100 books in 2011 discussion


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message 1: by Karina (last edited Jan 29, 2011 12:37AM) (new)

Karina (karinargh) Reading ambitions for 2011 include:

- Read at least 10 Hugo award winners
- Read all this year's Hugo nominees (novels)
- Get around to reading one of the several(!) copies of The Illuminatus! Trilogy I've owned for years and still not read

message 2: by Karina (last edited Dec 28, 2011 07:12AM) (new)

Karina (karinargh) January
01. Philip K. Dick - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
02. Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union
03. Housuke Nojiri - Usurper of the Sun
04. Octavia E. Butler - Dawn
05. Octavia E. Butler - Adulthood Rites (Xenogenesis, #2)
06. Octavia E. Butler - Imago
07. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game
08. Dan Simmons - Endymion

09. Greg Bear - Hull Zero Three
10. Paolo Bacigalupi & Tobias S. Buckell - The Alchemist and the Executioness
11. Richard K. Morgan - Altered Carbon
12. Mike Lancaster - 0.4
13. Dean Koontz - Dead and Alive
14. Philip K. Dick - A Scanner Darkly
15. Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
16. Orson Scott Card - The Lost Gate
17. Richard Adams - Watership Down
18. Catherynne M. Valente - The Habitation of the Blessed
19. Alden Bell - The Reapers Are the Angels

20. George R. R. Martin - A Game of Thrones
21. Jack Finney - The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
22. Philip K. Dick - The Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick 1
23. George R. R. Martin - A Clash of Kings
24. Connie Willis - Bellwether
25. Lois Lowry - The Giver
26. George R. R. Martin - A Storm of Swords

27. Richard Matheson - I Am Legend
28. George R. R. Martin - A Feast for Crows
29. Robert J. Sawyer - WWW: Wonder
30. Philip K. Dick - The Minority Report
31. Ally Condie - Matched
32. Margaret Atwood - Oryx and Crake
33. Barbara Ehrenreich - Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America
34. Dan Simmons - The Rise of Endymion
35. Lois McMaster Bujold - Cetaganda
36. Lois McMaster Bujold - Ethan of Athos

37. Lauren Beukes - Zoo City
38. Lois McMaster Bujold - Labyrinth
39. Margaret Atwood - The Year of the Flood
40. Ian McDonald - The Dervish House
41. China Miéville - Embassytown
42. Philip K. Dick - VALIS
43. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Borders of Infinity
44. Lois McMaster Bujold - Brothers in Arms
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance
46. Mira Grant - Feed

47. N.K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
48. Lois McMaster Bujold - Memory
49. N.K. Jemisin - The Broken Kingdoms
50. Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination
51. John Stephens - The Emerald Atlas
52. Iain M. Banks - The Player of Games
53. Lois McMaster Bujold - Komarr

54. Scott Westerfeld - Uglies
55. Lois McMaster Bujold - A Civil Campaign
56. Lois McMaster Bujold - Winterfair Gifts
57. George R.R. Martin - A Dance with Dragons
58. Lois McMaster Bujold - Falling Free
59. Tad Williams - Tailchaser's Song

60. Kim Stanley Robinson - Red Mars
61. Jack Womack - Random Acts of Senseless Violence
62. John Scalzi - Old Man's War
63. Jim Butcher - Death Masks
64. Lois McMaster Bujold - Diplomatic Immunity
65. Gary Shteyngart - Super Sad True Love Story
66. Connie Willis - Doomsday Book
67. Lois McMaster Bujold - CryoBurn

68. Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars
69. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game (re-read)
70. Lauren Beukes - Moxyland
71. Adam Roberts - Anticopernicus
72. Grace Krilanovich - The Orange Eats Creeps
73. Connie Willis - Blackout
74. Isaac Asimov - The Complete Robot
75. Adam Roberts - By Light Alone

76. Connie Willis - All Clear
77. Terry Pratchett - Snuff
78. Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars
79. Connie Willis - All about Emily (Asimov's magazine)
80. Tor Åge Bringsværd - Slipp håndtaket når du vrir (N)
81. Chuck Palahniuk - Damned
82. Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
83. Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales
84. Mira Grant - Deadline

85. Richard K. Morgan - The Steel Remains
86. Fritz Leiber - The Big Time
87. Mira Grant - Countdown
88. Richard K. Morgan - The Cold Commands
89. Clive Barker - Abarat (re-read)
90. Kate DiCamillo - The Magician's Elephant
91. Clive Barker - Days of Magic, Nights of War (re-read)
92. Jan Henrik Nielsen - Høsten (N)

93. Clive Barker - Absolute Midnight
94. John Scalzi - The Ghost Brigades
95. Isaac Asimov - The Caves of Steel
96. Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human
97. Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man
98. Hugh Howey - Wool
99. N. K. Jemisin - The Kingdom of Gods
100. John Scalzi - The Last Colony
101. Hugh Howey - Wool 2: Proper Gauge

message 3: by Karina (new)

Karina (karinargh) Robyn wrote: "this book looks interesting, was it any good?"

I'm a big fan of PKD, but it requires a certain taste for paranoid/psychedelic science fiction. Would recommend starting with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.

message 4: by Karina (new)

Karina (karinargh) There, that's 100!

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