Dec 13, 2017 · These methods divide a complex task into multiple simple tasks and solve them collectively. This paper presents a divide-and-conquer-based ...
The many-objective optimization algorithm considers each class accuracy as a separate objective and maximizes the class accuracies. An additional objective is ...
The proposed framework is experimented with 24 benchmark datasets obtained from the UCI machine learning repository and compared with the existing ...
The main focus of this paper is to identify the optimal ensemble classifier through a specialized many-objective optimization algorithm which can deal with the ...
Oct 1, 2018 · The many-objective optimization algorithm considers each class accuracy as a separate objective and maximizes the class accuracies. An ...
These methods divide a complex task into multiple simple tasks and solve them collectively. This paper presents a divide-and-conquer-based hierarchical ...
2014. A Divide-and-Conquer Based Ensemble Classifier Learning by Means of Many-Objective Optimization. M Asafuddoula, B Verma, M Zhang. IEEE Transactions on ...
We analyze the properties of the ADET for sparse ensemble learning and several state-of-the-art many-objective optimization algorithms are applied to solve ...
In this paper, a learning-based evolutionary many-objective algorithm (RVMEA/OL) is proposed. The proposed algorithm utilizes the feature of sub-problems.
... This paper proposes a novel ensemble-based deeplearning method based on the voltage time series of different PQ buses to detect and localize FDIAs. Ensemble ...