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Marked (House of Night, #1)
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Archived Buddy Reads > Marked (House of Night) - October 16th

Comments Showing 251-300 of 559 (559 new)    post a comment »

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Lol okay. Is it far in? Like can I get to there today?

message 252: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments depends on how fast you read


Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay I'm at chapter 12. I really don't like all this foreboding, something really bad is gonna happen

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments How far are you? I don't want to read too far ahead

message 256: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments I know I knew though as soon as they had that cute moment i was like yeah hes gonna die isnt he cause anyone is up for grabs i have to see later im not sure

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah the entire scene from his POV I knew it was gonna be him. With the sword and everything. I just hate that even Damien is convinced it wasn't Neferet

message 258: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments yeah it set it all up

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Did you have time to check where you were?

message 260: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments chapter 10 I might get to 12 today or tomorrow

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I'm at 19 but I think I might finish it today or tomorrow

message 262: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "I'm at 19 but I think I might finish it today or tomorrow"

im on 13 its my main book right now so we'll see how much i get done tonight and tomorrow

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah it's been lovely weather here so I've just been sitting in the sun reading

message 264: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments oh nice its been raining all day

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah we've been having a heat wave I think (or summer just started lol) so it's been really hot and we haven't had rain in ages, so perfect reading weather

message 266: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "Yeah we've been having a heat wave I think (or summer just started lol) so it's been really hot and we haven't had rain in ages, so perfect reading weather"

itll be raining all day probably this weekend so might be perfect time to read

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Ah yes sitting outside in the sun is perfect for reading but so is it when it's raining outside and then it's all cozy inside lol. Basically it's good reading time everytime

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I'm done and wow you're in for an emotional ride

message 269: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments so finished which i think you saw that. I got the next book so whenever you are ready

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah I saw you rating it haha. I don't know exactly when my next book comes in, I'll keep you updated

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I just got my copy but honestly I have quite a lot to read this month so feel free to start without me. I can usually read through these books quite fast so I'll probably read it in a day or two once you're (nearly) done

message 272: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments tbh honest havent looked at it lol I can get it from my parents tommorow or later during the week whichever works I am in absolutely no rush

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I've got like a week between now and my next read but I definitely need to read another book between that, but I'd have time to squeeze this in too. And otherwise I'll have a couple days around the 24th probably and otherwise it'll be August haha. But like I said you can just read on your own pace and I can bingeread it

message 274: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments i mean Im trying to play catch up with my books to so well see how far i even get lol

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Haha okay let me know

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I could read it between this Sunday and the 27th? Would only be about 4 days though, idk if that works for you

message 277: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "I could read it between this Sunday and the 27th? Would only be about 4 days though, idk if that works for you"

uh I can try trying to finish Wizards First Rule so not sure when I'll be able to start but I can on Saturday after work going to my camp so get a bit of it.

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments We could also just do it in August if you prefer, I don't mind

message 279: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "We could also just do it in August if you prefer, I don't mind"

if you don't mind August would be great I just wanna finish this one cause I have less then like 12 ish chapters and on a roll

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah no problem we'll do it in August!

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments So I'm going on vacation the 13th. And I was thinking of maybe reading this then. I don't think I'll be getting much time for reading that week, but I'm hoping I can still finish it that week as it isn't that long and this series always reads quite easily. So how would you feel about doing it starting the 13th? Can't make promises on how fast I'd finish but I think in general you read a bit slower than me anyway so me being busy will maybe balance that a bit

message 282: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments oh yeah thats perfect . have fun on vacation

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay great! And thank you :)

message 284: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Welcome!

message 285: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Okay so i lost my copy of the book for a bit but found it and started it today !

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I haven't gotten very far but I am probably finishing it in the next couple of days

message 287: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments got up to chapter 18 how far have you gotten ?

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I've finished chapter 18 yesterday! But I'll probably finish the rest of the book today

message 289: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments im on llike 24 now im planning on finishing it today too

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I'm done! (view spoiler)

message 291: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments I finished too . yeah im not surprised by it either but least hes at peace now. and the whole heath thing is weird but would explain his weird attraction to her. neferet just pisses me off more and more and yeah if they banish her like okay cause thats a great idea. so she can go somewhere and stir up more trouble great

message 292: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments I'm gonna order the next book today

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah I'm ordering the next book these next couple days again too but I think there's long delivery time again

message 294: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Ooh that's ok just let me know

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments My book came way earlier than I thought it would, it's here already! I've just started quite a big book, but maybe we could start next weekend or somewhere around there?

message 296: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments sure that would be great !

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay I just finished my book so I'll probably start in the next couple days. But I'll try not to read too fast

message 298: by Monika (new) - rated it 2 stars

Monika Leubner | 32 comments okay I can start today

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Oh that would be great! Let me know how far you get

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I started today and it sucked me right back in so I'm at chapter 8 already

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