Lyzbeth Bertoli

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“Businesses profit by solving social problems. Therefore, it's business - not charity or government - that should be employed to solve many of the big societal problems of today. Whether it's the climate crises, or gender equity, or pollution or whatever... Business can solve those problems.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“In business, supply chains risks are not only correlated to the competition or to collaborators or to customers. Supply chain risk is also correlated to all of the companies and industries using the same imputs as your business.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“In terms of business resilience, it's important to have the ability to repurpose inputs and redirect outputs. It's important to have a good amount of flexibility designed into the businesses operating systems. When a business can answer the if this then that question over and over again with different fill in the blanks, it's got resilience.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Business leaders a hundred years ago thought about business with a very mechanical way of thinking. But today and going forward, business leaders need to think about business with a biological and energetic way of thinking; thinking of business in terms of living systems.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Companies can learn a lot from biological systems. The human immune system for example is adaptive, redundant, diverse, modular, data-driven and network collaborative. A company that desires not just short term profit but also long term resilience should apply these features of the human immune system to it's business models and company structure.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

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