Reading the Classics discussion

Washington Square
This topic is about Washington Square
Past Group Reads > Washington Square - Reading Schedule

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message 1: by Brian, co-moderator (last edited May 02, 2021 09:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Brian (myersb68) | 325 comments Mod
Reading schedule for Washington Square by Henry James.

The calendar has been updated and can be found here:
Here's a free e-copy:
Here's a Reading Guide:

This is a shorter novel (~240pp), but while we are still working to find our feet with the wonderful behemoth that is Don Quixote, we will take it easy on the schedule for Henry James. As always, please share your thoughts on how this is working for you.

5/2-5/8, C1-5, 29pp
5/9-5/15, C6-9, 30pp
5/16-5/22, C10-13, 24pp
5/23-5/29, C14-18, 42pp
5/30-6/5, C19-22, 25pp
6/6-6/12, C23-26, 25pp
6/13-6/19, C27-30, 35pp
6/20-6/26, C31-35, 30pp

Lorri | 136 comments After finishing the novel, I read the posted study guide and was found it shallow and disappointing. Here is a link to the Penguin Signet Classics teachers guides:
Washington Square is included.

message 3: by Brian, co-moderator (new) - rated it 5 stars

Brian (myersb68) | 325 comments Mod
Thank you Lorri! I'll keep an eye out for the Penguin Teacher's Guides going forward.

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