Aussie Readers discussion

Archives > September Challenge - Australian Fiction

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message 1: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
For September we are going to read (and support) our Aussie authors for the whole month!

 photo Australian Authors_zpsza2qr8qj.png

To qualify you need to read at least three (3) books by Australian authors from the following genres - and only ONE PER GENRE

Young Adult

When you have chosen your books, list AND LINK your choices here in the thread:)

Some links to help you choose!

Best Australian YA Books
Historical Fiction: Australia
Australian Crime Fiction
Best Australian Fantasy Reads
Books by Australian Authors

Don't forget the new challenge guidelines here

 photo Aussie books4_zpsixr1spze.jpg

Relax in our first month of Spring and enjoy a great range of Aussie talent!

message 2: by Sally906 (last edited Sep 20, 2015 02:21AM) (new)

Sally906 | 22 comments Woo hoo

I'll be in it! Historical, YA and Contemporary.

I am going to be reading:
Young Adult – Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan
Historical – Palace of Tears by Julian Leatherdale Palace of Tears by Julian Leatherdale
Contemporary - The Rosie Effect (Don Tillman, #2) by Graeme Simsion The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

message 3: by MaryG2E (new)

MaryG2E (goodreadscommaryg2e) | 934 comments Nice concept, dear Mods. I'm absolutely up for this challenge. Actual titles to be advised later but my three, which are some of my favourite genres are:
Historical fiction

Great to read and support our Aussie authors, and read stories that relate to our setting, our culture.

message 4: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
I love the idea of this one too Mary! We should slot more of our Aussie authors into our challenges:)

And I'm definitely in!!

message 5: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 22 comments I think you do a good job incorporating Aussie only authors in all of our challenges Brenda.

message 6: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Sally906 wrote: "I think you do a good job incorporating Aussie only authors in all of our challenges Brenda."

Thanks Sally:) But it's "we" isn't it;) lol

message 7: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Sep 07, 2015 01:07AM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
My list:

1. Young Adult - Star Promise (Wishes, #5) by G.J. Walker-Smith Star Promise by G.J. Walker-Smith 5s

2. Historical - Patrick's Journey by Roy T. Humphreys Patrick's Journey by Roy T. Humphreys 4.5s

3. Crime/Mystery/Suspense/Thriller - Crucifixion Creek (Belltree Trilogy #1) by Barry Maitland Crucifixion Creek by Barry Maitland 5s

4. Fantasy/SciFi - Timesplash (Timesplash, #1) by Graham Storrs Timesplash by Graham Storrs 3.5s

5. Contemporary - The Patterson Girls by Rachael Johns The Patterson Girls by Rachael Johns 4s
Subject to change as usual:)

message 8: by Jülie ☼♄  (last edited Oct 01, 2015 01:08AM) (new)

Jülie ☼♄  (jlie) | 6556 comments Can't refuse...this is right up my alley!

September Challenge

Young Adult --> Golden Boy by Abigail Tarttelin 5★s
Historical --> Salt Creek by Lucy Treloar 5★s
Crime/Suspense/Mystery/Thriller --> Deadly Messengers by Susan May 4★s
Fantasy/SciFi --> Nine letters long by J.C. Burke 4★s
Contemporary --> Leap by Myfanwy Jones 4★s

Golden Boy by Abigail Tarttelin Salt Creek by Lucy Treloar Deadly Messengers by Susan May Nine letters long by J.C. Burke Leap by Myfanwy Jones

message 9: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Good to hear Jools:)

message 10: by Tracy (last edited Aug 19, 2015 11:46PM) (new)

Tracy Historical Fiction: Port of No Return

Crime: Double Exposure

Fantasy: Blaze of Glory

(And I'll try and meet my writing dealine too! And a backlog of review books Madness! I LOVE it!)

message 11: by Sharon (new)

message 12: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Terrific choices Tracy and Sharon! Some authors I haven't heard of as well Tracy!

message 13: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn | 3569 comments I need to decide on mine, but am enjoying reading everyone else's choices!

message 14: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Yes there are certainly some good picks Kathryn!

message 15: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments I think I can mange this one. I have quite a few Aussie authors of various genres to choose from. Will have a look and post them here shortly. Thanks Brenda and Mods for keeping us challenged. :)

message 16: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
You're welcome Elaine:) Thrilled you are joining us in this one!

message 17: by Noelene (last edited Sep 23, 2015 10:20PM) (new)

Noelene | 364 comments I think I can manage to do three
Contemporary Last Chance Cafe 4 stars
Historical All That I Am
Crime Suspense The Natural Way of Things5 stars
Titles advised later. Depends if particular books arrive in time.
Have added fantasy Troll Mountain 4 star read

message 18: by Carol - Reading Writing and Riesling (last edited Sep 30, 2015 08:24AM) (new)

Carol -  Reading Writing and Riesling | 40 comments My choices
Contemporary -The Life of I: Updated Edition: The New Culture of Narcissism READING

Crime Fiction Crucifixion Creek READ - BRILLIANT 5*

Crime FictionPlease Don't Leave Me Here Read 3.5-4*

YA Graffiti Moon READ 5* Will make you smile

Fantasy/sci fi Clade READ 4* - Melancholy...with a dash of optimism

Contemporary Leap Read 4*

message 19: by Carolyn (last edited Aug 20, 2015 04:42AM) (new)

Carolyn | 9452 comments This one should be easy Brenda!
Here are my choices:

Young Adult: The Heir by Lynne Stringer
Historical: Bereft by Chris Womersley
Crime /Suspense/Mystery/Thriller: Promise by Tony Cavanaugh
Fantasy/SciFi: The Witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsyth
Contemporary: Addition by Toni Jordan

message 20: by Kira (new)

Kira (kirajessup) | 234 comments I'm in. Catching up on my Aussie author challenge for this one too. Thanks Brenda :)

message 21: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
You're welcome:)

message 22: by Georgia (last edited Aug 20, 2015 04:44AM) (new)

Georgia | 3 comments I'm going to read:
Young adult
Long Days in Paradise
Season of Shadow and Light

Sorry about the book change but again Thank you phrynne and Brenda for enlightening me that First World is not contemporary:)


message 23: by Phrynne, Series Queen! (new)

Phrynne | 14667 comments Mod
Nice books Georgia but is First World contemporary?

message 24: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Georgia wrote: "I'm going to read:
Young adult
Long Days in Paradise
First World


More Aussie authors I haven't heard of before Georgia! Well done:)

message 25: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Georgia wrote: "I'm going to read:
Young adult
Long Days in Paradise
First World


Actually Phrynne is right Georgia - that one is Paranormal/Fantasy. You can still read that one, but you'll need to choose another for Contemporary:)

message 26: by Bianca (new)

Bianca | 113 comments Hi. Thanks for the invite. Here are my choices:
YA: Cloudwish Cloudwish by Fiona Wood
Contemporary: In the Quiet by Eliza Henry-Jones In the Quiet
Mystery: The Husband's Secret or Big Little Lies - depending on which one I can borrow.

message 27: by Rosie (last edited Aug 31, 2015 03:19AM) (new)

Rosie | 292 comments I am in.

I will do

Young Adult Lirael

Historical Bitter Greens

Crime/Suspense/Mystery/Thriller would Bronwyn Parry be ok?

As Darkness Falls

message 28: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Yes Bronwyn Parry is perfect Rosie:)

message 29: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Aug 20, 2015 03:16AM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Bianca wrote: "Hi. Thanks for the invite. Here are my choices:
YA: CloudwishCloudwish by Fiona Wood
Contemporary: In the Quiet by Eliza Henry-JonesIn the Quiet
Mystery: ..."

Great choices Bianca...I want to read In the Quiet too so I'll be interested in your thoughts!

message 30: by Bianca (last edited Aug 20, 2015 03:18AM) (new)

Bianca | 113 comments I got In the Quiet and Cloudwish on NetGalley, so I have to read them. So this challenge fits in well with my huge NG shelf. :-)

message 31: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Oh well done!!

message 32: by Anna (last edited Aug 20, 2015 04:04AM) (new)

Anna | 477 comments Young Adult
Tomorrows Child by Starr West Tomorrows Child by Starr West

South of Darkness by John Marsden South of Darkness by John Marsden

Crime /Suspense/Mystery/Thriller
KILLING JODIE by Janet Fife-Yeomans KILLING JODIE by Janet Fife-Yeomans

Contest by Matthew Reilly Contest by Matthew Reilly

Behind the Scenes by Kathryn White Behind the Scenes by Kathryn White

message 33: by Anna (new)

Anna | 477 comments what counts as contemporary?

message 34: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Just a quick query for you Mods. Does non-fiction count as a genre? I have a book in mind that's Australian history/nonfiction.

message 35: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Anna wrote: "what counts as contemporary?"

Contemporary literature is literature with its setting generally after World War II. And is not another genre - Fantasy, Romance etc...

message 36: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "Just a quick query for you Mods. Does non-fiction count as a genre? I have a book in mind that's Australian history/nonfiction."

No this challenge is for Australian Fiction Elaine...sorry:)

message 37: by Anna (new)

Anna | 477 comments so would either
Finding Home or Behind the Scenes work?

message 38: by Phrynne, Series Queen! (last edited Sep 21, 2015 03:03AM) (new)

Phrynne | 14667 comments Mod
Here are my choices.

1. YA. A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty ✓ 4 stars
2. HF. The Diggers Rest Hotel by Geoffrey McGeachin ✓ 4 stars
3. Crime. Assassin by Tara Moss ✓ 3 stars
4. Fantasy. Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn ✓ 3 stars
5. Contemporary The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty ✓ 4 stars

A Corner of White (The Colours of Madeleine, #1) by Jaclyn Moriarty The Diggers Rest Hotel (Charlie Berlin, #1) by Geoffrey McGeachin Assassin (Makedde Vanderwall, #6) by Tara Moss Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, #1) by Lian Hearn The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty

message 39: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments No worries....thanks Brenda.

message 40: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Anna wrote: "so would either
Finding Home or Behind the Scenes work?"

Yes they would both work Anna:)

message 41: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Phrynne wrote: "Here are my choices.

1. YA. A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty
2. HF. The Diggers Rest Hotel by Geoffrey McGeachin
3. Crime. ..."

Good picks Phrynne!

message 42: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "No worries....thanks Brenda."

You're welcome:)

message 43: by Anna (new)

Anna | 477 comments Brenda wrote: "Anna wrote: "so would either
Finding Home or Behind the Scenes work?"

Yes they would both work Anna:)"

cool thanks :)

message 44: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments My choices....not set in concrete of course!!

Young Adult: Looking for Alibrandi Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta by Melina Marchetta.

Contemporary: Addition Addition by Toni Jordan by Toni Jordan.

Mystery/Thriller: The Lost Swimmer The Lost Swimmer by Ann Turner by Ann Turner.

message 45: by Anna (new)

Anna | 477 comments mine are done :)

message 46: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Ooh I like your choices Elaine!

And yours Anna:)

message 47: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Brenda wrote: "Ooh I like your choices Elaine!

And yours Anna:)"

Thanks Brenda. This was a very timely challenge. Nat and I were talking about Looking for Alibrandi at work today. She was saying I should absolutely read it and I said I would if it fitted into a challenge and here it is!!!

message 48: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
LOL! There you go then:) I thought I had read it but it was On the Jellicoe Road...

message 49: by Georgia (new)

Georgia | 3 comments Brenda wrote: "Georgia wrote: "I'm going to read:
Young adult
Long Days in Paradise
First World


Actually Phrynne is right Geo..."

Yes thank you for enlightening me on. My brain didn't click. I will get back to everyone on a different book.

Jülie ☼♄  (jlie) | 6556 comments Elaine wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Ooh I like your choices Elaine!

And yours Anna:)"

Thanks Brenda. This was a very timely challenge. Nat and I were talking about Looking for Alibrandi at work today. Sh..."

It's a great choice Elaine, I just read it recently and loved it.

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