Easy to Read on the Web – State of the Art and Research Directions. In: DSAI 2013. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 27, pp. 318–326. Elsevier (2014)
“Easy to Read on the Web” aims at raising awareness and collecting/deriving concise and up-to-date recommendations, guidelines, standards and tools for ...
"Easy to Read on the Web" aims at raising awareness and collecting / deriving concise and up-to-date recommendations, guidelines, standards and tools for ...
Aug 11, 2016 · “Easy to Read on the Web” aims at raising awareness and collecting/deriving concise and up-to-date recommendations, guidelines, standards and ...
Research on "Easy to Read on the Web" addresses the needs of user groups whose needs are beyond requirements more related to the accessibility of the technical ...
“Easy to Read on the Web” aims at raising awareness and collecting/deriving concise and up-to-date recommendations, guidelines, standards and tools for ...
Mar 20, 2023 · Easy-to-read on the web. State of the art and needed research ; Author(s). Klaus Miesenberger · Andrea Petz ; Editor(s). Klaus Miesenberger.
Analyze the current state of the art (guidelines, examples, tools, concepts, and ideas) in the field of easy-to-read on the Web and to propose how to make ...
Abstract. "Easy to Read on the Web" aims at raising awareness and collecting / deriving concise and up-to-date recommendations, guidelines, standards and ...
Miesenberger K., Petz A. "Easy-to-Read on the Web": State of the Art and Needed Research // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. pp. 161-168. ... Miesenberger ...