The Challenge Factory discussion

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♦SS Archives♦ > R3: SS A 4ce To Be Reckoned With (4)

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message 1: by Jenne (last edited Sep 05, 2014 06:31AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Captain: Vicci Audio Nerd & Jenne



message 2: by Jenne (last edited Aug 29, 2014 10:27AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Helpful Links:
Dice Roll (2 dice on Fridays US Central Time)
Time Zone Converter
Post Your Spot
R3: Spreadsheet
Discussion Thread

message 3: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments

message 4: by Jenne (last edited Oct 07, 2014 11:57AM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments The alternates:
Each number corresponds with the spot on the board.
For colors: The cover has to be at least 50%
For locations: As long as the book takes part at all in the given location .
For Shelves: Any book on the given shelf
For Publication Years: I'll be using how GR has it's publication date listed.
For Authors Names: The first, middle, or last name of the author is ok.
For Cover Items: Must have the given item on the cover
For Titles: Only the first word of the title. A, An, And, and The do not count.
So if the letter is B: The Best Day would be ok. Dear Betty would not be ok.

1. N/A
2. White
3. 2004
4. Adult
5. Title R
6. Cover Item tattoo
7. Author J
8. New York
9. Green
10. 2002
11. Cover Love
12. Title C
13. Cover Item Smoke
14. Author W
15. Italy
16. Silver/Gray
17. 2001
18. Book Boyfriends
19. Title N
20. Cover Item Mode of Transportation
21. Author I
22. Australia
23. Yellow
24. 2010
25. Reviewed
26. Title E
27. Cover Item 2 People
28. Author T
29. Nevada
30. Blue
31. 1999
32. 3 Star
33. Title H
34. Cover Item Moon
35. Author K
36. Louisiana
37. Pink
38. 2014
39. Got It
40. Title O
41. Cover Item Beach
42. Author E
43. Illinois
44. Red
45. 2012
46. On Kindle
47. Title B
48. Cover Item No People
49. Author L
50. Texas
51. Orange
52. 2008
53. Fun
54. Title S
55. Cover Item Building(s)
56. Author A
57. England
58. Black
59. 2013
60. 4 Stars
61. Title K
62. Cover Item Animal
63. Author S
64. Massachusetts
65. Purple
66. 2011
67. Signed
68. Title T
69. Cover Item One Person
70. Author D
71. France
72. Multi-colored (more than 3 colors)
73. 2009
74. Did Not Finish
75. Title F

(view spoiler)

message 5: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Whoop Whoop Team 4

**Waves Hi to everyone**

message 6: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Hi teamies :)

message 7: by Greta (new)

Greta Hi everyone, I'm excited for this game and getting to know you all!

message 8: by Joni (new)

Joni  | 89 comments Hi everyone. I'm so excited to try this and get to know everyone. This is my first time up for this type of challenge.

message 9: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments It's super easy to play :0

I'll tell y'all a little about myself. I live in Texas and have 3 kiddos only 2 that are at home now though. I work from home so I spend way to much time on GR lol. I read mostly paranormal reads usually read 3-4 books a week.

Any volunteers for captain and name ideas? 4 is an easy # to play off of or we could go the opposite route with a name generator those are usually pretty funny.

message 10: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Only have a few team names for the four names so far.

We were FOURced into it!
May the FOURce be with you
A FOURce to be reckoned with
Go FOURth and multiply
Brute FOURce


The quest for the holy book boyfriend!
The drinking club with a reading problem.
We're reading between the wines!

I'll stop now lol

message 11: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Hi everyone,

I'm Michelle and I live in Scotland with my Hubby and our 3 kids. I am a stay at home Mum, both my boys are at school now and baby girl starts nursery on Thursday so I will soon get some time to myself. I don't have as much time to read this year, too much on at home. I manage about 2 a week just now.

It's my second time playing this game and I'm not fussed about being Captain. I am hopeless about the name thing usually.

message 12: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) I sent friend requests to everyone :)

message 13: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Hi Michelle *waves

message 14: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments I've never been captain before (this is only my second time playing) but if no one else wants to do it then I can give it a go :•O

Also I am only on my phone though so not sure if that will cause a problem with the spot/review posts.

oh and another little cheeky name I thought of is The Cunning Linguists ;•D

message 15: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments I can link the reviews if you want Vicci and you could roll. Y'all are like 6 - 7 hours ahead of the US right? It might be good to have an overseas or someone on the west coast roll. I liked FOURced into it lol.

message 16: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Yeah I'm in Europe UK so it's 7pm here now, you'll have the roll to wake up to :•D

message 17: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) It would be good cause my reading time is usually morning and last time I had a book done by the time the dice were rolled or I had to sit and wait patiently for the dice and wasted time. Are we aiming for a Thursday review at the latest? Baring any life emergencies anyway?

message 18: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments So your 7 hrs ahead of me then. When it's midnight here it's 7am for you so you could roll in the am Friday :)
Then us across the pond can wake up to the roll lol.

message 19: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Yes please have reviews in on Thursday lol. If anyone ever has RL get in the way just let us know please so the rest of the team isn't wondering if we're gonna roll etc.

message 20: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments That sounds good to me, as long as you don't mind linking the reviews ?
I can do links on here for reviews etc. but for some reason I can't link to posts!

message 21: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Yeah I have no problem doing it :)

Btw you have to click on the time/date stamp of a post and then copy and paste the url from the address bar. It's a pain in the butt doing it on your phone lol.

message 22: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Yeah that's the only thing, it won't let me do it, I'm using the app on android but even when I'm on the browser I can't do it lol.
I've given up with it all and have to write it out long hand, lots of < b> and href= lol, thank goodness for copy and paste lol.

message 23: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) It's a pest on the phone, mine is the same or it eats my posts and I have to write it out a few times before it actually posts what I've written.

message 24: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Lol yep me too, I shout a LOT at my phone!

message 25: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) LOL! I don't blame you in the slightest :)

message 26: by Joni (new)

Joni  | 89 comments I am hopeless at math but am on the West coast (California) if that makes for an earlier roll let me know. As for the Captain and linking duties I think I will sit that one out. My computer skills are almost nonexistent. As for names I'm loving
A four-ce to be reckoned with,
May the four-ce be with you and
We were four-ce into it.

message 27: by Greta (new)

Greta Hey team! I'm Greta, from Minnesota. I have 3 kids with one more on the way later in November. We're busy with 3 young kids (ages 5, 3, 1), but I love making time to read!

I like A FOURCE to be reckoned with
Brute Fource

message 28: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Should we do a 4ce to be reckoned with?

message 29: by Greta (new)

Greta Sure!

message 30: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Sounds good

message 31: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Sounds good to me also :)

message 32: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Whoop check us out all ready to go lol.

message 33: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments So I'm rolling this Friday right?

message 34: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Yep, looking forward to it :)

message 35: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Just checking in to see if the dice had been rolled, I'm starting a book now anyway but it feels like a good day to read so I can probably fit a couple in :)

message 36: by V_Nerdbooks (last edited Aug 29, 2014 01:43AM) (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments OK guys 1st roll


This week is #5 in a series or the alternative is book Title R

Sorry it wasn't a higher roll lol.

message 37: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments I'm going to be reading Rush (The Game, #1) by Eve Silver Alternative title R.

message 38: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michelle_mc) Thanks, Vicci! I'll pick a book when I get back home. Don't worry about the number, 5 is better than 2 ;)

message 39: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Most teams didn't roll real high. I've got a book that starts with r I've been saving for the scavenger hunt a tlc. That call will be in a few hours and I'll know for sure if I can use it.

message 40: by Greta (new)

Greta I will start hunting for an R title. 5 is not too shabby!

message 41: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Remember the, an, and don't count so anything the r-whatever works :)

message 42: by Jenne (last edited Sep 04, 2014 12:05PM) (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Spot 5, roll 1:

Vicci Audio Nerd:
Rush (The Game, #1) by Eve Silver Review

Redemption (The Alexa Montgomery Saga, #4) by H.D. Gordon Review

Rule (Marked Men, #1) by Jay Crownover Review

Red (Transplanted Tales, #1) by Kate SeRine Review to be

Roseflower Creek by Jackie Lee Miles Review

message 43: by Greta (new)

Greta I'm going to read Red (Transplanted Tales, #1) by Kate SeRine . I just added it to my TBR a few days ago after you read it and liked it, Jenne! I really didn't have many R books on my list, but this one looks good.

message 44: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments If you have kindle unlimited it's free. It's a decent read. I'll be reading the 3rd one in September. The take on the tales (fairytale characters) is cool! The big bad wolf is a werewolf, Snow White runs a brothel lol.

message 45: by Greta (new)

Greta Yes, I signed up for the free trial of Kindle unlimited to get that book. I don't have a Kindle, but I have just started reading a few books on my phone so this should work out well.

message 46: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments Ok I'm reading Redemption (The Alexa Montgomery Saga, #4) by H.D. Gordon for the alternate.

message 47: by Joni (new)

Joni  | 89 comments Roseflower Creek by Jackie Lee Miles
I'm so excited we get to start! Just found this one on my Kindle. Looks like it should be good.

message 48: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments Is the spreadsheet not working Jenne?

message 49: by Jenne (new)

Jenne  (jennetheinstigator) | 7439 comments It should be, I edited it this morning, is it not letting you view it?

message 50: by V_Nerdbooks (new)

V_Nerdbooks | 5307 comments No it won't let me on it, I'll try on the browser

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