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message 351: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod

Scavenger hunt update:

Team Score
Jade 0
Emerald 30
Malachite 50

message 352: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments I completed Halki ikiyön by Veronica Rossi
327 pages
S char Straggler
H title
A char Aria
M char Molly
R author
O char Olivia
C char Cinder
K char Kirra

p. 154: "Kuluneiden päivien aikana hän oli puhdistanut ja perannut kalaa..." kala = fish
p. 191: "... haisi etäisesti homeelta ja happamalta viiniltä." viini = wine
p. 202: "Hän haistoi tuulenpuuskassa yrttejä, kanaa, viljaa..." kana = chicken

message 353: by Erin (new)

Erin (Bluestocking Bookworm) (bluestockingbookworm) | 353 comments Vision in Silver (The Others, #3) by Anne Bishop
Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop
Finished May 5, 488 pages

S - Simon Wolfgard
H - Henry Beargard
A - Author
M - Meg Corbyn
R - Ruthie
O - Ocean
C - Meg Corbyn
K - Kowalski

Scavenger Hunt:

Page 231: "There's talk that we'll be seeing shortages of pork and beef by the end of summer..."
Page 266: "... so herbs would be planted, along with corn, lettuce, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, beans, peas, and something called zucchini..."
Page 271: "We have strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, grapes."

message 354: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

Love After All (Hope, #4) by Jaci Burton Love After All (Hope#4) by Jaci Burton 304 pages

S - character Sebastian "Bash" Palmer
H - series name
A - character Aaron Goodwin
M - character Luke McCormack
R - character Reid McCormack
C - character Chelsea Gardner
K - character Kris Steele

Scavenger Hunt:
1 - chicken page 50 serve fried chicken had been...
2 - juice page 20 out some orange juice...
3 - spinache page 76 ...I don't have spinache in my teeth...

message 355: by Jane (last edited May 06, 2015 11:35PM) (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished

The Angel's Game (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, #2) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon 441 pages
S - Character Sagnier
H - Character Heliodoro
A - Title
M - Character Manuel
R - Character Roures
O - Character Odón
C - Author

For the green mini-challenge:

1. Chilli: (pg. 156) Have you tried throwing a bit of Chilli pepper into his soup to stimulate the blood flow in key areas?
2. Chocolate: (pg. 59) I followed her reluctantly to a Chocolate shop on Calle Petritxol.
3. Soup: (pg. 89) While you change, I'll go prepare some hot Soup for you.

message 356: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes Me Before You by Jojo Moyes 369 pages

S - character Steven Traynor
A - character Alicia
M - title
R - character Rupert
C - character Luisa Clark
K - character Katrina Clark

Bonus: DQ's BOM may 4th

Scavenger Hunt:
1 - steak; page 33 She could cut steak with that look.
2 - tea; page 13 You want a cup of tea?
3 - soup; page 79 Do you want some soup?

message 357: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Gone
416 pages (I actually listened to the audiobook, so this is the first one that comes up when searching for it; please let me know if another edition is needed. On my challenge shelf I've shelved the audiobook)
S char Seamus
M char Michael
R char Ralph
C char Chrissie
K char Kenny

1. Mary Catherine made pancakes for the children (disc 4, can't give more exact location or exact wording as listened to audio CD while driving, LOL!)
2. Michael Bennett at a chilli tortilla for breakfast (disc 5)
3. Mary Catherine baked a lemon cake (disc 5)

message 358: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod

Scavenger hunt update (from spreadsheets):

Team Score
Jade 0
Emerald 75
Malachite 100

message 359: by Cristina (new)

Cristina Finished The Beginning: Born at Midnight and Awake at Dawn by C.C Hunter (445 pages)

S - character Sky
H - character Holiday
M - character Miranda
C - author's name
K - character Kylie

message 360: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

Take Three Birds by Jilli Lime-Holt Take Three Birds by Jilli Lime-Holt 5/6-15
H - Character Holt

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Tea: (loc: 2610) I don't think that's Jilli's cup of tea.
2. Fish: (loc: 973) So I've come home with fish and chips!
3. Wine: (loc: 773) Leave plenty of Wine for Jill in the fridge please.

message 361: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished the following:

Crazy: Notes On and Off the Couch by Rob Dobrenski
224 pages
S char Scott
A char Amy
M char Melissa
R author
C title

1. "If I had a glass of red wine..." p. 3
2. "Well, we have regular, Cajun, sweet potato..." p. 36
Not much eating in this book...

Kuu on julma by Robert A. Heinlein
376 pages
S char Stuart
H author
A char Alvarez
M char Manuel
R author
O char O'Kelly
C char Chan
K title

1. "Mitä sanoisit kansasinpihvistä keitettyjen perunoiden kera..." peruna = potato p. 37
2. "Maksuksi äskeisestä omenatortusta?" omena = apple p. 61
3. "Tuoksuupa tuo kala hyvältä." kala = fish p. 70

I'm in the middle of two further books and one audiobook, but I don't think I will be able to finish them before this week's deadline. Can't believe next week will be the last week. I saw we got black coral as our last word.

message 362: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly I finished Everlost by Neal Shusterman - 313 pages
Everlost (Skinjacker, #1) by Neal Shusterman

Bonus points for the green cover!

S - author's last name (Shusterman)
H - Hightower, Mary (ch)
A - Allie (ch)
M - Mary Hightower (ch)
R - Raggedy Andy (ch)
C - Choo-Choo Charlie (ch)

Scavenger hunt : 15 points

Chocolate (page 3) - In the center backseat of the Mercedes, dressed for his cousin's wedding, sat Nick, trying to eat a chocolate bar that had been sitting in his pocket for most of the day.

Chicken (page 108) - As much as Allie wanted to bite of that chicken as well, she resisted.

Birthday (!) cake (page 39) - Perhaps she should have sat down - this was an entire birthday cake, round and white, completely unmarred.

message 363: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Camilla wrote: "Can't believe next week will be the last week. I saw we got black coral as our last word. ..."

Last week ahead indeed... sad (until the next team-challenge).
This one was my first, but I really loved to participate in such challenge, so it won't be my last :)

And the colour is suitable for the end - black!

I'm planning to read The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

I believe this will work for the cover.

message 364: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

Seventh Grave and No Body (Charley Davidson, #7) by Darynda Jones Seventh Grave and No Body by Darynda Jones narrated by Lorelei King page # default edition 336 pages.

S - character Garrett Swopes
A - character Amber Kowalski
M - character Marika
R - character Reyes Farrow
O - character Osh Villione
C - character Charlie Davidson
K - narrator

message 365: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

Weingarten by J. Davis Bly Weingarten by J. Davis Bly 5/9-15
S - Character Sally
H - Character Harrison
M - Character Millie
R - Character Russo
C - Character Carlotti
K - Character Kenny

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Bean (loc: 480) lasagnas and bean soup became staples around here.

These 2 words I have used before but not in this book:
2. Soup: (loc: 480) lasagnas and bean soup became staples around here.
3. Chicken: (loc: 482) one whole Chicken

message 366: by Agnès (new)

Agnès (margali87) I've finished The Labours of Hercules (Hercule Poirot, #26) by Agatha Christie The Labours of Hercules by Agatha Christie 263 pages

H- Hercule Poirot, character
A- Agatha Christie, author
C- Agatha Christie, author

message 367: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

Penelope (Fairweather Sisters, #1) by Anya Wylde Penelope by Anya Wylde 5/9-15
S - Character Snowly
H - Character Henry
A - Author
M - Character Mary
R - Character Radclyff
C - Character Charles

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Carrot: (loc: 920) Lady Bathsheba, I am warning you, no Carrots.
2. Orange: (loc: 3269) Spanish oranges... that will do.
3. Potato: (loc: 3473) I think he is a potato.

message 368: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Lapsenpiika
368 pages
L title
A char Aino
C char Christian
K char Kitti
R char Ruth

1. "Nyt kelpasi Altallekin voileipä teen kera." tee = tea p. 12
2. "Perunat eivät onneksi olleet kiehuneet rikki..." peruna = potato p. 22
3. "Omenoita ja puolukoita ei kuulemma kannattanut ostaa..." omena = apple p. 49

message 369: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Surmanpelto
206 pages
B char Betty
L char Laitila
A author
K char Karl von Kraemer

1. "Hyvää ja vahvaa lihakeittoa..." keitto = soup
2. "...otin martoilta teetä ja purtavaa." tee = tea
3. "...tunkiolla kaksi vankia kaivoi perunankuoria..." peruna = potato

message 370: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

Killing Time (One Eyed Jacks, #1) by Cindy Gerard Killing Time (One-Eyed Jacks #1) by Cindy Gerard 416 pages

B - character Mike Brown
L - character Lawson
C - author
K - title
C - author
O - series name
L - character Lawson

1 - steak ...Steak dinner to the first one out of the office.
2 - wine ...opting for wine when he offered her a choice.
3 - apple ...a couple of apples, and two sodas.

message 371: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Iso paha susi
326 pages
B char Ron Burns
L char Lizzie Connolly
A char Alex Cross
C char Alex Cross
K char Lizzie Connolly
O char Lili Olsen
R char Ron Burns

1. "...paahtoleipää, yrttiteetä,..." tee = tea p. 93
2. "Hän söi myöhäisen aterian Ruth's Chris Steak Housessa..." steak p. 149
3. "...katselimme Alexia, joka joi pullosta omenamehua." mehu = juice p. 155

message 372: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod

Scavenger hunt update (from spreadsheets):

Team Score
Jade 90
Emerald 220
Malachite 245

message 373: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished:

Kurganin varjot by Risto Isomäki
349 pages
B char Burke
L char Luigi
A char Alexander
K title
R author

1. Maistuisiko tee? tee = tea p. 23
2. "...siemaissut välillä kulauksen punaviinilasistaan." viini = wine p. 27
3. "...ja Coca-Cola-pullo kädessään..." p. 70

Unnatural Causes
272 pages
B char Justin Bryce
L char Oliver Latham
A char Adam Dalgliesh
C char Celia
K char Sylvia Kedge
O char Oliver Latham
R char inspector Reckless

1. + 2. Adam Dalgliesh had steak and kidney pie and wine for lunch (disc 4)
3. Adam Dalgliesh was served "hot, sweet tea". (disc 5)

message 374: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

Code Name Verity (Code Name Verity, #1) by Elizabeth Wein Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein 5/10-15
B - Character Brodatt
L - Character Linden
A - Character Anna
C - Title
K - Character Kittyhawk (undercover name)
A - Character Amadeus

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Beetroot: (pg 239) Isolde, he answered softly, his guard down, and went red as a beetroot.
2. Soup (pg 109) which is where they cook up our delisious grey cabbage soup.
3. Apple (pg 13) and pickled onions as big as apples.

message 375: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

Avram Thief of Catland by James Bjorkman Avram Thief of Catland by James Bjorkman 5/11-15
B - Author
A - Title
K - Character Khufu
R - Character Raissun
A - Character Avram

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Juice (loc:280) but we only need enough juice to get you back.
2. Steak (loc:508) I prefer steak.
3. Fish (loc:508) It's fish, Jasper.

message 376: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished:

The Princess Diaries (The Princess Diaries, #1) by Meg Cabot The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot 5/12-15
L - Character Lilly
A - Character Amelia
C - Author
C - Character Clarisse
R - Character
L - Character Lana

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Pancake: (pg 12) Anyway , she was in there, humming in a happy way and making pancakes
2. Steak: (pg 216) Because if you did, you wouldn't have ordered me a steak for dinner.
3. Wine: (pg 177) We drink wine with dinner every night.

message 377: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished The Golem's Eye
592 pages
B series name Bartimaeus
A char Anne Stephens
C char Carl Mortensen
K char Kitty Jones

1. "...with a leathery skin that reminded Kitty of a shrivelled apple's." p. 56
2. "if you're chicken..." p. 60
3. "...laughing loudly and tucking into lentil takeaways from the Persian cafe,..." p. 158

message 378: by Cristina (new)

Cristina Finished Awake at Dawn (478 pages)

B - character Burnett
L - character Lucas
A - title
C - author's name
K - character Kylie
R -character Roberto

One more thing: do poetry books count if they're over 150 pages?

message 379: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod

Scavenger hunt update (from spreadsheets):

Team Score
Jade 90
Emerald 220
Malachite 475

message 380: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Heinäkuun neljäs
280 pages
B char Lindsay Boxer
L char Lindsay Boxer
A char Dennis Agnew
C char Claire
K char Keith
O char Ben O'Malley
R char Robert

1. "...ja kaadoin hänelle lisää viiniä." viini = wine p. 147
2. "Carolee kaatoi appelsiinimehua mukeihin." mehu = juice p. 155
3. "Näen omenoita sinun tulevaisuudessasi." omena = apple p. 156

message 381: by Cristina (new)

Cristina Finished Plumb by George Bacovia (267 pages)
Only works for B (author's name) since it's a poetry book. I don't know if it counts, though :)

message 382: by Camilla (last edited May 15, 2015 10:33PM) (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Finished Häpäisty by Karin Slaughter
389 pages
B char Buddy
L char Sara Linton
A char Lena Adams
C char Sharon Connor
K author
R char Rod

1. "Hän tuijotti suklaapatukoita..." suklaa = chocolate p. 149
2. "...tyhjiä perunalastupusseja ja huopia..." peruna = potato p. 246
3. "...mutta porkkanapäinen teinipoika istui..." porkkana = carrot p. 281

Okay, I think this was the final book that I'll be able to complete during this challenge. It has been fun!

message 383: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

The Way Home (One-Eyed Jacks #2) by Cindy Gerard The Way Home (One-eyed Jacks#2) by Cindy Gerard 336 pages

B - character Tyler Brown
L - character Shelley Lutz
A - character Jess Albert
C - author
K - character Kayla Burke
C - author
O - Series name
R - character Rabia
A - character Jess Albert
L - character Shelley Lutz

1. chocolate page 258...I'll make some hot chocolate...
2. tea page 86 ...Tea. Please?...
3. wine page 37 ...ordered a bottle of red wine...

message 384: by Cristina (new)

Cristina Finished Swoon by Nina Malkin (380 pages)
C - character Candice
R - character Ruby

message 385: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Finished:

Masters at Arms (Rescue Me Saga, #0.5) by Kallypso Masters Masters at Arms(Rescue me saga #0.5) by Kallypso Masters 166 pages

L - character Lyle Gibson
A - character Adam Montague
C - character Carl Payton
K - author
C - character Carl Payton
O - character Damian Orlando
R - series name
A - character Adam Montague
L - character Lyle Gibson

Also Finished:
Red Rising (Red Rising Trilogy, #1) by Pierce Brown Red Rising by Pierce Brown 382 pages

B - author
L - character Loran
A - character Antonia
C - character Cassius
K - character Kieran
C - character Cassius
O - character Octavia au Lune
R - title
A - character Antonia
L - character Loran

Bonus: Written Discussion Questions BOM

message 386: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments I take it that you liked Red Rising, Imke? I have it as well, just haven't had time to start it yet.

message 387: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Yes I did. If you liked the Hunger Games you'll like this book too.

message 388: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Yes I did. If you liked the Hunger Games you'll like this book too.

message 389: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Imke wrote: "Yes I did. If you liked the Hunger Games you'll like this book too."

Good to know. I did like the Hunger Games (what can I do, I usually enjoy all kind of dystopia/apocalyptic literature).

message 390: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Duh, I just realised I have borrowed Red Rising to a friend I think in February and she hasn't returned it yet. Might ask to get it back soon.

message 391: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Finished my last book for this challenge.

The Synchronicity War Part 1 (The Synchronicity War, #1) by Dietmar Wehr The Synchronicity War Part 1 by Dietmar Wehr 5/16-15
L - Character LaRoche
A - Character Angela
C - Character Chen
K - Character Kutuzov
C - Character Chenko
O - Character Omar
R - Character Rolen
A - Character Amanda

For the green mini-challenge:
1. Wine (loc: 1503) and a glass of red wine in Johansen's.

message 392: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly I finished:

Eluga pääsenud. Sõda läbi lapse silmade by Tony M. Taagen
Eluga pääsenud. Sõda läbi lapse silmade by Tony M. Taagen
304 pages

L - Linda (ch)
A - Alf Cozby (ch)
C - Cozby, Alf (ch)

Scavenger hunt: 15 points
Coca-Cola - p.207: "Dad said that I just had my first Coca-Cola"
Chocolate - p.197: "He opens it. It looks like chocolate-bar, the kind they sold in the shops in Estonia"
Soup - p.113: "The man asks, if I could bring him soup and bread. He thanks me and starts to eat"

Also finished:

The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
416 pages

Black cover!

B - Beukes (authors last name)
L - Lauren (authors first name)
A - Anwar Chetty (ch)
C - Curtis, Harper (ch)
K - Kirby Mazrachi (ch)
O - Omma (ch) - a girl called her mother like that, dont know if its the name or not.
R - Rachel (ch)

Scavenger hunt: 15 points

Potato - p.46: "Then he boils it up with two old potatoes that he finds in a drawer in the kitchen"
Chocolate - p.83: "Don't tell Marissa I took the chocolate"
wine - p.127: "As she is, sitting at a cafe in Old Town with a sketch-book, a glass of wine and a cigarette."

message 393: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Camilla wrote: "Jane wrote: "By the way Camille. I have just been to Sweden for a short trip but this summer I am going to Finland for the first time."

Welcome! When are you coming and to what part of Finland? Le..."

I realised I never actually answered you, I am sorry about that.

I will be coming to Finland in July, we are going on a canoetrip on lake Saimaa which I think is near Mikkili. We are taking a ferry from Denmark to Sweden and then again a ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki.
We are looking forward to it as we have never been to Finland before.

message 394: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod

Scavenger hunt Final scores:

Team Score
Jade 165
Emerald 430
Malachite 565

Congrats Malachite! I hope you all enjoyed this side game and the challenge :D

message 395: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Jane wrote: "I will be coming to Finland in July, we are going on a canoetrip on lake Saimaa which I think is near Mikkili. We are taking a ferry from Denmark to Sweden and then again a ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. "

Enjoy! The Lake Saimaa area is really beautiful. My in-laws have their summer cottage on Lake Saimaa, although about 80 km south of Mikkeli (Saimaa is a huge lake). My father-in-law actually is originally from Mikkeli.

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