Rory Froggie

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Joseph Fink
“Wherever we both are, that is our home. Our bones and our skin, our muscles and our beating hearts, those have to serve as a sense of home [...]”
Joseph Fink, The First Ten Years: Two Sides of the Same Love Story

Stephen Crane
“He had performed his mistakes in the dark, so he was still a man.”
Stephen Crane

Franz Kafka
“You wouldn't believe the kind of person I could become if you wanted it.”
Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice
tags: kafka

Joseph Fink
“All luck runs out eventually. Otherwise it wouldn’t be luck.”
Joseph Fink, Alice Isn't Dead

Encounter w/ strange man June 3, approx. 2 a.m. White, 5'9", slightly scruffy, shaggy brown hair. Ripped T-shirt, jeans, no shoes. Origin and destination unknown, believed to be night wanderer.

I chewed on the end of the pen, wondering if I should include any other details. It had been too dark to tell what color his eyes were. His voice had been deep, with a rasp, almost... but I couldn't write that. If my body was found in the woods behind the house, and investigators were competent enough to do a forensic analysis of this notebook, I didn't want editorializing words complicating the narrative. Words like compelling, or god forbid, sexy.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

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