Reading with Style discussion

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Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13910 comments On the main page, enter the title of interest and in the menu just to the left of the search bar, select "Title". It is not necessary to use capitals if you type it in, but often just copying and pasting from Goodreads is easiest.

Then Click Search on the far right.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13910 comments Results will be similar to:

You can ignore results in languages other than English, and those which are obviously not books, such as the DVD result above.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13910 comments For titles with many editions owned by the many branches of the library, there will likely be multiple results. You will need to look at any that are not identified as audio, digital or electronic editions. (Those are never marked YA, so you can save yourself time clicking on them.)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13910 comments Either the cover or the title are links to the information you're most in need of seeing. On the BPL "book page" scroll down to see location shelvings. You will need to do this for each edition until you see a YA/Juv identification. After you've seen it on one edition, you need to look no further. Of course, most titles will not have any designation.

For this title, the YA Assignment is on both the left, under Location, and on the right under Message. Sometimes it is only at the left, and often it is only for a few locations and not all of them.

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