American Gods Quotes

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American Gods American Gods by Neil Gaiman
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American Gods Quotes Showing 1,231-1,260 of 1,273
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“White people have some fucked-up gods.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“She smiled at him, looking suddenly, and for the first time, vulnerable. She patted him on the arm. "You're fucked up, mister. But you're cool."
"I believe that's what they call the human condition," said Shadow. "Thanks for the company.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“What my business partner says is, if the Lord gives you a talent or a skill, you have an obligation to use it as best you can. Don't you agree?”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. —BEN FRANKLIN”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“What I say is, a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it’s got a bookstore, it knows it’s not foolin’ a soul.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“You’re fucked up, mister. But you’re cool.

I believe that’s what they call the human condition.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“He felt so comfortable with her at his side that he would have been willing to stand there forever.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“She turned then and looked at him with eyes that seemed both to see and not to see him. “I think there are several aspects of our marriage we’re going to have to work on.” “Babes,” he told her. “You’re dead.” “That’s one of those aspects, obviously.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“he bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.

"Say 'Nevermore,' " said Shadow.

"Fuck you," said the raven.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.

"Say 'Nevermore,' " said Shadow.

"Fuck you," said the raven.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“All we have to believe with is our senses: the tools we use to perceive the world, our sight, our touch, our memory.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“we’re the dream that humanity creates to make sense of the shadows on the cave wall.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Fuck you," said the raven”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Fuck you," said the raven.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“She also has asymptomatic gonorrhea”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“He was as naked and as open as a corpse on a table, and dark Anubis the jackal god was his prosector and his prosecutor and his persecutor.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“My head hurts,” said Shadow. “You get a good breakfast inside you, you’ll feel like a new man.” “I’d rather feel like the same man, just with a different head,” said Shadow.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Las Vegas has become a child’s picture book dream of a city”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“May the storm pass over us, and leave us hale and unharmed,”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“man who had sipped life’s vinegar and found it, by and large, to be mostly whiskey, and good whiskey at that.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“There was an idea that hovered at the edge of his perception. Something about transience. It flickered and was gone.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“You’re one of us,’ he said. ‘You’re as forgotten and as unloved and unremembered as any of us. It’s pretty clear whose side you should be on.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“All we have to believe with is our senses: the tools we use to perceive the world, our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than the road our senses show us; and we must walk that road to the end.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“Птах знову нетерпляче каркнув. Тінь встав і попрямував до нього. Ворон почекав, поки Тінь підійде, а тоді перелетів на інше дерево, ліворуч від напрямку, в якому Тінь ішов з самого початку.
— Ей, чуєш! Гугін! Чи Мунін! Чи що ти там таке!
Птах повернувся, підозріливо схилив голову набік і втупився у Тінь своїми блискучими очима.
- Скажи «Невермор».
- Пішов ти нахуй, — відповів ворон.
Поки вони просувалися лісом — ворон перелітаючи з гілки за гілку, а чоловік продираючись крізь чагарі, крук не озвався до Тіні більше жодним словом.”
Ніл Ґейман, American Gods
“if the Lord gives you a talent or a skill, you have an obligation to use it as best you can.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“I wanted to write a book that included all the parts of America that obsessed and delighted me, which tended to be the bits that never showed up in the films and television shows.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“You do not even have to kiss me,’ she told him. ‘Just take the moon.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“I got a son, stupid as a man who bought his stupid at a two-for-one sale, and you remind me of him.’ ‘If you don’t mind, I’ll take that as a compliment,’ said Shadow. ‘Being called dumb as a man who slept late the mornin’ they handed out brains?”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods
“— Чи думав ти колись, що значить бути богом? — запитав господар. Він носив бороду і бейсболку. — Це значить проміняти своє смертне буття на можливість стати мемом: тим, що вічно житиме у людській свідомості. Ніби мелодія колискової. Це значить, що кожен може відтворити тебе у своїй голові. Ти вже заледве маєш самість. Натомість ти складаєшся із тисяч іпостасей того, чим ти маєш бути на потребу людей. І кожен хоче від тебе чогось свого. Нічого певного, нічого сталого.”
Ніл Ґейман, American Gods