The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion


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message 1: by Cynthia (last edited Aug 16, 2009 08:57PM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments If you have a question or need clarification about a task for this particular challenge please post it here.

message 2: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 137 comments 10.10 - The Cat's Meow:

Are we talking housecats? Or lions, tigers, etc.?

message 3: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Sam wrote: "10.10 - The Cat's Meow:

Are we talking housecats? Or lions, tigers, etc.?"
For the book cover option a picture of any kind of cat pet or wild is fine.

message 4: by Leslie (new)

Leslie (lesliecs) | 51 comments For Let's Get Physical, does it have to be an audio book? I read on the elliptical at the gym, could that count?

message 5: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Leslie wrote: "For Let's Get Physical, does it have to be an audio book? I read on the elliptical at the gym, could that count?"If you can do it with a regular book that's fine too...I just was thinking audio would be more practical.

message 6: by Potjy (new)

Potjy | 50 comments For the adoption task, that fact might be a crucial point in a novel. So stating the book title in the thread can be a spoiler. If that is the case, can personal message to you be an option?

And I just want to inform you that you made me cry with the River Phoenix task. *sobs*

p.s. but you're übercreative as usual!

message 7: by Sara ♥ (last edited Aug 17, 2009 12:25AM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments 5.1 Children: Can we use "baby"?

10.3 Collection of children's stories: Can I just read a juvenile fiction book? I was thinking Alice in Wonderland or Are You There God? It's Me Margaret

15.9 "Home" or "work": Can I read a book with "homes" in the title?

message 8: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie | 110 comments 5.6 Halloween Adjective: Do "fatal" or "mad" (as in crazy) count?

10.7 Heroes/Superheroes: Can we apply "hero/heroine" to anyone who saves the kingdom, rescues the princess, etc. I'm thinking of fantasy books...often the characters turn into heroes by the end (at least, I think of them as heroes).

message 9: by Nicki (last edited Aug 17, 2009 01:38AM) (new)

Nicki (luluminstrel) | 279 comments Quick question - for the maths task should we use our proper name if the number of letters is different (e.g. Nicola instead of Nicki)?

And can I just say hooray for the cat task! I've been saving the perfect book in hope :D

message 10: by Sara ♥ (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments My problem with the cat task is that I have like 5 books on my TBR list with cats on the cover! How am I supposed to pick?

message 11: by Potjy (new)

Potjy | 50 comments Donna Jo, a question please!

I've mention this in the Help folder, but think I should repost here too, to be sure everyone will come across it.

For "related by marriage", are the in-laws counted? I'm thinking about Nick Hornby and Robert Harris. Harris is married to Hornby's sister.

(Just a personal musing: I'm a little taken aback every time I see Hornby's photo, I always think of him as Hugh Grant in About a Boy. Curious, why not Colin Firth in Fever Pitch or John Cusack in High Fidelity.)

message 12: by Sara ♥ (last edited Aug 17, 2009 01:37AM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments Ooohh... I read Pompeii by Robert Harris for the Spring Challenge (or was it last Winter?). So good! I definitely wouldn't mind reading another of his books!

message 13: by Sam (last edited Aug 17, 2009 05:48AM) (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 137 comments More questions:

Would Dorothy Gale be considered "adopted" since her parents are dead and she lives with Uncle and Aunt?

I'm assuming "Satanic" would be a good Halloween adjective, no?

For the Geography task, does the book have to be completely set in the country? As in "All the Pretty Horses," which is partly set in Mexico (the first part of the narrative, as I understand it, is about traveling to Mexico).

message 14: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Sam wrote: "More questions:

Would Dorothy Gale be considered "adopted" since her parents are dead and she lives with Uncle and Aunt?

I'm assuming "Satanic" would be a good Halloween adjective, no?

For the G..."
Unless the book specifically states they adopted her no, Satanic is ok, and if the majority of the book takes place in the country it's fine

Nicki wrote: "Quick question - for the maths task should we use our proper name if the number of letters is different (e.g. Nicola instead of Nicki)?

And can I just say hooray for the cat task! I've been savi..."
You should use your legal name for that task

Bonnie wrote: "5.6 Halloween Adjective: Do "fatal" or "mad" (as in crazy) count?

10.7 Heroes/Superheroes: Can we apply "hero/heroine" to anyone who saves the kingdom, rescues the princess, etc. I'm thinking of..."
Yes to both of your inquiries

Sara wrote: "5.1 Children: Can we use "baby"?

10.3 Collection of children's stories: Can I just read a juvenile fiction book? I was thinking Alice in Wonderland or Are You There God? It's Me Margaret

15.9 "H..."
For 5.1 I don't want to go down the baby/toddler/teen route so I'd like to stick to the ones already listed. And no I don't want a Juvenile Fiction book for the Berenstain task. But homes is acceptable.

Potjy wrote: "For the adoption task, that fact might be a crucial point in a novel. So stating the book title in the thread can be a spoiler. If that is the case, can personal message to you be an option?

And I..."
I would just put a spoiler line at the top of the post.

message 15: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 137 comments By children's books, then, you mean something like Dr. Seuss (i.e., reading books of his that add up to 100 pages)?

message 16: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Sam wrote: "By children's books, then, you mean something like Dr. Seuss (i.e., reading books of his that add up to 100 pages)?"Yes that's what I meant

message 17: by Dionisia (last edited Aug 17, 2009 07:31AM) (new)

Dionisia (therabidreader) | 329 comments Would The Clan of the Cave Bear or The Graveyard Book work for task #5.4?

message 18: by Sam (new)

Sam (archieleach9) | 137 comments Dionisia wrote: "Would The Clan of the Cave Bear or The Graveyard Book work for task #5.4? "

It doesn't seem like either of those would work since she told me it had to be formal adoption.

(BTW, I checked on Dorothy Gale for anyone interested...Baum writes that she is an "orphan," but the word adoption is never used...he uses the euphemism "went to live with.")

message 19: by Jennifer (last edited Aug 17, 2009 08:21AM) (new)

Jennifer  (jml_417) For task 25.4 - Candace's Task - does a TV movie count?

And, for task 15.4 - Science vs. Science Fiction - does the non-fiction/fiction book have to relate to the fiction/non-fiction film in terms of subject matter, or can they be about totally unrelated science subjects?

message 20: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Jennifer L. wrote: "For task 25.4 - Candace's Task - does a TV movie count?

And, for task 15.4 - Science vs. Science Fiction - does the non-fiction/fiction book have to relate to the fiction/non-fiction film in t..."
I would think tv movie would be okay (but check with her) and they don't have to relate in subject matter

message 21: by Liz M (last edited Aug 17, 2009 09:16AM) (new)

Liz M Roseann: what qualifies as a "Book That Is Somehow Related To Your Current Profession"? For example, in a fair number of 18th/19th century novels, there are important scenes involving social intrigue that take place at the opera. I work for an opera company. Is this close enough? Or does the book have to be primarily about opera?

message 22: by Katie ATX (new)

Katie ATX (katieatx) 5.3 Will The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway work? He doesn't really travel, but the story does take place on the sea as he is a fisherman...

message 23: by Meranda (new)

Meranda (msl87) For task 5.5 can it be a book that we were supposed to read in high school, but never did? I know we all have one or two of those!

message 24: by Cynthia (last edited Aug 17, 2009 09:28AM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Mandy wrote: "For task 5.5 can it be a book that we were supposed to read in high school, but never did? I know we all have one or two of those!"I was specifically looking for a re-read for that task but it doesn't have to be from high school it could be from any point in your schooling.

Katie wrote: "5.3 Will The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway work? He doesn't really travel, but the story does take place on the sea as he is a fisherman..."If the character spends a great deal of the book at sea vs. on land then ok.

message 25: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 680 comments For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?

message 26: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Patricia wrote: "For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?"Actually I don't think there is (I didn't think about that) so in that case you could use your middle initial

message 27: by Bridgit (new)

Bridgit | 505 comments Patricia wrote: "For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?"

maybe Wales could count? or a pre-wall falling Western Germany?

message 28: by Julia (new)

Julia (bambbles) | 114 comments For the 15.5 task, does it have to take place in the modern day country? For example, my last name starts with T. If I chose Turkey, could I do a book that takes place in Constantinople? Or during the Ottoman empire or something?

Same take but totally unrelated to the above. Would Tibet or Taiwan work for countries even though technically they are part of China?

Thanks Cynthia!

message 29: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 680 comments Cynthia wrote: "Patricia wrote: "For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?"Actually I don't think ther..."

Ha! I had to google that one to make sure I wasn't missing something (and to doublecheck Wales). Thanks for the feedback Cynthia & Bridgit! I'll go with my middle name.

message 30: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrisa-uk) | 222 comments Patricia wrote: "For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?"

The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies is set in Wales and is supposed to be very good! (I haven't read it yet, but it is on the TBR mountain ...)

message 31: by Patricia (new)

Patricia | 680 comments SuzieR wrote: "Patricia wrote: "For task 15.5 (Geography Lessons - Read Two Books That Take Place Countries That Correspond To Your Initials), is there a country which starts with a W?"

[book:The Welsh Girl|1377..."

Thanks for the recommendation! It does look interesting. Officially added to my own TBR mountain. : )

message 32: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Julia wrote: "For the 15.5 task, does it have to take place in the modern day country? For example, my last name starts with T. If I chose Turkey, could I do a book that takes place in Constantinople? Or during ..."It should be that country at the time the book is set so no to the first part but yes Tibet and Taiwan would be fine

message 33: by Jaclyn (new)

Jaclyn (jaclynr0806) | 22 comments I just found this website that people might find helpful when looking for countries that match their initials:

message 34: by Terri (new)

Terri (terrisa-uk) | 222 comments A couple of questions Cynthia!

5.9 Would Ferneyby James Long work for this? I'm assuming he's a main character as the book is named after him, and on the back he is described as 'elderly'

15.7 Would Moods of Future Joysby Alastair Humphreys work? It's non-fiction, about his cycling trip around the world, but I'm not sure if this is 'sporting' enough as there's no competetive element?

15.10 I would like to read The American Boyby Andrew Taylor for the 'teacher' part and Never Let Me Gofor the 'student' part ... do they work?

That's it for now .... sorry to ask you to ok specific books!

message 35: by Angela (new)

Angela | 812 comments For the sea task, could it be any body of water like the ocean?

message 36: by Cait (last edited Aug 17, 2009 03:34PM) (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments Hi Cynthia, the challenge looks fantastic! A few questions:

Would Time's Arrow work for the Daylight Savings task?

Would A Theory of Relativity work for the adoption task?

For the profession task, would I just read a book where the main character is a homemaker/stay at home mom? That's my current job. :o)

Last but not least, would Dark or Fearful work for the Halloween adjective task?

Thank you!

Jamie (The Perpetual Page-Turner) (perpetualpageturner) | 306 comments Would "wicked" work for the Halloween adjective?

message 38: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments Oops, one more.

For the subtraction task, can we count the words " a novel" in the title if that is the way it appears on GR?

message 39: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Cait wrote: "Oops, one more.

For the subtraction task, can we count the words " a novel" in the title if that is the way it appears on GR?"
No a novel should be excluded from the count but subtitles would count

Jamie wrote: "Would "wicked" work for the Halloween adjective?"Wicked is fine

Cait wrote: "Hi Cynthia, the challenge looks fantastic! A few questions:

Would Time's Arrow work for the Daylight Savings task?

Would A Theory of Relativity work for the adoption ta..."
Time's Arrow - Not really what I'm looking for, A Theory of Relativity is fine, Yes a book about stay at home mom would work, Yes dark/fearful are fine

Angela wrote: "For the sea task, could it be any body of water like the ocean? "Yes if they travel by any type of body of water (river, sea, ocean) it's ok

SuzieR wrote: "A couple of questions Cynthia!

5.9 Would Ferneyby James Long work for this? I'm assuming he's a main character as the book is named after him, and on the back he is described as 'el..."
Ferney is fine, Moods of Future Joy is fine then you would need to either watch a cycling event or go cycling,The American Boy works but Never Let Me Go doesn't because the character should be a student at the time the story takes place not reflecting on the past.

message 40: by Wendy (new)

Wendy | 583 comments Cynthia wrote: "Mandy wrote: "For task 5.5 can it be a book that we were supposed to read in high school, but never did? I know we all have one or two of those!"I was specifically looking for a re-read for that ta..."

OMG he spends forever on sea!!!!!!!!

message 41: by Nicole (new)

Nicole  | 116 comments Cynthia, can I use One Thousand White Women The Journals of May Dodd for the Native American task? Thanks!

message 42: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (amandaroby) | 29 comments Two questions (and many advance thanks):

For 15.4 - Can it be a book on behavioral science, ie something by Malcolm Gladwell?

For 25.1 - Does homemaker/housewife count as a job? I so think it does, but I want to double-check. I plan on using The Family Manager, by Kathy Peel for this, since it's about how to manage a home.

Amanda R. in Louisville

message 43: by Petra (new)

Petra Cynthia, for Task 5.3, would Shadow Divers be acceptable? It takes place "in" the sea, I think, as opposed to "at sea". Thanks!

message 44: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Petra wrote: "Cynthia, for Task 5.3, would Shadow Divers be acceptable? It takes place "in" the sea, I think, as opposed to "at sea". Thanks!"Not really what I was thinking of when I decided on the task - I was thinking more of characters making a journey across the ocean (like Columbus) but I'll take it

Amanda wrote: "Two questions (and many advance thanks):

For 15.4 - Can it be a book on behavioral science, ie something by Malcolm Gladwell?

For 25.1 - Does homemaker/housewife count as a job? I so think it doe..."
Behavioral science is fine, and yes homemaker is fine

Nicole NC wrote: "Cynthia, can I use One Thousand White Women The Journals of May Dodd for the Native American task? Thanks!"There are quite a few Native Americans in that book so yes it would work - an interesting book I hope you enjoy it - if you do pick that

message 45: by Dionisia (new)

Dionisia (therabidreader) | 329 comments Would The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet work for task #15.9?

message 46: by Nicki (new)

Nicki (luluminstrel) | 279 comments A sudden thought - for the Arts task could I read The Quilter's Apprentice and then do some quilting?

message 47: by Amy (new)

Amy | 52 comments Nicely done, Cynthia !!!

message 48: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Nicki wrote: "A sudden thought - for the Arts task could I read The Quilter's Apprentice and then do some quilting?"That would be fine

Dionisia wrote: "Would The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet work for task #15.9?"Yes that's fine

message 49: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen | 144 comments For the Halloween task, would the adjective "dead" work as in All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris?

message 50: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments Kathleen wrote: "For the Halloween task, would the adjective "dead" work as in All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris?"Yes that's fine

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