We describe an approach that enables synergistic fusion between the 3D CT data and the bronchoscopic video.
Before bronchoscopy, the physician first visually assesses a patient's three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) chest scan to identify suspect lymph-node ...
3D CT-based information on biopsy sites is provided interactively as the physician moves the bronchoscope. Moreover, graphical information through a live fusion ...
We describe an approach that enables synergistic fusion between the 3D CT data and the bronchoscopic video. Both the integrated planning and guidance system and ...
The system then enables CT-video registration and fusion and provides live interactive bronchoscopic guidance to each biopsy site. Before continuing, we give a ...
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A method that combines the 3D CT image data and bronchoscope video to enable continuous bronchoscopic guidance and performs over an order of magnitude faster.
We describe an approach that enables synergistic fusion between the 3D CT data and the bronchoscopic video. Both the integrated planning and guidance system and ...
3D CT-based information on biopsy sites is provided interactively as the physician moves the bronchoscope. Moreover, graphical information through a live fusion ...
Adaptive fusion of new information in a 3D urban scene is an important goal to achieve in computer vision, graphics, and visualization. We acquire new image ...
Our system uses image fusion between the 3D CT image data and bronchoscopic video to perform registration between the preoperative image data and live 3D ...