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Archives - '09 - '10 > Suggestions for February BOM

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message 1: by Jess (last edited Jan 11, 2010 04:04PM) (new)

Jess | 3721 comments Since there are no longer going to be Mini Reads for the group, we will be picking TWO books for February BOM. People will be able to choose if they want to read one book or both books for Feb.

If you have a book you would like to see featured for the February BOM, please list it below in the comment box. Each person can suggest ONE book.

Please keep in mind that books being suggested DO NOT have to be in a series. But if they are, it should be the first in a series.

Once the suggestion thread is closed, a poll will be created. The two books in the lead will be chosen. If there is a tie, the books in the tie will be entered into random.org, and the winner will be chosen that way.

1. Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance
2. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
3. Fallen by Lauren Kate
4. Graceling by Kristin Cashore
5. Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
6. Tainted by Julie Kenner
7. Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews

message 2: by Lenore (new)

Lenore  (lenorenrr) | 205 comments Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance

message 3: by Nichole (DirrtyH) (last edited Jan 08, 2010 05:20PM) (new)

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

message 5: by Ellen (new)

Ellen (ellenpenleysmith) Graceling by Kristin Cashore

message 7: by Jess (new)

Jess | 3721 comments I'm going to suggest Tainted by Julie Kenner

message 9: by Stefanie (new)

Stefanie (xlivngdeadgirlx) | 7 comments Guilty Pleasures - Laurell K. Hamilton I love the Anita books!

message 10: by Tori (new)

Tori (smexys_sidekick) | 6 comments Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance

message 11: by Jess (new)

Jess | 3721 comments Stefanie and Tori, both of those books have already been nominated. When the polls are set up on Friday you will have the chance to vote for whichever book you would like.

Note to everyone: polls will be created on Fri, so if you would like to nominate a book that is not already listed, please do so before then.

message 12: by Jess (new)

Jess | 3721 comments Alrighty.. nominations are closed. I'm going to go create the poll now. It will be up for about a week, so don't forget to vote.

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