The sweep-line method exploits intrinsic progress in concurrent systems to alleviate the state explosion problem in explicit state model checking. The concept of progress makes it possible to delete states from the memory during state space exploration and thereby reduce peak memory usage.
Abstract. We present a state space exploration method for on-the-fly verification. The method is aimed at systems for which it is possible.
The sweep-line method exploits intrinsic progress in concurrent systems to alleviate the state explosion problem in explicit state model checking.
We present a state space exploration method for on-the-fly verification. The method is aimed at systems for which it is possible to define a measure of ...
The sweep-line method exploits intrinsic progress in concurrent systems to alleviate the state explosion problem in explicit state model checking.
The sweep-line method exploits a certain kind of progress present in many systems to reduce peak memory usage during state space exploration. We present a new ...
The sweep-line method exploits intrinsic progress in concurrent systems to alleviate the state explosion problem in explicit state model checking.
A state space exploration method for on-the-fly verification aimed at systems for which it is possible to define a measure of progress based on the states ...
The method is aimed at systems for which it is possible to define a measure of progress based on the states of the system. The measure of progress makes it ...
... The basic idea of the sweep-line method is to explore the state space in a least-progress-first order, one layer at a time, such that once all states in a ...