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Eden Springs
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New releases > Eden Springs by Ada Maria Soto

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Dreamspinner Press (dreamspinnerpress) | 2637 comments Mod
Eden Springs by Ada Maria Soto

Can a telescope, a whorehouse bathtub, and a cup of Chinese tea change Aaron's stars forever? Eden Springs by Ada Maria Soto, available from Dreamspinnerpress.

In the boomtown of Eden Springs, someone is spilling the blood of children. Desperate, the sheriff calls in ex-Union scout Aaron Byrne to stop them. For the lawman for hire, it's just another job—until he meets Jonah Mann, the town's Oxford-trained astronomer-cum-schoolteacher. Aaron never stays in one place for long, but a few stolen glances from the eccentric professor begin to test his resolve to move along once the job is done. Now a telescope, a whorehouse bathtub, and a cup of Chinese tea could change Aaron's own stars forever.

Genre: Western, Historical: Americas
Length: Novella

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