In our approach, we adopted a special shared memory architecture which is suitable for parallel execution of production systems and reduces the bus congestion.
In this paper, an architecture for the parallel execution of production systems called MANJI is described. MANJI is a MIMD type system and consists of tens ...
In this paper, an architecture for the parallel execution of production systems called MANJI is described. MANJI is a MIMD type system and consists of tens ...
Jun Miyazaki, Hideharu Amano, Kenji Takeda, Hideo Aiso: A Shared Memory Architecture for MANJI Production System Machine. IWDM 1987: 517-531.
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MANJI-II supports quick transfer of tokens in the Rete network, by using a simple multicast mechanism, and non-cached shared memory. Although MANJI-II provides ...
TL;DR: An architecture for the parallel execution of production systems called MANJI, a MIMD type system and consists of tens of powerful processing units (PUs) ...
J.Miyazaki, et al., “A Shared Memory Architecture for MANJI Production System”, Database Machines and Knowledge Base Machines, Kluwer Academic Pblishers (1988) ...
The fundamental feature of a shared-memory computer is that all the CPU-cores are connected to the same piece of memory.
This volume contains the papers presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Database Machines. The papers cover a wide spectrum of topics on Database ...
[PDF] An Algorithmic Taxonomy 01 Production System Machines Abstract › document
MANJI is a shared-memory machíne with two buses. one for access to workíng memory, and one 10r broadcastíng Rete match tokens. The match processors use the ...