A comparison of graphs of concept for reverse engineering ; Article #: ; Date of Conference: 10-11 June 2000 ; Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 06 August 2002.
PDF | To group related things together (for example to form subsystems), researchers in reverse engineering are looking for algorithms that create.
It creates a lattice of concepts which have some advantages over the more traditional treeof clusters from clustering algorithms. We will argue that the main ...
Our main conclusion is that although it have advantages, the lattice of concepts suffer from a major drawback that other constructs do not have: it returns much ...
It is argued that the main interest of concept analysis lies in the concepts themselves and can be disconnected from the particular structure (the lattice ...
Comparison of three graphs of concepts according to different metrics, for three descriptive features. # pts Cohesion #singl. Cohesion Coupl. (normal). (no ...
This paper presents a novel approach for solving this: Given two executables A and A0, a bijective mapping between the functions in A and A0 is constructed by ...
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In this dissertation, we present an integrated framework for reverse engineering of data structures from binary.
The key to our approach is the concept of a simulation graph (SG), which captures the behavior of a circuit on a set of simulation vectors. Definition 4 ...
Sep 19, 2022 · A comparison of the two algorithms shows that for Leiden-Mod, the amount of poorly connected communities decreases over time while they ...