry Potter y "El castillo ambulante", aquí ya lo fliparás🤩

🌼Es más, ¿sabes que aquí hay magia de la que se niega en hacer lo que se le pide y que le encanta crear caos y destrucción? Y ¿que también hay romance, brujería, pociones, maldiciones, muchas flores y una alumna que, seamos sinceras, no da la talla🤭?

🌼Pero, espera, porque aún no te he dicho que también hay un mago! Aunque este mago es...🔥 (eso mejor que lo descubras tú)

🌼Aunque, claro, todo hay que decirlo, esto solo es el principio, porque después... Ya sabes, después todo se lía de tal manera que:

Profile Image for Ashley.
845 reviews578 followers
March 22, 2023
Star Rating: —> 4.5 Stars

TW (as set by the author in the beginning of the book, plus a couple others): Absent parent, ill parent, mental illness, emesis, body horror, fantasy substance abuse, med issues, non-consensual enchantment.

Well damn, that was one emotional ride!!

Buddy read with the wonderful, amazing Jamie.

Uhhh, I am utterly lost for words? This was so hard for me to read, but it was also everything I needed to hear rn. The metaphors for mental health rep were so freaking excellent; I was sobbing the last 100 or more pages, I won’t lie. A beautiful book. We are not our illnesses. Sometimes we lose control of them, but that doesn’t change who we are.

Always remember that you are STRONG , and I believe in you— and you should too. Don’t let the hard days win.

Thank you, Catherine Blakewell for writing this clearly, very personal, through metaphor and wonderful cottagecore fantasy, story that holds those echoes of your darkest days. I feel like I want to give you the biggest hug haha! I could fangirl over this forever, but I am still very emotional over it and so just also, thank you again jame.

Once again to the author — thank you for teaching me in a very beautiful fantasy world way, how to flourish despite the bad days that seep in and feel like they are strangling you, & makes us feel out of control of “our magic,” or what makes us, us. We are who we are and nothing can change that. Not mental illness, not physical illness, not disability.

This book was moving, beautiful, lush, fantastical, & so very romantic. I loved it with all of my heart. Outstanding work !

100% recommend !!
Profile Image for Brend.
695 reviews1,167 followers
October 2, 2024
DNF at 50%, then skimmed to the end. My conclusion: it wasn't clicking with me but if you love cozy fantasy, pick it up.

*adds to TBR*
Yes, im gay, how did u know??

Profile Image for Ivelisse Housman.
Author 2 books280 followers
August 9, 2022
FLOWERHEART warms you like a fresh cup of tea and stays with you like whiffs of your favorite laundry detergent throughout the day. It's enchanting and utterly unforgettable, with a charming cast of characters you can't help but root for and a world that makes it easy to slip into the pages. Clara's struggles with her magic (and her mental health) are vividly relatable, without ever veering into preachy territory. Even though this book has a light, fresh tone, it doesn't shy away from darker topics— and it always swoops you back to safety.

55 reviews16 followers
September 21, 2022
*Thank you to Netgalley and Harpercollins Children’s Books for providing me with an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review*

2.5-3/5 stars

This book was very much just okay. It had a cute premise, but it lacked real stakes and a satisfying conclusion. The prose and dialogue were nothing to write home about, and the world building is fairly nonexistent, though for such a small scale story, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It was just… okay.

We’re introduced to Clara Lucas, a young witch who is struggling to control her untamable, dangerous magic. She’s had several teachers in the past who’ve tried to help her, but none have succeeded. So now a council of witches and wizards (who may or may not be the only thing that passes for government and/or law enforcement in this world, we don’t really know) has decided to either painfully suppress her magic with a spell, or take it away altogether.

Enter the love interest and Clara’s former childhood friend, Xavier Morwyn, who is supposed to be cold and distant… except this boy is overflowing with emotion. Every time Clara describes him as stern and unfeeling, I was like, who? Who are you talking about, Clara?? There’s no one like that here?! He’s very obviously trying to hide the chronic pain he’s in, but he’s definitely not a stone pillar. Or Mr. Darcy.

Their relationship, like every other problem in this book, felt like it was resolved too easily for me. The only source of real tension going on was what exactly Xavier was hiding, and then once that was revealed, it left me going… okay?

Anyway, if you’re looking for a quick and easy, good-vibes-only read, this might be for you so long as you don’t start questioning the frustrating double-standards or the subplots that never went anywhere: Clara’s mother’s criminal gang. The council made up of magic fascists. Y’know, stuff that’s totally not relevant at all. I went into this thinking it was a standalone, but now I wonder if there is going to a sequel, considering the things that were left to wallow.
Profile Image for ౨ৎ.
422 reviews51 followers
July 14, 2023
I….didn’t like this
Im a simple person…I see pretty cover I click want to read
Profile Image for Marine ☾ marine_books.
138 reviews212 followers
July 24, 2024
Très sympa
J'ai beaucoup aimé les morales et double sens, mais également le fait que la magie de Clara puisse être le reflet de sa santé mentale/sa vision d'elle-même.

Même si j'ai eu un peu de mal avec la romance au milieu, la fin m'a totalement convaincue.
En revanche j'ai trouvé les personnages assez jeunes au vu de toutes leurs responsabilités, mais c'est ce qui justifie parfois leurs comportements.

La relation entre Clara et son père m'a profondément touchée. J'ai beaucoup aimé cet aspect là du récit, et également que le pardon et la justice aient une importance.

C'est un one-shot que j'ai trouvé addictif, la magie était originale. L'autrice laisse clairement une possibilité à une suite.

À lire si tu aimes :
✨ cozy fantasy young adult
✨ romance childhood friends to strangers to lovers
✨ maitre/apprentie
✨ queer
✨ magie
✨ récit 1ère personne

Attention aux avertissements de contenu :
parent absent • parent malade • maladie mentale • vomissement • body horror (des fleurs qui poussent sur le visage, sur le corps...) • drogue • problèmes de santé • sort maléfique non consenti

Produit offert, merci à la ME pour la confiance 💗
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,841 reviews753 followers
July 29, 2024
Clara is a young witch who has inherited a wild magic she can’t control. In an outburst of emotion she accidentally injures her beloved father and begs an old friend for help which comes with an enormous cost.

This was a cozy, sweet cottagecore fantasy filled with flowers 🌸 and healing magic. I love this kind of thing
in between crueler, darker books. There’s also an empathetic message about mental health care weaved within the story. The big reveal wasn’t much of a surprise but I don’t even care. 🤷‍♀️ If you want to read something that won’t leave you feeling worn out and gutted, give this one a try.
Profile Image for Jan Agaton.
1,084 reviews1,110 followers
April 9, 2023
so cute, cozy, and witchy! perfect for fans of this poison heart, the nature of witches, and sorcery of thorns♡
Profile Image for Andi.
1,446 reviews
December 10, 2022
I'd like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me a chance at reading this book.

It feels like an ASMR read. It's cute, cosy, and makes you feel good. It has the flavor of a Miyazaki film, or as some people have said 'Howls Moving Castle'. However, with this book I actually understand and can follow the narrative better than I did with Howl.

I just think the reason why I didn't rate it so highly is that nothing really happens in the story. The action / drama is focused on the two (Witch and Wizard) and nothing much else. I mean, there is the curse but I feel like nothing really goes on with it and or seems to be that big of a deal in the long run. I feel like it could have used a bit more world building. Yet some who read this might feel like it's just right.

So overall, it's cute and it will make you feel good but if you're looking for something a tad more meatier or lasting this book might not do it for you.
Profile Image for Laura Díaz.
Author 1 book864 followers
July 2, 2023
Un libro cuqui y tranquilo. Sin gran historia ni giros de trama. Algo simple y bonito.
Me ha faltado un poco de complejidad en el sistema de magia, pues lo he notado todo muuuuy básico. Así que si tenéis ganas de algo para desconectar sin más, este es vuestro libro, pero no esperéis algo increíble, pues no es la intención de este libro.
Profile Image for lookmairead.
652 reviews
April 26, 2023
Man, sometimes a really pretty cover tricks me.
Though I consider the “cozy”-anything category risky- (more meh’s than favorites) - I was not the right audience for this. It read more like a predictable outline to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️

- If squeaky clean /campy romance is your thing.
- If you want an easy read with your budding jr. high/MG romantasy reader.
Profile Image for kate.
1,463 reviews974 followers
March 26, 2023
Flowerheart is a sweet, whimsical, cottage core fantasy featuring a casually queer cast of characters and an emphasis on mental illness that is as beautiful as it is empowering.
Profile Image for Sophias_bookemporium.
100 reviews5 followers
March 14, 2023
I received this book from the publisher in return for an honest review.

This book was just what I needed! Such a cosy cottage core read infused with magic, flowers, baking, secrets and action. So right up my street! I loved the magic system, character development and how beautifully it was written.

I particularly enjoyed that there were different key strands to the story. Rather than the plot just being driven by one issue that the characters were trying to resolve. However, and this is why this isn't a 5 star review, I felt like the ending was a bit rushed. I didn't want the story to end so maybe I am a bit biased, but I felt like a few bits of the story were resolved too quickly and easily.

Overall I definitely recommend this book to my witchy friends!
Profile Image for nini ♥︎.
68 reviews17 followers
January 23, 2024
this was a very cozy read, low stakes, low energy, etc. despite that it was very cute, if you like cozy fantasy’s this is for you.
Profile Image for blok sera szwajcarskiego.
909 reviews281 followers
March 16, 2023
He smiled at me. "I wish I was like you."
"Stubborn, you mean?"
"No." He rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. "Fearless."

me when romance in a magical world with queer but straight pairing full of parent issues:

Okay but for real this book is pure magic. It's very story driven, the main focus lies over Clara and her magic, whether it will drive her into good or bad direction, as everything tries to persuade her she is a villain like her mother. One unfortunate mistake will make her father hurt, and if she doesn't find help in time, he will suffer. Then appears Xavier, her friend from childhood, that gained his high position between witches suspiciously quickly, but with no one else to turn to, Clara makes an unbelievable vow that may end up in tears and death.

I kind of wish the plot with Clara's mother was more developed, because that's what I was lacking. Besides that it is an incredible story about (surprisingly) mental health and fate that turns the other way than expected. There is not that much romance, but it's one that develops naturally – step by step, without forgetting the main focus of the story. This is how I like my romances. Ideas are great, and the writing makes them so much more than just that – Catherine Bakewell added to her story this thrillerish vibe full of uncertainty and disquiet. Under the cottagecore aesthetics awaits a much bigger, darker story, and I can't thank author enough for embracing it.

And there are so many queer characters just casually existing! Could it be more perfect?
Profile Image for mads.
588 reviews529 followers
March 20, 2024
“Magic reflects what’s in our hearts.”

TW: abandonment, body horror, death, drug abuse, emotional abuse, grief, injury/injury detail, medical content, mental illness, possession, vomit.

Flowerheart has such a lovely concept and aesthetic, though I hesitate to call it cozy/wholesome due to the body horror and substance abuse that make up the entirety of the plot. Still, due to the flower magic and tea parties, this still makes a perfect springtime read so long as you do not go into the book expecting a riveting plot or any kind of actual tension. Despite the dark subject matter and the race against the clock, this reads more like a slice-of-life cottagecore with dark elements, rather than a compelling fantasy novel.

That isn't my reason for rating it three stars, however, because I went into the book expecting that. My rating (while still positive) is slightly lower due to how immensely unlikable I found all of the characters and my inability to feel connected to the world/plot as a side effect of this. I understand this is YA and therefore the characters are young, but every decision made by every single character seemed like the worst possible choice.

I also made the mistake of visualizing the love interest as a young Severus Snape which does not make for a pleasant reading experience for me lol.

Still enjoyed this though! It was sweet and I appreciated the casual rep as well as Clara's magic presenting in flowers, I just wish I could've liked it more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,006 reviews

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