The Book Challenge discussion

'Variety Is The Spice Of Life' Challenge

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message 1: by Greyweather (last edited Sep 24, 2008 02:29PM) (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments The goal of this challenge is to encourage the participant to try books and authors they would ordinarily never even thought of reading, to get them outside of their comfort zone.

1. Each book can only satisfy one requirement.
2. Only one book per author. The idea is to branch out after all.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Read one book by a living author.
Read one book by deceased author.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
Read one book which is non-fiction.
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Read one work of literary fiction.
Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

message 2: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments Here are the books I plan of reading for the challenge:

Book by an author of the opposite gender.
The Orphan's Tales: In the Cities of Coin and Spice by Catherynne M. Valente

Book by a living author.
Gospel of the Knife by Will Shetterly

Book by deceased author.
The Castle of Iron by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt

Book which was originally written in a language other than English.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, translated from Spanish

Book which is non-fiction.
Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets by David Simon

Genre book.
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

Work of literary fiction.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon

Book classified as "Young Adult"
The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman

Short story collection or anthology.
The Science Fiction Stories of Jack London

Poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Tennyson: Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Graphic novel.
The Arrival by Shaun Tan

Banned book.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

message 3: by David S. T. (new)

David S. T. Harry Potter was banned?

message 4: by David S. T. (last edited Feb 25, 2009 03:35AM) (new)

David S. T. Good idea.

Here are my planned reads (which may change, but probably won't).

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
The Waves - Virginia Woolf

Read one book by a living author.
Crying Lot of 49 -- Thomas Pynchon

Read one book by deceased author.
Infinite Jest -- David Foster Wallace

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
The Loser -- Thomas Bernhard (translated from German)

Read one book which is non-fiction.
Edie: Girl on Fire -- David Weisman and Melissa Painter

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Venus in Furs -- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

Read one work of literary fiction.
The Sound and the Fury -- William Faulkner (I'm not sure which books fall into this category, does this count?)

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
The Princess Bride -- William Goldman

Read a short story collection or anthology.
Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Odyssey -- Homer

Read a graphic novel.
Watchmen -- Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (this will be my first graphic novel).

Read a banned book.
Ulysses -- Joyce

Suzanne Shumaker | 15 comments What a great Idea for a challenge. I'm going to try to satisfy this challenge with books I already own and are already waiting on my shelf or books that are on my to-read list.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Glamourama by Brett Easton Ellis

Read one book by a living author.
Dandelion Fields by Ray Bradbury

Read one book by deceased author.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Read one book which is non-fiction.
The Aquariums of Pyongyang by Kang Chol-Hwan and Pierre Rigoulot

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Pastwatch the Redemption by Orson Scott Card

Read one work of literary fiction.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

Read a short story collection or anthology.
I don't know yet.

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.

Read a graphic novel.
Don't know yet.

Read a banned book.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol

message 6: by Greyweather (last edited Sep 25, 2008 01:22PM) (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments "Harry Potter was banned?"

Harry Potter tops list of most challenged books of 21st Century

"Read one work of literary fiction.
The Sound and the Fury -- William Faulkner (I'm not sure which books fall into this category, does this count?)"

There is more than one definition for the term "literary fiction" so I would go with whatever you think is appropriate. My opinion would be that Faulkner counts.

"Watchmen -- Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (this will be my first graphic novel)."

Excellent choice.

message 7: by David S. T. (new)

David S. T. Odd I didn't realize Harry Potter was that challenged. I guess it does sort of make sense.

Suzanne Shumaker | 15 comments Okay so I decided on my graphic novel and story collection.

Read a short story collection or anthology.
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

Read a graphic novel.
World War Z by Max Brooks

message 9: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments Sorry to disappoint you, but World War Z is not a graphic novel. It doesn't even have illustrations.

message 10: by Suzanne Shumaker (new)

Suzanne Shumaker | 15 comments Yea, I found that out about World War Z. Somebody else told me it was so I had it on my graphic novel list. They must have been thinking of something else. I'll have to find another one. I've only read one so far so I'm not really familiar with them.

Thanks for the comment.

message 11: by Greyweather (last edited Sep 27, 2008 05:24AM) (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments If you're open to suggestions I would recommend Tim Eldred's Grease Monkey, a thoughtful and humorous vision of the future.

If you want something deep and serious instead look at Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman.

If you still want zombies, look at The Walking Dead series by Robert Kirkman.

message 12: by Katie (new)

Katie (katiethewriter) | 4 comments I love this idea. A friend of mine told me about this list, and I think it's a great one to shoot for. Here's my list so far.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Fray by Joss Whedon

Read one book by a living author.
Sanctuary by Meg Cabot (from the 1-800-Where-R-U series)

Read one book by deceased author.
Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
I'll have to work on this?

Read one book which is non-fiction.
American History: A Geek's Guide by Douglas B. Lyons

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
The Evil that Men Do by Dave White

Read one work of literary fiction.
The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett

Read a short story collection or anthology.
Not Quite What I Was Planning by various.

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones

Read a graphic novel.
Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan

Read a banned book.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Looks like I've got everything but the translated book covered. I'd recommend every one of these books, too. Maybe add a few more categories, like "Read a book by an author you've never read before" or "Read a book you pick at random at the bookstore/library" or other such things. Just a suggestion. I love this list, though.

message 13: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments Anyone is of course welcome to make the challenge harder by adding more categories or restrictions. For the original thirteen I wanted a core set that was easy enough so as not to intimidate anyone, but that still encouraged experimentation.

I considered the "Read a book you pick at random at the bookstore/library" category but dropped it due to Sturgeon's Law.

message 14: by bjneary (last edited Feb 25, 2009 03:31AM) (new)

bjneary | 121 comments BJ Neary’s Variety is the Spice of Life Challenge topic started by Greyweather
I have decided to use some of the books on my “to read” list to make me get to them faster to finish this challenge! These are the titles I want to try and I hope to finish before the end of 2008
Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. –Boot Camp by Todd Strasser (finished 10/8/08)
Read one book by a living author. – Chanda’s Wars by Allan Stratton
Read one book by deceased author. – The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)-- Real World by Natsuo Kirino translated by Phillip Gabriel
Read one book which is non-fiction.--Girl Soldier by Faith JH McDonnell & Grace Akallo
Read one genre book. (Fantasy)-- Poison by Chris Wooding
Read one work of literary fiction. – The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski (finished Sept 30, 2008)
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" –Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson
Read a short story collection or anthology. 145 Street- Short Stories by Walter Dean Myers
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem. I am going to read a novel in verse – By the River by Steven Herrick
Read a graphic novel. –Notes For a War Story by Gipi OR Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer & Andrew Donkin
Read a banned book. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Thanks Greyweather for this challenge!

message 15: by Tera (TheBookishAbyss) (last edited Nov 21, 2008 03:01AM) (new)

Tera (TheBookishAbyss) This seems like a fun challenge! I'll give it a shot! I don't think I'm going to plan ahead however. I'd like to see what falls in my lap. I'll fill them in as I complete them or discover them.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender- Odd Hours by Dean Koontz
Read one book by a living author.- Deadly Night by Heather Graham
Read one book by deceased author.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)- Zig Zag by Jose Carlos Somoza (translated from Spanish)
Read one book which is non-fiction- House of Evil by John Dean
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)- Quicksand by Iris Johansen
Read one work of literary fiction.
Read one book classified as "Young Adult"- Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

I am adding autobiography to mine- If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell

message 16: by Tera (TheBookishAbyss) (last edited Oct 10, 2008 09:48PM) (new)

Tera (TheBookishAbyss) "I considered the "Read a book you pick at random at the bookstore/library" category but dropped it due to Sturgeon's Law."

I don't know, Greyweather...maybe you could randomly grab something that is in the other could happen :0)

message 17: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Below is my list for what I have read this year. I've come close to reading every category on the list, and every book listed is a new read for me this year. =)

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

Read one book by a living author.
The Road - Cormac McCarthy

Read one book by deceased author.
War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English.
Blindness - Jose Saramago

Read one book which is non-fiction.
Death Be Not Proud - John Gunther (TBR)

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty

Read one work of literary fiction.
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
The Devil's Arithmetic - Jane Yolen

Read a short story collection or anthology.
100 Malicious Little Mysteries - Collected by Isaac Asimov

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Paradise Lost - John Milton (TBR)

Read a graphic novel.
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born - Stephen King & Robin Furth

Read a banned book.
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

message 18: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments BJ Variety is the Spice of Life Challenge
Finished one genre (mystery)book: Shock Point by April Henry (Oct 17,2008)
Finished Graphic Novel - Artemis Fowl by E. Colfer & A. Donkin (Oct 13, 2008)

message 19: by David S. T. (new)

David S. T. Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Venus in Furs -- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

I gave up on this after 20 pages, I could tell it wasn't something I'd like.

Instead I'm going to read: The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson.

message 20: by David S. T. (new)

David S. T. Also from my post up there, I've finished so far:

Read one book by a living author.
Crying Lot of 49 -- Thomas Pynchon

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
The Loser -- Thomas Bernhard (translated from German)

Read a short story collection or anthology.
Fictions - Jorge Luis Borges

and I'm going to start this next week:

Read one book by deceased author.
Infinite Jest -- David Foster Wallace

message 21: by Lynlee4 (last edited Oct 18, 2008 12:09PM) (new)

Lynlee4 | 21 comments I'll give this one a go :) Greyweather posted the challenge on 9/24/08 so I've given that my start date. Here's where I'm at:

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. Hold Tight,coben, harlan

Read one book by a living author. 6th Target, Patterson, James

Read one book by deceased author. Charlotte's Web, E.B. White

Read a banned book.Slaughterhouse-Five, Vonnegut

message 22: by Linda (new)

Linda Are we supposed to start fresh with these categories, or can we fill the list with books we've already read? Cuz I thought I would just see how many of the categories I've already got covered rather than starting from scratch.

message 23: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments Well the idea was to start fresh, but do whatever you prefer.

message 24: by Linda (last edited Jan 01, 2009 06:06PM) (new)

Linda Well okay, then I won't go back over my reading history, but just start with what I've read this year and then add from there:

Deceased author: House of Seven Gables by Hawthorne
Living author: The Cider House Rules by J. Irving (currently reading)
Literary fiction: The House of Mirth
Genre book: Twilight
Opposite gender: A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
Young adult: The Giver & Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
Non-fiction: Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons
Banned book: Catcher in the Rye
Graphic novel:
Poetry collection/Epic:
Short story collection:

To my list I think I will add two more categories:
Biography or Autobiography
A Play
I'm thinking of reading Malcolm X next year anyway, so there's my bio. (as well as my "X"! for the A to Z list!)

message 25: by Lucy (last edited May 01, 2009 02:45PM) (new)

Lucy (lucyskoob) | 4 comments Count me in!!! Will be starting afresh and using books I already have. Hopefully this will get me through all of these books quicker before they take over every free space I have!!! :-)

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender - "Dreams From My Father" by Barack Obama
Read one book by a living author.
Read one book by deceased author.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
Read one book which is non-fiction.
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" - "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

message 26: by Kelly (last edited Dec 01, 2008 12:21AM) (new)

Kelly | 21 comments Male author: I Am America (And So Can You!) - Stephen Colbert (11/27/08)
Living author: America (the Book) - Jon Stewart (11/24/08)
Deceased author: Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Translated: In Our Strange Gardens - Michel Quint (11/23/08)
Non-fiction: African Gifts of the Spirit - David Maxwell (11/22/08)
Genre: Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade - Diana Gabaldon (11/3/08)
Literary fiction: Mansfield Park - Jane Austen
"Young Adult": Found - Margaret Peterson Haddix (11/30/08)
Short story collection/anthology: When You Are Engulfed in Flames - David Sedaris (11/10/08)
Poetry collection/anthology/epic: The Complete Poems of - Emily Dickinson
Graphic novel: The Middleman - Javier Grillo-Marxuach
Banned book: Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

Author I've never read before: Good Omens - Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (haven't read either of them before) (11/17/08)
Random book from bookstore/library: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
Book made into a movie/mini-series: Stardust - Neil Gaiman AND Empire Falls - Richard Russo

message 27: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) I will be updating with the book title when I complete a book.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. A Christmas Carol: Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte
Read one book by a living author.
Read one book by deceased author.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
Read one book which is non-fiction.
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Read one work of literary fiction.
Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

message 28: by Maija (last edited May 31, 2010 10:04AM) (new)

Maija (maijavi) I'm joining in.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. “Blood Rites” by Jim Butcher 2009/01/14
Read one book by a living author.The Graveyard Book” by Neil Gaiman 2009/04/03
Read one book by deceased author. “Emma” by Jane Austen 2009/06/20
Read one genre book. “The Shining” by Stephen King 2009/02/23
Read one book classified as "Young Adult"Breaking Dawn” by Stephenie Meyer - 2008/12/16
Read a short story collection or anthology. "20th Century Ghosts" by Joe Hill - 2009/02/??
Read a graphic novel. “Blacksad vol.1” by Juan Diaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido 2009/06/??
Read a banned book. "Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" by Mary Shelley - 09/07/10 (Banned in South Africa in 1955)

So I failed to do this in one year... I'm going to try to finish this as quickly as I can. Here are the one's still left, or read after the one year mark had passed:

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. "The Count of Monte Cristo", by Alexandre Dumas - 2010/01/04
Read one book which is non-fiction. "Noitien asianajaja", by Jan Guillou - 2010/01/10
Read one work of literary fiction. "Amsterdam", by Ian McEwan - 2010/01/05
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.

Failed the challenge, since I couldn't finish The Kalevala and thus am lacking a poetry collection. I'll restart the challenge at a later date and try to do better!

message 29: by Bianca (new)

Bianca (biancamaria) radical, i'm in.

message 30: by Bianca (last edited Dec 19, 2008 11:49PM) (new)

Bianca (biancamaria) Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. The Magicians and Mrs. Quent - Galen Beckett
Read one book by a living author. Darksong - Isobelle Carmody
Read one book by deceased author. Jane Eyre - Charlotee Bronte
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice) Das fliegende Klassenzimmer - Erich Kaestner
Read one book which is non-fiction. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream - Hunter S. Thompson
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror) Riddle-Master - Patricia McKillip
Read one work of literary fiction. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Mark Haddon
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" The Song of the Lioness - Tamora Pierce
Read a short story collection or anthology. Aesop's Fables - Aesop
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem. Complete Tales & Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Read a graphic novel. Naruto, Volume One - Masashi Kishimoto
Read a banned book. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lews Carroll

message 31: by Melissa (last edited Jan 29, 2009 11:21AM) (new)

Melissa (melissaconrad) | 1 comments This particular challenge made me join this group. I'm excited.

I'll edit as I finish books for requirement:

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Read one book by a living author. What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn.
Read one book by deceased author. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice) Snow by Orhan Pamuk.
Read one book which is non-fiction. (I'm assuming memoirs count as non-fiction. Right?) A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown.
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Read one work of literary fiction. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

message 32: by Koori no hi (new)

Koori no hi ok will someone please tell me what a banned book is? it's on the list and i have no clue
oh, what qualifies a book as literary fiction?

message 33: by Greyweather (last edited Dec 30, 2008 04:43PM) (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments A banned book is one that has been removed from the shelves of a library or classroom because of its controversial content. (You would be amazed at what some consider to be controversial) There are a great many websites dedicated to the topic which provide lists, so google for them if you're having trouble.

Literary fiction has a number of different definitions. In general it means fiction that would be considered neither "genre fiction" nor "popular fiction". If you ask yourself, "Is this a book my high school English teacher would have made me read?" and you answer "yes," then you probably have an example of literary fiction.

An easy way to narrow the field is to look at books which have been nominated for one of the various literary awards like the Pulitzer.

message 34: by Kathi (last edited Nov 02, 2009 06:15AM) (new)

Kathi (kathijo) Our Book Club is taking this on for the year. I will post our selections as we make them.

Read one book by an author born outside the US. (We aren't doing the "opposite gender" since we are a mixed group)
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (May)

Read one book by a living author.
Sula by Toni Morrison (November)

Read one book by deceased author.
In the Beauty of the Lilies by John Updike (July)

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
The Post Office Girl by Stefan Zweig (June)

Read one book which is non-fiction.
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (March)

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book 1) by Stephen King (October)

Read one work of literary fiction.
Atlas Shrugged (January)

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Age 13-3/4 (April)

Read a short story collection or anthology.
Complete Stories of Dorothy Parker (February)

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
101 Great American Poems (September)

Read a graphic novel.
The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett December

Read a banned book.
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (August)

message 35: by Melissa (last edited Jun 20, 2009 07:35PM) (new)

Melissa (mahart) Update: DONE! Finished this up in April but forgot about it until June, so I underestimated the time it would take me by a month, but I'm still pretty pleased with how fast this challenge went by.

Original post: I'm betting this is gonna be a piece of cake, so here we go... in fact, I think I can finish this in three months.

Keeping track:

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford by Ron Hansen

Read one book by a living author: Flight by Sherman Alexie

Read one book by a deceased author: Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice): Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

Read one nonfiction book: The Magician's Book A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia by Laura Miller

Read one genre book (fantasy, science fiction, mystery, western, romance, horror): The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Read one work of literary fiction: A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes

Read one young adult book: Down the Rabbit Hole by Peter Abrahams

Read a short story collection or anthology: Tales from Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem: In the Pines by Alice Notley

Read a graphic novel: What It Is by Lynda Barry

Read a banned book: The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

message 36: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments BJ Neary’s Variety is the Spice of Life Challenge
As of the end of 2008----
Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. –Boot Camp by Todd Strasser (finished 10/8/08)
Read one book by a living author. – Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen (finished 12/25/08)
Read one book by deceased author. – The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)-- Real World by Natsuo Kirino translated by Phillip Gabriel
Read one book which is non-fiction.--Tweak by Nic Sheff (finished Dec 28, 2008)
Read one genre book. (Fantasy)-- Poison by Chris Wooding
Read one work of literary fiction. – The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski (finished Sept 30, 2008)
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" –Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson (finished 11/24/08)
Read a short story collection or anthology. 145 Street- Short Stories by Walter Dean Myers
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem. I am going to read a novel in verse – One Night by Maragret Wild (finished 12/11/08)
Read a graphic novel. –-Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer & Andrew Donkin (finished 10/18/08)
Read a banned book. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

message 37: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments BJ Neary---Variety Challenge updated AGAIN.
Genre book- Mystery- Shock Point by April Henry (finished Oct 20, 2008)
I will read Poison one of these days!
So into 2009--I still have to read a translation, book by a deceased author and
a short story collection and finally
a banned book----so on we go into 2009.....

message 38: by Greyweather (new)

Greyweather | 43 comments "Our Book Club is taking this on for the year. I will post our selections as we make them."


How are you doing the gender challenge with a group? Are there no men in the club?

message 39: by Kathi (new)

Kathi (kathijo) Greyweather wrote: ""Our Book Club is taking this on for the year. I will post our selections as we make them."


How are you doing the gender challenge with a group? Are there no men in the club?"

Although the club is open to everyone at work, we have yet to have any men join us!

message 40: by Jennifer (last edited May 31, 2009 09:50PM) (new)

Jennifer (iffer23) | 92 comments Great idea for a challenge. Here we go... editing post as I complete each task.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. Looking for Alaska by John Green (01/03/09)

Read one book by a living author. Chasing Harry Winston: A Novel by Lauren Weisberger (01/11/09)

Read one book by deceased author.

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English.

Read one book which is non-fiction.

Read one genre book. Unwind by Neal Shusterman (05/24/09)

Read one work of literary fiction.

Read one book classified as Young Adult. Boy Girl Boy by Ron Koertge (01/05/09)

Read a short story collection or anthology. grl2grl Short fictions by Julie Anne Peters (03/10/09)

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.

Read a graphic novel. American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang (02/20/09)

Read a banned book.

message 41: by Marlienable (new)

Marlienable (mearaeris) | 11 comments I like this challenge, I'm in.
You can view the dates on my 2009 challenge

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender - The Elephant Keeper by Christopher Nicholson
Read one book by a living author - Tirza by Anton Grunberg
Read one book by deceased author - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English - Harlekino by Tessa de Loo
Read one book which is non-fiction
Read one genre book - Lirael Daughter of the Clayr by Garth Nix
Read one work of literary fiction
Read one book classified as "Young Adult" - New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
Read a short story collection or anthology - Kruis of Munt by Belcampo
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem - Sonnets by William Shakespeare
Read a graphic novel
Read a banned book

message 42: by Angie (last edited May 09, 2009 12:06AM) (new)

Angie (angiebowen) I'm going to give this a try this year.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Digital Fortress by Dan Brown - 01/13/09

Read one book by a living author.
Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore - 01/15/09

Read one book by deceased author.

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English.
Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist - 04/04/09

Read one book which is non-fiction.

Read one genre book.
Industrial Magic by Kelley Armstrong - 01/10/09

Read one work of literary fiction.

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine - 01/10/09

Read a short story collection or anthology.

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Howl by Allen Ginsberg - 01/08/09

Read a graphic novel.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Long Way Home by Joss Whedon - 01/31/09

Read a banned book.
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood - 01/07/09

message 43: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments Have fun!

message 44: by Meghan (last edited Jun 12, 2009 07:07AM) (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments OK, I'm in. I have most of these on my Mt. TBR so this should move at least a few out. I'm going to have to find a graphic novel though.

-Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. - Dog on It A Chet and Bernie Mystery by Spencer Quinn

-Read one book by a living author. - Hounded to Death A Novel by Rita Mae Brown

-Read one book by deceased author.

-Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)

-Read one book which is non-fiction. - A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean by Melinda Blanchard & Robert Blanchard.

-Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror) - State of the Onion by Julie Hyzy.

-Read one work of literary fiction. - The Heroines A Novel by Eileen Favorite.

-Read one book classified as "Young Adult" - The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart

-Read a short story collection or anthology. - Tapping the Dream Tree (A Newford Collection) by Charles deLint.

-Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.

-Read a graphic novel. - Hamlet by William Shakespeare except that it isn't really Hamlet and it isn't really by Shakespeare as it is a graphic novelization...

-Read a banned book.

message 45: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments Great graphic novels are Maus or Persepolis and they are in paperback!

message 46: by Esther (new)

Esther (eshchory) I'm a sucker for a challenge
I'll fill in as I go along:

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
Read one book by a living author.
Read one book by deceased author.
Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)
Read one book which is non-fiction.
Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
Read one work of literary fiction.
Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
Read a short story collection or anthology.
Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.
Read a graphic novel.
Read a banned book.

message 47: by bjneary (new)

bjneary | 121 comments Great- have fun, can't wait to see the titles as you finish them.

message 48: by Audrey (last edited Feb 25, 2009 03:46AM) (new)

Audrey (godsmissiongal) 1. Read one book by an author of the opposite gender. - Refiner's fire by Mark Helprin
2. Read one book by a living author. - Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
3. Read one book by deceased author. - Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Mongomery
4. Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. - Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Currently Reading
5. Read one book which is non-fiction. - The Obsessive Compulsive Trap by Dr. Mark Crawford (2/5/2009)
6. Read one genre book.(Romance) - Romanian Rhapsody by Darlene Franklin
7. Read one work of literary fiction.
8. Read one book classified as "Young Adult" - Daria Solves a Mystery by Norma Jean Lutz
9. Read a short story collection. - Great Dream of Heaven by Sam Shepard (2/3/2009)
10. Read a poetry collection. - Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein (2/11/2009)
11. Read a graphic novel. Maus
12. Read a banned book. - Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

message 49: by Sharon75uk (last edited Feb 28, 2009 07:09AM) (new)

Sharon75uk | 87 comments Going to join in with this starting from the beginning of the year.

Read one book by an author of the opposite gender.
How to talk to a widower / Jonathan Tropper READ

Read one book by a living author.
Sepulchre - Kate Moss (on shelf)

Read one book by deceased author.
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott reading

Read one book which was originally written in a language other than English. (Translated or not, your choice)

Read one book which is non-fiction.

Read one genre book. (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Western, Romance, Horror)
sci-fi - Adams, Douglas The Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy

Fantasy -
Mystery -
Western -
Romance -
Horror -

Read one work of literary fiction.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Read one book classified as "Young Adult"
John Boyne - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Read a short story collection or anthology.
Glasgow Tales - Rachel Hazelwood (on shelf)

Read a poetry collection, poetry anthology, or an epic poem.

Read a graphic novel.

Read a banned book.
Margaret Atwood The Handmaid's Tale READ

Read a comic

Read a biography

message 50: by Audrey (new)

Audrey (godsmissiongal) Just Finished Where the Side walk Ends by Shel Silverstein for the Poetry Collection book.

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