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Giveaways/Promotions > Medusa's Son (Trilogy)

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message 1: by Ian (new)

Ian Mitchell-Gill | 17 comments If you're interested in YA Paranormal adventure, mystery, and suspense ... I might have something for you.

I know times are tough right now and not everybody has the funds to satisfy their "need to read." Wouldn't feel right if I didn't let you know about a new vampire trilogy that really takes the genre in a new direction.

The first book is titled MEDUSA'S SON, and it is truly different from what you normally read in the vampire genre. It will be available February 14th as an ebook, paperback, hardcover, and even an audiobook. World Castle Publishing is making it all happen.

Booksprout is offering the chance to read and review the book for free! Here is the link:

I honestly had no interest in writing a vampire novel, as I felt Stephenie Meyer did it about as well as it could be done. But an idea hit that stayed with me, and it was great fun to take the genre in a whole new direction. It might be a good fit for you and your friends.

I hope this festive season is good to you and those you hold dear.

Best wishes,

P.S. Here is the link on Amazon

message 2: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 260 comments Mod
I recently read this book, and it was really good!!!!!!!!! If anyone gets the chance to read it, I would recommend it! I cannot wait for book two to come out!!!!!!!!!!

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