Leopold Ii Quotes

Quotes tagged as "leopold-ii" Showing 151-180 of 211
Leopold II
“You don't have to worry in the least, because in Belgium you will be able to enjoy all the benefits with which I will shower you, choose your replacement carefully, and appoint him only with my approval, until then then you will remain on your post my faithful cloak. May God guide and support you in the missions I entrust to you for the sake of my subjects, I wish that all your duties have already been carried out, so that when you come to Belgium I can prove to you that I am a true friend my faithful cloak, I pray to God that he may protect you.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Dear Minister, please let me know how many men are actually available in Hainaut, Ghent and Brussels, please also inform me of any measures that will allow you to remain in control of the situation if necessary, I wish you the assurance, dear minister, of my total devotion.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“I will instruct the minister of war to strengthen the Gendarmerie in Brussels, to recognize the addresses and customs of the demagogues and to try to find out what is coming up, I am told that the demonstrations which are only intended as intimidation and as preparation in an unguarded moment are able to turn into something else, once they have everyone on the street they will attack the government, what measure have you taken to face such a surprise attack? Do the regiments have been ordered to march on their own accord to the Rue de la Loi and the Boulvard, where in the summer it is more difficult to summon soldiers, will they be more satisfied now, working in the open air is now impossible, if I were you I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to summon them, the responsibility is too great, you are not protected from an incident, and you will have to face a formidable riot, all yours.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Dear Minister, I particularly regret that the government, as I had expressly requested, did not make the royal referendum a sine qua non, three points in the program concern the crown directly, the possibility of expanding the territory, the referendum and the princely marriages, I would have liked to see this matter implemented, we have been clear about this during our discussions, we have taken a very moderate attitude with this at a time when the most democratic constitution in Europe is being even more democratized, a constitution drawn up during a revolution, and at a time when there was no monarch, your devotee, etc.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“To the presidents of the chambers, the institutions of the country are on the eve of profound changes, various indications and circumstances have convinced me that it is desirable in the new situation, a new administration should take office, I request you on my behalf to inform the chambers of my abdication, with the highest and most special esteem, your affectionate King,”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“We are going to democratize the chamber and the senate, we also have to democratize the monarchy, give it the opportunity, when it feels the need to obtain direct advice, support from the changing electoral corps.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“My dear General, the Belgian state, will shortly issue a government loan of fifty million, France is writing one of two and a half billion, please ask Lambert to inform you of the condition of the French operation, as for the Belgian loan, leave it to me to try and get information from the ministers, but don't say anything to Lambert, if the French government loan yields 5 or 6 percent I will invest a large sum in it, if the interest is lower then I won't subscribe to it.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Small country, small people”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“You should purchase as much land as you will be able to obtain without losing one minute from all the chiefs from the mouth of the Congo to Stanley falls, i will send you more people and raw materials, and perhaps Chinese couriers.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“The Congo state is certainly not a business, if it gathers ivory on some of it's lands, that is only to lessen its deficits.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“In dealing with a race composed of cannibals for thousands of years, it is necessary to use methods which will best shape their idleness, and make them realize the sanctity of work.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“I believe we must set up three children's colonies, the aim of these colonies is above all to furnish us with soldiers.”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“I will give them my Congo, but they have no right to know what i did there.”
Leopold II

Henry Morton Stanley
“I was received with an overwhelming display of military and civilian tributes, all the way to the royal palace where I was to stay, troops were lined up behind which enthusiastic people were chanting their viva, it seemed to me that a major change had come in the Belgian public opinion on the importance of the Congo, when I first went there, the Belgian newspapers spouted nothing but criticism, they were completely dumbfounded, the king was recognized as the great benefactor of the nation.”
Henry M. Stanley

Henry Morton Stanley
“We have attacked and destroyed 28 large towns, and 3 or 4 score villages”
Henry M. Stanley

King Leopold I
“I am saddened by the case of Constantinople, this journey was so well served to you, and you have spoiled it with a childishness. (King Leopold I In a letter to his son Prince Leopold II)”
Leopold I

King Leopold I
“It is not for us that we exhort you to learn, but for yourself, because ignorance is an inability, a real disaster, because social positions and protection are no longer there as before, there is a ground for malice and even hatred. (King Leopold I In a letter to his son Prince Leopold II)”
Leopold I

Alexis Henri Brialmont
“The Duke of Brabant takes me for a statistical office”
Alexis Henri Brialmont

Alexis Henri Brialmont
“King Leopold II desires a strong Belgium so that his wealth ceases to arouse envy among his neighbors; he also desires her to be strong, so that she can increase her heritage, float her flag on the seas, settle on distant beaches.”
Alexis Henri Brialmont

Alexis Henri Brialmont
“The economic crisis which weighs on Europe since the industry took such a big development, carries the nations towards the colonial companies. Belgium could not remain a stranger to this movement without seriously compromising its material interests; our King Leopold II understood this, and this is what determined him to substitute his individual initiative for the persistent inaction of the government and the nation.”
Alexis Henri Brialmont

Leopold II
“Si au lieu de parler de neutralité, la Chambre s’occupait de notre commerce, la Belgique deviendrait le plus riche du monde”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Il suffit d’oser pour réussir”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“De tous les débouchés, le plus sûr et le plus stable, aussi bien pour les produits que pour les capitaux, est évidemment celui d’une colonie”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Je travaille toujours, mais il faut commencer par mettre en avant un arrangement diplomatique. Ce point obtenu, nous aurions de grandes chances de succès. Pour le moment, le mot d’expédition belge en Chine ne doit être prononcé à aucun prix”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Il ne faut pas qu’un Prince parle le langage des tribuns et qu’il proclame des principes absolus dans des termes qui sont de nature à blesser profondément ceux qui sont d’un autre avis que le sien”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Je ne partage pas toutes les opinions que vous émettez dans votre mémoire, je suis persuadé que vous les abandonnerez un jour, mais j’ai à cœur votre réputation, votre popularité, votre influence. Je comprends très bien ce qui s’est passé en vous lorsque vous avez écrit ces lignes”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“Le meilleur moyen de créer des débouchés est d’envoyer, de temps en temps, des expéditions dans les contrées avec lesquelles il y a chance de nouer des relations commerciales”
Leopold II

Leopold II
“1830 a assuré notre avenir politique. Que 1860 soit le point de départ d’une série d’efforts et d’entreprises pour assurer notre avenir commercial et industriel”
Leopold II

Emile Banning
“The doctrine of state ownership of land established since 1890 is the exact opposite of free trade, the new doctrine is reprehensible, going against both the natural rights of the indigenous people who will be deprived, and the rights of the Imperial powers as determined in the act of Berlin.”
Emile Banning

Emile Banning
“Everything seems to indicate that a decisive hour has sounded in the history of the world, the hour when an almost virgin continent and ignored races will cooperate in the work of humanity.”
Emile Banning