Patricia Woodruff > Patricia's Quotes

Showing 1-24 of 24
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  • #1
    “Artists are the shamans of our time.”
    Will Bason

  • #2
    “Happier than a cat in a Peruvian fish market.”
    Coriander Woodruff

  • #3
    David Mitchell
    “My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
    David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

  • #4
    “You know… the airport is the only place you can walk around with no shoes, a glazed look on your face, and sleep on the benches and no one judges you.”
    Coriander Woodruff, The Call of the Spectacled Owl

  • #5
    “I could feel a deep connection to Spirit in every glorious sunset and awesome wonder in every uncurling flower, but I couldn’t feel anything like that in the hollow words of men gone by.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff, The Call of the Spectacled Owl

  • #6
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “What we could consider magic, may just be science that we don’t understand yet.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff, Strange Tales of Floyd County, VA

  • #7
    “It amazes me how people can close their minds off to the size of the Universe. With billions of stars, millions of galaxies, and possibly a googol of planets, how can it be that human beings are the only thinking animal in creation?”
    Coriander Woodruff, Strange Tales of Floyd County, VA

  • #8
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “The beauty that lies hidden, makes my soul tremble with awe.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #9
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Our lives are a constellation of events, strung together, glittering; the shapes only being seen from a distance.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #10
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “On pristine parchment I draw with my skis calligraphic lines of joy, writing poems of movement.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #11
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “There's something about water that washes away the cares of the mind and heart.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #12
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “I have shaken loose. Like the lily, I rest on the deep water's surface. Not knowing the journey's end, I rest in nature's embrace.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #13
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Words drop from my lips spiraling downward; they land scattered on your ears. I spoke them green and golden, but you turned them shriveled brown.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #14
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “I can't keep myself from creativity. Ideas flash like lightning burning my bones. It must flow out of my hands or it will burst me apart.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #15
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Love is a poem that keeps on writing itself, sweeping us along.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #16
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “I am giving birth. I am midwife to myself. Now is a new life full of possibilities. I must be strong like a child.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #17
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “In poetry we pare down our thoughts into their most graceful shapes, like minimalist sculptures.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #18
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “I am sonnets full of stardust within the meter of my skin.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #19
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Today I trust me. I trust in my perceptions. Today I will live my own truth that glows within, a life of no deceptions.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #20
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “I am lost in the embrace of a soft summer night, surrendering to its ecstasy while the voyeuristic fireflies wink knowingly.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #21
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “The seeds of life inside my womb were present at my birth; a gift from mother's mother, on back to Mother Earth.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #22
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Our wishes become real and solid if we work on their formation. If it matters to you, make energy become matter.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #23
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Endings and beginnings look just the same.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff

  • #24
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
    “Meditation is a narrowing of focus that expands the soul.”
    Patricia Robin Woodruff
