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Dead Discussions > List of Rereadables

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message 1: by J.D. (last edited Jul 08, 2009 03:08PM) (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Rereadable is when a book is so good that the reader would re-read it!

It is rare for an author to achieve "rereadable" status. We all want to know which books you would gift with this title.

I figured we should all jointly create a list of the books/series we consider "rereadable". Add to my list(copy/paste then add yours")!

1. BCU series -Kay Hooper
2. Vampire Acadmey series-Richelle Mead
3. Banned and the Banished series-James Clemens
4. Secret Circle series-L.J. Smith
5. Desperate Duchesses series-Eloisa James
6. Green Rider series-Kristen Britain
7. Immortals series-Tamora Pierce
8. The Secret Garden-Burnett
9. Little Women-Scott
10. Island of the Blue Dolphins-O'Dell
11. Duke Most Wanted-Bradley
12. Silver Flame-Johnson
13. To Pleasure a Prince-Jeffries

message 2: by Chasidy (new)

Chasidy 1. BCU series -Kay Hooper
2. Vampire Acadmey series-Richelle Mead
3. Banned and the Banished series-James Clemens
4. Secret Circle series-L.J. Smith
5. Desperate Duchesses series-Eloisa James
6. Green Rider series-Kristen Britain
7. Immortals series-Tamora Pierce
8. The Secret Garden-Burnett
9. Little Women-Scott
10. Island of the Blue Dolphins-O'Dell
11. Duke Most Wanted-Bradley
12. Silver Flame-Johnson
13. To Pleasure a Prince-Jeffries
14. Dark Huntress series- Jeaniene Frost

message 3: by LaTrica (last edited Jul 08, 2009 05:02PM) (new)

LaTrica 1. BCU series -Kay Hooper
2. Vampire Acadmey series-Richelle Mead
3. Banned and the Banished series-James Clemens
4. Secret Circle series-L.J. Smith
5. Desperate Duchesses series-Eloisa James
6. Green Rider series-Kristen Britain
7. Immortals series-Tamora Pierce
8. The Secret Garden-Burnett
9. Little Women-Scott
10. Island of the Blue Dolphins-O'Dell
11. Duke Most Wanted-Bradley
12. Silver Flame-Johnson
13. To Pleasure a Prince-Jeffries
14. Dark Huntress series- Jeaniene Frost
15. The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker
16. The Innocents Abroad or, The New Pilgrims' Progress by Mark Twain
17. Annette Blair Rogues Trilogy
18. Cordelia's Honor by Bujold
19. One Night With a Prince by Jefferies
20. Dreaming of You by Kleypas
21. Eddings David Belgariad series
22. The Barbed Coil by J. V. Jones
23. The Eye of the Hunter by McKieran
24. Thomas the Rhymer by Kushner
25. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

message 4: by Lisa (last edited Jul 09, 2009 07:08AM) (new)

Lisa | 617 comments East of Eden
Definitely one to reread more than once. I've just started on my second time through and, since I know the plotline, I am able to pay attention to each word, which has definitely started to enhance the book.
Harry Potter Boxset Books 1-7
Definitely a series that I would like to go through again. I think knowing the ending I could get a lot more from little things JK Rowling put in the series.
I also have to add The Great Gatsby and To Kill a Mockingbird
I believe I read To Kill a Mockingbird at the wrong age and would definitely benefit from reading it now and The Great Gatsby I don't believe I read well and should give it a second chance. Probably should add The Grapes of Wrath to that part of the list as well since I loved East of Eden so much, but that one I found very boring, but we'll see.

message 5: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 617 comments Sorry I keep forgetting the copy and paste part of things. For my reasons see above post.

1. BCU series -Kay Hooper
2. Vampire Acadmey series-Richelle Mead
3. Banned and the Banished series-James Clemens
4. Secret Circle series-L.J. Smith
5. Desperate Duchesses series-Eloisa James
6. Green Rider series-Kristen Britain
7. Immortals series-Tamora Pierce
8. The Secret Garden-Burnett
9. Little Women-Alcott
10. Island of the Blue Dolphins-O'Dell
11. Duke Most Wanted-Bradley
12. Silver Flame-Johnson
13. To Pleasure a Prince-Jeffries
14. Dark Huntress series- Jeaniene Frost
15. The Anvil of the World by Kage Baker
16. The Innocents Abroad or, The New Pilgrims' Progress by Mark Twain
17. Annette Blair Rogues Trilogy
18. Cordelia's Honor by Bujold
19. One Night With a Prince by Jefferies
20. Dreaming of You by Kleypas
21. Eddings David Belgariad series
22. The Barbed Coil by J. V. Jones
23. The Eye of the Hunter by McKieran
24. Thomas the Rhymer by Kushner
25. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
26. East of Eden
27. Harry Potter Boxset Books 1-7
28. To Kill a Mockingbird
29. The Great Gatsby
30. The Grapes of Wrath

message 6: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Lisa Anne wrote: "Sorry I keep forgetting the copy and paste part of things. For my reasons see above post.

1. BCU series -Kay Hooper
2. Vampire Acadmey series-Richelle Mead
3. Banned and the Banished series-J..."

It's okay Lisa. LOL I sometimes forget to copy/paste in other groups...

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