Book Giveaway For No One Was Supposed to Die at This Wedding (The Vacation Mysteries, #2)

  • No One Was Supposed to Die at This Wedding by Catherine  Mack
    No One Was Supposed to Die at This Wedding (The Vacation Mysteries, #2)

    Release date: May 13, 2025

    The second in a witty, USA Today bestselling series following author Eleanor Dash as she goes from wedding guest to murder mystery investigator at her ...more

    Format: Print book

    Giveaway ends in: a

    Availability: 100 copies available, 4655 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Oct 04 - Oct 18, 2024

    Countries available: U.S. and Canada

  • 43626568
    Catherine Mack (she/her) is the pseudonym for Catherine McKenzie, the USA Today and Globe & Mail bestselling author of over a dozen novels. Her books are approaching two million copies sold worldwide and have been translated into multiple languages including French, German, Portuguese, and Polish. Television rights to Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies and its forthcoming sequels sold in a ...more
    More about Catherine Mack...

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