This paper proposes a forwarding pointer-based cache scheme (PB-Cache scheme) that can reduce the signaling cost for location management in PCS networks.
This paper proposes a forwarding pointer-based cache scheme (PB-Cache scheme) that can reduce the signaling cost for location management in PCS networks.
Analytical results indicate that the PB-Cache scheme significantly outperforms the other schemes when a user's call-to-mobility ratio is high or the ...
(PDF) A Forwarding Pointer-Based Cache Scheme for Reducing ... › A_Forwarding_Poi...
This paper proposes a forwarding pointer-based cache scheme (PB-Cache scheme) that can reduce the signaling cost for location management in PCS networks.
Oct 22, 2024 · Two-level forwarding pointer scheme has been proposed from per-user forwarding pointer scheme to reduce the cost of signaling traffic. In ...
This paper proposes a new location caching scheme that can reduce the signaling cost for location management in PCS networks. In the existing cache scheme, ...
This paper proposes a forwarding pointer-based cache scheme (PB-Cache scheme) that can reduce the signaling cost for location management in PCS networks. In the ...
An efficient location management strategy called the profile#based two#level pointer forwarding cache scheme to improve the overall performance of the ...
ABSTRACT. In this paper we propose an efficient location management strategy called the profile-based two-level pointer forwarding cache scheme to improve ...
Two-Level Pointer Forwarding Strategy for Location Management ... › abs › TMC.2002.1011057
In this paper, we present a new location management scheme which intends to mitigate the signaling traffic as well as reduce the tracking delay in the PCS ...