We present a new algorithm for simulating the effect of light travelling through volume objects. Such objects (haze, fog, clouds…) are usually modelized by ...
The driving idea of the algorithm is to use the phase function for Monte-Carlo sampling, in order to modify the direction of the ray during scattering. Keywords ...
A Volume Rendering Algorithm is defined as a technique used in computer science for visualizing 3-dimensional scalar fields.
The algorithm works as follows: 1. Find the value for t0 and t1, the points where the camera/eye ray enters and leaves the volume object. 2. Divide ...
As mentioned in the previous chapter, you can create density fields using two techniques: procedurally or using fluid simulation software.
A Rendering Algorithm for Discrete Volume Density Objects. from developer.nvidia.com
This chapter presents texture-based volume rendering techniques that are used for visualizing three-dimensional data sets and for creating high-quality special ...
Object-order volume rendering tech- niques use a forward mapping scheme where the volume data is mapped onto the image plane. In image-order algorithms, a back ...
Almost all volume rendering algorithms can be shown to solve special cases of the equation of transfer.
Direct volume rendering algorithms can be classified according to the order that the algorithm traverses the volume data [4, 10, 14, 20-22]. Object-order ...
Volume rendering represents a collection of methods used in computer graphics and scientific visualization to create a 2D projection from a discretely sampled ...