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Books > Books you loved

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message 1: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 13, 2009 01:28PM) (new)

Ok, in this area i would like people to write about books you loved or maybe didn't enjoy. I would like you to put a title, the author, and a short comment/review/summary. This would be the place someone can come and look for a book to read next. So, i would REALLY love it if this was the one area we don't get off subject and just do reviews and such. Sorry, if this an inconveniences you, but i would love it if you followed this ONE rule. Thank you so much.

Arttooner Cartoonist

I'll start first with a couple of the books i loved.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by: Stephen Chbosky

*This book was really amazing and takes more of a high school maturety. It is really great though. It is more of a coming of age book and is full of everything highschool. I loved this book and would really recommend it to anyone

The Screwed Life of Charlie the Second
By: Drew Ferguson

*This book is so amazing and another one of my all time favorite books. It is another kind of coming of age book and also takes a high school maturety. It is about a high school student who is gay and meets a new kid in town. He and him begin to become really good friends and share part of their high school experience together. I recommend this book to anyone.

message 2: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys
By: Kate Brian

*I know this book sounds cheesy - a girl who gets to live with her parents' friends and their 7 boys while they go to South Korea for two years - but it is really really believable. I loved it.
I think it's more of a girl book, but guys could try it too.
It has slight cussing and there are some sexually promoting scenes in it, but not many.

message 3: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

message 4: by Diane (new)

Diane My Sister's Keeper
It was a sad book beacuse the sister is sick and tells you all about the tolls the family goes through but it was a great book

message 5: by Kelsey (new)

Kelsey (kelseye16) | 598 comments Dream Factory
I absolutely loved this book. The title really fits the book because the setting is disney world. I thought it was the sweetest cheesy love story ever. It was cheesy I have to admit but the whole time you are reading it you are flooded with every emotion.

message 6: by Nessiebear (new)

Nessiebear Thirteen Reasons (Why) by Jay Asher

Clay returns from school one day to find a box filled with cassette tapes. Two weeks earlier, his classmate, and the girl he had a crush on, committed suicide. On the tapes she explains why and on each tape, there is a name of someone who affected her. Clay's name is on a tape and the only reason to find out why he has anything to do with Hannah Baker, is listen.

I loved it. It was sad and amazing and usually I hate book endings but I really liked this one because it really reflected the whole story.

message 7: by Shantal (new)

Shantal  (shantal_booknerd)
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Austen is a romantic writer. In Sense and Sensibility there are two different views of love that you will explore throughout the this novel, two women fall in love in opposite ways.Some think with their heads while others think with their hearts. it is such a delightful book. =)

message 8: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah | 23 comments the truth about forever is my absolute favorite. it's by sarah dessen and really any book by her is good. in truth about forever she has to deal with her fathers death and finding out who she really is. it's an awesome book.

message 9: by Kat, The Math Nerd (last edited Mar 12, 2009 06:05AM) (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
(sorry, I'll only make one comment)
I love that book, Rebekah. it's my favorite.

message 10: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah | 23 comments have you read any of her other books? (and just so you know you spelled my name wrong)

message 11: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
sorry! I fixed.

I've read a few others, but that is my favorite.

message 12: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
Do you know "Für immer vielleicht" (engl. "Love, Rosie")? That´s a great book and I enjoyed reading it...

message 13: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
Nope. what's it about?

message 14: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
I am really liking Twilight.

message 15: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
oh me, too!!! (but I didn´t want to name it, because sooo many people like it! ;)) "Love, Rosie" is about a girl and a boy... They´re best friends. When they´re adults, they both are married. Rosie with Greg and her friend Alex has a wife, too. They don´t realize that they actually like each other (Alex and Rosie).... Just in the end...

message 16: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
Love, Rosie is written by the same author, who wrote "P.S. I love you"

message 17: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
That sounds really sweet!!

message 18: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
oh yes it´s really sweet.... and it has been a great success here in germany... ;)

message 19: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
but, don´t you know "p.s. i love you"? There was a film of the book, too...

message 20: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
Yeah, I've heard of it. I didn't see the movie, though.

message 21: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
Okay I LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twilight!

message 22: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
I didn´t read p.s. i love you.. it is very sad, isn´t it?

message 23: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
yeah I heard oh it, sounds weird.......

message 24: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
i read "the host" and I thought it´s a great book, but twilight is better...!!! :D In some parts "the host" is a little bit boring...

message 25: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
I really like The Host A Novel. Yes, it is boring in some places, but still really good. I wouldn't have read it, but my Aunt Julie said that it was really good and that I needed to read it. The first half was kinda slow, but the rest is great!!
Twilight is still better though. :)

message 26: by Jake (new)

Jake | 158 comments ehh... Twilight.... yuck.... ( I wonder how many comments about my dislike in twilight I'll get...)

Fav Book : LORD OF THE RINGS!!! BEST BOOK OF ALL TIMES!! ALL 4 OF EM!!! (if you include The Hobbit)
One book I recently read is called the Goblin Woods
and I forgot who it is by but it was a very good book!

message 27: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

message 28: by Jake (new)

Jake | 158 comments theres 1!

and one really sad book i read is called flowers for algernon (really sad and depressing but really good!!)

message 29: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
EDWARD IS A BIG FREAKING STUPID IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

message 30: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod

message 31: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
lets just say I started New Moon yesterday

message 32: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
JAKEYKINS!! You came back!! YAY!! :DD

message 33: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
ohh OK, JUST in this book you´re right!

message 34: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod

message 35: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
:D but jakey is great ;)

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

so much for one comment. -.-

message 37: by Kat, The Math Nerd (last edited Mar 21, 2009 06:13PM) (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
I'm sorry! I'll stop now.

message 38: by Kat, The Math Nerd (new)

Kat | 1391 comments Mod
Christy Miller Collection, Vol 1
By Robin Jones Gunn

It is the most amazing book ever. It changed my life. And no, I'm not joking.

message 39: by Cindy (new)

Cindy | 31 comments Well I am not obsessed with Twilight anymore... I actually think it's still a good book but... I don't know; I just don't like it as much. Especially since I saw the movie. There are better books out there... such as the Mortal Instruments series! City of Bones is the first one. It's by Cassandra Clare and OMN it's amaz-z-zing! My all time favorite series.

message 40: by Cindy (new)

Cindy | 31 comments Oh, even though this was lots of comments ago, Flowers For Algernon was sad, I agree. But I saw the movie and it was kinda creepy in a way. Maybe it's just me. But I haven't read the book, I just read a shortened version of it...

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

(i read the book not the shortened version so amazing)

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

"Conversation's with God" was pretty AMAZING when I first read it. I think the best books are when they answer a particular problem you need an answer to and it just serendipitously (is that spelled right) appears in that book.

If that makes sense.

message 43: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
yes, can be

message 44: by Jake (new)

Jake | 158 comments I completely understand what your saying Jared.

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeah that does make sense. Also, coincidentally(i think i spelled that wrong) I think my mom is reading that.

message 46: by Halley, The Giggly One (last edited May 10, 2009 07:34PM) (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
Okay, I want to add this book.
The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ
I think this book is cool. :D

message 47: by [deleted user] (last edited May 20, 2009 10:53AM) (new)

Good One! Hi I am Meghan I will add Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

The Candy Shop War

message 48: by Leonie, The European One (new)

Leonie | 516 comments Mod
hi Meghan! Candy Shop war... funny name! :D

message 49: by Halley, The Giggly One (new)

Halley (jacketgirl) | 1164 comments Mod
I love those books!!
Did you know that the candy shop war is going to have a movie for the candy shop war. Have you met Brandon Mull? He's really nice.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

A Candy Shop War Movie would be awesome! I have met Brandon Mull He did a book signing for the 4th book when it came out. He is really nice Hey you guys should join the Brandon Mull Lovers Group! We need more people to make it active again. Here is the link:

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