4508542 Mark's Friend Comments

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Christine Hatfield thanks for being my friend

kamelin See, now i have 3 more friends! What can a girl ask for more?

message 5: by Yami

Yami thanks for the add, your book is brilliant, and although u shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but this one is one hell of art,and PERFECT for the novel, it kept calling me since i saw it in the goodreads voting list,and so i answered it , read it WOW ,cant wait for the next one ,thank you :)
p.s if they asked me to hang a book cover poster in my room i will choose the " prince of thorns"

Aliraluna thanks for the add! really want to read your book ;)

message 3: by Mark

Mark Lawrence Rachel wrote: "Thanks for the request acceptance! =-D"

you liked my short story, how could I say no? :)

Rachel Triska Thanks for the request acceptance! =-D

Neveen Thanks for befriending me.

I love your book cover.

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