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This Woven Kingdom (This Woven Kingdom, #1)
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BOTM Currently Reading > New Series- This Woven Kingdom

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message 1: by Bailey (new)

Bailey (baileybarnes) | 260 comments Mod
Use this page to comment on and discuss This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi! If you are including spoilers either make it clear by writing ***SPOILERS before your post as to not ruin it for those who might not be done yet. Remember to be respectful!!!!

message 2: by Bibliophile (new)

Bibliophile 17  | 221 comments Alizeh getting PLAGUED BY SATAN HIMSELF was a big turnoff for me, so I stopped reading after that, but leading up to it, I have to say: Tahereh Mafi has impeccable writing!

message 3: by Ryn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ryn Lewis | 8 comments Posting so I can find it again. Love this author and I've been wanting to get to this book.

message 4: by Ryn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ryn Lewis | 8 comments It took pretty much a full quarter of the book to get interesting. I was interested in Alizah's character, but the worldbuilding is sloooow. Kamran I just didn't like because he's an obnoxious lil hater, but he seems to be improving.

One thing I'm not quite sure about though is (view spoiler) So there's some really basic research lacking here. But the story at least seems to be getting interesting. I like this author and hope this isn't a letdown.

message 5: by Ryn (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ryn Lewis | 8 comments Well... about chapter 24 it took a really sudden hard left that I was totally unprepared for and did not see coming in any way. Then it got really good. As for the annoyance over the devil, he is not really a character at all in this book -- his existence is a factor but you won't spend time with him the way you spend time with the actual characters, so if that is a concern, I think it might be worth continuing with anyway. This is a complex plot, the book desperately needs a decent proofread and I feel like it probably could have been tighter, but I ended up really enjoying the overall story.

And the ending. No spoilers here, but I will say that this is a book that just ends. It just freaking ends. Like Uglies. This is not one story out of three, this is the first third of a story and it cliffhangers itself right off the edge. So if you are prone to throwing books across the room, just be warned. If you're enjoying yourself at chapter 30 or so, just go ahead and put the next one on hold.

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