Mar 10, 2009 · Abstract: This letter introduces a novel method of sequence construction having a zero-correlation zone. The cross-correlation function and ...
The proposed sequence construction can generate an optimal zero-correlation zone sequence set that satisfies the theoretical bound of the sequence member size ...
The proposed sequence construction can generate an optimal zero-correlation zone sequence set that satisfies the theoretical bound of the sequence member ...
The proposed sequence construction can generate an optimal zero-correlation zone sequence set that satisfies the theoretical bound of the sequence member size ...
The present paper introduces the construction of sequences having a zero-correlation zone. The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the ...
The present paper describes a method for the construction of a zero-correlation zone sequence set from a perfect sequence. Both the cross-correlation ...
The present paper introduces the construction of a class of sequence sets with zero-correlation zones called zero-correlation zone sequence sets.
Abstract: The construction of zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence set was researched based on perfect sequences and orthogonal sequence set.With the method ...
A new ZCZ sequence set can be generated from an arbitrary perfect sequence, the length of which is longer than 4.5m, and can approach the mathematical bound ...
A ZCZ (L, M, ZCZ) sequence set that satisfies the theoretical bound defined by the ratio M Zcz + 1 /L = 1 is called an optimal zero-correlation zone sequence ...