Abstract. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), methods that use a non-Cartesian grid in k-space are becoming increasingly important.
In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), methods that use a non-Cartesian grid in k-space are becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we use a recently ...
Mar 13, 2007 · In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), methods that use a non-Cartesian grid in k-space are becoming increasingly important.
We suggest the conjugate gradient method for the reconstruction problem and show that the solution is efficiently computed by the iterative use of the ...
Oct 22, 2024 · In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), methods that use a non-Cartesian grid in k-space are becoming increasingly important.
Reconstruction is usually performed by resampling the data onto a Cartesian grid and use the standard Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). This model is called ...
This paper compares the standard approach (gridding) and an approach based on an implicit discretisation and shows that both methods can be solved ...
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How does K-space data contribute to image reconstruction?
What is the K-space data in MRI?
What is MRI reconstruction?
In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), methods that use a non-Cartesian grid in k -space are becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we use a recently ...
Following the work in [10, 20], the total variation (TV) regularization or the wavelet transform are used for the MR image reconstruction from raw k-space data.
A Note on the Iterative MRI Reconstruction from Nonuniform k-Space Data. Article. Full-text available. Feb 2007. Tobias Knopp · Stefan Kunis ...