Harry Potter discussion

James Potter > James Potter (series...)

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message 1: by Novin (new)

Novin Has anyone heard of or read the books James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing andJames Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper? I found them today & The reviews ain't bad, the books-as it can be understood from the title- are about Harry's son, James at Hogwarts.They can't be compared to the HP series, but I've heard that they're worth reading,so i'm planning to read them, if you have read them, plz tell me what you think of the books.

message 2: by Giuila (new)

Giuila (fanpire) | 5 comments yeah, they're REAL good! They're different from HP, but they give insight on what happens after book 7.. plus, they've been approved by JKR herself, so they can't be bad :)
read them, they're worth it.. tho it's a bit tyring, cuz they're only findable online.. :)

message 3: by Paige (new)

Paige | 203 comments who wrote them?

message 4: by Giuila (last edited Jun 08, 2009 07:50AM) (new)

Giuila (fanpire) | 5 comments he's called Norman G. Lippert.. if u go on the forum u can call him Geo.. He's really nice.. and the stories r good!!

message 5: by Paige (new)

Paige | 203 comments oh cool! can i only read the books on the computer? or can i order them on the computer to read in book form?

message 6: by Giuila (new)

Giuila (fanpire) | 5 comments nope. they're e-books, so type into the html thingy "www.elderscrossing.com/wizard.html" once u get to the page there should be a clip with HP turning into JP, and then u click under that, where there is a thingy which says "The Hall Is Open" on the flag of whatever lsnguage u want (french and Italian r coming up)..
for JP and the curse of the gatekeeper click on the link to the short stories... once there (and read them, cuz they're good 2) click on the side list, where it says JP and the curse of the gatekeeper..



message 7: by Angie (new)

Angie | 6 comments So far, I'm really enjoying these. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the second book. I also really, REALLY, liked the short story A Founders Christmas.

I hope there's a 3rd book.

message 8: by Paige (new)

Paige | 203 comments ok thanksss! :)

message 9: by Lorna (new)

Lorna Hm...I'm sceptical. If they arn't by Rowling, I'm not sure I'll read them...

message 10: by Angie (new)

Angie | 6 comments They're definately worth a read. They're not typical fan fiction - they are independent adventure stories. You see some familiar faces pop up, but the stories themselves focus on James and his buddies.

message 11: by Lorna (last edited Jun 15, 2009 06:24AM) (new)

Lorna Haha I LOVE your photo! Is it a cause? Because I'd def join :).

I'll probably give them a go. But if they spoil my Harry Potter...gr...

message 12: by Angie (new)

Angie | 6 comments lol. No, It's just a random icon I piced up years ago.

I don't think they'll spoil Harry.

message 13: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Nikka (hannahashworth) Angie, I LOVE your photo! Hiro Nakamura, right?!

I might read the series, I'm just "scared" that I will neglect them just because their not by Rowling.

message 14: by Angie (new)

Angie | 6 comments Thanks. Yea, that's Hiro. I thought it was pretty funny back when Heroes was new.

Once you start reading the books, the old Harry ferver takes over. I had to force myself to stop reading at times.

message 15: by Aneri (new)

Aneri | 186 comments when are these books coming out?

message 16: by Novin (new)

Novin As a matter of fact, never! :D
They're e-books. You can find the download links here on Goodreads, on their pages. the download links on GR---> |+| , |+|
Or you can download them here, and here

message 17: by Aneri (new)

Aneri | 186 comments lol, thanks Novin! :)

message 18: by Novin (new)

Novin You're welcome! :-)

message 19: by Cielo (new)

Cielo (cielo19) I'm going to start reading them today, i know i'm a little late, but i plan to be done soon, so i can jion the disscusion. This is going to be fun!

message 20: by Jen (new)

Jen | 1 comments I cannot believe I have never heard of these before. I'm going to go check them out and see what I think. I'm a huge fan of the Marauder era and am really excited to see what these books are all about. You said there were familiar characters in there, like who?

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Almost all the original ones

message 22: by Mounica (new)

Mounica | 20 comments Basically everyone who survived after the Deathly Hallows. ._.

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)


message 24: by RinaKat (new)

If they are making one about James, they just have to make one about Albus Severus. I want to see if he says not Slytherin and gets Gryffindor, like Harry. He was told that anyway.

message 25: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited Aug 09, 2009 07:18AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Jen, it's about the James that is Harry's son, not about Harry's father. The first book starts when James Sirius Potter starts Hogwarts. In book two, his younger brother Albus Severus Potter joins him as he starts Hogwarts. On the author's website however is a short Maurauder's Christmas Story.

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

ummmmm, well, the 2nd book is still about James but it has a lot of Albus in there too

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) James is and will continue to be the main character as his name is the one on the front cover, but other characters and family members do show up in the book, some with more frequency than others.

message 28: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments They should make oe with Albus's point of view!!

message 29: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited Aug 18, 2009 06:49AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Albus starts school in the second book, but the series will continue to have James as the main character just as the original series had Harry as the main character throughout the series. Albus does show up quite a bit in book 2. I'm assuming eventually we'll see lil sis Lily start Hogwarts as well later.

message 30: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments I want to see James's point of view on his second year, It is more Harry's point of view at the end of the Deathly Hallows. Also, I don't think it will be as good as the Harry Potter series; J.K. Rowling didn't make them!

message 31: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited Aug 21, 2009 06:32AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) JKR didn't write the James Potter series, but that doesn't mean the stories aren't good. They are VERY good. She left a wonderful legacy that was ripe for more stories and G. Norman Lippert did a wonderful job creating a story within that magical world.

Why not read the James Potter books first Looney before making any assumptions on wether they are good or not.

message 32: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments I am planning on reading them!!!

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Good. Start soon as book 3 is due out Dec 1st (to be released a chapter a day).

message 34: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments OK. ummm... sorry about that. He probably does do a good job, but I think it won't be as good as J.K. Rowling... (just a guess.)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Looney, once I got into the books, I forgot Ms Rowling wasn't writing them. They are that good. And he did a good job trying to recreate her writing style, while coming up with an original plot. They really are good.

message 36: by RinaKat (last edited Aug 21, 2009 03:45PM) (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments ok...I am looking for them. (I have the website address.)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Let us know what you think after reading them.

message 38: by Sarah ∞ (new)

Sarah ∞ (stargalgirl) | 559 comments Ok ummm I have it downloaded, but i haven't read them yet. But please tell me, is it about James Potter Harry's Dad. Or James Potter the 2nd, Harry's son?

message 39: by Sarah ∞ (new)

Sarah ∞ (stargalgirl) | 559 comments You do have a VERY good point Looney, NO ONE! Can write a better HP story than JKR!

message 40: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited Aug 22, 2009 08:57AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Harry's son as he's old enough to start Hogwarts. The younger son, Albus, starts Hogwarts in book 2.

message 41: by Sarah ∞ (new)

Sarah ∞ (stargalgirl) | 559 comments Ahhhh, Tht's cool.... But i still wish it was about James, Lupin, Sirius, and Remus!

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Go to the author's website and check out his other christmas stories and then read The Marauder's Christmas. That's got the old gang in it you're looking for. (It's only 12 pages)

message 43: by Sarah ∞ (new)

Sarah ∞ (stargalgirl) | 559 comments Omg! Thank you!

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) You're welcome. There is also a Founder's Christmas story and Petra's christmas story (which takes place during the holidays during book 2).

message 45: by Sarah ∞ (new)

Sarah ∞ (stargalgirl) | 559 comments awesome!

message 46: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments I am reading it now, better than I expected, but could be better. I keep picturing James with a scar.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Does it glow green? ;)

message 48: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments nooooo.....Is it supposed too? (lol)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Wait for book 2.... ;)

message 50: by RinaKat (new)

RinaKat | 480 comments woah....then Harry's scar glows green in book two of James Potter? It never glowed before...

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